
Chapter 142: 63: Alone – Part 2

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Alissa and Lina worship their Idol of Love so that my Endless Hunger could be satisfied. Their little tongues make it erupt repeatedly with the Source of Life, Blessing their perfect faces with its holiness.

Meanwhile, the other girls enter the pool completely naked to cool themselves off. Aoi shrinks into small-Aoi and spreads her wings to help her float in the water, then joins Gify who had entered the water a long while before her.

Roxanne approaches Yulania while grinning from ear to ear. "Would you care for a 'special massage' from the two of us?" She asks.

Yulania lazily lifts an eyebrow, then closes her eyes and lets her body float on the surface. "Do as you wish," she says.

Two lions pounce on a vulnerable gazelle and eat her up. The soft and gentle cries of the delicate animal resound through the yard and cause another eruption of the Source of Life.

Hana looks rather gentlemanly with a golden mustache, which seems like it might be the perfect adornment for her face.

While they play, I take a look at Yulania's stats that have just been unlocked for me.

That "Heightened Connection to Life" is quite interesting.

How fascinating! She seems to be a bit more of the sneaky kind, but she's also a Spirit and Nature mage!

I'm very interested in her spells. [Chain Life], [Life Perception], and [Disruption Field] are completely novel to me. By the order they're listed in, they must belong to [Weaverism].

As our lust subsides, we join the rest of the girls in the pool, all of us soaking naked in the refreshingly cool water. Its deep blue color is kind of pretty, but it also makes me think that it might be contaminated with something.

"Why is the pool so blue?" I ask.

"It's to mimic the color of the water found in the Thunderplains," Yulania responds in a soft voice.

"There's a mineral in the water there that gives it its color. It isn't harmful, though," Ciel adds.

Yulania opens her eyes, and their fogginess slowly fades, returning them to their beautiful bright blue. "You've been to the Thunderplains?" Yulania asks.

Ciel nods and smiles. "Yes, just once. I was with the Templar Knights of the Wandering Order. It's a beautiful place that I'd like to visit again sometime."

Yulania closes her eyes again and smiles bitterly. "It is. My favorite hidden retreat is there, too. My silver mother said that I'm truly half silver elf because of how much I enjoy the grasslands of the Thunderplains."

"The grasslands have the freshest air, so it's my favorite place, too," Lina comments, and Yulania chuckles once. "What?" Lina asks and tilts her head.

"It was just that your comment was very… 'dwarfy.'"

Then Hana's brain massage makes Yulania softly moan.

Lina shrugs and snuggles against my chest.

Gify cutely paddles towards Yulania and climbs up her shoulder. The elven goddess lazily opens her eyes, then they shoot open as she stares at the little griffin with surprise. As an initiate Nature mage, she understands the significance of having a nature spirit decide to touch her for the first time.

We all move towards her and hold on to a part of her body, which startles her a bit, then Gify does her thing and connects us all together.

I see a palace in the middle of a lonely island. The sunset makes it shine with gold and orange, but the lower light also hides many of its details. The paint is starting to come off in various spots, moss is growing in the corners, small cracks are appearing in the walls, the luster of the gold is fading, and the decorative metal is scratched and worn.

"Ah!" Yulania gasps as she perceives what's inside all of our hearts at the same time.

Her eyes lose focus again, and she smiles faintly as her body is "massaged" by Gify.

She had her womb massaged by me, then had every erogenous zone stimulated by Hana and Roxanne, and now she's receiving a "soul massage." If this doesn't make her feel "refreshed," then nothing will.

The connection slowly fades, and we all return to normal. Yulania looks a little embarrassed, but Hana's brain massage quickly washes that away.

"Is every day going to be as intense as this?" She asks and looks around with an intense gaze.

"Well, not really, but it happens quite often," Ciel says and chuckles.

"Especially if you ask Wolfy to not be gentle," Alissa says.

"I see…" Yulania says in a low tone and looks at me a little fearfully. "You have some strange… skills, Wolf. I'm still not really sure what that was that you did to me."

Call me Wolfy, please.

I smile gently and answer, "That was my 'soul touch.' As the girls have told you, I can move my soul at will, and I coated my… penis with it. My soul touching yours causes pleasure, for some reason."

She narrows her eyes. "You mean 'spirit' instead of 'soul,' correct? The soul is merely the inner part of the spirit, like your inner organs. You can't use your soul to 'touch' anything else without rupturing your spirit, which is like your skin, because doing so would cause instant death."

Of course, a Spirit mage would be the one to push me to use the right terminology.

I smile wryly and say, "R-right, yeah, I've been using the wrong term, but my skill is called [Soul Manipulation]. I believe that I actually move my spirit by moving my soul, but I only actually touch things with my spirit."

She opens her beautiful eyes wide in surprise. "So, you've developed something like 'soul muscles'?"

I nod repeatedly. "That's a good analogy."

Her expression returns to being slightly stern. "Impressive."

"Thank you."

"Uh… can we start making lunch? I'm getting hungry," Roxanne suggests.

Yulania becomes a little uneasy.

I smirk, and Roxanne instantly understands her reaction, then smirks, too.

"Have you ever prepared a meal?" Roxanne asks Yulania.

"Yes…" The elven goddess responds and swallows heavily.

Roxanne pulls up Yulania's hands towards the surface of the water and gently inspects them. Then she succumbs to her lust and starts to sensually suck on her fingers.

Yulania immediately licks her lips and stares intently at Roxanne. It seems that elves are quick to recognize lewdness.

Before we all start getting in the mood again, I poke Roxanne's soul, and she stops being so lewd.

"Yulania…" Roxanne starts with a low, teasing tone. She approaches Yulania and gives her cheek a slow and strong lick. "This taste… is the taste of a liar!"

The little liar shivers in fear of Roxanne and closes her eyes.

"Tell us the truth. You don't want to ruin the first meal we share together," Alissa warns her.

"Oh no! My meat has to be perfect, like always!" Aoi exclaims.

"Gih!" Gify agrees.

"Three of us have [Cooking] as a skill. We'll discover the truth sooner or later," I say with a severe tone.

"I've never touched a knife in my life!" Yulania finally admits, and her pink skin quickly turns red with shame.

"What an innocent Lady you are…" Hana says and pats her head softly.

"I'm not a Lady," Yulania protests without much energy.

"Sheltered for her entire life from the evil taint of the Cilrag and Remmidy. What a pure existence you are," Roxanne teases.

Those are not-garlic and not-onion.

Yulania pouts slightly, making her juicy red lips a little juicer. "They do smell terrible," she mutters.

We chuckle at her expense, and she sinks her face underwater, then makes bubbles in frustration.

"Alright, children, enough playing around. It's time to prepare lunch," Ciel says.

We start getting out of the water and drying ourselves off.

Yulania's hair has become almost completely straight, giving her a much colder air, similar to her mothers' portraits. Then she pulls out a long, drill-like piece of metal with a small gem at its base. She wraps her hair around the magic tool then activates it. It instantly dries her hair, and when she takes it out, her hair remains in the same drill shape it had earlier.

I kneel beside her, and she looks at me with a hint of wariness.

She has [Acting], so it's possible that her actual emotions are much stronger than this.

"Would you like me to help?" I ask.

She hesitates for a moment, then hands me the magic tool.

"Don't you have to brush it first? It should help maintain the shape, right?" I question.

"Y-yes, it does. But I didn't think that we had the time," she responds.

"For you, we do."

She nods twice and pulls out two brushes. While the girls dress and walk towards the mansion, we stay here while we bring her hair to its former glory.

"Didn't expect you to be interested in such things," she says in a low tone.

"Why?" I ask.

"You have five… uh, six other women to take care of. I'll completely understand when you need some time alone."

I stop brushing her hair and think for a few seconds.

She stops, too and turns to look at me with curiosity.

"Ever since I met my wives, I've never been alone," I say.

She lazily lifts an eyebrow. "Okay…" She says, not really believing me, and resumes brushing her hair.

"No, seriously. I'm always with one of the girls, so there's always someone getting some quality time with me."

"That's…" She turns around and looks at me a little annoyedly, then immediately stops and shakes her head. "No, you're a monster, of course, you'd be like that. You're an incubus-type demon in disguise, that's what you are."

I smirk. "I prefer the nickname 'incubus' much more than 'monster.'"

She chuckles once. "I'll start calling you Mr. 'Good Luck' then."

I let my mouth hang open with a sad frown. "No~, please don't."

Now she smirks, and her narrow eyes give her a "cool beauty" vibe. "Ha! They told me that you'd be annoyed with that one."

"Why would… traitors!" I shake my fist in the air. "Let's stop with these nicknames then, just call me Wolfy, please," I plead.

"Hmph, fine. Call me Yu, Yula, or Yunia, then."

Oh, Yunia sounds really cute.

"I prefer Yunia," I say.

"Good choice," she says and resumes brushing her hair once again.

We spend a few more minutes naked while restoring the work of art that is her hair.

Once we finish, we regretfully have to get clothed again. Though at least there's a certain allure to a sexily dressed woman that doesn't remain when clothes come off, so it's not like the eye-candy diminished. Then I get my little me under control and go towards the mansion to help prepare lunch.

Okay, I'll never use "little" to refer to my thunder cock ever again.

To show Yunia some of the commoner cuisine, we prepare poutine. Nothing but simple ingredients that make for a very hearty meal.

"It's not very healthy, though…" Yunia says a little shyly.

"Exactly," I agree with her and grin.

Both Hana and Lina pout. The two of them have some slightly unhealthy eating habits, and I really don't know how Lina maintains her perfect, lithe figure.

Then, as we eat, Osaria finally receives the news about Mavel's death.

She rushes towards Klein and tells her the "good news." They both look at the bird with hopeful eyes.

"So, you did it? You've gained Confiel's support?" Osaria asks gently to the bird and lovingly pats its head.

"Now you just have to survive the dungeon," Klein says and their excitement deflates.

"I hope that you're fine…" Osaria says in a low tone, and Klein nods.

"Wasn't Mavel your not-blood-brother?" Klein asks Osaria.

Lina's Trivia: that means brother-in-law.

Osaria smiles bitterly. "We've never been close, and our relationship worsened when my ex-husband… started to become sick in the head. I'm actually only sad for Yulania. She was a good girl and didn't deserve to get dragged into Mavel's stupid war."

We have to tell her that Yunia is still alive.

Klein nods in grim understanding.

I clear my throat and start, "So… Yunia…"

"What? Is that her nickname, now?" Hana interrupts me.

"Yes, I… prefer that," Yunia responds with a nod.

"Nice! I like long names, but cute nicknames are even better!"

"Anyway…" -I send a short glare towards Hana- "Yunia, I have to tell you that your aunt Osaria is my…. Uh… sex friend? Concubine?"

"Concubine," Alissa agrees with a nod.

"You mean that she actually likes you and not just your… dick?" Yunia asks and uses [Acting] to keep her expression straight.

"She definitely likes him. A least a little," Ciel says.

Yunia raises her eyebrows and leans back in her chair. "Wow. Your… uh, penis is not really on the bigger side of things. I mean… it's thick and has a nice length, but…" She stops talking and facepalms while she bites her lip. Her face starts to gain a stronger shade of pink

I chuckle and say, "I get it, it's average. Now, where were you going with that?"

She sighs and strains her facial muscles to keep her face neutral. "I mean, Osaria likes it big, and aside from Rande, I don't think that anybody would be able to make her 'happy' consistently enough for her to become something like a concubine."

There are some things about Osaria's life that I think I'll just continue to ignore, but there's one important detail here that I need to know.

"Okay, why do you know that?" I ask and struggle to not laugh.

It immediately dawns on her, and her brilliant blue eyes stare deeply into mine. "No! I've never slept with her or Rande! It's just… that she doesn't really keep these things secret." She cringes so hard that I feel a little bad for her.

"He didn't even need to make his dick bigger. He made her become addicted to his cock with just his soul-, erm, 'spirit touch,'" Alissa says and corrects herself.

You are reading story Rupegia at

Yunia rolls her eyes. "Of course you did… Well, it's fine. She's a good woman who's had a hard life, and she deserves some comfort."

I smile gently at her. "She thinks that you're dead, so we should tell her what's happened to you to let her heart be at ease," I say.

Yunia nods in agreement, and a small smile adorns her red lips.

"Huh… so, she's our not-blood-aunt now," Roxanne comments.

"We're also related to Rande!" Hana exclaims and laughs.

"Oh…" Lina lets a shy exclamation escape from her mouth when she remembers Oura.

"Hm… so there will be many more chances for you and Nito to meet?" Roxanne asks with a teasing smile.

"I never told anyone that Nito has a thing for me," I say as I narrow my eyes at her, and she grins.

I watch the faces of Alissa, Hana, and Aoi. Then I feel a very small hint of guilt coming from Alissa and glare at her.

"Aren't you compelled by [Tongue of Obedience] to keep my secrets?" I question her.

Alissa freezes completely and starts talking robotically. "The fact that Nito 'is smitten' with you isn't really a 'secret' since Lina is the one that gave me that suspicion first. The fact that I shared this information with Roxanne isn't a breach of the contract since you tell us everything."

Lina lowers her head and stares intently at her hands, deeply embarrassed.

"You little shit," I grumble while the rest of the girls and Gify laugh.

"Wait, did you sleep with Oura and Nito?" Yunia asks.

"No. Also, Nito is a man, and I'm not gay," I answer matter-of-factly.

Yunia looks slightly amused. "But he's not really that manly; he's almost a girl. All that he's missing is a vagina."

"Traps are totally gay, no question about that," I confidently state.

"Trap?" Alissa asks and tilts her head.

"'Gay' is translated but not 'trap'? This world lacks culture." -I shake my head dramatically- "A 'trap' is a man who looks and dresses just like a girl."

Yunia nods in understanding. "O~h… well, I don't think it needs to be translated. Plenty of girly men love to bait manly men into sleeping with them."

"The presence of a dick makes it gay. I'll never suck a dick or drink cum," I state.

"Well, you don't really have to do that much. You just have to fuck his tight little back hole," Roxanne says and delights herself with each word.

"Why don't you sleep with men? It's fun!" Aoi asks.

"Personal preference," I answer immediately.

"Insecurity in his identity as a man," Ciel says, casually.

I scoff and look at her in surprise. "Even you?"

Now she scoffs and gives me some sass. "Hey. You made me bisexual. Why can't you become one, too?"

"Personal preference," I repeat with a nod.

Roxanne clicks her tongue as she says, "Tch. He'll see the light one day."

"Never." I deny.

We put the dirty dishes in the sink, with Ciel and I casting multiple [Clean]s on them. Alissa and Lina then give them a quick wash, just to clean away the last bits of dirt that might've escaped the spells.

Once everything is done, we sit back down at the table to discuss our plans. Yunia fidgets, uncertain about what we're doing, but too insecure to ask us about it.

"Right, now we have to decide what we're doing today," I start.

"Didn't you say that you were going to visit Darean?" Alissa asks.

"I did."

Her expression becomes more serious and a little anguished as her memories of Darean resurface. "Then I'm coming, too. I'd like to give him one last glare before he's sent to Vanea."

"He's brought too much grief to our family. We should all give him one final look," Hana says.

I look around, and the girls all nod, then we stare at Yunia, and she nods sheepishly.

The elven goddess has a "resting bitch face," but she doesn't seem to act like it, and even that "cool beauty" air of hers isn't holding up for long. She keeps up a serious persona because it was expected of her as Mavel's Chosen Descendant, but her true nature seems to be far more humble.

We call the servant and tell him that we'd like to see Darean.

"I have a message from Grand Bastico," the servant says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"He would like to inquire if you're available for him to come visit you this evening for dinner."

"That's fine…?" I say as I look around. The girls nod, and I see Yunia smile smugly.

The servant leaves to get the details about Darean's current location, and I turn to Yunia.

"What's with that smile?" I ask.

Her body twitches, and her smile warps awkwardly. "Oh, i-it's nothing… I just felt a little pleased that I now have a very good reason to thoroughly reject Bastico's proposal."

I blink blankly.

"He… proposed to you?" Ciel asks in my stead.

"Him and more than half of the High Forest…! Ohohohoh…" Yunia says and laughs smugly like a lady while covering her mouth with the back of her hand. Then she coughs and forces herself to become impassive. When our confused stares don't relent, she quickly explains herself, "I admit that I take pleasure in rejecting men."

Hana laughs once and says, "Ha! I get what you mean. I like the attention, so I don't reject them, but it certainly felt really good to repeatedly say 'no' to Rande."

"That's rather mean to men in general," Ciel says, disapprovingly.

They both shrug in sync.

"But we can't deny that it feels good," Hana says.

The servant comes back and guides us to an [Eternal Gate] to Goloria's dungeon, which is where Darean has been relocated.

The dungeon is deep underground, below the town's lake. The only way in or out is through the portal, so you can be sure that it's never had a prison break.

The place is made of pure black, damp stone. Enchantments recycle the air, giving a cold "air conditioner" feel to it. The rooms are all brightly lit since darkness would only help the prisoners to sneak around if, for some reason, they managed to escape their cells.

That last part has always bothered me in sneaky-type video games. I know that an environment full of dark spots makes it easier to walk around, but it just makes no sense!

We approach a gate, and the heavily armored guard behind it gets up to greet us.

The guard makes us use an Identification Crystal, then he logs our names in a ledger. He lets us through, and another guard guides us towards Darean's cell.

There are only four other prisoners here: three Wicked men and one woman. I recognize that one of the men is from Dawn of Fire. These prisoners are currently more valuable alive than dead, so their executions have been postponed for a short while.

After a few corridors, we enter a dead end. In the last cell on the right, there's one miserable person sleeping in a simple, rough bed, Darean.

We stop in front of his cell, and the disgusting smell makes us wrinkle our noses. The prisoners are allowed to wash themselves, but Darean hasn't been doing so. He's filthy, and his once white clothes are now yellow and have many dark and humid spots where the dirt has stained them. I can even recognize the foul smell of urine coming from him.

Alissa growls in anger as her nose is assaulted by his stench.

But I can't even recognize this person. I just see a thin man with dirty and frizzled blonde hair, a long beard that messily blankets most of his face, and sullen cheeks and eyes. [Sense Soul] doesn't lie, though; that's Darean Arnald.

A flicker of life enters his eyes, and he scans our faces. "Who are you…?" He asks with a hoarse voice.

"You've forgotten my face, but you still kept hunting us, Darean? I'm Wolf Ryder, and these are my wives," I growl, brimming with anger.

His eyes widen, and his filthy teeth appear from behind his maniacal grin.

"He's Wicked, so don't get too close to his cell," the guard escorting us warns us and walks away.

Darean starts to laugh out loud, but then a fit of dry coughing begins. After it's passed, he's left gasping for air.

"He's going to die from disease within a matter of days," Ciel says.

Yunia scoffs and glares at him like one looks at a pile of excrement. "He lost his will to live after my father locked him up, so I'm not surprised. But since he's valuable to us, I don't believe that Confiel would let him die so easily," She says.

Darean's grin comes back, and he stumbles towards his cell's grating. I notice an emellanat collar around his neck. Interrupting the flow of magic between the brain and the heart is enough to completely block all but the most powerful mages from casting any spell.

"Hello~…" He says and scans us all again. "Wolf Ryder… Alissa… Roxanne Succubus… Hanafuria… and, uh… who are the new sluts, again? Ciel and, uh, Lana? Nala? Whatever, you're sex slave number five! HAHAHAHA-…" Another coughing fit starts up, but he quickly recovers. "Please don't make me laugh, my lungs can't take it."

"My name is Lina…" She says in a low tone. Her eyes are cold and dark in a way that I've never seen them before. She's definitely not cute right now. I don't want to see her like this any longer, so I want to get this over with quickly.

"I don't care. You're Whore Five to me," Darean responds and shrugs. "And now I see he's got a sixth, too, huh? You fucking man-whore, stealing women from all over the land! How was Farana's tight little pussy?! Did you enjoy raping her, too, you fucker?!"

Hana slams her open palm against the cell, making it shake and startling Darean, who falls back on his ass. "Offend us again and you'll experience how agonizing it is to be burnt alive!" She growls at him, with fire escaping her mouth as she talks.

Darean prostrates himself on the ground and shivers. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't hur-…" Another coughing fit interrupts him.

She snarls, disgusted at his lack of backbone.

"But… what a fortunate coincidence that you're all here, right in front of me. With this, it's time t-…" His words are interrupted again as he starts to retch. We frown, disgusted, and a little worried that he might die here right now.

Then a ball of phlegm as big as a tennis ball launches out of his mouth and splosh against the dungeon floor.

"What the fuck," I mutter.

He grabs the ball and wipes it with his filthy clothes, revealing a cracked dark red gem. He feeds it what little mana he can, and a high-pitched alarm resound through the dungeon.

Aoi suddenly grows into big-Aoi, then she, Hana, and Ciel stand in front of us while pushing us back. They desperately search their [Item Box]es for their weapons.

Lina casts an [Earth Bullet] at Darean's hand, which crushes it and makes him drop the gem. But the magic tool has already activated, and a dormant pool of mana instantly rises into a storm.

Darean clutches his crushed hand and looks at us with a maniacal grin as he starts laughing out loud, louder than even the alarm.

A guard comes rushing towards us, sword drawn. "Who cast a spell?!" He yells.

The mana inside the magic tool is growing so wildly and so quickly that we freeze up. I get a flashback to the [Meteor]s, but then something else enters my memory: Farana's explosion of Darean's warehouse, the second time we fought alongside Vanea.

Darean kicks the gem, and it rolls past the grating. "Don't even think of storing this in your [Item Box] if you don't want to make things worse!" He yells.

The gem starts to glow, then Roxanne pales, and the guard freezes in his tracks. "Runaway mana reaction! It's going to blow!" She yells.

I jump forward and open a [Gate] to our secret resting spot near Goloria. The gem enters the black circle and disappears. Three seconds later, the ground trembles slightly, then we hear the rumble of an explosion.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Oracle Maximillian Hübner.

Prince PreownedFIN.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Hope.

Lord Samuel Lim.

Lord Bill.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord DJ.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Ashadun.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Enrique Peña Gomez.

Lord Braidborn.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Yeeteris Dedmeem.

Lord D4rk Sheep.

Lord Nathan Vanbrunt.

Lord Andrew Heffelbower.

Lord Markus.

Lord Maurice.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Evil.

Noble Yamibomb112.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Geminus.


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