Rise to Power

Chapter 3: The Forest King

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Waking up after a nice rest I decide to go explore the forest a little more so no I can know it's layout better, but before I go I decide to try something out. I've realized I've been naked this whole time and the boxers I have were ripped up when i fought those bone wolves. Gathering my focus I start forming clothes out of my shadows, and after a while I'm now covered in some clothes that have whips of shadow coming off of them every now and then.

(A/N: Like This)

Okay now that I'm nice and covered up in some surprisingly comfortable shadow clothes I continue with my original plan. Running through the forest is a bit hard as I almost tripped when not paying attention to the ground.

After a few minutes I come across a cave. Slowing down I stop at the caves entrance to make sure I don't run into anything, and looking in the cave I realized I'm stupid. I can see without light due to my shadow powers and upon stepping into the darkness of the cave I felt my physical strength increase a bit and my shadows grew much stronger.

It's safe to say I'll try to keep my fights in the dark. Continuing deeper I noticed a dim purple shine coming from the cave walls. Upon closer inspection I notice the shine is coming from small stones within the cave walls. I feel a weak calling to me from the stone as I pull it out of the walls. 

Once the rock is fully out of the wall the purple light from it rushes towards my head nearly blinding me. Once the light dies down I feel like my body is overall much stronger than before though probably not that noticable. Looking around I realized with all these rocks I can gain a massive boost in power and confidently exit the forest without being afraid that something much stronger than me is there, looking for something to eat and I happen to be weak enough for it.

Before I start absorbing whatever I can get my hands on I travel deeper into the cave fighting the urge to just grab as many of these rocks as possible. I was currently walking down a very long corridor and I stop in front of a large door.

Opening the door with a bit of effort I look on as I see a giant purple crystal that looks like a purple star it looks like I went down quite far as the crystal goes way up into the would be abyss; at least if not for the bright purple glow and my ability to see without any lights.

The calling From this rock is far stronger as if it's invading my mind to make me touch it. I don't disagree with it though and instead of fighting the feeling I reach out and as my palm makes contact the light from the crystal almost instantly disappears. 

This lasted for a good 10 seconds before the light returned five times as bright, before the crystal fires a beautiful beam of light directly at me. This was followed by the door I came from releasing the same beam of light hitting me from both sides. I expected this to hurt but it felt. . . good like I was being energized and I won't lie I felt unstoppable.

This light also gave me information about me at least as I figured out what I was now, my role in the world and that I was holding myself back as my powers where much more than what I've shown. But it wasn't all good. This light was basically telling me that because I was some type of divine being one of many world wide, that I had a set path and for me to accept it as destiny will always win.

It was basically brain washing me to do destiny's bidding as it should be and that the only reason I found this power was through destiny. After the transformation process was done I dropped to the ground as the light did rase me from the ground.

"Like hell I'll play by destiny's rules, duck destiny." But despite saying that I feel like a hypocrite. I did just gain power through destiny, and the light didn't exactly lie saying destiny allowed me this power. Apparently destiny is a person, one of the Primordial beings in this world. The only ones free of their will are other Primordial beings ,but they could care less about the gods below them let alone anything considered below the Gods. The one exception for this is the Primordial Gaea. 

Apparently she was the most kind of all divine beings save for a few. She cared about everyone and treated everything and everyone with respect and hospitality. This didn't sit to well with the other Primordials as the where supposed to be above the rest, they were the origins of everything in existence and ruled Their section of it with an iron fist. 

And because only primordial level beings can damage one another, and nobody has reached that level nothing has changed. When Gaea tried to change things she was effortlessly sealed away as an unconscious body using her spirit to protect her slice of the many endless realms she was given as her birth right 

Standing from the ground I clench my fist. I happen to be within the divine Primordial Destiny's jurisdiction with nowhere near the power to escape her clutches for now. Hell I don't even know if she can't hear me right now, although with her  mindset she probably doesn't care or think much of me.

I mean she even gave me this information knowing that I would have been non the wiser if she hadn't. She could have something bigger planned and might be using me as a pawn. I know for sure that is I fight them as I am now I won't get the Gaea treatment but immediate erasure as I'm not as important as her.

Damn how did the mood get so gloomy. Stretching I start my walk out of the cave and while walking I noticed all the glowing rocks are now dim plain ones. Picking up the pace I run as fast as I can before suddenly smashing into a wall not ready for the new speed.

I almost forgot I got a power boost just now. Controlling myself I run out of the cave but stop as I see a massive bear blocking my way.

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Looking up at it's eyes I ready myself for a fight as it's looking at me like I'm a tasty snack right now. The bear seeing me tense up takes this as a treat to its authority. I know who this bear is the crystal gave me that information as well but only it's title 'King of the Forest'.

As I think this the bear slams it massive paws into the ground shattering everything around where it hits. Feeling a sense of danger I jump and as I do massive earth spikes shoot from the ground. To my luck they don't stop there and continue following me through the air, and as I fall back down I form a sword from my shadow slicing through the spikes.

Landing on the ground I noticed I didn't see any rock pieces hit the ground, but before I can react a spike bearly passed by my face before I jump back dodging the rock rain of this stupid bear. I then bumped into something behind me and look up.

Instead of the tree I hoped it was it was the bear and it then smacked me with a speed impossible for it's size sending me flying hitting many trees stopping after slamming into a rock side. 

" That hurt a lot." I say pulling myself from the rock as I look at the noticable trail that bear just made with my body. (A/N : No pause?)

I'm gonna need some armor to take more of those hits as my regeneration isn't to fast yet though visible to the average person. Forming some armor around my self as well as a sword, I think this should work though it's not as strong as when I'm the shadows.

I then take off at full speed towards the bear. I send long range slashes of shadow at it giving it small cuts as it just slammed it paw again sending twice as many spike as last time though I'm starting to adjust to my speed making this easier than before. I swing rapidly not in only was I cutting through all the spikes I Also shot many shadow slashes for every swing I made. 

After getting through all of the spikes I charge up the energy in my sword changing it into a spear while running. After the energy reaches optimal levels for me I throw the spear as hard as possible. Once the spear leaves my hand it transformed into a massive beam of darkness, as I feel my energy noticably drain the bear was engulfed within the darkness.

Thinking I won I moved to head to my camp when an earth wall blocks my way. Turning back to where the bear was I noticed while it was heavily injured and it's injuries didn't seem to be healing it still didn't seem afraid of me even a bit.

I thought that attack would kill it or at least make it hesitant to continue this fight, but it simply started glowing green it's wounds instantly closing as it started growing larger. . . much larger. It looked like a Kaiju now standing at a massive 85 meters dwarfing me even more in size.

It then stands on it's hind legs making it twice as tall (170 meters) before letting out a massive roar shaking everything around like a massive earthquake. 

' There is no way this is a coincidence, someone sent lured this here but the question is who did it.' I thought as I looked up at my opponent.





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