
Chapter 291: 109: The Dragon and the Rabbit – Part 1

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A strong, delightful shudder starts at the base of my tail and makes its way up along my spine, then it reaches my throat, and I groan in excitement.

I look at the stiff little bunny girl before me, and our eyes meet, then she shudders, though hers seems to have more fear than pleasure in them.

"Don't worry, I'm quite experienced with virgins," I cheekily brag, and Thomas chokes on his drink.

Nono is too frozen to react, but Silvane comes to her rescue again, "Oh, my, Lord Wolf Ryder, I didn't imagine you had such a twisted fetish for defiling innocent young girls." And she gives me a shit-eating grin, which is still incredibly beautiful on her elven face, regardless of how mischievous it looks.

I scoff and wave my claws dismissively at her. "'Innocence' is a myth. I merely find inexperienced women endearing, and I take pleasure in guiding them towards exploring their bodies and blooming into their sexuality."

"How noble. So you take the virginity of young girls and turn them into adventurous women?" Silvane drops a question on my lap, dripping with sarcasm.

I narrow my eyes at her and give her an intense stare for daring to mock the noble goals of a dragon. Once I see her eye twitch, I feel like she has suffered enough, so I gracefully continue, "More or less, but I wouldn't say 'adventurous,' I merely want them to have better self-esteem and confidence in their actions. And more importantly, no woman is ever 'defiled' by sex."

"Spoken like a worshiper of the Goddess of Love," Arantos hesitantly chimes in, then gives Ciel a cheeky look.

"I'd say that's a bit of a stretch, but…" Bitar adds with a frown, then shrugs.

My sadism is flaring again at being able to brag in front of other men, especially Bitar since he's so obviously attracted to one of my wives. I flash him a smug grin and give Ciel a mental "push" to interject.

She suddenly jumps in her skin as her asshole puckers, bracing herself for the slap against her ass that never comes. Once she realizes what I did, she sighs internally at my bullying, but she still does her part.

She clears her throat and defends me, "The Goddess of Love was famous for having a harem even larger than most Emperors', and she 'introduced' an uncountable number of humanoids to her beliefs. If anything, Wolfy's 'philosophy' is closer to the more devout priests of Love than it is to being a 'stretch.'"

"Wait, why have I never met any of those 'devout priests' before?" I blurt out.

"They spend most of their time in the brothel district."

I share a look with Hana. We both feel a sudden hunger for priest pussy.

"But you aren't like those priests, so are you really fine with your husband being so… 'free'?" Bitar suddenly questions her, his expressive black eyebrows joined into one long squiggly line.

Ciel gently nods with an angelic smile, her expression lacking even the slightest hint of jealousy or offense. "Honestly, I've started to feel happy for the other women that find their happiness with Wolfy, as long as they don't steal my time with him."

"She's fine because she occasionally gets a banquet of dwarf or halfling pussy to gobble up," Hana nonchalantly reveals.

Lina and Ciel instantly turn red, but I forbid Ciel from lying, so she doesn't find the strength to retort to Hana.

"Bullying!" My angel suddenly exclaims and pouts angrily.

"That was only one time," I come to her rescue, and she gives me a hopeful look, but then I just dunk her head underwater, "Though we all know how she was looking at the dwarves when we visited Lina's hometown."

She presses her lips together in displeasure and shakes her head, but I'm far from going over the line, so I just flash her a charming smile.

"I find it impressive how nonchalant you all are with your 'negotiations,'" Selina comments with a girlish giggle.

Then Gimbo surprises us by chiming in, "It may sound depraved to commoners, but everyone here is seemingly very friendly with and fond of each other, so I'd say that though there are some fetishes at play," -he glances at me- "the connections being built here are beneficial to everyone."

"I have the same impression," Arantos agrees.

Toroo awkwardly expresses her thoughts, "It's just that negotiating children and sex sounds a bit callous or detached, but knowing their disposition for ribbing, they seem to be more easy-going than perverted or irresponsible."

Silvane gives her a faintly sour look. "I do have a more casual outlook on sex, and I trust the Ryders to not abuse the intimacy I'm asking of them, but I don't have any perversion tainting my actions."

Alissa suddenly chuckles heartily and smugly teases, "Oh, please, Madame Silvane. You're so eager to get my husband's seed into your tight little womb that you're practically salivating. You'd have asked to be impregnated today if he had his inheritable racial skill ready."

Silvane nonchalantly replies, "Well, he is quite the attractive young man."

Alissa's smug smile widens and becomes predatory. "I know the eyes of a dragon fetishist cum-guzzler when I see one. If you don't admit to your perversion, then tonight, we'll make you submit to his glorious cock."

Silvane remains silent, and the two of them have a staring contest. The lewd fox and the dignified elf. Where have I seen such a scenario before?

I glance at Yunia and Roxanne, but they completely ignore me.

"Well, it's moments like these that make me doubt the 'not perverted' part," Toroo comments wryly.

"You're implying that a bit of perversion is bad," I immediately retort.

She scoffs softly, and her feathers perk up."A bit," she tersely replies.

And Ciel comes to defend our family, "Our harem does have a rather overtly sexual nature, but we're all experienced enough to recognize when we're going too far or being unpleasant to others."

And Roxanne uses her high mental "Stats" to look wise for once, "It's really no different than having a hobby like dueling or dancing. You're just biased since you're equating sex with the eccentricities of nobility."

That makes Toroo's pupils widen so much that her irises almost disappear as she turns pensive.

Then Arantos draws all eyes to him with his honeyed but sagely tone as he confidently states, "There are many personal interpretations of the teachings of the Goddess of Love, and they're all valid as long as they don't interfere with the base right of other humanoids to have a free life."

And his speech puts an end to this discussion.

After we finish our dessert and let the Lordsguard eat too, Silvane invites us to her home, a mansion right next to Rabanara's castle.

But I kindly suggest, "Can we pass by Toroo's shop on the way? I'd like to take a look at the results of your research at the university."

"It's a humble shop, your Highness. I don't have much to offer to someone of your station," she politely replies.

I sigh softly. "I've been a Lord for a very short time, I haven't become that pompous yet."

She smiles subtly. "No, you've just become very eccentric."

"That, I can't deny."

Toroo sells specialized magic tools to confuse and distract dragons, which are quite popular with professional dragon hunters. Since a good chunk of Rabanara's economy comes from dragon materials, she has become quite wealthy from the sales of her magic tools.

Her shop has grown so much that she and her husband have taken on a completely managerial role, and they now have enough time to just enjoy their lives in peace.

They bought a lot near the main road to the castle in a prominent spot, and though the shop doesn't have much traffic due to how expensive their wares are, it has so much prestige that even nobles don't mind visiting it.

She shows us not only gems for hunting dragons but also a few recreational tools. Most of them are holograms that can be used for decoration, but the more advanced ones can even be "molded" by one's imagination at will, and Alissa becomes enamored with them.

I get an idea and place an order for a large number of holograms of dragon horns. They'd make for a nice addition to the ceremonial armor of our soldiers.

Just for fun, we test the anti-dragon gems, and Hana, Aoi, and I are affected twice as strongly as everyone else, going up to three times as much when Aoi and I are in our dragon forms. It's a bit frightening how well Toroo has managed to specialize her anti-dragon tools.

Before we leave the shop, I suddenly get an idea, so Alissa and I split off from them.

We cross through the double doors to the monster hunters' guild, hand in claw, and boldly strut in. Not only do our outfits, attitudes, and stunning appearances call the attention of all the hunters, but our supposed "high-level aura" and my "dragon gaze" instantly freeze the lively mood of the guild into ice.

With our gem-encrusted elven swords at our hips, the proud hunters in our path even get out of our way out of fear of offending us.

I notice a lanky blond man with a considerable nose and a bow slung over his shoulder, and he seems sort of familiar to me. [Sense Soul] tells me that he's Simon, and I remember him as an acquaintance from a fellowship that I don't remember the name of. His stiff expression doesn't tell me if he remembers me, though.

The person who I do remember quite well is Carmen, the mature brunette attendant who is currently staring at us in astonishment. She has short black hair, narrow, sexy eyes, a seductive smile, and a mix of motherly and sisterly aura due to her age, which seems to be around forty. Her uniform is very tight, hugging the contour of her hourglass body quite nicely.

I lock eyes with her and advance like a predator with the intention to pounce while she remains still like prey trying to not be noticed by the approaching monster.

Alissa lets go of my claws and hugs my scaled arm tightly, pulling it into the cleavage of her tight, silky shirt. She glances at the adventurers staring at our combined perfection passing by and gives them the subtlest smug smile, then focuses entirely on Carmen again.

We stop by the booth and give the milf a mirrored grin.

"Good day, Carmen," I greet her politely.

"Good day, uh…" She replies and hesitates, trying to remember my name. "Wolf…?"

My grin widens, and I let my tail wag once. "Ryder, yes. I'm quite happy that you remember me."

Then she turns to my wife. "And Alissa-…"

"Also Ryder," Alissa proudly adds, and Carmen immediately understands the implication.

"How-how may I help both of…" She glances down at our swords, then narrows her eyes and immediately opens them wide again as she seems to connect the dots. "Your Highnesses!"

I stay silent for a few seconds to give her a little longer to fully understand the situation, then I smoothly request, "It has been a while since the Helios fellowship last came here, so we wish to reserve a meeting room and use the [Silent Room] enchantment that the guild offers."

Carmen blinks once, and her professionalism takes over her currently perplexed mind. "Ten copper for an hour. You can choose any room on the second-…"

"Perhaps you could guide us…?" I interrupt her and smirk suggestively.

Her brain takes another second to recover, then she breathes in deeply and nods. "Yes, I can," she breathes out, and a sultry smile blooms on her face.

Carmen walks out of the booth, and we follow closely behind her as my eyes carefully analyze her nice, round ass, the absolute territory between her short skirt and black stockings, and her shapely, long legs.

As we walk, her heels echo through the silent hall as every eye follows us, gradually filling with horror because of how we have so obviously charmed the guild's idol.

We go up the stairs, and Carmen enters the very first room, then we follow her in, and the door immediately closes behind us with a click as Carmen locks it and activates the [Silent Room] enchantment.

I grab her shoulders and spin her around in place, then I pull her head down and press my lips against hers.

She immediately answers by hugging my body and copping a feel of my tight ass, then our mouths open at the same time, and our thirsty tongues seek out each other.

I hug her body and press my hard cock against her crotch as we kiss wildly. She's Godsblessed delicious!

Alissa sits on a chair nearby, then lifts her small skirt and gently caresses her already swollen clit.

I grab Carmen's ass, and she wraps her legs around my waist, then I carry her over to the table and push her down, forcing our lips to part.

She runs her hands along my chest, feeling my muscles through the thin elven shirt, then I pull it off with one clean movement.

"By the Gods, you've become so handsome!" She exclaims with a quickened breath.

I look down under her raised skirt and see her delicious slit through her transparent, black laced panties.

I let out a low laugh and growl, "And you've only become sexier."

Carmen chuckles, then she notices Alissa and grins perversely. "I'm going to fuck a King in front of his Queen!"

"Make no mistake," I interrupt her daydreaming, then I slowly whisper, "I am going to Fuck…" -I let the dragon loose- "you…" I breathe and growl.

Her legs quiver, and her voice loses its strength as her will crumbles away before my boundless virility.

You know, I should train this "draconic aura" of mine. It clearly has a positive impact on most women.

She shivers as I run a claw along her lower lips, pressing it against the thin fabric of her panties, and I recognize it as Snow Weave. Truly the ultimate fabric for any sort of sensual clothing.

Carmen grabs her shirt and pulls it open, not caring about the buttons that get ripped out, then she undoes the front strap of her also transparent bra, releasing her supple mounds and revealing her taut abs.

I squeeze her tits tight and breathe in deeply, enjoying the exhilarating feeling of fondling a woman.

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I rub my cock against her slit and quickly notice that she's already starting to become quite wet, so I raise my eyebrows at her in surprise.

That's fast.

"Fuck me, please," she begs softly.

I lean closer to her and feel her hot, minty breath on my face, then I pull her panties to the side and line myself up with her entrance. "As you wish," I whisper huskily, then I thrust.

Carmen is a delicious, mature woman with a good bit of experience in the art of lovemaking, but even she doesn't have the stamina to last long against my magical dick.

It really does seem that it's only my wives who can take the full brunt of a Ravaging. It's just too stimulating, too savage, too exceedingly manly that the minds of fragile women collapse under the pressure of my will.

After a good half-hour of fierce pounding and slapping of flesh against flesh, she passes out, and I go for a quickie with Alissa since she's really in the mood for it now.

When Carmen starts to wake up again, I summon a light elemental-wife to clean up everything.

The milfy attendant can't move her legs, so I carry her to the sofa and apply some aftercare, [Massage]ing her toned legs, tight ass, and smooth back while Alissa repairs her uniform by using the ten points in [Sewing] that I've temporarily given her.

"If you ever wish to meet with us again, the doors of Escanso will always be open for someone like you," I gently suggest to her, and she gives me a surprised, but very excited nod. "It's the least I could do to reward the one responsible for unlocking my wife's secret desires." Then I give Alissa a warm smile, which she returns in kind.

If it wasn't for Carmen, perhaps Alissa's extreme perversion would've remained locked away for a long time.

Then Alissa's fluffy tail suddenly starts to wag rapidly, and her smile turns into a smirk as she smoothly adds, "You and Osaria would benefit from having a personal assistant."

I raise an eyebrow at Alissa in surprise. I don't disapprove of the implied offer, but I don't want Carmen to feel pressured.

"You mean living among the elves?!" Carmen suddenly exclaims and slowly raises her body.

I continue kneading her thighs as I blink blankly for a brief moment before I finally answer, "Well, yes. Let me warn you that Osaria is my concubine, and she's just as much of a sexual predator as I am."

But that only makes Carmen even more excited.

"Let's not be hasty and ruin your career here. You'll have to pass an interview with my High Chamberlain first before you'll be accepted," I caution her.

She nods diligently. "I understand. I'll come to Escanso with tempered expectations."

I sigh and relax, then I give Alissa an exasperated glance as I finish up Carmen's aftercare, but my foxy wife doesn't have a single drop of shame in her right now. Her perversion is just as bottomless as the well my semen comes from.

After Carmen has recovered completely, we part ways with her and return to our carriage.

"[So, it was a success, then?]" Hukarere asks in Reo with a smirk, showing all of her white fangs.

I put some points in the language and let Alissa use the skill through me. "[Another woman conquered and added to the list]," she proudly replies.

"[I'd rather not use the word 'conquered']," I interject.

"['Charmed,' then]," Alissa counters with a grin, and I find no retort to that.

Silvane's home is a huge Victorian mansion made out of gray, light-blue bricks, which gives it a rather calming atmosphere.

The girls are frolicking on the grass, smelling the flowers, and playing games while a servant slave plays a soothing tune on a guitar. I spot a small white rabbit, a brown owl, and a cute chibi griffin playing tag, and Alissa immediately leaves my side to join them.

I pull out the golems and let them wander about. Their first move is to walk closer to the girls who are having conversations to eavesdrop on them, wanting to learn more about how humanoids socialize.

Lina, Aoi, and Gimbo seem to be the only ones having a serious talk, embroiled in discussing metallurgy and enchanting.

"I never imagined that I'd be discussing crafting with a dragon. This is beyond my wildest dreams," Gimbo comments and laughs heartily.

Aoi tilts her large, scaly head in confusion and asks, "Why? I'm just a tamable breeder-type, aren't I?"

He slowly nods once. "It's precisely because you're a breeder-type that I find this situation so outlandish. The only other way I'd be talking about this with monsters would be if I were kidnapped by breeder monsters and forced to give them my knowledge."

I walk up to them and advise Aoi, "At this point, you should stop calling yourself a 'breeder-type.' You're too humanoid to continue using adjectives related to monsters."

"It won't change that I was born a monster, though," she casually retorts.

I hold my chin in thought, then something comes to me. "Hm… Never forget what you are, for surely, the world will not," I quote Tyrion, though only my wives and I know the source.

"Wise words," Gimbo laconically replies and nods at me.

Aoi's mind is set on the goal of recreating an Earthling rifle, but while she can easily accomplish that with magic, to mass-produce them is another thing entirely, so she's been using Gify to access some of my memories about manufacturing.

"I think what you really need is a lathe," I suggest.

Gimbo doesn't understand the need for it, though. As an enchanter, he only deals with custom-made orders, so he knows very little about the concept of interchangeable parts.

"You need to create precise tools that will let you create other tools with even greater precision. Using tools will always be easier than teaching a mage how to manipulate metal to the same degree of precision," I explain further, and the potential of what I'm suggesting dawns on him.

Gimbo turns his tired eyes to me and gives me a brief, curious look. "An interesting concept," he softly comments, then he turns to Aoi. "I don't know enough about it to advise you on this topic, but I'll gladly answer any questions that you might have about metallurgy and enchanting."

And Aoi responds with a toothy grin. "I appreciate it."

Since their conversation then proceeds to go deep into theory, I leave them be and consider joining the wereanimals currently playing around, but then I notice that there's a pool nearby, and my incessant thirst for women flares up again as another idea comes to me.

I walk up to Silvane, and from my "Items," I pull out a table, and then all of the bathing suits we have. "How about a pool party?" I suggest with a grin, and Silvane's blue eyes shine with excitement.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Chris Carter.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Aubrey Powell.

Lord AnderyUC.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Tmac.

Lord Krawn.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Brandon Lai.


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