Rise Of the Lost Forge

Chapter 12: Ch 12 oh friend of mine

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Burn took out a pen and paper and wrote a note and left it on the table, "just letting my friends know where I have went, I have friends that visit from time to time," he picked up a long spear and walked to the door, "Let's go before the bots begin their patrol routes." 

Burn and Carth left the tower closing and locking the door behind them. Burn gestured to Carth to follow him. It was a calm but definitely artificial wave. Very hesitantly he agreed, moving towards Burn. Walking along the lakes of acidic water there were large structures of rusted metal towering high into the sky. The sounds of the rain were accompanied with creaking and groaning of the metal. Carth never had the chance to just walk and listen like his last visit to this region. The feeling is less tense than before, but eerie nonetheless. His worry now hovers over his travel mate. Even though there were no exchanges of threats, Carth still feels little safety with Burn, the same feeling he has with his own arm. Looking at his robotic arm and all of its intrusive parts attached by the shoulder made him feel uneasy. How the parts worked together to mimic his old limb and how it can crush things with such ease and little remorse or restraint. Flashbacks to the crushed chair along with the images of Stun being left by those skeletons flashed through his mind, making him shudder. 

"Hey, you alright? You're staring quite intensely into the distance." Burn placed his hand on his shoulder snapping him out of reflection, giving him a quick jolt "we are almost out of the Floodlands, keep close. See those hills? We will set up camp there and head in the mists beyond it to say hi to my friend in the morning." Burn said, pointing to the top of the hill.

The group split on their way. Shela led the group deeper into the Floodlands while Eliza and Braith supported Denz to Worlds End. They searched til sunset with no new evidence on where he went. Stun stood around in a wary state, flashes of him being buried before he passed out went through his mind. The only thing keeping him from running is the will to protect his new hive. Though he does not know them well he trusts them with his life. He ran to Shela, which was currently looking out for either Carth or those spider bots that attacked them previously. 

"Excuse me, can I sit somewhere? I am exhausted from searching this area, both mentally and physically." Stun patted his thin frame, now covered in cuts and bruises, "we looked for him all day, don't you think we should rest so we can be more aware?"

Just then Collindore rushed to Shela with an idea, "Informative request: I know of a skeleton like myself in this place, he lives in the tall structure across the waters over there, he might have seen him during his walks around this regional area, may I guide you to him for questioning?" His tone of voice was stale and robotic as always.

Shela debated whether to accept Collindore's help or not. They have been searching for him for quite some time, this friend of his may be their ticket to a guide that knows this area well. After some time of pondering it in her head she agreed, "fine, as much as I'm going to regret getting help, we will see your friend to see if he knows anything. And he better not try to kill us or so help me you will be dismantled for leading us to danger." Shela's eyes glared into the optics that Collindore used for eyes. He chose to respond with nothing but silence as he began walking toward where his friend lived.

 They were approaching the tower as it started to show up in the distance through the rain. They soon reached the base of the tower as Collindore approached the door. He lifted his hand and moved his finger to make a shape of a key, moving it forward he inserted it into the lock. With an audible click the door opened. They walked in still with a tense silence as the only noise that could be heard was the hum of a light on the ceiling. It seemed that no one was home. Shela looked at Collindore, he was simply making himself at home. So Shela wandered up the stairs since Collindore was no help and Stun was looking around on the first floor. Arriving on the second level a tri folded piece of paper standing up straight up on a table greeted her. 

To whichever of my friends (or foes) reads this. I am currently out. I discovered an odd man nearly dead in the mud. His behavior and questions reminded me of Winslow. We have gone to visit him, we shall return after visiting, feel free to rest here while you wait for me. Oh and if this is Bagston please stop spinning the wind turbine the wrong way, you keep unscrewing it and breaking the rotor.

Shela took the note downstairs and begrudgingly gave it to Collindore to look over. "Informative comment: My friend seems to have encountered someone, waiting here may prove to be beneficial to see if either the man is Carth or at the very least know of his whereabouts."

With that everyone agreed to rest and recuperate until this friend returns, Collindore laid in the robotic bed and turned it on allowing the machine to work on all his limbs for a nice tune up while Shela sat in the back looking over the books that were left out on the table. Stun fell asleep in one of the chairs, Exhausted and wet from their journey. 

Carth woke up in a haze. He forgot where he was until he saw Burn, which gave him a quick fright. He calmed down enough to not show his fear and distrust. Burn was staring into the misty fog down the hill they sat atop. Carth’s movement caught Burn's attention, giving him awareness of his state. 

"Good to see that you are awake, did you sleep well? I do hope so, I require your attention in the fog," Burn pointed down the hill where he was previously watching. The spot they were in was quite the oddity, if you were to walk back a few steps it would be raining on you, but if you were to take a few steps forward you would be entering a wall of fog with no rain.

"Why is your friend living in the fog? Isn't it hard to see anything?" Carth was skeptical of his friend's location, every outlook pointed towards a trap. 

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"He cannot move, he has been stuck for years upon years. I believe he said four to eight generations ago, he probably lost time due to the fog. Many have passed him because he is usually what you would consider sleeping," as he was saying this he packed up his supplies and waited for Carth to do the same. 

Carth finished packing up only to finally realize his sword he had with him prior to Burn was missing, stress and even more anxiety filled him as he felt defenseless with the very creatures he feared. Burn noticed his panicked expression, but decided not to do or say anything. After Carth got a grip on his emotions he decided it's time they began their trek into the fog. 

"This place of fog we call Obedience. Be careful around the large metallic scaffolding, they are well rusted and can easily fall on top of you if leaned, pushed, or hit upon. And once we get past these valleys, keep your eyes wide, you will see something that will leave you speechless. " They descended into the wall of fog. Carth stuck close to Burn as he was the only one who knew anything about this place. He had heard stories of deadly things lurking within the fog, but he knew nothing more. As they went deeper the fog let up enough to see shadows of the structures around them. Large metallic Scaffolding going well over fifty-two meters tall. Most of the supports were rusted and thin. Carth was about to ask what they were for but he had little time. Sounds of clanking metal suddenly rang out not too far from them. 

“Get down, the Dysfunctioning ones are near,” Burn pulled Carth behind a large boulder and hid. They both went quiet and listened closely. the sound of metallic footsteps rang closer and closer. It stopped right on the other side of the rock

Sounds of static and a faint voice started to speak, “ Hel-tzzt-lo, is anyone thEre? I [ERROR CODE-23T7] I thought I saw a [security protocol active, target removal] I will just keep looking,” everytime the skeleton spoke it kept repeating the protocol and error codes in a completely different voice along with making little to no sense. But after repeating itself several times it suddenly blared a beeping noise, “there [ERROR CODE-23T7] you are [Target locked- removal initiated],” The skeleton rushed off into the fog, as soon as the sounds of its footsteps were gone a loud clang followed by the screeching noise of collapsing metal rang out through the area as a large shadow of the scaffolding fell not more than three meters from them.

“That could have ended worse, probably got crushed when it attacked whatever thing it locked onto.” Burn whispered to Carth. Carth was barely holding on as he felt sick from holding in his panic. “Not to worry though the broken skeletons usually get themselves killed quickly around here.” Without hesitation Burn got up behind the rock and continued the journey, Carth quickly followed as not to get lost. They soon arrived past the cliffs as the area opened up. Carth paused and stared up at the massive, well over eighty meter tall, silhouettes of entire arms that stuck out of the ground. They clearly are connected to something larger buried under the hardened clay surface. His eyes were wide with fear and anxiety. His eyes darted around looking for any threatening movement for a few minutes, but nothing happened. Nothing was threatening him but his own imagination, his disdain and distrust for skeletons weakened ever so slightly, however his fear for their capabilities rose due to the sight of these potential skeletons the size of a seven story building. Burn grabbed Carth by his robotic limb and pointed towards an alcove along the cliff walls. They tread towards it carefully making sure not to stir any of the Dysfunctioning. Entering the Alcove they were met with a large metal wall with a cylindrical hatch. 

"Why are we here? Is this your supposed meeting place for that friend of yours?" Carth looked around carefully so as not to touch or break anything. Burn did not speak, instead he tapped twice on the metal wall. 

The cylindrical hatch opened on the other side was rings of black disks leading to a center point with a tiny light that started to flicker on. The disks grew and shrunk, seemingly trying to focus. The light dot moved, centering on Carth and then to Burn, suddenly a voice was heard, though muffled.

"Burn, why have you woken me up?" The little light moved to Carth, "Is that what I think it is, a living human? Well this is a surprise to see." Then it clicked, Carth was looking at a giant robotic eye, it was almost like a camera lens. The black disks shrunk and grew, focusing the sight of this skeleton on Carth. It looked him up and down. A feeling of judgment landed on him. His voice sounded muffled because his mouthpiece is buried within the walls.

"Ah, a descendent of the Lostforge lineage, my name is Winslow, tell me have their smithing bested the Scrapmasters yet?" The eye focused on his face 

"You know of my family? I thought my last name was created during the start of the Holy Nation." Both Carth’s heart and mind were racing at the thought that this behemoth of a skeleton knew of his family more than he does, and worse yet knew he was a Lostforge just by looking him over, meaning he must look very similar to whomever is his great grandfather, "what do you know of the Scrapmasters? I thought they were fake."

"Oh don't fret, I sense the tension and fear, your face tells much. However, your fear is not necessary. As you can see I have no capability to even harm you let alone prevent you from harming me as I am now just a measly head so be calm. As for the name of your family, I'd say it was close to seventy-five years ago since the last time I saw a Lostforge, in fact they were the last humans to ever visit and know where I was. They were kind to me, oh and yes the Scrapmasters do exist, their works may not be widespread, but they were sure deadly. You seem to be unaware of much. I am quite surprised to hear that you don't know your own history," His eye move to Burn, "my friend here checks up on me every once in a while. Very little know who I am and even less know where I am so my historical knowledge is very little as my memories when I stood are long gone, but you still have a chance to learn your past, so discover it before you forget your origins like me." 

Carth’s mind hurt from trying to wrap his brain around this information. Many questions flooded his brain, why were his ancestors visiting here? Where did the others end up? What else does he know? And so on and so forth. Though he had all these questions he soon heard the sound of static coming from outside the Alcove.

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