Rise of the Dungeon Master

Chapter 7: Extra chapter: Outside the great door.

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While our two friends were sorting out their situation in Reilanis's private room, the activity inside the dungeon had become a bit…chaotic.

"What do you mean she disappeared?"

"Exactly what I said."

"Elisa, I swear, if you don't tell me where mother is, I’m going to-"

“I already told you I don't know! Do you think that if I knew about it, I would be here arguing with you!?” The tension between the two was palpable, and it could be felt that if either of them stepped forward, a fight would break out. Fortunately, Neminah intervened in time, preventing Miriam and Elisa from starting another one of their never-ending, destructive confrontations.

“P-please stop already! - She shouted with all her strength, standing between them, while her whole body trembled. – Mommy must still be in the dungeon; we have to look for her.”

Only a few hours ago, Neminah woke up, and then realize that she was alone in the bed where Reilanis had been taken after her strange attack. The foxkin girl had been terrified to tears to the point where she adamantly refused to leave her side. Unfortunately for her, Reilanis had slipped away and now was missing.

None of the 3 had any idea what had happened, and now the concern was even greater because they didn't know where she goes after waking up.

To them, Reilanis was someone who, no matter the situation, would not change her resolute expression, her determined gaze, and would never shed a single tear. But that morning, she had acted too strange, almost like she was someone else. They had thought that perhaps it had been some kind of mental attack on Reilanis, but they immediately ruled it out, after all, who would attack them? Also, the dungeon would have gone on high alert if someone tried to harm her master.

Confused, they had no choice but to prepare one of the "guest rooms," as Reilanis called them, and let her rest there along with the crying Neminah, hoping that when she woke up, she would be able to tell them what had happened or at least give them some clue.

Elisa sighed, bringing her hands to her face in an attempt to calm her mood and the clear stress that all of this was causing her. “Vistelia should be back soon. Once she does, we can ask her-"

“Oh, I hear my name. Do you need me for something?”

Without letting Elisa finish speaking, a soft voice was heard. Just behind Miriam, a figure walked towards them. An elf with red eyes and gray skin, covered by a cloak.

She wore a slightly tired expression but kept a cute little smile on her light violet lips.

“Vistelia! Great you came back. We had one-"

"Vi! – Miriam screamed and immediately clung to the elf giving her a desperate look - Mother disappeared!” Vistelia changed her expression to one of surprise, widening her eyes, something that rarely happened.

"What do you mean my lady disappeared?"

"If you allow me, and I hope you don’t interrupt me this time, Miriam."

Vistelia turned her attention to Elisa, who gave the dragon a stern look and then began to recount the events of Reilanis' strange behavior. As she listened, the elf's expression grew darker and darker. She internally felt scared and deathly worried, but seeing that the three girls in front of her gave her desperate looks and begged for help, she couldn't afford to show herself like that. Vistelia swallowed her concern, avoiding at all costs that would see in her expression, and spoke in a tone that she hoped, was firm enough to reassure the others.

“Did you search all the nearby rooms for her?”

“The maids and I check every room”

"I-I looked around the gardens and asked Orphy, he said he hadn't seen mommy all day either."

"I looked for her in the training room, the dining room, her room, the bathrooms... she was nowhere."

Vistelia frowned. If she wasn't in any of the places she used to go, and she wasn't anywhere in the habitable zone, it could only mean that she had either left the dungeon alone or was somewhere in a place they didn't know.

"Has the core reacted in any way?"

"No. It's the same as always."

“That means she's still in here. Eli, you look for her on the lower floors, Nemi you’ll go to the throne room and the adjoining rooms, maybe she could have gone back there to check the core. Miriam, can you search the treasure room and workshops? If any of you find her, take her immediately to the throne room or send a pulse to alert the rest."

Elisa and Neminah nodded immediately and went to carry out the order. Miriam, on the other hand, stared at her.

“I… I doubt she's in the treasure room or the workshop. Especially because of how she behaved before.”

"Maybe, but it's worth trying, right?"

"…I guess. What will you do?"

"I'm going to search the upper floors for her, check the library, and… the other rooms she said were still under construction."


"What's wrong Miriam?"


Noticing the look in the cub's eyes, Vistelia walked over and hugged her gently.

“Don't worry, I'm sure she's just hiding because she doesn't want us to see what she’s going through You know how she is.”

Miriam just nodded as she returned the hug. The girl was trembling a little and her breathing seemed to indicate that she was holding on to not start crying. It might seem strange that this was so, but for Vistelia, who had been taking care of her for some time now, and had even started advising the girl about… well, various things, it was not unusual for her to act like this. Miriam might seem like the type of girl who was constantly angry and would always get into fights at the first provocation, and that may be true to a certain extent, but in reality, Miriam was a very spoiled child. So much so that, separating from Reilanis, had her terrified and on the verge of tears.

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“Miriam, don't worry, okay? I'm sure Lani will show up soon."


"I promise. Now go, I'm sure before you know it, you'll be hugging her and complaining about her missing out."

Miriam’s face slightly flushed, and nodded slowly, pulling away from Vistelia's embrace. Then, a little hesitantly, she started walking in the direction of the treasure room. The elf girl gave her a confident smile and waved her off as the young dragon moved faster and faster away.

Now that she was alone, Vistelia let out a huge sigh that she didn't even know she was holding. After hearing everything that had happened, she felt deathly worried. “What the hell had to have happened to HER to have a panic attack? It had to be something very bad for her to hide like that and there is only one place she can be.

Making sure that Miriam was gone, Vistelia ran to the guest room area, looking for the room where Elisa said she had been taken to rest.

Arriving at the door, she activated her ability [Tracking] looking for any clues Reilanis might have left behind.

Vistelia had a feeling where Reilanis was. A place that she only visited when she was very stressed, down, or…

His ability reacted, a trail that led through the different corridors of the habitable complex.

Vistelia hurried to follow the trail, more worried than she thought she would be. She knew that Reilanis was not in danger, but there was something that told her that she must be with her.

She walked quickly through the various corridors until she reached a large wooden door. Vistelia had only seen it once, but she knew that Reilanis used to go there from time to time. No one but the two of them knew about that place. Reilanis forbade the maids to get close, and the other girls didn't even get close to this point, so they didn't have the slightest idea.

The trail ended, through a big gate. With a look of concern as she walked over, tried to open it, but the door didn't budge an inch. She tried multiple times, using every skill she could think of, but nothing she did succeed.

"What the hell is my lady hiding here that she has created this unbreakable door?"

Vistelia felt defeated. All these years with her, and despite the closeness they seemed to have with her, not once did Reilanis lean on her outside of a fight.

“Even though I've tried my best to prove it to you, I've been patient and given you space… Why can't you trust me? Whenever you look sad, when those nightmares haunt you at night, you hide and shut yourself down… aren't we…?”

Vistelia stopped before she finished that question in her mind. No matter how much she wanted within her heart, no matter what efforts she made from day to day, Reilanis seemed to run away from her, avoiding at all costs giving her an answer. It had been 4 years since they met, and the more time passed, the more she closed in on herself.

The other girls also notice it. Every day Reilanis felt more worn, colder, and more distant. Something was eating her from the inside and neither of them was capable of doing anything. Whenever they tried to talk about it with her, she told them that nothing was wrong and left. Miriam seemed to be the most affected, after all, Reilanis was practically her mother, and seeing her act like this, despite their being together all her life, was like sticking knives into her heart.

With no way to open the door, the elf had no choice but to give up and wait patiently for the moment Reilanis decided to come out. She thought that she should at least tell the others that she had found her, even though they couldn't see her at the time. She immediately sent out a pulse of mana to inform them to head to that position.

"I just hope she comes out soon."






Miriam had checked out the workshop wing, where the forge Reilanis used whenever some strange kind of tool occurred to her. The smelter was cold, the tools put away, and there was no sign that the place had been used for a long time. It was as clean as an abandoned blacksmith shop could be and as quiet as a graveyard. Even the adjoining rooms were the same. Miriam left the place quickly, walking at a fast pace towards the treasure room, where all the valuable items and all the gold they had accumulated over the years were kept.

She traveled through the corridors, leaving the complex of rooms, to a huge hall with different types of decorations, such as flags, torches with artistic designs, and different paintings of various landscapes. Miriam ignored all of that and headed down a hallway at the end, where she led to a large door made of solid iron. Without even pausing for a second, she flung open the door.

The room, dimly lit by several chandeliers on the ceiling, contained an enormous amount of armor of various kinds, all beautifully polished, lined up on the side walls. Weapons such as short swords, great swords, spears, axes, war hammers, halberds, and all kinds of weapons you could imagine, were put on shelves and stands that showed them off in all their splendor.

In the middle of it all, there was a huge mountain of coins, gems, rings, necklaces, and crowns, made of gold, silver, and various types of precious metals. It stretched across almost the entirety of the room, which was around 8m x 8m and about 12m high. The pile of gold was considerably taller than Miriam, at least twice her height. And just as she expected, Reilanis wasn't there.

The anxiety in her heart increased. Since she was little, Miriam was used to Reilanis going out for several hours, but she always told her where she would go and roughly how long it would take for her to return. Miriam stayed in Elisa's care, playing with Neminah or talking with Vistelia, so most of the time, she didn't feel lonely. But even though she was already a big girl this time, the fact that Reilanis disappeared without a word made her extremely nervous. “What if she left because she had decided that she was better off on her own? What would I do if mother decided to leave me behind? Wh-what would happen if…?” Negative thoughts began to flood her mind. No matter how much she wanted to hide it with her rebellious girl attitude, Miriam was a very sensitive girl, even to the point of calling her a crybaby. There was a time when she was little that the simplest things made her cry easily. But now, she was trying to change, she was putting all her effort into keeping her emotions under control, but… with Reilanis it was different. She couldn't control what she felt for her and always ended up in a mess.

Miriam lumbered over to the pile of gold in front of her. She crawled over the coins and jewels until she reached the top of the golden mountain and curled up on top. The sound of her soft crying echoed in the silent room. She felt hurt. She was afraid that those questions in her mind would come true, that the person who taught her everything she knows, who fed her from her birth and raised her to that moment, had abandoned her without saying a word

“*hic* Why are you going away and leaving me alone? Am I not trustworthy enough? *hic* Is it because I'm not that strong that you can't lean on me? You never see me as anything more than a child even though I've done my best to show you that I've grown up.

I haven't even… I haven't even been able to tell you how much…

Suddenly, a chill ran through her body along with a wave of mana that went through the entire dungeon complex. That was a mana pulse, the signal Vistelia said they would use if they found Reilanis. Miriam wasted no time and she leave the treasure room as fast as she could in the direction of the mana pulse's origin. "I swear, as soon as I see you, I'm going to hit you so hard you'll regret leaving me alone." Those were Miriam's thoughts. She clenched her fist so hard that she bled. She was willing to hit her hard, even if it meant breaking her hand. But she had decided that she would make her feel the same pain that she had been causing her.


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