Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The one who is above all.

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Rise of the dungeon master is a dungeon simulator and RPG game, developed by Algerian Games Inc., which remained among the top streaming positions during its first 6 months since its release. His story was not one of the best. It was very basic. “You found a dungeon core and now you are its master, use it to achieve your greatest ambitions.” As you can see, quite simple.

You had to create a dungeon, collect monsters and make them stronger to create a stampede and destroy the kingdoms around the world. You could choose between destruction, conquest, maintaining friendly relations, or never revealing yourself to the world, but that was considered a bad ending.

Although it seems simple, you had a lot of things to do in this game. As expected, you had to design a dungeon with a maximum of 50 floors. Place a boss every 10 floors, and repel attacks from the adventurers and heroes of that world.

On top of that, you can invade game-generated dungeons or even other players' dungeons to further level up your dungeon. There was a ranking that ranked the dungeons in different ways. The degree of difficulty of the monsters, the number of deaths accumulated weekly, the maximum DP reached, etc.

And I haven't even talked about the best part. The character designs.

This game had one of the most complete customization systems that existed. You could do almost anything that came out of your twisted head. Do you want a four-armed Amazon with tentacles instead of legs and bunny ears? Why don't you add a 40cm penis too? The game even lets you choose the texture of her balls! Do you want a shota with insect wings, gorilla limbs, and a crab body? Make his skin dripping with green liquid and even choose what flavor it would have!

There were no limits to what you could do and many chose to do just that, creating extremely strange designs. Aberrations that seemed taken from the myths of H.P. Lovecraft.

But our protagonist was not one of those weirdos. Well, maybe a little bit, but in a different sense than you'd expect. His name isn't even important, he doesn't usually use it anyway. He was a complete shut-in, all of his food was ordered online, as was everything he bought. He never used his real name, he used an alias, “Reilan” and was somewhat known to be one of the biggest scammers on the internet. For some reason, he always managed to escape capture and no one could figure out who he was. In this way and others just as illegal, he managed to get the money for his apartment, the internet, and electricity and even had enough left over to buy games and buy things in them.

Reilan was one of those players who played in strange ways. He played RPG games and stayed in the first city killing the most basic monsters until he got to high levels, and that's when the main story of the game started. It didn't matter if he stayed in the same place for more than a month, if he set himself a goal, no matter how silly, he would see it through to the end. Although he was also strange in other things.

When he discovered Rise of the Dungeon Master, ROTDM for short, it was as if he had discovered his paradise.

He managed to get early access, and his legend began. He spent almost 12 hours designing his character. Each pixel had to be exactly as he had it in his head. Reilan was, to be blunt, a lolicon. The vast majority of the characters he created in all of his games were lolis of every kind that existed. And if a game didn't allow for that kind of aesthetic, no matter how highly rated it was, he never played it. You can imagine then that, when he discovered that ROTDM had such a complete and free system, he would jump right in.

His main character, a 145 cm (4.7) tall red-skinned Oni with 2 horns on her forehead about 15 cm (6-inch) long, grows upwards from her head. They started the same shade of red as her skin, fading to white until they reached the tip. She had silver hair, long to her waist and tied in a full braid. Her golden eyes were like molten gold and with a white outline. Slightly pronounced chest, about a B cup. She had gold tattoos on her arms, similar to flames that went up to her shoulders and joined at her back, then came down to form a Japanese Oni mask outlined in black. Around her neck was a necklace, just a strip of leather with a carved bone at the end like the point of a trident pointing downwards. And as a finishing touch, he turned her into a futanari. You may be wondering, why? Well… why not? "If there is the possibility of doing it, it would be foolish not to take advantage of it." That would be his answer if you asked him. And he takes advantage of one of the options to be able to “hide” it and take it out at will. Just because it looked funny in the preview.

So now he had a red-skinned, albino-haired, well-muscled Oni with an 18 cm (7-inch) penis between her legs.

"But narrator, wouldn't it be better if she had a bigger penis?" Well no. I don't get why internet guys think futanari should have exaggerated stuff. Anything over 25 cm (9-inch) should be considered a weapon, as it seems you like to see waifus being stabbed in their doujinshi. They should be ashamed. Don't you know how painful that is? Well, not that I know either, I'm just a storyteller. But I can imagine how painful it is!

*Cough* *Cough*

Reilan was beyond proud of her. Definitely a work of art in his eyes. And with her, Reilanis (Not very original, I know, but hey, at least it makes it easier to remember), began her adventure.

Reilan dedicated himself to doing what he had always done, staying in the starting zone and going up as many levels as he could. And so, he did, although it took less than he expected. In 4 months, he had reached level 50. That was his favorite number, so it was always his limit to start any game.

With his goal achieved, his story began. He destroys all monsters and bosses from the beginning of the game. He visited different regions and learned as much as he could about the fantasy world, he was in. Experimented with different professions and chose to keep the ones that had the best “chemistry” with his gameplay. He did a lot of things during those 2 months, and then, on the first day of the third month, he finally decided to set up his dungeon.

Now let me explain this to you.

ROTDM had some pretty weird mechanics. One of them was that you could walk around the world as an ordinary adventurer while carrying the core of your dungeon on your back. Thus, you could settle in almost any region of the world you wanted, except, of course, territories of some kingdom of the NPCs. Unless of course, you bought the option in the in-game store. But that’s another story.

Reilan settled in a region of very thick forest, which had what the game called "a ley line source" and began to work on his dungeon. He spends several days creating each floor, little by little. When his Dungeon Points or DP ran out, he would draw schematics and plans of what the next floor would look like, while letting the game take care of the farming.

Of course, this would take a lot of time, but thanks to his efficient work, he managed to reduce his progress significantly. And it was then, when his dungeon reached level 3, that the option he was waiting for so long appeared. The creation of NPCs.

ROTDM had a system that many waited for years for some companies to develop, and although Algerian Games was not the first to implement it, it was the only one that used the same main character creation system for NPC customization, also adding a checkout store for more options, and the first to use advanced AI to control them

The first was a dragon girl. Pretty cliche, I know. But, if you had the choice, wouldn't you have done the same? This girl was short, 134cm (4.3) tall, and her eyes were silver-grey, with white eyeliner. Her hair was a bright violet with a fairly dark black top, mid-back length. Her skin was a healthy shade of pink with emerald green scales on some areas of her body, covering her back, part of her arms, face, and her legs were full of dragon claws. She had a beautiful long tail, a little over a meter long, with a golden ring near the tip. Her chest was a bit small, an A-cup that perfectly matched her body proportions. Miriam was called this girl. He had an almost maternal feeling about her as if she were his daughter.

The second one, was Elisa, a 150cm (4.9) tall Nephilim, with tan skin and long blonde hair that turned red as it reached the ends. Her eyes were blue and bright, and her chest was a good size, around a C cup. Two black wings adorned her back, shiny black and soft-looking, perhaps even more so than the best pillow in existence.  Just like the “extra part” of his main character, they could be hidden at will. On the surface, she looked like a very strict army secretary.

Normally he would have turned all of them into lolis, as he always did, but for the first time, something impelled him to create her this way, as if he was forced to.

Next was an even smaller girl, a Beastkin. She was one of the races that could be purchased at the paid store. In the f2p system, there were the typical beastkin, from dogs, wolves, cats, and foxes. The ones that have always been seen. But in the store, there were the rarest and some variants of the common ones, among them was the Fennec. A type of fox that is very small in size and has longer than normal ears. They were some of the most popular in the store. Reilan didn't hesitate for a second, bought it, and started working on it.

Neminah was called this 120cm (3.9) tall little girl. He gave her sand-colored hair and fur, quite normal for her race, with light caramel-colored skin, jade-green eyes with 2 red magatama markings on the opposite corners of each, and 2 lines of the same color diagonally on her cheeks. Her two long ears, the same sandy color as her fur, ended in a beautiful white tip, with equally white tufts crowning the highest part. Her fur was kept on various regions of her body, such as her arms, part of her back and sides, legs, and neck. Her chest was barely visible, matching her really small stature, which made her look practically like an elementary school girl. To put the finishing touches on her hair, he gave her hair a long flower-patterned clip to hold it in an oriental style. And as icing on the cake, he gave her 3 extremely fluffy tails. They were the same sand color and ended in a white point with a black 5-pointed star drawn on each tail. A reference to someone special to him.

Reilan was satisfied. Another great success, another work of art he thought. He was getting closer to finishing his dream team of NPCs that would accompany him throughout the game. He didn’t want to waste any more time and went to work on the fourth character.

He thought for a while and after reviewing the different race variants in the store, he found one that stood out, one called "True Elf". From the description, it was said that light elves and dark elves loathed each other, as was typical in fantasy. But this was something that seemed to be overlooked in that world. If both races of elves were mixed, they would give birth to a child that could be called a "True Elf". They had an incredible balance between the abilities of both types of elves. A high magical affinity from the light elves and unsurpassed agility and dexterity from the dark elves. This is the next one Reilan thought and started to work.

When the figure of this elf appeared, he immediately thought of a character from another game, the undead elf leader of a horde, which many will know from that famous MMORPG.

This elf was one of her favorite characters, so Reilan thought "Why not?"

He reduced her height to 137 cm (4.4), left her with grayish skin, a little darker than ash, blood-red eyes, and made her eyelids squint, almost as if she was always tired. He made her hair short, a dull green, in a hairstyle that almost looked like something from an anime character because of the gravity-defying locks, but it suited her so well that it seemed that the style had been created specifically for her. He left her breast small, a little bit bigger than the A cup, as true elf women should be, not those distorted versions with unreal sizes that might as well be cow udders.

Her figure was slim, with a nice round butt. He lengthened the ears a bit more to match the one he had in his mind and gave his face a small freckle under his left eye. Finally, he proceeded to think of the name, which took a long time.

“Let's see, Ve… Velitora? No, it sounds like someone else. Ve… Ve… Vestiria? Hmm… Vis… Vistelia? That, Vistelia. That sounds better."

You are reading story Rise of the Dungeon Master at novel35.com

With the fourth member finished, there was only a single slot left. But what could it become?

Reilan went back and forth between all the races, but none caught his attention. He already had his favorites, and he even had a Nephilim, a race he was seeing for the first time in a game. So, he was worried because there was nothing to catch his interest. He decided to put the random option and go with the one that comes out. And so, he presses the button, and “Automaton” was the winner.

That was when Reilan realized it. There was a space for the “non-biologicals” that he had overlooked. He searches through them, finding the automaton, wooden puppets, gargoyles, and golems.

Reilan had never done characters like that. Automatons used to always be maids or the like, and it wasn't something he wanted. In addition to the fact that a literal robot breaks the aesthetics of the fantasy world. So, he played it safe and took the golem. He checked to see if any variants looked good, and found one called a "living rock golem." According to his description, it was a very rare type of golem that was born under very specific conditions. They were capable of having their thoughts and even some primitive emotions. A very soft way of saying that they are hardly smarter than a stone. Bad joke I know.

He decided not to think about it too much and began his work, which seemed to be quite simple this time. The golem itself was a bunch of rocks stacked in an oddly enough symmetrical way to form a basic body. Reilan arranged it in such a way that it imitated the basic position of a gorilla of about 4 meters. He moved his head a little further forward and shaped it to look similar to a skull. He shortened his legs and enlarged his arms. He filled it with moss, and little vines, to make it look like they were growing all over his body. And with that he was satisfied. The easiest of all to create, but also one of the best, given its simplicity.

He thought of many names, from names of mythological giants to legendary monsters, but none fit him. He uses the random names button several times, but none seemed right. He decided to leave it for a moment and go find something to eat. As he chewed on a burger and watched the idle animations of his new NPCs, a name stuck right into his brain, as if someone had downloaded it directly into his mind. Orpheanus. It was perfect.

Reilan looked at the NPCs with a big smile on his face. He gave them basic gear and spent the next month level-grinding his new comrades. Reilan had already reached level 80 since he started following the story quests and leveling up his dungeon, so raising the levels of his team of NPCs had been more than child's play for him.

Throughout this period, Reilan felt more and more attached to his characters. It was so much that his mind began to fabricate a story for them. Every one of them, from his main character, Reilanis, to Orpheanus himself. On a notepad, he began to write down everything he could think of about them. He even tried to fit each one with the route he had taken since he started playing and until the moment, he managed to settle his dungeon definitively. He tried to use the very history of the game and its races to make it as true to that world as possible. Even thought about writing a fanfic about it. But he rejects the idea. Those things were too embarrassing to share with strangers.

By the time he had completed the year of play, he was already in the End game stage and reached the maximum level. His Reilanis was level 120, and his 5 NPCs were level 100. Fully equipped, and with skills maxed out, Reilan felt a sense of accomplishment. And the game rewarded him for it.

He earned the "The Who Is Above All" achievement. An achievement and title earned upon reaching level 120.

But what was so special about that? For players and NPCs, the cap was level 100, but there was a hidden quest that broke that cap and granted an additional 20 levels. It was a Mythic grade quest. You had to conquer the 5 Mythic-grade dungeons that were hidden around the world with just your character and your 5 NPCs. It sounds easy? Well, not by a long shot. A legendary level dungeon had monsters at level 95 as enemies, but they seemed to be at level 100. Not to mention their final boss, they were exact level 120 Dungeon Masters. And the Mythic level dungeons were at least two full steps harder. The monsters were true level 120 and the boss was level 150 monstrous. It took 4 months to complete each of the Mythic-grade dungeons.

About 1 week to plan and search for each of the dungeons and another 2-3 weeks to complete each one. But when he finally completed the last one, such was the joy and relief that Reilan wept with happiness. There was nothing more satisfying than not only achieving a hidden achievement that seemed impossible but being the only one in the whole world to possess it.

Reilan, feeling enlightened, decided it was best to go to rest. As his daily routine dictated, he would turn off his pc, throw away all the bags of chips, bottles of soda, and cans of energy drinks that were practically 90% caffeine and 10% sugar water, and then lay down on his bed with his cell phone, using the excuse of having insomnia to stay awake for another 3 hours watching Twitter posts.

Said and done, he spent the next few hours reviewing the events of the day. Posts from his favorite Vtubers, news about new games, or anime.

just when he wanted to call it a day, a post from Algerian Games suddenly appeared. The announcement was about the first expansion pack for ROTDM. This caused Reilan to jump from his bed and scream in confusion.

"What the hell!? It's only been a year and they were already announcing an expansion! I didn't expect them to release one for at least another 2 years! This is Amazing!

Caught off guard, Reilan completely lost sleep in that instant. This was incredibly wonderful news.

Needless to say, he couldn't sleep that night, and he spent researching that and for several more days, going through the game's forums and everywhere he could, for any little bit of information or leak about the new expansion.

There was curiously enough actually. It was said that part of the story would be facing an army of divine heroes who had been sent by the gods to eradicate the one who had wreaked havoc on their world. It strangely sounded far superior to the simplistic story that was in the base game. On top of that, the level cap would be increased from 120 to 150 for main characters, and from 100 to 130 for NPCs. There was quite a stir because no one knew that the level cap was 120. This made Reilan, who was the only known player to have completed that achievement, smirk.

2 new regions would be added, or continents to be more specific. One in the east and one in the south. These regions would be added in two different stages. The first was on launch day, and the second about 2 months later, with another update adding the final missions of the expansion. On top of all this, the maximum number of skills per character has been increased, new races have been added, and 2 new NPC slots have been added, 3 if you purchased the additional slot from the in-game store. This excited Reilan. Now he could dedicate himself to planning and creating new stories for his new members. He would now be able to test floor boss changes.

According to the leaks that were coming out over the days, some of the new races included new types of beastkin. From aquatic races, some others that inhabited the tundra of the new southern continent, and demon races that were previously unavailable but were mentioned in some of the game's quests and story.

Maybe a succubus would be a good idea? I could make her abhor sexuality because of some situation in her past. I put some succubus between the 30th and 40th floors and their aesthetic is quite striking.

It didn't take long for Reilan to decide on his next partner, but the last two seemed to be more difficult. There were many options among the new races, from mermaids, octopi girls, and a killer whale breed to some shark breeds. And among the tundra ones, there were polar bears, penguins, snow foxes, wolves, and arctic hares. There were endless options and they all had very striking appearances.

His gaze traveled across his room, searching for something to serve as inspiration. On one of his manga shelves, there were many figures of anime characters, including women in flashy battle suits, scantily clad clothes, robots, animal mascots, and demons, all kinds of characters. His gaze focused on 2 specifics. The first was a bear loli girl, wearing a maid outfit and a bored look as if everything in the world was nothing but a waste of time.

Reilan kept her gaze on that figure. It wasn't from any anime that he knew, it was a figure based on some random artist's sketches that he had brought to reality with a 3d printer.

He closed his eyes and began to think about that girl. She had lost her will to live a long time ago. Not because of some kind of past trauma, or sad or pain-filled life. It was really because she couldn't make sense of everything she saw. She had an overly pessimistic view of the world and people. Maybe it's because she never got to see enough of the world, or she didn't meet the right people. Perhaps if Reilanis were with her, and showed her what the world had to offer, her view of things would change.

Reilan opened her eyes and began to write down the things that came to his mind. After a while he was satisfied. That would be next, a polar bear girl he met shortly after setting foot on the southern continent. He shifted his gaze to the hare girl next to the bear girl. That other one was a bit taller, and it was part of an anime about an invasion of people from another world into present-day Japan. A hare girl who was an elite fighter.

He closed his eyes again and wondered, who could this new girl be? A hare girl, with white fur. Taller than the others, maybe 160cm (5.2)? Sharp look and visible muscles in a well-trained body. That girl was part of an organization of assassins. She didn't do it because she was forced to, or because she had been kidnapped and trained since she was little. The race of this hare girl was like that, excellent assassins who were hired by various countries to carry out secret missions. Although she wasn’t on the lower end of the scale, she didn't enjoy the job or that life. She didn't care about all that, she just wanted to get money, save a high amount of gold, and then go as far as she could from that place to settle in a house in the middle of the forest, with a small vegetable garden and grow old quietly.

All she wanted was to be able to have a peaceful life in the countryside, without constantly having to worry about whether she would die that day or if some big shot somewhere would seek revenge against her and try to kill her. She just wanted to live away from all that, maybe even get married and have children, but she wished it was of her own free will, not because her family chose the one who brought more benefits to her clan.

Reilan wrote everything quickly. He read it three times making sure that what he wrote about the 3 girls would have left him satisfied along with the appearances he would give them and their names, Mirastelia, Haji, and Nakia.

With the feeling of accomplishment still surging through his body, Reilan felt his eyes grow heavy. Perhaps tired from the intense search for information or simply because the tension had left him, he decided to settle back in his chair and take a nap. Maybe when he woke up, he would eat something, review his ROTDM game in preparation for the new members of his party, or even add new notes to what he had written. Reilan closed his eyes and fell asleep, not knowing that this would be his last moment in this world.


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