
Chapter 292: 109: The Dragon and the Rabbit – Part 2

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Silvane wordlessly rings a bell, and instead of a servant, a clay golem the shape of an elven boy and the size of a dwarf hurries out of the mansion and approaches us. It… or he…? Isn't made by [Golemancy], but rather, the [Summon Small Golem] spell.

I sit down and let fox-Alissa come onto my lap, then I let my mind wander as I pet her, pondering about who it was that created [Summoning Magic]. It's such a peculiar magic school that I'm sure the life of its creator must've been quite interesting, until they probably fucked something up when they created [Otherworldly Summoning] and died.

Silvane gives an order to the clay golem, then he runs back to the mansion, and a minute later, ten of them come out, now carrying two tables, a partition, and piles of clothes.

I notice that all of the golems have the shapes of young boys of varying races. I give Nono a curious look, but she doesn't seem to know what I'm thinking about, so she just shyly averts her eyes.

The golems set up the tables, then neatly spread the clothes on them.

"These are the bathing suits we have for our guests. You may pick any that you fancy," Silvane offers, and we crowd around the tables.

When Silvane picks hers and moves towards the partition, Alissa immediately teases her, "Perhaps you should wait and watch as my husband changes, Madame Silvane. You can inspect his body to determine if he's an acceptable partner for your wife."

Silvane immediately turns around and starts playing chicken, "Oh? May I?" She asks with a completely serious tone.

"You may. I feel no shame about my body," I answer in kind and smile.

Silvane blinks once, then pouts softly. "Of course, you don't. But I'm afraid that I'll have to leave the 'inspection' for another time to not embarrass our other guests."

Nono sighs and shakes her head, making her long bunny ears sway cutely, then follows her wife.

Once the female side is behind the partition, we start hearing the delightful sounds of innocent giggles coming from young girls comparing boob sizes, and "the boys" all share an awkward look.

"You know that all my wives are bisexual, right?" I question them, and I get a few weak nods. "Are you all really fine with having sexual predators ogle at your wives' naked bodies?"

Arantos chuckles heartily, Gimbo frowns, Bitar's face becomes flushed, and Thomas and Larkin swallow heavily.

"I-it's fine, it's fine, it's fine…" Thomas stiffly assures himself more than us, and I see in him the obvious signs of a man hiding a boner.

I grin perversely and start undressing myself. "Unless you want the girls to come back while we're still changing, you'd all better hurry," I warn them, and the gayest strip ever begins.

For once, I'm actually the one with the most muscular body, but I know that even the average soldier probably has a higher "Strength" than me simply due to their height, and considering how my stat is matched with Lina's due to her [Stonebody], there's nothing truly impressive about my muscles.

I really need to continue training my [Dragon Transformation] if I want physical strength.

I lay down on the nearest lounging chair and watch through the girls' eyes as the women change.

My perversion is truly beyond salvation now as I feel no shame from peeping on my friends. They're all truly beautiful, even Alana, Arantos' chubby wife, and it'd be a shame if nobody besides their husbands were ever allowed to appreciate their alluring, naked forms.

Yunia walks half-naked all the time, and plenty of Chimeras have already seen Hana under me, so I've already paid the price to justify this small degree of depravity.

Selina is a short, blonde girl about my age, but her body seems younger than Alissa's. Her mounds, her pink nipples, her flat tummy, her strip of blonde hair that decorates the top of her small blooming flower are all absolutely adorable, and I fantasize about her obvious tightness. She chooses a sexy, small, yellow bikini, the little vixen, and smiles at herself in anticipation of her husband's (and perhaps also the rest of "the boys'") reaction.

Toroo is a slender and elegant woman, the one with the seemingly lowest "Strength," but with the charm of a delicate flower, well, two flowers since her lower lips are even longer than Selina's, though her pussy is completely bare. Her breasts are the same size as Selina's, but her nipples are brownish and much larger, making them even more alluring for sucking and pinching. She chooses a modest and elegant, brown one-piece that hugs her body in all the right places.

Alana may be chubby, but she has a very strong amiable air that makes her seem quite alluring to me. Though her body is near the edge of my strike zone, I still feel like having sex with her would be incredibly fun, if not for the fact that her bouncy breasts really appeal to me. She chooses a gray one piece that covers most of her skin, which is understandable, but I don't think she looks ugly in it.

Nala may be old, but she's a gilf just like Teresina, though her small stature due to being a dwarf gives her a very adorable look. Her skin has a lot of wrinkles, but her body is still holding up quite well thanks to her dwarven constitution, and her beautiful, wavy brown hair gives her an alluring charm. Since [Stonebody] doesn't degrade with age, I'm sure I'd have a lot of fun with her. She also chooses a simple, brown one-piece that matches her hair.

Silvane's body is a mix of the elven refined air with Lina's childish cuteness. Her large, red areolas seem a bit oversized for her modest breasts, but that's just one cute quirk in her perfect example of sublime elven beauty. Her milky white skin seems like the perfect canvas for my manly, musky cum, and her tight ass is begging to be stretched until it bleeds. Surprisingly, she chooses a silvery micro bikini that reminds me that all elves are secretly exhibitionists regardless of how dignified they may try to seem.

Nono is one large piece of juicy steak. The perfect mix of curves and lines, she has both the flatness that makes Lina so appealing and the curves that make Ciel a sex symbol. A cute face, thin arms, round but small breasts, ghost white nipples, a flat stomach, smooth pussy, a peach butt, thick thighs, and thin calves. Just thinking of the fact that she'll be served to me tonight makes me struggle to keep the Weapon in check. She picks a checkered black and red bikini that, like her body, is a mix of cute and sexy.

Alissa puts on a cute yellow bikini that enhances her youthful and girlish air, making it refreshing to look at her; Roxanne chooses a more modern-looking one piece bikini in her favorite colors, black and purple, with a sexy design, and all that's missing are sunglasses to finish her superior "cool beauty" style; Hana goes for a wine-red tight bikini pair since she's more active and needs help preventing her babies from breaking free, and she ties her hair in a ponytail, making her look like an athlete who's ready for a competition; Ciel's sexy, curvy body is graced by a white, frilly bikini with thin straps, letting her boobs spill out a bit to the sides, and revealing her cleavage that seems like a magnet for my cock; Lina chooses a very cute, but also very small black bikini with a red ribbon that seems more like lingerie than a bathing suit; human-Aoi puts on a blue elven dousnadeia, making her seem rather exotic with her superior height and extremely slender body; and Yunia teases my desire to make her bend over in front of everyone by also choosing a blue micro bikini that barely hides anything.

The girls come out and line up, subtly, but not so subtly, showcasing their clothes to The Boys, who are barely capable of containing their drool at the mere sight of them.

"I expressly allow all of you to ogle at my wives as long as you don't mind if I ogle at yours," I offer, and only Thomas and Arantos are capable of mumbling in agreement. The others are simply too stunned to register what I just said.

I make sure that my cock is continually at half-chub, making its outline extremely noticeable through the tight elven thong I'm wearing, and I'm rewarded with quite a lot of attention from the female side, making my fantasies run wild.

Nono golems' set out another table with alcohol, which the boys instantly crowd around, then they watch as the girls get into the pool to play ball.

"Nono, I'd like to talk with you about your research. May we go to the shallows to refresh ourselves while we talk?" I politely offer with a charming smile.

Her embarrassment at her chosen attire is instantly forgotten, and her large, turquoise eyes stare at me in wonder. "Yes! We may!" She excitedly agrees, then she motions to one of the clay golems and orders him to place a few lounging chairs in the shallow part of the pool.

"I find it curious that they're all young boys," I comment and give her a side glance just in time to catch her momentary freeze.

"I just imagined cute things when I summoned them," she confesses with barely concealed nervousness.

"But they're all male," I insist with a cheeky grin.

She shrugs and walks away. "They just came out that way."

I snort and follow her into the shallows, but when I move to lay down on the chair, Hana lifts me up by my armpits and lays herself down on my chair first, then sets me on top of her.

I raise an eyebrow at her, and a flood of jealousy pours through [Bind]. She's really getting annoyed at how often wet pussy seems to just fall onto my dick, so she wants to get a bit more attention from me to compensate.

I shrug, then rest my head on her tight pillows and wrap my tail around her calf, and she immediately starts to massage my brain with her strong hands, making me zone out for a moment before I remember what I wanted to talk about.

I clear my throat and start, "First, I'd like to understand how you managed to integrate the 'can summon monsters that the summoner has killed' property of [Monster Summoning] into the other spells."

Nono nods, and her expression turns serious, then I notice a ripple forming around her waist as her small rabbit tail starts twitching. "Right," she starts and takes a few seconds to organize her thoughts. "I call this property 'Experience-borne pattern recreation.' It was what I was the most curious about when I read your notes about [Monster Summoning], so I hired priests and Spirit mages to explore how our souls change when we level up or gain Experience.

"I learned that repeatedly killing the same type of monster gives less and less Experience each time," -Aha! I knew it! I knew that there were diminishing returns on grinding!- "and that's because we don't absorb the 'shell' of the soul, but the 'structure' inside it. Think of a soul as something like a jar with flowers. We don't just absorb the jar, we also absorb the dirt, the flowers, and all the nutrients it holds, and once our soul has enough of those parts, a new 'layer' is formed, a bigger 'jar' with the dirt, nutrients, and even a few random flowers that came directly from the monsters, all ready to be tidied up and reorganized as we gain skills and such. "

"The 'jar' of each type of monster is made up of many different parts, each with a varying degree of usefulness to our humanoid souls, so, by mixing and matching, it's possible to get a wide variety of useful parts, speeding up the leveling process."

I'm so engrossed in her explanation that I don't even dare to interrupt her.

She grins excitedly and ripples form around her waist continuously as her excitement reaches its apex. "The thing is, though, that even after our soul is filled up again with skills, the 'dirt' we used still came from a monster, and it apparently has the 'blueprint' to reconstruct that monster, which explains why wounds to the spirit always heal on their own without leaving any scars since each little piece of our soul has the 'blueprint' to repair itself whenever it's damaged."

Souls have fucking DNA!

I let my jaw hang open for a second, then I give her honest praise, shocked at her discovery, "Wow. It's amazing that you managed to find out so much about the spell, even though you don't have [Sense Soul] and never even saw me cast it once."

She giggles girlishly and smiles adorably as her whiskers twitch. "I knew that you weren't lying in your notes, so I just had to find a theory that explained all the peculiarities of the spell you had detailed, then I tested it out myself, and it worked, proving that my theory was right!"

"Altering a spell's structure is no small feat, either. You're clearly a talented researcher," I praise her further, making her blush.

She turns her head away and mumbles, "You flatter me." Then her whiskers twitch adorably again.

"Wolfy isn't one to flatter. He's always been pretty honest. It's just that he's very 'intense,'" Hana helps me out.

"I seem to have a lot of difficulty with 'seeing' the structure of a spell, so I find researchers who can alter spells fascinating," I coolly confess and close my eyes as the pleasure of Hana's massage continues to soak into my brain.

"Isn't your 'Perception' pretty high?" Hana questions me.

I pat her thigh with my tail. "It is, so there's probably something else hindering me."

"Didn't you create that [Solidify] spell yourself?" Nono curiously asks.

"I had a lot of help from Gify."

"Gih!" The chibi griffin chirps proudly as she paddles her way towards us, then she climbs onto my chest and curls up as she makes herself comfortable.

Nono giggles softly and cheekily comments, "Well, in my opinion, managing to convince a nature spirit to help you is also quite impressive."

I smile smugly and nod. "Why, thank you." And we warmly stare at each other.

"I want to say that you two really need to fuck, but you've got that covered already," Hana grumbles with a slightly envious tone.

Nono becomes bashful, but she still smiles happily.

To not let the mood become awkward, I start to deliberate, "I feel like there's a lot more that can be done to improve [Summoning Magic], though."

"Oh?" Nono's white rabbit ears point up in attention.

"Currently, a trained Summoner has less firepower than any trained system mage, even when we don't include [Ritualism] in the equation. This magic school doesn't have a niche, so other schools can just do what it does, but better."

She nods in understanding and retorts, "Well, no magic can compare to the potential of [Monster Summoning]."

"Yes, but that's still just one spell out of an entire magic school. The whole philosophy behind it needs to be redone from the ground up if we want to 'complete' it."

Her eyes gloss over as she goes into deep thought. "That'd be a gargantuan task."

I grin smugly at her. "Good thing that we're both young and have more resources at our disposal than most living mages."

"Ooh~…" She coos in wonder, then her rabbit tail causes another set of ripples from her excitement.

But wait, there's more, "One thing that I want to add to the spells is 'randomness.' Being able to mold a summon to the caster's exact needs or imagination is a complex task, and it isn't really necessary for the lower levels of the skill."

"Like [Alchemicism]!" She exclaims excitedly.

Roxanne turns to us with a frown, displeased about where our conversation is going.

I hum in thought and confess, "Hm… I admittedly know very little about that magic school," -I turn to Roxanne- "but you shouldn't be so prejudiced, my love."

She purses her lips and lets out a snobbish "hmph," then returns to her own conversation with Yunia and Silvane.

Nono smiles wryly as she remarks, "[Alchemicism]'s bad reputation sure has crossed the realm."

"Why is it so bad?" I curiously question.

"Too many charlatans selling all sorts of obscure trinkets, so some people find it difficult to trust them, but also, quite a few mages get offended when the Alchemicists try to enter their area of expertise."

Roxanne suddenly chimes in, sounding quite irritated, "I got my fill of customers complaining that my potions are too expensive because they don't have a dozen, positive, random side-effects, even though they have ten times as much healing power."

I gaze at the delightful sight of over half a dozen women in bikinis playing around as I ponder, "For a magic school that needs a boost in power, that type of randomness does seem enticing, especially if it's possible to control it at higher levels."

Roxanne isn't pleased, but she agrees that it makes sense.

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"A boost in power…" Nono mutters as she lays back on her chair in thought. "[Alchemicism] uses the 'inherent power' of objects to create special effects, so maybe we could integrate that into [Summoning Magic]?"

"You could just use [Alchemy] and add magical 'concepts' to the spells," Roxanne chimes in again, annoying Yunia and Silvane, who now feel like they're being ignored.

"[Alchemicism] claims that the special effects they create are more powerful than those that are possible with [Alchemy] if all things are equal," Nono explains.

My pale succubus starts to flush red in irritation, and I just smile wryly at her while Nono turns a bit shy.

"What else does [Alchemicism] use to 'boost power'?" I question to get Nono talking, hoping that she'll ignore Roxanne.

"The moons," she calmly replies, and realization strikes me.

One of the "aspects" of the moon is referred to as "otherworldliness."

Is that how that spell came to be?

Then I recite something that I learned in my classes on [Nature Magic], "The brightest of the smaller moons in the sky is the one that influences nature the most, so it makes sense that it has some sort of power."

"Our mana also replenishes faster at night," Nono adds.

And I deliberate further, "But the sun is also said to have the same seven moons orbiting it, so the extra regen must be because of the Goddess of the Moons."

Nono nods and turns pensive. "Oh, I see…"

"I heard you mention the Goddess," Arantos voice tickles our ears as he wades closer to us.

I smile at him and explain, "We're brain-storming about how we could use the 'aspects' of the moons to fuel [Summoning Magic]."

"How esoteric," he coos amusedly.

"Do you know anything about the 'aspects'? I know that they influence nature and that their influence is stronger at night."

He nods and sits down on an empty chair. "Yes, that's how the theory of the 'aspects' came to be, but the Gods haven't given us much information on their Avatars, the sun and the moon, so all we have is conjecture."

"They seem to be personality traits."

He smiles gently and expounds, his high "Charisma" giving him such a fatherly air that it's hard to not listen to him, "Exactly. Since the brightest of the lesser moons in the sky influences the behavior of nature, some believe that they're the 'aspects' of the Gods' personality, their 'traits,' as you put it. What is known is that their divine power is being channeled through their Avatars and then emitted at us through the moons.

"Though the lesser moons of both Avatars emit divine power, the sun emits light while the major moon emits mana, so the influence of the lesser moons is amplified at night by compounding with the major moon's mana."

I nod in understanding, but we're getting sidetracked here. "While interesting, this isn't really important for our research. What we should focus on is that there is a power that we could potentially harness to boost [Summoning Magic]."

I always thought that the concept of the Astrologian class was ridiculous, but now…

Then Roxanne interjects, "But why wouldn't you be able to use this 'boost' for other schools of magic? If they could also use it, then the advantage of [Summoning Magic] is negated again."

"If [Alchemicism] already does, then why don't the other magic schools?" I question back.

She readjusts her glasses, and her thin black tail undulates as she hums, deep in thought. "Hmm~… because this aspect of it doesn't share anything with the cores of the other magical schools?"

"I think that makes sense," Nono agrees.

And I start to formulate an objective, "So we have to rethink Summoning with the divine power of the 'aspects' at its core for it to be effective."

Then we all go silent as we ponder.

If I showed [Otherworldly Summoning] to Nono, we could confirm if the spell really does use the aspects of the moons to fuel it, and if it does, then it might be worth it to explore these aspects further.

"If the aspects are personality traits, doesn't that mean that we have them, too?" I question Arantos.

He gently nods and explains, "Yes, it does. Each person has these seven aspects to their personality to different degrees."

I raise an eyebrow in surprise. "What does it mean to have 'otherworldliness' or 'wickedness' within me?"

And he sagely explains, "Since all spirits go through every Realm of the Cycle, otherworldliness is merely the experiences that your spirit still carries from your past lives, while wickedness is our propensity for doing evil, a desire we all have but control or suppress."

Irritability, sociability, presence of mind, friendliness, openness, otherworldliness, and wickedness. How can I use these aspects to empower Summoning?

Summons are mere tools without a personality or wisdom beyond what they can inherit from their summoner. This magic school simply creates husks and fills them with a copy of the summoner's mind, though not because it was the most useful or powerful choice. It's because it was the easiest to implement.

I was never a fan of the Fate series, but maybe I could draw some inspiration from it…

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Chris Carter.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Aubrey Powell.

Lord AnderyUC.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Tmac.

Lord Krawn.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Brandon Lai.


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