Rise of The Sovereign Dragon God of Chaos

Chapter 8: “A Young Adult Dragon’s Presence…”

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1 Day Later…

[Zovi]: <<Status>>

            [Age]: [Young Adult Dragon]

   [Realm of Existence]: [True Quasi-Deity]

               [Total Mana Capacity]: [200,000]

               [HP]: [5,000]

               [MP]: [♾️]

               [Strength]: [3,500]

               [Vitality]: [2,300]

               [Magic Power]: [2,200]

               [Dexterity]: [1,750]

               [Defense]: [2,000]

               [Agility]: [1,550]

               [Stamina]: [1,950]

               [Resistance]: [1,800]



{Chaos Magic:Lvl 3}, {Chaos Dragon Scales:Lvl 4}, {Dragon Transformation:Lvl 3}, {Immortal Body:Unique Skill}, {Victim of Chaos: Unique Skill}, {Infinite Mana: Unique Skill}, {Flaming Mana Sphere:Lvl 1}, {Flame King’s Inferno:Lvl 2}, {Clone Creation Magic:Lvl 2}, {Flaming Crimson Meteor:Lvl 2}, {Dragon God’s Aura of Chaos:Lvl 1}, {Semi-Poison Immunity:Lvl 1}, {Flaming Dragon’s Breath: Lvl 2}, {Toxic Breath of Calamity:Lvl 1}, {Poisonous Dragon’s Breath:Lvl 1}, {Eyes of Chaos:Extra Skill}, {Greater Fire Nullification Immunity: Lvl 3}

“I see…” Khaos suddenly came to as he opened up his golden-yelled eyes that had a golden glare coming from them that even reflected the sunlight itself.

“I’ve acquired so many skills and my energy is a lot denser…” Khaos noticed as he started to sit up, finding that his aura and energy were much more refined and purer than they were before. 

“Hmm...” Khaos then stretched out and looked down at his body while the ground was in his peripheral vision, he seen that he was much further away from it.

“It seems that I've grown considerably…” Khaos said as he now measured 8 meters tall and weighed over 2400 pounds now. 

His entire dragon form went from being the size of some humans to the size of a proper young adult dragon. 

Khaos’ giant draconic body was covered in pure gray and crimson red scales which were significantly more durable and even glowed brightly with energy and power.

His 2 obsidian black horns had grown even larger measuring around 1.9 meters long to accommodate his height. 

If you looked even closer at his face, you could see a small ruby-red diamond implanted on the middle of his forehead which held a bit of his fire mana in it.

His obsidian black claws were radiating chaos energy and had grown longer and even more durable as well during the process of evolving.

“Time to make my presence known…” Khaos then used his 5th-Tier Skill, ‘Clone Summoning Magic’ to summon 1 identical clone that possessed only half of his power.

“Go...” Khaos commanded his clone to leave as it nodded its head once and scattered quickly and quietly into the forest.

As he watched through the eyes of his clones using ‘Eyes of Chaos, he seen that his clone was actually its own individual being which possessed its own consciousness, intellect and free will which Khaos couldn't believe at first.

The clone then started to wander around the sacred forest eating and scaring off low ranking monsters as it suddenly found itself lost in the middle of the forest surrounded by natural predators and scarce prey. 

"I've always had a bad sense of direction, but I can feel some kind of energy interacting with my own… It's almost as if it's purposely drawing me towards it… Rumble!" Khaos then heard his stomach growl and looked down only to remember that he’d been on an empty stomach ever since he defeated all the monsters in the outer layer of the sacred forest.

"Dammit… I don't want to move any closer to my clone but I have no choice...” Khaos sighed in defeat as he unfurled his wings and started to fly closer towards his clone.

It wasn't to say that Khaos was too lazy to hunt himself or anything, but all the smaller magic beasts made sure to stay out of his way at all times it seemed like, so he sent his clone to hunt for him instead.

Each time his true body would take even one step into the inner layers of the forest, every magic beast from rank F—C would run away from him. 

Though, the beast and monsters at the highest ranks of B-S, either paid him no mind at all or stayed out of his way because they didn’t want to deal with the unnecessary trouble it would bring.

 Suddenly, despite the use of passive effects from his unique skill [Immortal Body], he felt all his fatigue catch up with him as quickly as he managed to amass it.

“I need to rest for awhile... Here will be fine for tonight.” Khaos said tiredly as he decided to lay down just behind some large green and brown shrubs that were right near the outermost layers of the sacred forest.

1 Day Later…

After replenishing his energy using the connection via his clone he had been sleeping for an entire day so Khaos finally opened up his eyes. 

Though as he came to, the thing he seen right in front of him, made a look of disgust appear on his face.

Parked aways in front of him, on the long trail leading to The Araezia Empire, was a large white and gold wooden carriage. 

The luxurious carriage was being pulled by 2 giant obsidian black pegasuses that looked well-trained and disciplined as they stood unmoving like steel.

The two majestic pegasuses had giant black angel-esque wings and looked like they were owned by nobles or even members of royalty which piqued Khaos’ interest.

Khaos could sense 5 human-like mana signatures using his extra skill ‘Eyes of Chaos’, which gave him the ability to sense all energy signatures that contained life as long as he had enough mana to do so. “Snacks or main dish?…” Khaos had a murderous look in his eyes as drool mixed with strong acidic properties dripped out of his mouth and onto the ground under him leaving it burned and scorched.

Then suddenly, the carriage stopped right in front of the devastation Khaos and The Basilisk Emperor caused 5 days ago in their legendary 24-hour battle.

“Let's see what they think about the aftermath left behind from my battles...” Khaos started to find this small encounter amusing as he cracked a small smile and sat quietly while listening to the humans converse in front of his clone.

In al honesty, he couldn't believe he would already have a run-in with humans in his new life. 

He felt his blood pumping as adrenaline started rushing through his veins, even though it seemed none of humans could sense his presence or energy and couldn’t see or detect him since he was too far away. 

Not to mention, the clone he was using to act as his ‘eyes’ didn’t have anywhere near the levels of mana he possessed so it blended in with the forest as any ordinary beast.

Standing a few feet in front of the carriage, were 5 humans mixed with men and woman.

They looked like they could be adventurers and they were gazing down at the devastation, that of which was the massive crater that was nearly 70 feet deep into the ground and left nothing but scorched earth left behind.

“Who or what do you think has the power to cause this, Vice-Captain Zefir?” One of the adventurers who sounded like a teenage girl suddenly asked her Vice-Captain as the rest of her party had the same question, it had been on all of their minds.

“Who knows… Honestly, It could be The Fire Wyvern King or Phoenix Empress considering the scorch marks left behind on the ground.” Replied The Vice-Captain named Zefir, who that sounded like a brute of a man as he bent down and touched the scorched earth with two fingers leaving gray ash on his fingertips which he blew off.

“I think it’d be best to report this to the higher ups... Don't you think so, Moss?” A third voice which sounded like a mature woman asked the green-haired boy standing next to her in a relaxed and playful tone as Moss could now be seen blushing and trying to hide his face while getting angry.

“Stop messing around, Camille… It’d be smart to take care of this conniving fox woman first!” The 4th adventurer that sounded like a young teenage girl suddenly spoke in a sadistic and demanding tone as her fire mana started to swell up.

“Shut it, Margaret… All of you, come here now.” The captain of the adventuring group called ‘Neutral 5’ spoke up whole ordering her subordinates to shut up and follow her.

“It seems the leader may have noticed me...’ Khaos’ clone said in his head as he tried to move closer to get a better look.

Through his clones eyes, Khaos could see that the adventurers were all clad in a durable black metallic-like armor with some of them more durable than the others.

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Also, they already had their swords drawn. While the swords they wielded actually seemed quite reliable, since Khaos could sense the small magic energy fluctuations coming from them.

On the ground, hunched over in front of them was a girl that had black metallic handcuffs around her wrists and ankles. 

She was actually a Nine-Tailed Fox Demi-human princess who was born in the Nine-Tails Kingdom of Atorus. (Pronounced: Ata-rus) 

The Nine-Tailed fox Demi-human woman was around 175 Cm tall and had dark orange fur with long orange fox ears that were black on the inside. 

If you looked at her closer, you could see that she was even visibly covered in cuts and bruises which could be seen all over her body and face.

‘Is this finally the end for me…’ The Nine-Tailed Fox Woman thought to herself while laying down on the cold and hard ground, closing her eyes tightly while praying for salvation.

‘Why did I set out on my own in the first place… It was definitely a mistake, I should've listened to mother.’ She felt completely defeated and even winced as the adventures stood over her while looking down at her with looks of disgust or pity which hurt her pride and made tears well up in her eyes.

"Captain Isabella…" The Vice-Captain of the S-Rank adventuring group, suddenly spoke up with a firm but respectful tone.

"What is it, Zefir?" Asked Isabella, the captain of ‘Neutral 5’ as she looked at her vice-captain with a questioning and cold gaze.

"She looks to be of royal blood… We shouldn't act too rashly. Don't you think, Captain?" Zefir, The vice-the captain asked as he looked up at Isabella with a nervous but well hidden gaze that was kept away from the rest of their group.

 Isabella nodded once before sighing and looking down at the Demi-human nine-tailed fox woman that was laying down in front of her. "Get up off the ground and stop playing dead you damn vixen fox!"

“Jet-black hair and purple eyes...” When Khaos’ clone looked at closer he could see that she had long jet black hair and purple eyes with weapons and armor that was of way higher quality than her subordinates.

“Your status means nothing to me so don't try to negotiate!" Isabella said in a monotone voice as she proceeded to kick the fox Demi-human in her ribs. 

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Isabella kicked her 3 more times as you could hear the cracks of the fox woman's ribs before she bent down to whisper something in her ear which only them alone could hear.

“Listen to me…" Isabella spoke in a soft tone as she made sure only the Fox Demi-human woman could hear her. "On the other side of this canyon, lays an ancient dragon that even I never imagined existed…" Isabella said as she looked towards the cave with a look of indifference as she paused for a second before continuing. "You should try to ask them to be your familiar or just beg them for mercy or salvation… Yes… I know it sounds quite naive… In fact, it may even be courting your own death… But… At least you won't become a slave to the disgusting and filthy nobles or royalty!" 

The fox Demi-Human Princess ears suddenly perked up and started to wiggle back and forth as she coughed a little while trying to catch her breath from being kicked in the ribs. "R-Really?! You won't tell your party that I escaped? Also, why would you want to help me if you know of my true linage?"… The Nine-Tails Fox woman asked with a sense of urgency and fear hidden in her voice.

Isabella cracked a small grin, "No… Just think of this as a favor incase you manage to get on that dragon's good side. As you can see, I'm quite interested in them, so I won't tell anyone of this incident, now go!" Isabella yelled loudly at the fox woman as she imbued her own aura into her voice.

"R-Right" Replied The Nine-Tails Princess before she turned around and asked one last question, "Thank you my savior…" She bowed before continuing, "What will happen when you cut these shackles off and they see me running away?…" The Nine-Tails Princess asked with worry tinged in her voice.

"I'll take care of it… The name's Isabella Envy by the way! it's nice to meet you Princess Maiya…" Isabella replied with a soft voice before cutting both of the shackles around Princess Maiya’s wrists and ankles.

"Y-You know my name, Isabella-Sama?!" Princess Maiya asked with curiosity and a bit of excitement in her voice as her 2 fox tails wagged behind her which Isabella thought was cute.

"Of course I do" Isabella answered. "You'd be suprised to hear all the things I know about princess…"

Isabella then cut the chains of with her katana that had a silver blade and a white sheath with the symbol of a blue azure dragon on it.



Princess Maiya looked down at her wrist and ankles where the shackles once were before the realization of her freedom finally hit her.

“I can sense a mighty swordsman-like will coming from your soul... You’ll probably need this then...” Isabella said softly as she gently tossed the same white katana she used to cut the shackles off right at Princess Maiya’s feet.

“Uhh, captain... Why are you giving her your legendary katana?” Zefir asked with a questioning gaze as he looked over at Isabella confusion all over his face.

“Don’t worry... This sword can’t handle my power any longer and as you know... It’s almost time for me to search for “it”...” Isabella replied quickly we Zefir understood the meaning of her words and actions immediately after.

“I understand...” Zefir said as he nodded making the other others finally feel at easy again.

“T-Thank you Isabella-Sama... I’ll never forget your face or what you've done for me!” Princess Maiya thanked Isabella again and then picked up the sword that was given to her as she got back up on both of her feet using all the strength she could muster.

Before she walked away completely she took one last look at the woman’s face that she called her savior as she was trying to ingrain it into her memories.

The 3 adventurers that were standing beside Captain Isabella and Vice-Captain Zefir, were visibly confused about the situation.

It was clear that they had their own suspicions about what was happening right in front of them, but since they were absolutely terrified of Isabella they decided to forget about what that saw that day. 

'I have a feeling a great change will happen soon… Is this world ready for the abomination they've unleashed?…' Isabella was in thought as she stared at Maiya's back while smiling a genuine smile which was never seen on her face ever before. 

“Eh?” This shocked even Zefir as even he couldn't manage to get a smile or laugh from his captain not even once.

"I hope you make it there safe, Princess…" Isabella said quietly continued to watch Maiya run away using up all her strength as she continued to run without looking back while the sun came over the horizon and bathed her entire visage in its sunlight.

Isabella then looked at Zefir and the rest of her 3 subordinates as she then spoke in a cold and commanding voice, "That little stunt you guy's pulled just now… I don't recall it being apart of our mission, so you’ll receive your punishment when we make it back to camp, you understand?" 

The 3 adventurers with the exception of Zefir all immediately bowed their heads down as they then planted them on the ground whilenthey started moving down to lick Isabella's boots answering her quickly," Y-Yes, Isabella-Sama! We all accept punishment for our incompetence without question!" They all yelled in unison as they kowtowed even lower, planting their entire faces into the ground with great enthusiasm.

"I'm beginning to think you guy's are enjoying this kinda treatment… Will you 3 ever learn your places?" Zefir said in annoyed and raspy deep voice as he was used to seeing this kind of thing so he only watched them with a bored and exasperated expression on his face. 

The Vice-Captain of ‘Neutral 5’ Zefir, was known to be a true hot-head and warrior by nature, he hated sitting still in one place for too long without engaging in battle so suffering this kind of static movement was like torture for him.

"Did I tell you to lick the dirt off my boots yet you bastards?!" Isabella yelled with visible anger in her voice as a few veins in her forehead started to swell and her left eye then turned completely black. 


Only black magic particles could be seen floating around Isabella’s left eye but inside, it looked as if there was nothing left behind. 

There was only pure darkness in her left eye and there wasn't even a faint trace of evidence that she had a pupil before.

"Demon Eye of Envy: Thought Coercion"

"What happened here today will be forgotten, right?" Isabella asked the trio while using her visual prowess to forcibly erase this one memory from their minds which she had done a few times before.

"Yes, Isabella-Sama… What happened here today will be forgotten." The trio nodded their heads in unison then instantly fell unconscious which meant that it clearly worked.

"It looks like it worked…” Zefir confirmed in a low voice as he tossed the unconscious trio over his shoulder and threw them into his soul dimension which was a place that resembled a vast desert full of sand. "I still want to find out who or what did this but now isn't the time, huh captain?” Zefir suddenly asked as excitement and malice could now finally be seen in his vermillion red eyes which have seen many dark secrets.

"Yes… Let's go." Isabella answered in a firm but urgent tone as she squinted her purple eyes and looked at Zefir with a stern and unwavering gaze.

Isabella didn't mind doing these kinds of things to to her subordinates if it meant keeping them safe, but it seemed she had bigger issues to handle at the moment…

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