Rise of the Antanoid

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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Kai was surprised by the strength her legs seemed to have. They actually managed to lift her body off of the ground. It sadly didn’t help the fact that she slipped at the last moment and fell face first back onto the goo drenched ground.

Some of the stuff got into her mouth and Kai swallowed. Then she realized what she had just eaten and began to lament to herself in her head. To be honest it didn’t taste that bad, just as bad as raw egg. Considering from where she had just crawled out it made sense.

Kai’s belly rumbled again and the all encompassing hunger of before came back. She looked at the corpse. It didn’t smell horribly and there were only a few sna- insects around so surely it would be safe to eat. She refused to call the insects snacks, it was a step too far for her.

Kai leaned on her arms and then slowly got up. Her tail was still touching the ground and she could use it to support herself. 

Carefully Kai began to inch towards the corpse, trying not to slip again. The movement made her painfully aware of the weight of her tail and she doubted she would be able to move without her enhanced leg strength.

After 2 meters Kai was finally on dry ground and this time jumped the last two meters to the corpse for real. She landed half on the large body and sent a cloud of angrily buzzing insects into the air.

Her hands dug into the weak points of the corpses chitin armor and secured her. Then with a ferocity that surprised Kai herself, she used her mandibles to tear out flesh and chitin before swallowing the pieces of meat whole.

The feeling of satiating her hunger was glorious and Kai lost herself in the sensation. She didn’t notice the passing of time and continued to eat. At some point she just sat back and looked dreamily at the remains of the corpse. She belched and mumbled a bit to herself. “What a rush.”

Kai sighed and her mandibles made a satisfied clicking noise. Then she licked the bloody remains off of her finger. In the middle of the motion she stopped. What the hell was she doing right now? What in hell's name had she done before sitting back?!

Had she lost it somehow? The memory of her eating the corpse disgusted her. The way she ate it was so primal it made her shudder. What had she become?

Kai looked at what was left of the corpse. She had eaten a lot, more than half of the corpse and the thing had been more than double her size. The amount was so mind boggling that she forgot her feeding frenzy.

Kai looked down at herself looking for a burst stomach, but didn’t find anything unusual. Her stomach wasn’t even bulging. She tried to stand up, but fell back on her bum surprised by her tail's weight. It was a lot heavier than before and she immediately connected the facts. 

Kai looked at her tail and it was larger than before. What had been a relatively flat curved form was now bulging upwards, filled to the brim with flesh.

How was she supposed to move like that?

Kai looked around. The gigantic trees, the insects she had never seen before and the violet sky hammered something home in Kai’s brain. She had no idea where she was, no idea if there was even sapient life around. For all that she knew she could be in a forest together with gigantic predators. 

She looked at herself. Heck, she had no idea what she was, but one thing was obvious. She was not human anymore and likely some kind of insect like the Antanoid. 

Kai blinked. She was alone, not safe and didn’t know where she was. Kai began to cry, silently as she didn’t want to attract any animals.

This was the worst day in her life. Instead of getting to play with her friends she was abducted by a weird thing only to wake up in a body that was not hers, or had not been hers before. Now it definitely was her body.

The violet atmosphere screamed you are not on earth anymore and considering Kai’s appearance that might be a good thing. 

Kai looked at the corpse and then slapped her cheeks. She did not stop crying, but her eyes became determined. She would not die here. Kai would likely never see her family and friends again, but she would never forget them. She would give her best for them and most importantly, she would find games to play again!

Kai slowly stood up. In which order did you do it again? Shelter, water and then food right?

Food was hopefully not a problem for a while or Kai would literally have to kill something in frustration. As for shelter she guessed she would have the most luck searching for somewhere to hide in the roots of the trees. 

Kai couldn’t hear any streams and not having any clue where to go she just chose a random tree to walk towards. She took a step and had to straine her muscle to the maximum before she managed to move. It was going to be exhausting as shit and her tail would leave a visible trail in the soil, but Kai would not stay here.

Staying near a mount of flesh just invited getting eaten by something, so she soldiered on. As Kai slowly neared the tree she truly realized just how large they were. You could build houses in them for a lot of families. That sadly also meant that each and every one of the trees was standing multiple hundred meters away from each other.

Kai reached her targeted tree and sat down to take a break. She felt like an egyptian slave that had to drag a block of sandstone to the next pyramid.

After five minutes of heavy breathing she looked for a possible hideout by the tree but didn’t find anything. She cursed and chose the next tree that grew in the direction she had already been walking, to avoid walking in circles.

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It took her 2 hours that felt like days to reach the tree, but as Kai was completely focused on finding a place to hide she neither took the time to think about her situation or cry about it. All her energy went into dragging her tail and searching a hideout.

At this tree she was unlucky again, so she continued ever onwards. The moment she stopped it would all come crashing back on her, slapping her cheeks once wouldn’t stop that.

Kai had crossed about half of the way to the next tree when she heard the babbling of a small stream. The sound came from the left and she decided to follow it. A few minutes later she reached it and decided to sit down next to it.

Kai drank a bit and then proceeded to clean her fur as much as possible. The liquid of the egg had dried and glued her hair together. It was really disgusting and it took her a long time as she had to clean her whole body, even her tail.

After she was finished Kai shivered a bit and hugged herself. The wet fur made her body cold and cleaning might not have been the best idea retrospectively. At least the temperature was warm so she could walk around without clothes, though you could consider her fur as such.

To keep herself warm Kai continued her track to the next tree. It looked a lot older than the other trees, so maybe she would have more luck there.

Kai couldn’t see a possible spot to hide in immediately, but tried to gather some hope. Three times is the charm right?

She sighed as she walked around this tree. The things had a diameter of easily 150 meters and walking around them was annoying as hell. She could count herself lucky that most of their roots seemed to be underground. 

Kai walked past a root that extended a bit, but there was sadly no hideyhole. On the backside of the tree she found a few gnarled roots that were growing around each other so that they formed a room underneath them. The sight of a large enough hole for her to fit in excited her a bit. She blushed, that had not been intended.

Leaving her naughty thoughts behind she dragged herself to the root and looked into the space underneath it. She would have to crawl inside, but the space was large enough for her to sit upright and have her tail inside too. If Kai would lay some leaves on top of the roots she could even protect herself from rain a bit.

She just hoped it wouldn’t rain for at least today. She didn’t have the energy to walk that much further and her legs were already promising her hell. 

Not wanting to get eaten by something after having found somewhere to hide Kai started to crawl inside the space. It was really difficult as she now had to drag her weight with mostly her arms and compared to her legs they seemed to be spaghetti. Her legs had to help out a lot, but it still took her nearly 15 minutes to completely enter the space. The place definitely needed an emergency exit before it got approved by any germans.

Inside her little hole Kai sat up exhausted and began to absentmindedly collect the dirt out of her now fluffy fur.

Now she had a shelter, a source of water and hopefully eaten for a few days. The only thing Kai did not know right now was what she was supposed to do. Despairing somehow felt wrong, it was something beneath her.

Kai blinked. She was pretty sure she never thought that highly of herself. She disregarded the thought and looked at her tail in the dimly lit room. She was some kind of insect and had something like an ant tail. 

Kai sighed. It likely meant that she was the queen of a hive. She buried her face in her hands and thought about laying eggs. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. On one hand it was super weird and disgusting, on the other hand it might be something normal for her species.

The question was if she had to lay eggs, then how did she do it?

Did it happen naturally or did she have to do anything?

Hopefully there was no need for her to have sex every time or you could very well call her the hive slut instead of queen.

She was also sapient, so did that mean her hive members would be too? 

Kai hoped so or she had an incredibly lonely life before her, though being surrounded by hundreds and thousands of your own children would be super weird too.

Her thoughts trailed off in a never ending line of new questions she had no answer to, until she thought about world domination. Kai would try not to do that as it sounded like a lot of work, but really she couldn’t say what would happen in the future right now.

As she thought about this she vaguely remembered a blue screen with something about world dominations. 

Kai stopped. She was obviously not on earth anymore, yet even after watching isekai anime and reading isekai manga she hadn’t even tried to open a status ever since arriving here. It was a silly thought, but trying wouldn’t hurt, at least in this case.

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