Rise Of Suzuki

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Monster’s in Tokyo

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Rise Of Suzuki: Chapter 3: Monster's in Tokyo

Location: Unknown

Fuji Miki smiled as she watched her daughter play with a dol-sorry "action figure". It was a really detailed figure in silver armor with a red cape made of washable fabric…thank god. As much as she loved her daughter..she can make quite a mess. Miki was enjoying her drink sitting on a nice brown couch looking down at her daughter Fuji Teruko laying on the carpet smashing the figure into a stuffed animal. It was apparently based on his character in a game that he used to play. What was it called? Yg-something? She should know this…after all, she knows it just recently closed. One thing she does remember is the childish name of the avatar. Dear….lord. Sometimes she wonders…what she sees in him. She let out a soft chuckle as she looked at her darling daughter. Making an explosion noise as she chucks the stuffed animal as the figure hit it. She suddenly poised the figure and let out her husband's favorite line "JUSTICE!" Adorable…

Just as the stuffed animal hit the earth and started to shake her daughter let out a scream Miki immediately ran to her daughter. She picked up her daughter as the shaking of the ground intensified and she used the walls to try to stabilize herself. Her eyes opened in shock as the roof started to fall. She managed to throw herself and her daughter out of the door just in time. She turned mid-air falling hard on her back while still holding her daughter close.

"Mommy! Are you alright?!" She could hear the voice of her daughter asking as Miki opened her blurry vision. She groaned as she tried to stand up as her vision cleared what she saw was pure havoc…there was even a crack in the environmental dome! What Happened?

"Mommy!" Her daughter once again called out to her. The time seemingly slowed as a large crack appeared underneath her feet. NO! She reached her hand to try catching her daughter but she fell deeper into the hole when all of a sudden a blur of white-black passed over her. She suddenly found herself and her daughter in a safe place. She hugged her daughter close crying tears of relief.

"Are you alright ma'am?" She looks up to see an elderly man wearing a black butler outfit, his eyes sharp as an eagle yet somehow expresses…such kindness. He somehow reminds me of…

Location: The Tokoyo Arcology

The Grand Tokyo Arcology is a center of commerce…well at least for the wealthy. It is the entertainment capital of japan. Home to numerous entertainment companies trying to drain every last cent from the salaryman of japan. Is now in crisis.

The usually bright lights that illuminated the streets turned red as the Tokyo arcology went into an emergency. The advertisement board that usually relentlessly advertises the corporation's new gadgets now had large reds X's on them. Numerous heavily armed guards littered the streets marching in unison. A frigid cloud slowly moved towards them freezing the building and breaking the glass as the monster walked through Tokyo. The guards stopped aiming there at the cloud which suddenly stopped at the sound of careful footsteps as a shadowy figure came visible in the fog. None of its features were yet distinguishable yet the guards immediately opened fire.

A volley of bullets launched toward the figure disappearing into the fog. Numerous bullets missed the target but several lucky ones hit the target. Yet it didn't stop it. It confidently walked forward as more and more of its turquoise skin were visible. Its large mandible clicked as it walked closer the bullets ricocheted off its insect carapace. Its four hands calmly laid slack against its body. As it was more visible they laid into his the sound of gunfire was nonstop as they loaded their entire magazine into it yet it didn't even flinch. The sound of empty magazines followed each other as a feeling of dread fell over the guards.

" HOW. DISAPPOINTING." The monster spoke in an unhuman monotonous voice, the voice made the guards shiver as though they were in the middle of a storm. " A VALIANT ATTEMPT…I WILL TRY TO KEEP THIS SHORT." Just as he uttered those words their world was turned upside as they were decapitated in one solid motion. Even before their heads hit the floor, they were already covered in sheets of ice.

Demiurge gazed downward at the broken buildings below him silently trying to connect to other members of Nazarick using [Message] while looking around. The course flapping of the Demiurge wings reverberated in the wind as his gem-like eyes gazed down at the new world he found himself in. The city he found himself in was more technologically advanced than in Yggdrasil yet is in complete disrepair. It was quite disappointing that it was clear that leadership in this world was lazy at best case and incompetent at worst.

He finds it unforgivable that Lord Momonga had to live in these conditions for who knows how long. What's even more worrisome is his lack of powers. [Detect Magic] resulted in a startling discovery, their lord had lost his magic. This is something he and Albedo discussed which made having a guard accompanying their lord mandatory. Until they can find a way to restore their lord's power….If that is possible.

Demiurge quickly composed himself as he resumed his earlier line of thinking. Of course, their lord's protection is their priority, especially in this state. The Abyss Demon should be more than capable of defending his lord from most threats. Even though he wished he could have accompanied his lord to the "job" he needed to do. He says he is undercover….what is his lord planning? What "job" could be so crucial that lord Momonga would have to do in person? In such a weakened state?!

What sort of machinations…does his lord have for this world? It…doesn't look like much…and that was putting it mildly. Maybe there is something he is missing? Oh…sausaga Momonga-sama! Why didn't I think of it sooner….this place…is perfect. Demiurge's smile contorted to what one might expect of the grinch.

The first thing is first he will attempt to find other members of Nazarick before their lords return. He already sent out the Evil Lord to investigate the nearby area. They have yet to discover any of the denizens but they have only begun to scratch the surface of the world they find themselves in. It might not look like much but this world is like… dough that simply needs to reform by capable hands. Now, where are you, my fellow guardians? We have a world to burn.

The Chief of security was racking his head at the situation before him. First, a mysterious earthquake…and now a monster is invading Tokyo?! There is a joke in there somewhere….The monster seems to be immune to gunfire. They loaded an entire fire squad's worth of magazines into it and it's still walking around. What can I do?

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He still has numerous auxiliary units but they are heavily destructive and if he were to send them out now the VIPs would be in the crossfire… One could get killed by just pissing one-off. If he killed them…. He couldn't imagine what they would do. The lives of the VIPs are the top priority. He already sent out the extraction team with the orders to avoid the monster at all costs. Once all the VIPs have been secured and moved off the site he will send in the units hopefully that will be enough to kill that thing. He clicked the radio button on the console that he was watching.

"Status report."

"This is Officer Takio of the recon unit. We have tracked the…thing to the Shibuya square. Would you like us to continue tailing it, sir?"

"Affirmative Officer, if it notices, retreat to the nearest station."

"Yes sir." The officer responded in the affirmative.

"Extraction unit. What is your status?"

"This is officer Neko of the extraction unit. We have almost extracted all the VIPs. We are approaching the Fudaka residence."

"After VIP has been extracted, make sure to return to base."


After Officer Neko ended the call he nodded to his men who started to enter the building. The door creaked open as haunted musk filled their nostrils. Blood. Blood started to trickle out like it was welcoming them. Neko signaled the two men near the door to go in as he pulled out his own weapon. As he put on his mask he followed his men in. There were puddles of blood dripping from the decapitated corpse. The head was nowhere to be seen and the cuts along the neck were strangely cleanly cut. Like Scissors to paper. Neko, taking his eyes away from the corpse, went to analyze the room.

The room itself wasn't anything special, it was a nice room all things considered. Well, it would be nicer if it wasn't for the blood covering the white carpet. There was a trail of blood leading into another room behind the oak doors. The putrid scent of blood intensified as they got closer. The room led to a large dining hall where a massacre happened. Blood on the table and more bodies. Bodies were set all over the place, some on the table while others on the floors. Yet one thing was common among all the corpses: the lack of their heads.

A clear mania was painted with the blood of these people…. Officer Neko couldn't help but feel sick. He has done his fair share of…questionable things…what officer doesn't? He has seen the bodies of the orphans filling the streets but nothing violent to this extent. If the alarm bells in his mind weren't ringing before now it was. He decided to pull out was no doubt probably the safest thing to do.

He signaled to them to fall back and was about to call back to headquarters when one of his men started to scream. He quickly turned around to see one of his men's heads fly off. As his body flopped onto the ground behind him was what looked to be a "woman" with large scissors. Her face was partially covered by her long hair but he could see the muscles of her face moving as she let out a scream! Bullets flew out at her which she dodged by bending her body at unnatural angles, something straight out of a horror movie. She jumped above another volley of bullets and started to run at them, her maniac eyes visible to her victim. The sound of splintering wood as the stray bullets hit the tables. A sickening slash can be heard as she cuts off the head of another one of his men. A volley of bullets hit the back of the murderer causing her body to spasm out. Even though her body was filled with lead she turned to them with murderous eyes. She let out an under-blood curdling scream as their strings were cut.

The many advertisements of Shibuya were still flashing on the screen, their saturated lights reflected off the crystalline carapace of the guardian Cocytus. His four hands were placed on the halberd in front of him. His eyes were transfixed on the screen ahead of him. The bright blue lights reflected in the black vastness of his insect eyes. On the screen was a man carrying a boy on his back. A single drop fell from one of his eyes yet before it could touch the floor it froze and shattered against the floor. A loud whirring noise interrupted his solemn moment as several large mech's surrounded him.

He looked unfazed at the numerous treaded mech in front of him. Each one of them held two large machine gun barrels aiming for the head of the frozen authority. The systems on each mech locked onto the monster that ravaged Tokyo and fired. Heavily caliber blast hit the still as a statue Cocytus who simply beckoned the fire. In a flash, all the heavy shells fired at him were

cut in half and harmless fell behind him. They no doubt terrified pilots who were about to keep firing and didn't even get a chance before being destroyed. He once again destroyed them in one blow. Cocytus couldn't help but be a little disappointed…when he first arrived at this strange place. His first thoughts were immediately about Momonga's safety. After all, he was the last supreme being. If anything happened to him… He wouldn't be able to forgive himself. I WILL FIND YOU, LORD. THIS I SWEAR.

-To Be continued-

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