Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: How did things end like this?

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How long had it been since he closed his eyes? He didn't know, but it almost seemed like he had been dreaming for years. His whole body felt numb and the seat where he had fallen asleep felt as hard as stone.

“Good morning, Master Rei. Have you slept well?"

A female voice reached his ears. It was harmonious and deep. Like those voices, they often use for commercials for products that no one wants but ends up buying.

Reilan stretched, cracking all his bones, causing a sound so loud that, even if you were across the room, you could hear it.

He rubbed his hands over his face and eyes to drive away the sleep that refused to leave him.

He opened his eyelids and began to look around the room. He didn't recognize anything about that place.

No, that would be a lie. He recognized this place, but his mind was still working at low power and he hadn't taken things in yet.

It was a large room, with a huge door at the end, directly opposite where he was sitting. With a long blue rug with gold lines on the edges, it went from the huge door to a few steps just where his feet reached. On the sides, there were two lines of gray rock pillars, with banners placed in a symmetrical order. The first is adorned with the banner, then two empty pillars, then one with a banner, then two more empty ones, and the last one with the same banner. A total of 7 pillars on each side.

The banner itself was a fairly common one, a deep red rectangle with gold-colored embroidery, and black and white lines, ending in a three-pointed shape at the bottom. In the middle was a design of a Japanese oni mask in black.

Small white spheres floated in the room at a height that almost reached the ceiling, which was illuminated with dim light, enough to be able to see everything clearly, but without feeling that it hurt the eyes.

"Would you like to have breakfast now, master?"

The same voice was heard nearby. His cheerful tone tickled his ears. He turned his head to face the owner of that voice. Whom he saw, was a beautiful woman. A hard-to-find beauty in real life. Her skin was a perfect tan, and she had long blonde hair, which turned red as it reached the ends. Her eyes were so blue and bright that they looked like a projection of the ocean on a sunny day. Long, slightly pointed ears, and behind them, he could see two black wings moving in a slow rhythm on her back, and her chest, which was directly in his line of sight, was abundant, but not too big. It was a perfect size.

She was dressed in a dark red full-dress military uniform and had knee-high black leather boots. That girl, straight out of a painting in some famous museum, was looking at him with concern.

"Elisa? But… how? Am I still dreaming?

"Yes? Master, are you ok?"

He looked away from that beauty, whom he recognized as "Elisa", one of the NPCs he had spent hours and hours creating, and whom he was more than used to seeing every day on his game.

"What the hell is going on?" Reilan thought. He wondered if he had finally gone mad after spending so many hours playing ROTDM.

Suddenly his heart began to beat faster, his palms sweated and his breathing quickened. He began to feel as if the room was closing in around him, he felt claustrophobic and looked everywhere looking for something to save him from the panic that was beginning to rise in his body.

He recognized this place; it was too familiar to him. It was the throne room on the 50th floor of his dungeon. He had designed it himself in that classic “demon lord throne room” style.

Why was he there? Was it some kind of lucid dream, a nightmare, or was he going crazy?

He got up from his seat and started to walk towards the big door at the end of the room. "Elisa," said something to him with a rather worried tone, but he didn't pay attention. He needed to get out of this place, and soon.

He ran as fast as he could, but only managed to take a few steps before he fell abruptly to the ground, hitting his face squarely on the hard rock that the living room floor was made of. He brought his hands up to his nose, which should be hurting like hell, but immediately realized he hadn't felt the blow, there wasn't even any pain.

He looked at his hands that were now right in front of his face. They were red. But not because they would have been stained with his blood. No. It was “her natural" skin tone. Panic rose. And those hands that he now saw very clearly began to tremble. “WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?

He clutched his head in an attempt to calm down, tears began to well up in his eyes and his breathing quickened even more. His chest ached, he was sweating as if he had been running for hours in the sun, and his stomach was churning. There was a fear that he not only couldn't describe but couldn't even contain much less face.

Why was he so scared? He wondered as nausea washed over him. The whole place began to spin, and the taste of bile filled his mouth. Right after, he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the ground. It wasn't just panic anymore. There was a horrible, disgusting feeling moving inside of him. As if dozens of insects got inside his skin and moved all over his body.

Looking down at the ground, he saw that whatever he had vomited was black and slimy. Worst of all, it was beginning to evaporate into a murky black cloud, making a sound as if something were being dipped into sulfuric acid.

His whole body trembled and he felt weak. He tried to stand up with the help of his own hands, but his legs and arms gave out, causing him to fall back to the ground. He couldn't take it anymore; he was terrified and confused.

He rolled himself into a ball and began to cry like a little child. Through his cries heard the voices of more people approaching, he even felt two pairs of hands caressing his head and back. There was even another cry nearby, one from a real little kid. But he didn't care, Reilan just wanted it to be over, to go back to his room, back to the safety of his home where nothing and no one could hurt him.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep once more.




Hundreds of images rolled through his mind. He could see himself… or herself? Through a glass box. A smaller version of herself…or himself? Who?

Then everything changed again. Now he could see herself traveling to many different places with a group of people. Defeating giant beasts, monstrous beings, and even other humans. Years and years of different scenarios, of what seemed like two lives completely alien to each other, but at the same time they were connected.

Gradually his senses returned. He could hear soft breathing, but he wasn't sure whom it belonged. There was a soft smell in the air, a sweet aroma of fresh fruit, and also an exotic smell of sand. Not like beach sand, but desert sand. But how was he able to recognize that smell, and why did it feel so nostalgic?

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The feeling in his body returned as well. He could feel a blanket covering his body, it was wonderfully warm, like a loving mother's embrace. It made him wish he didn't have to get up from the soft bed he was lying on. But he knew perfectly well that he had to do it. Those dreams he had had… he knew perfectly well. They were his memories. They both were.

He slowly opened his eyes. The ceiling was quite familiar and at the same time unknown. Did he know that he… she? Who? He knew he had built it a long time ago. It was the ceiling that was in one of the rooms destined for "guests", and that he thought he would never use, but for this moment it felt like a great success. He blinks slowly, letting the dream drift away naturally. He didn't want to get another surprise and panic again. No, this time he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. What he needed was to stay calm… or she? Again, who? Alone, he didn't want to go through all of the above again. It was an experience he definitely would never want to have again.

When he felt that he would not mentally collapse again, he moved to get up. Immediately realized that something had caught his right arm. He lifts the blanket that covered him. He was surprised to see that a girl was clinging to his arm. She was small, with her skin a soft caramel color, her hair a little long, and the color of sand. There were two long cute fox ears attached to her head. On her cheek have two red lines running vertically across it, and a magatama mark of the same color at the corner of his eye. The girl was wearing oriental clothing, if he remembered correctly, it was called a "jinbei", and on her back, you could see three extremely fluffy tails that moved to the rhythm of her breathing.

"Neminah," he said as he looked at her in confusion.

Almost as if reacting to her name, the girl's long ears twitched, but she didn't wake up. He let out a sigh of relief. Right now, meeting anyone else was the last thing he needed. And even more so because he was completely certain of knowing where he was and who inhabited that place.

He needed time, alone, to understand what had happened, assimilate all the mental burden he would have, and… maybe understand who he or she was.

Being very careful not to wake “Neminah”, he released his arm from her strong grip and got up from the bed. His gaze traveled around the room, and he noticed that a little beyond the foot of the bed was a large closet, with a full-length mirror on one side. He…or she? Walks slowly, nervous. “Why did that question keep popping up in my mind over and over again?

He reached for the mirror and examined the reflection carefully.

"Reilanis," he said aloud in a very nostalgic tone as if centuries had passed without seeing his image. He put his hands on the mirror, almost wishing he could caress the face of the person reflected there. He knew it was her, her appearance was very clear in his memories. He remembered… she remembered. They both did. Her stature was short. Specifically, she remembered that it was 145cm (4.7). He loved it that way, and she was proud that she was born that way.

He noticed her silver-white hair, completely unbound. An appearance that, in none of their memories, was aware of ever seeing it. She had always worn her long hair in a perfect braid. “Wait who? Was it that “him” or “her?”

On her forehead, two horns were growing, red at their base and turning white as they reached the tips. They were slightly apart and about 5 cm long. He ran one of her hands over them, touching the sharp points, but felt no pain and they didn't break through her skin.

He looked down and concentrated on her face. Her skin was red, very red. It looked strangely healthy, like a delicious apple. Her eyes were golden and bright, like molten gold. Her cute little nose differs from her expression which seemed quite menacing.

Plus, she was quite attractive thanks to that. Her ears were pointed and slightly elongated, barely visible with the hair covering them.

A cool and handsome appearance was the only thing he could think of to describe herself.

His gaze lowered to her chest. He realized at that moment that she was almost naked. He felt her cheeks heat up. It surprised him that, although her skin was already very red, her cheeks could intensify that hue even more.

Her breasts were exposed. He moved her hand towards one of them and as soon as he touched it, she felt a pleasant chill. He caresses her a little, more out of curiosity than anything. It was soft and comfortable and the exact size of her own hands. Her nipples were surprisingly pink and pretty…and they were getting hard. With that knowledge, he pulled her hand away in embarrassment. "There will be another time to explore me like that... no, I shouldn't be thinking about that right now!" He mentally chided himself.

The gaze continued to drop a little more. Her abdomen was very well-defined. She had beautiful and sexy abs. Her fingers caressed each muscle and the space between them. It was hard, almost like solid stone. A smile painted her face. She felt happy to have such an amazing body.

He kept going down. She was wearing black panties. Hipster style if he remembered correctly. He had no idea why such clothes would exist in this world, but they were comfortable, so he had no complaints about that.

Then he remembered a great detail of his character... or her memories? Who?

She was… she was a futanari. If he glanced at it, there was nothing to indicate such a thing, but she remembers that "magical" detail in his other set of memories...

He hesitated for a moment but decided to make sure. He pulled her panties down to her thighs, leaving her private parts as exposed as possible.

. . .

. . .

There was nothing. There was no hair and neither was the penis he expected to find. What he finds there was a vulva. Red lips and folds of skin that he recognized all too well. It felt like it was his, that he was used to it, but it also felt…alien. Still, he felt there must be something more. He imagined it was hidden somehow. He took a deep breath and, in his mind, he wished that it would "come out."

Right then and there, just a little above where her clitoris should be. Something started to grow. It slowly crawled out from her skin and after growing like 8 or 10 cm (3-4-inches) it fell limp. Small and soft. “Well, it makes sense. If it's a normal penis, it obviously won't be erect 24/7. And it's not like I'm in that kind of mood either." He thought and immediately made it disappear. "Schlongdinger." He laughed at the silly pun. Glad, that at least he didn't feel anxious or scared. He put her panties back on, feeling comfortable, even a little “sexy”, causing her to blush again.

He ignored the thought and dropped his gaze to her legs. Specifically, those thick, powerful thighs. He wondered; how long would it take his other self to get muscles like that.

He turned around and found an ass that he described as "extremely juicy". And boy it was. It didn't match the muscular body that he saw in the mirror. It was round and firm but smooth to the touch. He spanked herself which made a wonderful sound but immediately regretted it, feeling more embarrassed than he had been up to that point. Even to the point of covering her face with her hands. He ignored the rest and posed with his arms. Every muscle was defined. They weren't big, but they were noticeable. She looked like a woman who had physically trained for many years to maintain that figure. And he didn't doubt that at all, given the memories he had.

He admired her body for the last time. It didn't feel so alien to him in his mind, but it was still strange.

Was this “me” or was it that other “me”? Who? He or she? Which of “us” was the real, the original? Were we Chuang Tzu or were we the butterfly?” His head was beginning to ache. He decided to leave it there for now.

He checked the closet cabinets by the mirror and found a bra, a sports bra, which made him think again about where all those non-era clothes came from.

He also found a simple white dress, black shorts, and a pair of leather sandals. He put on the whole outfit without much thought and headed for the door.

He took one last look around the room, though aside from the bed, the dresser, and the mirror, there wasn't much in there.

Neminah was still asleep in bed. She looked extremely adorable. Reilan… Reilanis felt a small pang in her heart as she imagined that the girl would wake up and not find her by her side. But, right now she needed time alone. He offered her a silent apology and a promise to make it up to her later. She opened the door and left the place.

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