Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Kai regained her consciousness, though she wasn’t truly awake just yet and if you were to talk to her she wouldn’t understand a word you say.

She opened her eyes and everything was black, so it was likely still night. Kai had the indistinct feeling that something was wrong, but couldn’t really concentrate on the issue.

Interrupting her from everything else that was about to think about with her befuddled brain a blue screen similar to that of an rpg game opened in front of her.

Mana initiation successful! Connecting to the system…

Huh? Was she still dreaming?


Unable to apply the standard system. Searching for possible alternatives…

What a weird dream to have. Kai mentally sat back and just let everything happen while she tried to pierce through the haze that was still lingering around her consciousness. 


No alternatives found. Notifying archive operator…

Hmm, didn’t something bad happen the last time she was awake? 

Kai followed that line of thought and tried to ignore the impossible messages in front of her.

Processing problem. Please wait.

Creating a new system…

These messages were really annoying, couldn’t they just stop?


System applied. Welcome to the universe of Lotusriver!

Wha? What are the screens talking about?

May you rise and your world domination be fruitful!

What world domination?

It was all too much for Kai who was still trying to wake up fully. She somehow felt like she had had the best sleep ever.

Suddenly Kai felt her stomach lurching upwards as if she was falling downwards. The feeling began to intensify and she began to panic. Then it reversed multiple times and Kai felt like she had just impacted something while being inside a liquid. 

Her head hit something and Kai lost consciousness again.

Kai woke up with a start. Everything was black, but she still had the lingering feeling of something impacting her head.

She tried to move a bit, but was unable to do so. Heck, she couldn’t even feel her body.

Memories of the wasp thing flooded back into her mind and how she had lost consciousness after being lifted up.

Her thought process came to a halt. Was this the afterlife?

Kai looked around or, well, that would have been what she would do if she could. Her surroundings hadn’t changed and everything was still black.

Kai thought it unlikely for this to be the afterlife. If all the afterlife was, was an endless blackness then why would there even be an afterlife in the first place?

Still, afterlife or not, something was incredibly wrong right now. 

Not wanting to give in, Kai tried to feel anything a body would normally do. She couldn’t feel herself breathing so the next thing she looked for was a heartbeat.

Kai stopped making mental noises and concentrated as much as possible on any senses she might have. After a few moments she heard and felt what she was looking for, the beating of a heart.

So she was still alive, but her not breathing might mean she was currently dying. She might also be on life support right now, not a nice thought to have.

The situation frustrated Kai and she put her all into breathing and breathed in. She was suddenly very aware of the liquid that was not only inside her lung, but also all around her.

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Kai choked and panicked. This time her limbs responded to the signals of her brain and began to frantically punch around.

Her left hand impacted and broke something. Light began to shine inside her confinement and revealed a murky greenish liquid. 

Kai didn’t care and only thought about getting out of whatever she was in. She took hold of the edge of the small hole her fist had left behind and ripped off more of her containment. 

She grabbed the edge of the opening again and started to drag herself head first out of the liquid. She managed to get her head outside and started to choke up the liquid until her lungs were finally empty. Then she took a heavenly breath of air.

Kai nearly slipped back inside the liquid and hastily held herself outside. Her view moved to what she had been inside off.

Her upper body was poking outside of a bluish large egg. The sight made her mind blank and she couldn’t react in time as the part of the shell she was using as a hold broke off. 

With a splash Kai fell backwards inside the liquid again. The stuff was slimy as fuck and now knowing what it was disgusted her even more. She grabbed hold of the shell again, dragged herself upwards and then leaned against it, hoping that the egg would fall over.

Kai was successful and earned herself another shower of the disgusting liquid. She impacted the ground and retched a bit, but her stomach was painfully empty and the action made her aware of her hunger.

Kai looked down at her arms searching for a way to distract herself from her hunger and the disgusting liquid on and around her.

A thought struck her. Had her arms always been a grayish blue and furred?

No they were normally not of that color and without all the hairs. In fact, she was pretty sure that she had not had dark blue chitin armor on some parts of her body before. 

That couldn’t be true?!! She had just wanted to play some games!!

Kai frantically looked at the rest of her body, hoping that it was still her body. Though strangely the panic she should feel was not there.

Kai’s legs and feet were completely covered in chitin armor of the same color as a dark sky without stars. Her toes even had small claws that looked pretty dangerous and at her knees the chitin armor formed spikes that could impale someone.

The sides of her hips were adorned by the same chitin armor, but most of her upper body was furred in the same grayish blue hair as her hands. Around her belly button were a few small rhombus shaped plates of the armor and her breasts were held in place by chitin armor too.

The back of her hand and the outer side of her arms also had chitin armor. At her elbows the armor grew into a similar spike as on her legs.

Kai tried to stay calm, but her mind was in turmoil, though without her feeling any panic. Whatever had happened after school, this was not her old body anymore. 

She looked at her behind, thinking she couldn’t be more surprised anymore and was proven wrong.

There, above her butt a large, let’s call it tail, was. It looked like the rear end of an ant queen and it made a lot of alarm bells go off in Kai’s mind. The appendage was also covered in fur and easily as long as Kai herself was tall, so sadly she couldn’t quite ignore it. For a few moments she was left staring at it.

The whole situation was just too much for Kai and she was so overwhelmed by everything that she couldn’t feel anything about her changes. She searched for the panic that should be there, the dread of finding yourself in a body that was not yours and was completely different from what your old body looked like, but couldn’t find it. Instead her body felt just right, it felt like it was supposed to be that way.

Slowly curiosity started to set in and she moved her hands up to her throat and then head.

Kai’s back seemed to have some plating of armor above her spine and her neck was covered by the armor too. Her throat and most of her head was furred and she had to admit that it had the potential to feel really soft to the touch if it weren’t for the slimy disgusting liquid.

As far as Kai could tell her nose and mouth seemed to be similar to before. She could feel some small mandibles in front of her mouth and moved them a bit. Uahh that was weird.

Her hands slowly moved upwards to where her eyes were and she realized that they were really large. Though she could still close them, so they likely weren’t insect eyes. 

The fur at the side of her head was a lot longer and hid her ear holes underneath. Yes ear holes, at least Kai couldn’t find any other ears on her head.

On top of her head she found something like feelers. Touching them made her shudder because of their sensitivity. They were bare of any fur and curved to the sides of her head until they covered a 90° angle. On the bottom side of her feelers smaller appendages grew and Kai imagined they looked a bit like a curved comb.

After that Kai just sat there for a while in thought, trying to come to grips with the situation, until she came to the only possible conclusion. Surely she looked super cute!

Her belly rumbled and for the first time Kai looked at her surroundings. She was in a forest with barely any undergrowth and stupidly large trees. They could be pine trees were it not for their size. 

Maybe Kai was just really small?

The thought got immediately proven as false. A few meters behind her laid the rest of the wasp-like insect that she had seen on her way home. Its upper body was completely missing and looked like it had been ripped off. The corpse still served as a way for her to ascertain that the trees were just larger than they should be, though Kai seemed to be a bit smaller than before too.

The stinger should be around two meters long, so Kai was maybe 1.7 m tall right now. She had lost a whole 20 cm.

Kai looked at the corpse and her belly rumbled again. Shurely she wasn’t hungry enough to eat that. Who knows how long that corpse is already lying there?

Kai’s body ignored her wishes and used all its power to jump in the direction of the corpse. A look of dread crossed Kai’s face.

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