Rise Of the Lost Forge

Chapter 13: Ch 13 Reunion

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Carth turned around to see a security spider and two skeletons wielding severely rusted sabres. They charged into the Alcove shouting nothing but static. Carth closed his eyes ready to be struck. Instead he heard a loud clang of grinding metal right in front of him. Opening his eyes he witnessed Burn defending a strike that would have hit him otherwise.

"Take this quickly," Burn tossed a tanto knife to Carth before continuing the clash with the skeleton. Carth fumbled the blade and dropped it onto the ground. Before he could reach and pick it up the other skeleton lashed out at Carth with its blade giving him a gash in the side, but thanks to the dullness of the blade the gash was more of a shallow cut. Burn swung his blade into the side of the skeleton targeting him, managing to damage its arm making it lose its hydraulic pressure in it causing it to go limp. Winslow was in the back watching carefully, he was incapable of joining combat due to him being a head in the wall. Carth picked up the tanto knife from the ground and tried to slash a pipe on the current attacking skeleton, he only scratched its outer shell. The skeleton turned and took another swing, only to be stopped by his own comrade.

"Get back, their CPU's degraded further, they no longer recognize each other." Burn said, pulling Carth out right as the brawl started between the two skeletons. The two began to clash, swinging their swords relentlessly slashing each other. One accidentally bumped into the security spider causing it to join in the fight. Burn and Carth looked for a clear escape path, but the infighting was blocking their path. So they just stood back watching carefully so as not to be dragged back into the fight. A quick swing from skeleton one hit the security spider and bounced off its metal shell smacking skeleton two in the face. Skeleton two switched targets and swung at the security spider only to be hit in the stomach region by the spider's mechanical pincers. Skeleton two fell to the ground bleeding and spraying black blood profusely around the room covering the other combatants in it. The spider took a jump slamming skeleton one into the ground, crushing one of its shoulders and an arm into a mangled mess. Skeleton one charged in and wailed with what's left of its movement against the spider. Burn quickly ran in while the spider turned and cut the vein tubes along its back legs, disabling them. The spider tried to make an attack against skeleton one only to collapse to the floor as the back legs lost strength that was keeping it up. Burn signaled Carth over to finish it off only to see him frozen in fear, visibly shaking, trying to hold onto the tanto knife as tightly as he could. Burn shrugged and slashed the last of the vein-like tubes of the spider causing it to completely shut off. Skeleton one charged Burn only to be knocked to the floor and severed by the neck by a side cut into its throat region.

“Carth, are you ok? This is the fifth time you froze up on me,” Burn was visibly confused by Carths actions, “are all humans in this generation as fidgety as you are? If that’s true you may need to do something about that, it would hurt your efficiency and clearly your survivability. I know you fear us. I observed your behavior several times. At first I thought it was primarily stress from your situation, but after some consideration and evidence it is primarily fear that is causing your anxious and fidgety behavior. Let us sit down while you get your wits about you. These experiences will surely need some time to settle in.” 

Burn sat down next to the dead spider, clearly waiting. Even the eye of Winslow looked at Carth in silence. Carth simply sat on the floor trying to get a hang on himself. He knows how to fight, but the strength behind the arms of the skeletons frightened him. He knew he would have to fight some of them one day but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He lost all composure and couldn’t even make a clear attack on them. He hid his face from the watchful gazes from the two skeletons that seem to be trying to help him. Trying to comprehend the situation only gave Carth a headache from trying to understand the reasoning behind everything he was trying to do and why these two were trying to help him. He shed some tears before snapping himself out of his rut, deciding right there that he will make an effort to get to be at least used to having skeletons around him. 

He silenced his mind and stood up, "well it was nice meeting you Winslow. I will try to visit sometime in the future. Burn I want to head back to your place, then return to my friends, I realized I left them in a panic," he realized that his friends were probably indeed in a panic when he ran out to go die, "I need to make amends with the skeleton I ran away from, Collindore didn't deserve my disdain. I think it's about time I right my wrongs."

Shela sat at the table on the second floor looking out the thin slit window out into the wasteland that is the Floodlands. A place that would never stop raining. Her thoughts raced with endless possibilities of Carth’s fate and how she would find him. Very little of those outcomes were good. While she stared out the window, Stun was looking over the books and decided to read a few, since they had nothing to do until this friend returns. Collindore was still lying on the repair bed, it finished the repairs but he still lay there waiting like the others. 

"Quiry: why do you worry about Carth? Is he the main provider for your team? What benefits does he provide that seems highly needed?" Collindore said, sitting up to look at Shela across the room from him. 

"Why you little-," She paused before raging, instead she started answering to find out where this rabbit hole of a conversation would lead, "I care because I love the man, he provides comfort and can make sure our blades do good. Most importantly is that he is a friend, he saved my life and I want to confide in him. You may not have feelings like mine or Stuns, but you can see he is willing to help even you with that sword he fixed up," Shela pointed at the sword he had been wielding the entire time. 

"Valid points: understanding reply: that is indeed true, he has proven himself a nice luxury of a repair service. I am unaware of the necessity of "love" as I do not have that in my vocabulary database. But the other points validate your actions. I too would chase a friend with knowledge of repairs and craftsmanship if I had known someone like that when my defense weapon shattered," Collindore sat there still, he could easily be mistaken as dead. Shela stared at him for a little longer before looking back out the window, only to see two figures off in the distance approach the tower. 

"-and that is why I don't leave the region often," Burn entered the house and spotted a hiver sitting at one of his tables. He stood there for a moment, realizing others were in his home. He drew his sword and looked into Stun’s eyes as he was the only one on the first floor. Carth did the same until he recognized his Hiver friend. He froze realizing if he is here so is-.

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"Carth, is that you?" Burn watched as the massive shek ran down the stairs and bear hugged Carth tightly, "you live oh lord you live!," tears began to form from both of them as they embraced each other. Burn was taken back by the sudden appearance of the group in his house. 

"Welcoming greeting: good to see you old friend, it has been some time since I had last visited." Collindore stated as he walked down the stairs. Both watched as Shela held onto Carth so he couldn't run away again. Carth just laughed Wiping away his tears and just embraced her, "Introduction: this is Burn my friend in the Floodlands." Collindore put his hand on Burn's shoulder. 

"Hello, I assume you are all friends of Carth? I did not know he had such friends, as when I found him it looked as if he was ready to die. I took him in because I wanted to discover what knowledge he had of the outside regions. Be wary though, he has been quite skittish at times," Carth looked embarrassed at Burn's remarks, "I shall entrust him in your care." With that the group sat down and told each other what had been going on and the ventures they had before readying themselves for their trip back.

"It was good meeting you all, and Carth thank you for the company, though it was short I still enjoyed it all the same. I hope you will visit someday, farewell." Burn led them to the front door and waved to them as they left to begin their short journey home.

"Apologetic statement: I am sorry for nearly frightening you to death. I was unaware of your extreme fear of skeletons. If I were aware of the fact I would have sent an envoy in my stead," Collindore said, keeping on the opposing side of the group from Carth trying not to frighten him, "small request: I wish for you to forgive me for my ignorance in the matter. In return the prosthetic limb will be for free, along with a small payment for your services on repairing my defensive weapon."

"I accept, though I should be the one apologizing. My overreaction to you was really harsh, but I will accept the arm as payment. No need to pay me anymore. I just need to learn to get over this fear, " Carth looked over to Collindore and only with slight hesitation walked to Collindore and stuck out his robotic arm, " Let's shake on it. Besides, I have a few things to discuss with you." With that they move through the forests and back up the mountain to World's End. Upon reaching the gates blood and heads rolled along the floor. Looking around it seemed that a group of cannibals tried to attack the town only to be slaughtered by the guards. 

"Welcome back! Did you manage to get your friend?" One of the guards asked, covered in blood, "oh sorry about the mess, this has been happening more often than not."

Shela looked around, "Have some of the others returned before us? A guy with two girls?"

The guard pointed towards one of the buildings, "yeah I do believe so, the man was quite out of shape if you ask me. They should be in the medical center over there," with that the guards let them in and they headed into the medical center.

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