
Chapter 141: 63: Alone – Part 1

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We make our way out of the castle and stroll through the colorful formal gardens. The complete absence of any guards nearby and the huge dark wall surrounding us make it seem like we have the garden entirely to ourselves. But through a Holly, I know that there are many guards all over the Shell that can see us from far away.

I feel uncomfortable being under the care of the Rincipios, but we are undoubtedly safe from heretics while we're here. The wall is nearly unbreakable, and the sky is covered in protective enchantments that would certainly stop four [Meteor]s, so there's not that much to worry about.

My stunt of kicking a hole into Escano's Shell has certainly shaken up the perceived invincibility of the elven castles, but I won't be able to repeat that feat so easily. And if I can't do it twice, then it's likely that the heretics also won't be able to.

Our house is on the inner circle, close to the castle's entrance, which means that we are in a favored position in Confiel's eyes. I'm not sure how loyal the nobles living in this area are to Confiel, but living this close to a Crown Lord's castle implies a great amount of trust.

We reach the red and yellow brick mansion and cross through the gate. The guard posted at the entrance barely spares us a glance, already familiar with our faces, somehow.

"How did he recognize us?" I ask Alissa through [Bind].

"Well, I find it unlikely that Confiel would be hosting more than one couple composed of a half-imperial and a werefox."

"I'm half-imperial?"

"Your hair says that you're from the Mainland, but your pale skin and freckles indicate an inheritance from Maplethorne."

I think that "inheritance" means genetics.

"Why is hair color more important than skin tone?" I ask.

"Because in Faium, Maplethorne, and Dyrmorder, everyone has the same skin tone but different hair colors. However, freckles is a Maplethorne thing."

Huh. Well, I was already a mix of a Brazillian native and an eastern European immigrant, so it's not like I was a "pure breed" to begin with.

Once we get far away enough from the guard, we start speaking normally again, so I ask, "Don't people mix with different races fairly often? Hair color being specific to a region would eventually stop being a thing as more and more people mix."

She assumes a serious persona and starts lecturing me, "You can pray for children to be born with certain characteristics the same way that we pray for their race. But mixed children aren't that common outside of places like Rabanara. In many parts of the Empire, only children born with specific characteristics or races can inherit land. For example: only the elven children that you might have with Yulania will be able to become Crown Lords."

"Oh… and the same goes for the Misty Low Forest?"

She nods. "Only our children that are born as werefoxes would be able to inherit land. Over there, you have to be a werefox to even buy the land.

"Could Confiel's and Mavel's disagreements come from these sorts of laws? He said that he wanted to bring in outside talent, so maybe his reforms would have loosened some of these laws."

She nods, and her fox ears bob cutely. "It's quite possible. People are pretty protective of these laws that prevent imperial 'influence' from corrupting their customs."

"Even on Earth, this sort of thing happens."

She hugs my arm tighter, and we enter our mansion. The air is cooler and fresher than the outside. The high ceiling and tile-covered interior help a lot with that.

We cross through and exit into our backyard: a large concrete patio with a bright blue pool and a few hedge statues around a grass garden. The pool catches my attention due to its unnaturally blue color.

But that attention is quickly redirected to the girls. Hana and Yulania are sparring with training longswords, with the elven goddess fighting Hana to a standstill.

Their white shirts stick to their sweaty bodies, showing off the contours of their underwear. Not that Yulania was hiding hers, as her dark bra and bouncing breasts are exposed by her almost fully unbuttoned shirt. Her dark pants are tight and elastic, almost like yoga pants. The open fly and the loose waistband of her pants let her small panties peek out enticingly.

Damn, girl, you look like a fine steak.

It seems that the pervy elves even managed to make Snow Weave into almost-yoga-pants. But wait, shouldn't all that bouncing hurt? Sports bras were created for a reason.

After I stop drooling, I notice how oddly Yulania is fighting. No matter how she moves, she makes no sound. The way she fights is also rather defensive, and her defense is seemingly impenetrable.

Her blade occasionally touches Hana's skin, but Hana's aggressive style lets her inflict a quick counterattack and even the score.

They are following not-fencing rules, so small touches earn them single points. But those types of wounds wouldn't actually debilitate someone, so the fight is dragging on with neither contestant gaining the upper hand.

On Earth, sure, a strike on the thigh could lead you to lose a duel, but in Rupegia, you'd need only to stall until the HP potion takes effect for you to recover. Small wounds aren't the way to end a fight, only strong and clear cuts count towards victory.

Eventually, Yulania starts to slow down, and her face distorts from exhaustion, then Hana smirks and pushes her even harder.

It takes only a few more seconds for Yulania to trip and finally be defeated.

"I surrender…" Yulania says weakly, and I become able to hear her produce sounds normally again.

"Hah!" Hana raises her fist in victory, and then offers a hand to help Yulania get up.

"Wolfy, I'm horny! She's so ho~t!" Roxanne complains in my soul space.

"She's mine, you slut," I reply and receive the mental image of a comically large pout.

Then Hana turns to me and narrows her eyes in annoyance. "My style isn't 'aggressive'; it's based on tiring out the opponent, not winning with brute-force," she says.

"First, alright, I get it. Second, get out of my head!" I exclaim and poke her through [Bind], eliciting a sensual moan from her. "Aw, fucking hell…" I shake my head and pout.

Yulania blinks blankly in confusion for a few seconds, then Lina hands them towels and she awakens from her daze. "Oh, thank you," she whispers.

"I'm a masochist!" Hana exclaims proudly to Yulania.

"Oh, right, obviously," Yulania responds and shakes her head, making her hair and ears bounce. Then she turns to me and says, "So, 'realm traveler,' once I've had a little bit of rest, would you care for a spar?"

I unconsciously lick my lips and say, "I'll be delighted to."

Hana copies Yulania's lack of shame in exposing her underwear and completely unbuttons her shirt and pants.

There's nobody that could see us here, and the soldiers in the Shell aren't allowed to look into the properties, so I'm extremely tempted to fuck Hana right here, right now. But I'm not sure how Yulania would react to that, so for once, I keep it in my pants.

I also get a feeling that she might have a gaydar or something since she decides to sit between Roxanne and Hana, who give her body their full, undivided attention.

The girls continue telling our story, and they finally reach the part where I fuck an entire inn of ravenous women.

The elven goddess that everyone, even Ciel and Lina, is salivating over stops drinking her iced tea and sighs softly. "I have no more ribbing comments to make; I'm actually impressed," she says. I smirk, and she chuckles at my current state.

I pat my lap-loli while I rest my head against my chocolate pillow. Two tail-hands protrude out of my neck: one to caress the head of my pillow and the other to [Massage] the ears of my foxy slut.

Alissa is almost falling asleep as she imagines me lovingly fucking Yulania while she's tied up and ignored.

If only we were naked right now, I-…

Damn, I'm thirsty!

Ciel lets out a soft and happy sigh that only I can hear, then she looks at the solidified-mana-hand giving her angelic delight and smiles wryly. "You'll get used to it quite fast," she says.

"I… hope so," Yulania softly adds with a nod.

After rest, we prepare for our spar.

The perfect woman stands before me with an evil glare, giving me an erection and playing with my domination fetishes. I don't even need Gify's help to get myself into the right mindset to fight her.

She smirks and leans forward, ready for battle.

I need to subdue her and show her who's in charge.

"Do you mind if I use some Eia? My basic [Weaverism] isn't enough to compete with you without it," She asks, surprising me a little.

Her innocent compliment might actually be part of a plan to make me underestimate her. But I want her to fight me with her full power, so I nod in agreement.

She opens her [Item Box] and materializes a small green candy on her palm with a *poof*. She slowly uses her adorable little tongue to scoop it into her mouth. A shudder courses through Roxanne's body as she watches Yulania's sexy lips and tongue.

I stare into her eyes while she plays around, and I get a feeling similar to hearing the resounding ring of a glass being struck. Then Yulania's pupils start to dilate, and the feeling fades into nothing again.

Is she… using [Weaverism] on us?


Even if it's only on herself, I want to know what it is.

"Ready?" I ask, and she nods.

I slide forward and strike. She meets my sword and pivots, bringing the point of her blade towards my face. I move to block with my shield, and she slides around it, scratching my left cheek exactly where my vertical scar is. Since she only lightly touched me, she gains a single point.

That was odd.

She's also not making any sound as she moves, throwing me off a little.

I strike again and defend myself from her counter, only for the tip of her sword to slide perfectly around my defenses and scratch me again.

This repeats four more times as I probe her defenses. I start to get the feeling that she's untouchable, not because she's skilled, her attack pattern is simpler than mine, but because she seems to predict my attacks.

Ooh… is this something related to [Weaverism]? Well, how about I do this…?

I cast [Rush] and strike as fast as the spell allows me to. She winces before I even touch her and struggles to keep up with my attacks.

"Point to Wolf," Ciel announces.

"Point to Wolf."

"Point to Wolf."

"Point to Wolf."

This will take ages. Even though I have speed, I don't have enough to finish this duel, and I hate attrition battles, unlike Hana.

I shift tactics.

A light [Earth Bullet] at her leg to distract her. A [Lightning Bolt] that, although it gets partially absorbed by [Rainbow Shield], is enough to make her flinch. I spin and float with [Acrobatics] and [Telekinesis] and land a sneak attack with [Soul Manipulation] that touches her calves but doesn't slice her ankles.

She really is predicting my attacks, but she can't react to them all at the same time!

I simultaneously pull her sword up with [Telekinesis] and blind her with [Spirit Light], then I strike down at her leg with all of my strength and easily pass through her [Wind Shield].

"Major point to Wolf."

Suddenly, I feel heavy, and it becomes difficult to stay upright. I cast [Telekinesis] to make myself light, but it doesn't help. A sticky feeling starts to spread across my skin and pull me down.

She sweats heavily, and her face pales as she starts chanting [Entangling Vines], but that was a mistake. I instantly cast the same spell and bind her in place before she can finish chanting.

She grits her teeth, and I cast [Vine Weapon], creating a blunted javelin in my hand. She raises her sword to parry, and I pull it down with [Telekinesis] so strongly that she can't raise it back up, then I throw the javelin.

It hits her square in the chest, and she falls backward. Suddenly, I don't feel sticky anymore, and I return to being able to move normally. She didn't surrender yet, so I [Rush] forward.

While gasping for breath, she swings her longsword at me, and I bat it out of her hands with a [Telekinesis] powered counter. Suddenly, my sword hand feels so heavy that I can't move it to attack her anymore. I don't lose my grip on my sword or get pulled down, I just lack the strength to lift my hand.

Yulania gets on her knees, and I use my shield to bash her face. She uses an arm to protect herself, but still gets sent to the ground again.

I straddle her chest and use my knees to press her shoulders against the ground. I release my shield since it's too big for this situation and punch her perfect face.

I miss the jaw, and she doesn't pass out, so she's able to push against the floor and slip up a bit from under my knees. Now, I'm merely straddling her waist, and her sweaty body is pressing against mine. My nose is filled with the alluring smell of her sweat and intoxicating perfume.

Her resistance is making my anger quickly flare up inside of me, greatly lowering my inhibitions about causing her pain.

I grab her neck and cast [Shocking Touch]. She goes limp for only a few seconds, but that's long enough for me to start choking her and push her against the ground again.

She doesn't tap my arm in defeat, continuing to resist me and trying to undo my grip on her neck. I cast [Shocking Touch] again, and she loses most of the strength in her hands, but doesn't go limp this time.

She's really good at resisting [Electric Magic].

[Entangling Vines] fades, and her legs are no longer restrained, but their thrashing accomplishes nothing as my legs are perfectly wrapped around her waist.

Her mouth hangs open, and her eyes roll back as she struggles to breathe and finally passes out. My right arm instantly returns to normal, and I hold my sword against her neck. I notice that her legs are randomly spasming.

"Pass out! Victory to Wolf!"

I loosen my grip on her neck, and she wakes up, then notices the practice sword, and her body goes limp. She sighs and closes her eyes. I remove the sword but keep my fingers wrapped around her neck.

"Victory to Wolf!" Ciel repeats so that she can hear.

I cast [Heal] on her and lower my head closer to hers until our noses touch, then she opens her eyes and I see a hint of fear within them. The feeling of a glass being struck comes back, but now it's so strong that it drowns out everything else.

You are reading story Rupegia at

What is that…?

She breathes in slowly and deeply and closes her eyes, then she raises her face to meet me and kisses my lips. The resounding ring instantly disappears, and I open my eyes wide in surprise. The way she forces her eyes shut makes her seem like an innocent girl who's forcing herself to kiss her boyfriend for the first time.

This was not what I was expecting her to do, but I'm not one to say no to a kiss, so I respond and pull her face closer. I part her lips with my tongue, and she responds, showing me how thirsty she really is.

I instantly feel her need for care and love, and start hugging her body. Her hands rise up and slip under my shirt. They glide over my skin and move towards my face, pushing my shirt up as they go.

I break the kiss, and she pulls off my shirt, then her hands go down, caressing my pecs and abs. She looks at my body with a bit of hunger and fear. I'm still not sure why she's doing this.

Then her hands stop at my belt and start to undo it. I look down at her chest and see her white shirt exposing her dark lacy bra to me. In between her perfect breasts, there's a small hook, so I eagerly release it.

Her glory breaks free from its chains, exposing her pink nipples to me.

There's a perfect woman below me with her majestic, drill-like hair sprawled out on the ground and her delicate hands undoing my belt. This is another scene that I need a painting of.

She throws my belt away and unbuttons my pants, then reaches into my underwear and pulls out my cock. She stops and stares at the thick meat rod in her delicate hands.

I immediately freeze Alissa with [Bind] before her hand can finish sneaking towards her pussy.

Then I reach behind me and rub a finger against her panties, causing her to squeak out a girly moan. She starts stroking me while I rub her drenched entrance.

I push my hips towards her, and she pulls back the foreskin, exposing my red head. Then she opens her mouth wide and swallows me whole. She deepthroats me as her tongue rubs strongly against my shaft and balls, begging for the symbol of my virility.

I push her panties to the side and penetrate her with my index finger. She starts squeaking adorable moans as I fingerfuck her, and her voice makes her throat vibrate against my head.

Due to how thirsty I am for her, I don't last long.

"I'm gonna cum," I warn her, and she pulls it out, then I glaze her perfect face and mark her as mine. She manages to swallow some of it, then immediately starts cleaning her face and eating the rest.

She releases my cock, and I stop straddling her. I go back and pull her pants and panties off of her, exposing her deep red lips to me. An adorable golden landing strip adorns her wet promised land.

She casts [Clean] on her mouth and takes her boots off by herself. She spreads her legs to me, her dripping entrance presented like an enticing invitation. Then I lean over her again, making our noses touch. I stare into her eyes, then she averts her own.

Feeling annoyed, I grab her face and order, "Look at me. If you don't want to do this, then say so, but look at me."

Her scared eyes turn to me, and I feel like I can hear a glass window shattering. She winces and whimpers, then her hungry face warps with pain as tears form in the corner of her eyes.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Sorry…" She mutters and looks away guiltily.

"What was that?" I repeat.


"Yulania! I'm not chastising you, I just want to know what you did!"

She hugs herself but doesn't cover her breasts, which only makes her look even more enticing, which I don't think was her intention.

"That's called [Mask]. It helps me… keep my emotions under control," she whispers, and a silent tear runs along her cheek. I release her face, and she turns her head away.

"Why would you need that?" I ask, and she sends me an angry glance. "Oh… right, sorry. I just… didn't know what it was."

She weakly nods twice and frowns, her face showing a hint of anguish.

Her confidence, magnificence, and even some of the shininess of her hair seem to fade as the proud woman now looks like nothing more than a wounded and vulnerable girl alone in the world.

She… reminds me a little of myself.

I sigh and sit in front of her, then I pull her up into a hug. I start to caress her head while applying some of my soul touch to it.

She sniffles, and my shoulder starts to feel wet.

"You can let it all out now. Cry, cry as much as you want," I whisper into her ear.

"I hate crying," she mumbles amid her whimpers.

She sobs for a while, then her arms wrap around my back, and she hugs me tight as her legs wrap around my waist, making my penis rest against her crotch. My shaft feels her intense heat and twitches.

She grabs my dick and shifts around, then rubs my head against her labia.

I loosen the hug so I can look at her face, my eyebrows raised in surprise.

She narrows her deep blue eyes in annoyance. "They said you can be too gentle, so don't you dare stop now. I need this," she whispers to me.

Right, Ciel said that people here use sex as a way to find comfort. That's what she wants, so that's exactly what I'll give her.

I pull her towards my lap, then I grab her waist and help her lower herself onto me. I gently spread my soul out of my dick, causing her to gasp, then her legs tremble as my head parts her lips.

Her warmth wraps around me, and she starts to breathe heavily. She grabs my head, and her deep blue eyes link with mine.

She pulls my head closer and gives me a hungry, messy kiss as I slowly bounce her up and down my length.

Her body is surprisingly light. She's taller and physically stronger than Roxanne, but weaker (and lighter, but don't tell her that) than Ciel, making it quite easy for me to use her as a cock-sleeve.

She wants to touch me with everything she can. She wants to fuse with me and open her heart. She wants to share her pain and receive my happiness.

I feel like casting [Bind], but then I think about Lina and how eager she is for that.

Sensing my torn feelings, Alissa calmly says in my soul space, "Don't. She can deal with this pain by herself. Lina's happiness is more important."

I nod internally and focus on Yunia. I share with all the girls exactly how amazing it is to fuck her, causing Alissa's words to quickly become a garbled mess as sexual frustration wracks her mind.

The other girls start their fivesome while watching us. Yulania momentarily freezes as she sees Hana eating Aoi out, but the rising heat in her cunt is enough to tell me her opinion about this sight.

Roxanne's tail fucks Lina while the succubus herself uses everything else on Ciel, making her convulse by intensively stimulating her clit and g-spot at the same time.

My soul touches Yulania's cervix, and her high-pitched girly moans increase in intensity.

"Ah… fuck me… fuck me harder… fuck that… pussy…!" She mumbles between moans.

Her feet kick against the floor repeatedly as her whole body quivers and her toes curl. I subtly add a clit rubber and some light ribbing to my dick, then I elongate it to make sure that it slams against her cervix with every thrust.

Her eyes soon roll back into her head, and she starts to go limp, then I decide that she's had enough and shoot rope after rope of my white paint deep inside her.

My lap gets coated in my dye, then I lower her onto the floor and take out my brush. I continue cumming continuously, staining her clothes and marking her whole body as mine with my seed.

She slowly starts to recover her lucidity and begins to absentmindedly scoop out my cum to eat as if it were candy.

Aoi wants to dart towards us, but I stop her with [Bind]. This time, Yulania is mine, solely mine.

The body of the elven goddess still twitches randomly as the last remnants of the strongest orgasm she's ever had still courses through her body. Her face relaxes, and her tears dry, bringing back her majestic aura, now completely sullied by my mark.

I stand above her, still erect as my Symbol of Power drips with ambrosia. I notice the imprint that my hand left on her neck is becoming more visible as a faint bruise forms.

Oh… I'll [Heal] you in a minute. I just need to burn this image into my memory.

My first time with Alissa (in both forms), Hana, Roxanne, Ciel, Lina, Aoi, and now Yulania. I'll never forget any of these historic moments of my life.

The defiled elf's eyes regain their focus and look at my grinning face, then at my still erect and dripping cock. "You're a monster," she says.

"Thank you," I respond and bow, then I cast another [Heal] on her.

"Thank you," she says shyly.

Once I see that her bruise is completely gone, I turn around and walk past Alissa without even looking at her.

I stop before the frozen Aoi and smirk. "You thirsty, thirsty slut. Who'd have imagined that dragons were such cock-slaves?"

"Fuck me!" She demands.

"Alright," I say and release her from [Bind].

Yulania witnesses firsthand the glory of high-impact sexual violence. Perhaps that might have traumatized her just a little.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Braidborn.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Yeeteris Dedmeem.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Andrew Heffelbower.

Lord Markus.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Evil.

Noble Yamibomb112.

Noble Maurice.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Geminus.


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