
Chapter 293: 109: The Dragon and the Rabbit – Part 3

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We continue theorycrafting about [Summoning Magic] for a while, but most of what we want to test is limited by our lack of knowledge about [Alchemicism]. Fortunately, I know someone that seems to be quite adept with that skill.

I wonder what Stefan will think when I call his daughter for a private meeting with me.

Nono's golems bring out some alcohol, and once the happiness juice starts to enter everyone's veins (except mine), the pool party kicks up a notch as they all loosen up.

Predictably, there are a few wardrobe malfunctions, one from Ciel thanks to a wild jiggly breast that Bitar unfortunately misses, one from Toroo when Lina accidentally pulls on the strings of her top, and one from Selina due to her having chosen a bikini that's a bit too small for her.

Not only that, but Toroo's and Selina's camel toes are so prominent that my nonexistent guilt at peeping on them becomes even more nonexistent. Hana's is also pretty delicious to stare at, but her bikini seems a bit too tight on her since her babies never achieve their freedom.

My half-chub is safely secured in my elven thong, so no happy accidents for the female side, to their (totally subtly hidden) dismay.

Thomas and Larkin quickly become friends while I find myself more enjoying the company of Arantos and Gimbo. Their more passive personalities appeal to my introverted side.

The dragon in me, though, wants to be the center of the party at the same time that it wants to be a recluse, which is annoyingly contradictory. I guess it just wants to be worshiped in silence or something like that, but the human side holds more sway over my decision-making and mood, so it's easy to push these conflicting desires aside.

A servant emerges from the mansion carrying some alcohol to restock the tables, and I notice that it's actually a dwarven man/boy slave who's a bit too young for me to ascertain his true age.

Arantos' eyes follow him intensely, and it makes me a bit confused.

"Is there something wrong with that servant?" I quietly question him.

Arantos suddenly coughs awkwardly and averts his eyes. "Watching for signs of abuse," he whispers back, then frowns for a split second and recomposes himself, returning to his affable demeanor. "I mean, I do this for all slaves held by nobility."

I narrow my eyes in suspicion and comment, "I noticed that the servants are all young boys here, even the summons."

He gives me an odd look. "You didn't know? Madame Silvane has a very specific taste in men."

My tail freezes while pointing up in surprise, and I just stare at him.

"There are as many grassland elves who hate us as there are who love us," Gimbo amusedly comments.

I think he means elves from Elaria, which is one large grassland.

"Don't they hate halflings, specifically?" Arantos confusedly asks.

And Gimbo shrugs. "Most races don't know the difference."

"Why do they hate halflings?" I earnestly ask, filled with curiosity.

Gimbo smiles wryly and gives a subtle nod to the slave servant, who returns it in kind, then the old dwarf amusedly explains, "Some ancient bickering over land that predates even the Empire. The elves once ruled over what is now Lorei Laurelai, but the halflings 'reconquered' it with the help of another kingdom, and the little ones have kept it since then by relying on the protection of other nations, but the elves never forgave them, nor have they forgotten. The pointy ears call the little ones cowards, who then call them sore losers in turn."

Arantos shakes his head in disappointment and remarks, "Blood feuds are the hardest to break, especially those held by entire nations."

Gimbo shrugs. "It isn't that bad if what I heard is true. The empire doesn't let them kill each other anymore, so it has changed into a sort of rivalry."

But Arantos retorts, looking displeased, "Still, even a simple rivalry will cause unnecessary hardship for the weak and vulnerable."

Gimbo and I agree with him. With how different some races are from one another, this world's concept of what classifies as "racism" is completely different from Earth's. While there's the idea that every race has the same "worth," there's still a lot of prejudice due to racial traits that can be considered negative by the other races, like how most people fear angering dragonkin because of how aggressive they can be.

The Lordsguard also relax a bit, though they don't drink any alcohol. Alana, the social butterfly that she is, gets the Chimeras to talk about their experiences. They're from before the empire, so they have a different worldview, and she seems to enjoy getting to know new people.

Selina catches wind that tales of adventure are being told and immediately joins in the conversation. She's fascinated with them since they're both dead and ancient.

The Chimeras lived in the time of the God-Rulers, where anyone who achieved a certain level of power claimed to have something divine within them, and I finally realize that they kind of look at me and my wives like that too. Oritiki was searching for someone worth serving, but I didn't realize that there was such a deep implication in what she saw in us.

The Chimeras aren't just loyal to my family, they're devoted to serving us, especially now that we have both Blessings and Interventions to our name, essentially confirming beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're above the average mortal.

"What about you, why do you serve the Ryder Lords?" Alana asks Jarn curiously.

"I was made to serve," the golem stoically answers.

Alana narrows her eyes in thought and takes a step closer to the unmoving golem. "Hmm… so you can't disobey your creators? Ever?"

Jarn nods diligently. "Ever."

"But you can learn things?"

"Yes, I can."

Alana smiles a bit smugly. "So then you can learn how to disobey, or is there something preventing you from learning that?"

Jarn takes a moment to answer, and I can just imagine her eyes glossing over in thought as if she had real ones. "I can learn how to disobey, but I choose not to."


"Because I don't want to. I was made to serve."

Alana starts to inspect Jarn's ornate, metal body, raising an eyebrow when she looks at Jarn's bountiful chest, a perfect copy of Ciel's. "So you have needs and desires?"

"My only desire is to serve my masters."

Jarn's dress covers most of her body, so Alana starts inspecting the golem's ornate arm more closely. "What if your master ordered you to learn to desire for other things?" She raises her eyes, and her smile becomes a bit mischievous.

Hmm~… that's interesting.

"Depends on the desire, but I believe I can learn."

Alana turns to me and motions for me to join the conversation. "Why not order her to learn how to become more humanoid?"

"I already did that," I answer coolly.

She frowns in confusion. "But she said that she only desires to serve."

I nod and smile, letting my tail wag a little bit. "Yes, she's learning how to copy the behavior of a humanoid, not how to become one."

"Isn't that essentially the same thing?"

I shake my head softly. "No. It's like the difference between an actor and the hero they portray."

"Ooh~…" She coos in understanding and hits a closed fist against her palm.

I turn to the white rabbit and call for her attention, "Hey, Nono!" Her long ears perk up, and her head jerks towards us. "Have you noticed that elementals can become more humanoid as the summoner's [Summoning Magic] levels up?"

She prances towards us with a merry gait, then she subtly slows down as her eyes fall on my bulge and she tries her best to act nonchalant.

She stops before us and sends a glance to Jarn, then her massive metal breasts, and explains, "Summons are copies of the summoner's mind, and the more the skill increases, the more 'stable' an elemental's mind becomes, so if the summoner is quite intelligent, then the summons become more capable of understanding emotions, which in turn leads to them acting more like 'humanoids' to please their masters."

Yeah, my elemental-wives did their best to copy the real wives when I was stuck inside Legado by myself.

I nod in agreement and lay out my idea, "This is something I want to change with [Summoning Magic]. I want to increase the summons' 'Intelligence,' make them more independent, and also give them unique personalities."

Nono frowns, and her whiskers twitch as she remarks, "That'd be very complex and something only possible in the higher levels of the skill."

I grin as a genius idea comes to me, "Not if we use the souls of other people, like the spirits of dead heroes that go through the Cycle. If we can incorporate the 'mind copy' aspect of Summoning with the 'otherworldly' aspect of the moon…"

"Ah!" Nono exclaims in understanding, then immediately pulls out a notebook and a magic pen and starts taking notes.

I turn to Alana and give her a warm smile. Her line of questioning was quite helpful.

She returns a wry smile and starts inspecting Jarn again. "I have no idea what you two were just talking about, but it seems that you've understood something important."

And I smoothly thank her, "Indeed we have, so we thank you for helping us come up with this idea."

She chuckles softly and turns to me again. "Let me rephrase my previous question: why did you tell the golems to 'learn how to become humanoids' instead of ordering them to actually become humanoids?"

"You know how I converted Aoi?"

She nods excitedly. "Yes, Ciel told me about that."

"I can do the same thing I did to Aoi to them, so I can technically allow them to become humanoids, but to give them desires will likely also result in giving them frustrations when those desires aren't met. If you had the opportunity to make a toy feel joy and sadness, would you? Would you be able to accept that if their lives were to become miserable, then it'd be your fault for letting them have those feelings in the first place?"

Her happy mood deflates, and she becomes serious. "I… see what you mean…" Then she gives Jarn a sympathetic look.

And Arantos chimes in, "The Old Gods wouldn't mind you creating a new race that has feelings. Creation certainly doesn't mind our suffering."

"Well, but I do," I reticently reply.

He adjusts his half-circle glasses with a smug smile and drops a bomb in my lap, "And that's precisely why you are the best person to create a new race. You're responsible enough to understand the consequences."

"I…" My reply dies in my throat.

The significance of having a Head Priest give me the green light isn't lost on me.

I sigh and close my eyes for a moment. "It'll still cost me a lot of energy to make sure that I do things right," I pull up an excuse.

"The choice is yours," he calmly replies.

I turn to stare at him, and he casually takes a sip of his watered wine while staring right back, analyzing me.

Then Nono encourages me with an innocent smile, "You'll find the right choice, I know it. Besides, it's just like you said, you're still very young, so you have your entire life ahead of you to answer that question."

I chuckle softly and glance at her, then I stare at Jarn as I mumble, "I guess you're right…"

When the afternoon starts to come to an end and the sky turns orange, we get a surprise visit. Lords Alaraste and Giana Anara have come.

We put on some robes to make ourselves a bit more presentable, though considering they're Vanea's parents, I'm sure they wouldn't mind even if we were naked and fucking.

We see the trio cross through the gates to Silvane's mansion on foot, and they casually stroll in towards us at a relaxed pace.

Alaraste is just like I remembered, a black-haired, stoic man with an enviable square jaw and a manly stubble. He walks with the dignity of a king and the confidence of a warrior. The intensity of his gaze is weaker than Vanea's, but the intention behind it is much more clear. His eyes seem to overflow with authority, which really irks the dragon in me.

Giana is the opposite of him. She hugs his arm lovingly, pressing it against her considerable breasts while beaming with a bright, silly smile. Her long, black hair is neatly tied up in a fashionable bun, allowing all the attention to fall on her stunningly beautiful, oval face.

Beside her is a smaller version of Giana, a young girl who seems to be a mix of Vanea's pretty princess air with the sexiness of Giana, even though she seems to be no older than Allura. I assume that this is Laina, the youngest Anara.

Their clothes are decidedly un-imperial with their adornments in gold, but it has a distinctly Victorian air that fits them quite well.

Laina becomes increasingly shy the closer they get to us, even going so far as trying to hide behind her mother, who then grabs her arm and forces the young girl to walk beside them.

Then we start to feel the weight of Alaraste's gaze, and everyone except for Silvane, my wives, and me becomes extremely tense.

The trio stops before us, and we share respectful nods.

"Greetings Ryder Lords, Andera Madames, and guests," Alaraste stoically begins. "We were simply taking a stroll and decided to make a quick visit once we heard that our new neighbors were here."

The commoners among us bow while the rest return some quick greetings.

"So the day has finally come?" Giana asks Silvane excitedly, with the way that my heart tightens when I look at her telling me that her "Charisma" must be stupidly high.

And the young elf girl returns a naughty grin. "Yes, I finally found someone worthy of taking Nono's virginity," she answers in the same tone, then motions to me.

"You're a lucky man, Lord Wolf," Giana earnestly congratulates me, a very wide smile gracing her perfect face.

"A pity that you didn't sell it to me," Alaraste comments, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

Wait, what…?

"I'm happy you're happy, Silvane," Giana warmly remarks, leaving me no time to reflect on what Alaraste just said.

"You're doing well by yourself, yes," Alaraste praises with a surprisingly fatherly tone.

Silvane smiles proudly and nods. "Thank you. With Nono at my side, everything seems a lot easier."


Giana turns to her husband and ponders without a hint of hesitation, "If this goes well, then maybe we can sell Laina's to him?"

Alissa breathes in deeply as her fetish is tickled again.

"Well, I can't say that was unexpected," Yunia comments dryly in my soul space.

Alaraste gives me a measuring look. "Perhaps, but you'll have to negotiate with Vanea," he casually states, then grins subtly.

"Hahah! Good luck, cherry popper!" Hana teases through [Bind], suddenly not even a little bit jealous about how another wet pussy is being thrown at me.

I'd rather not negotiate with her again…

"It's not like I thirst for virgins," I defend myself, a bit bewildered.

Laina stares at me curiously, suddenly seeming a lot less shy, then her eyes lower to my bulge, and she smiles, making me suddenly wish that I'll never end up knowing the true depths of the Anaras' depravity.

"I assure you, she's worth the price Vanea will ask," Giana happily affirms, and I actually get a bit excited imagining what she means by that.

I turn my eyes to Laina again and see a beautiful smile just like her mother's, but also a mask that hides the perversion within her soul.

"That girl is definitely thirsty for cock," Roxanne wryly comments through [Bind].

"Anyway, do you do partner trading?" Giana asks with the innocence of an angel.

The jealous dragon within me roars so loudly that I have to remain quiet for a second to calm him down.

"Only to women. Neither I nor any of my sister-wives are allowed to lay with another man," Yunia succinctly explains in my place.

"What a pity…" Giana remarks with a sad pout, then gives her husband a pleading look.

But he only narrows his eyes in displeasure. "No. I won't let you lay with others while I'm left hanging," he asserts.

"Awn…" Alissa grumbles dejectedly in my soul space.

"Oh, well…" Giana shrugs and shares a naughty grin with her daughter.

"Let's continue our stroll," Alaraste unemotionally requests.

Giana waves and cordially adds, "Until next time."

We all wave back, and Laina gives me one last perverted look, then they slowly leave from whence they came.

I look at Arantos curiously. He seemed far more friendly with the Anaras than Silvane, which is very surprising.

The rest of the guests simply pretend that they didn't hear a word of what we talked about, and the party continues for a while longer.

Just before the sun fully sets, we go take a bath, I approach Silvane and ask her something that has been nibbling at the back of my mind, "I'm sorry if this is too personal, but I'm too curious for my own good. Why didn't you marry Haaran?"

Her eyes open wide in surprise, and she blinks twice, then her long ears twitch, and she looks towards Nono with warm eyes. "Because I loved him too much. He wanted me to be free, to be independent, to be my own person, so he said that it would be better if we never married. Besides, it was perfect for Vanea's plans to have an elven True Noble like me. The elves of Antano were a lot more forthcoming when I was the one acting as the diplomat." Then she turns her blue eyes to me and gives me a very elven smug smile. "Make no mistake, though, I'm still his most precious lover."

I nod gently. I understand what Haaran wanted, but I'm definitely not the kind of person that could ever do what he did. I'm way too possessive to ever force Alissa to detach herself from me, even if her being independent would be better for her.

"WHICH WOULD NEVER HAPPEN!" She roars in my soul space, and I poke her "blanket" inside my mind real hard for that.

Shortly after that, we retire to the baths. The mansion is large enough that everyone has their own reserved room, but ours is considerably smaller than what would be best for the size of our party.

Though I can pad my claws, I still can't significantly reduce their size, so I struggle a bit to wash the girls, but I still do my best!

"That tickles!" Ciel exclaims and laughs as I rub her flanks with soap.

Lina goes for the breasts, and the washing quickly degrades into fondling.

"H-hey…! Ah… Lina!" Ciel calls her attention, her breath almost instantly quickening due to her sensitive nipples (which is Lina's and my fault, mostly).

Suddenly becoming mesmerized by the chocolate mounds, Lina stops washing and simply stares at them as she slowly kneads them, almost drooling in a trance.

Hm… Ciel isn't really the color of chocolate, she's more like coffee with milk, while Osaria is more like chocolate, but I like chocolate more than coffee with milk, so…

A dilemma.

Eh, I prefer intent over correctness.

I hug Ciel from behind and put my claws on top of Lina's hands, then we both play with Ciel's luscious body like it's a toy.

"Ah… ahn… ahn~…" Her loud breaths slowly grow into moans.

My hips move on their own, and my half-mast shaft rubs along her ass cheeks.

Lina slowly pulls Ciel towards her, forcing her to go on her knees, then on top of Lina, crushing her with the weight of her two cow tits.

My shaft becomes longer and starts rubbing along Ciel's soapy entrance, and the wetness gradually becomes stickier.

"You two… this is… too much…" Ciel pleads, too weak from our caresses to stop us.

"Shh~…" Lina breathes, then silences the angel with her own lips.

I release Ciel and straighten my back, then I sink my claws into the soft cheeks before me and thrust.

I spread her folds wide and hear a muffled, gentle moan.

Today is Ciel's turn to get the big D, but she isn't in the mood for anything wild. She's extremely happy about being reunited with her friends and family, which means that her heart has been beating wildly all day, so the only thing she needs now is some tender, warm love, which I'm always ready to give.

I slowly slide in and out of her as the warmth and slickness of her vagina increases. Our minds cloud with pleasure and love as we let our feelings pour through [Bind].

Her hand slips down Lina's body and finds her tight lips, then they break the kiss as they both moan out loud.

I lean on top of Ciel and interlace my claws with her fingers as I breathe down her neck, then she starts grinding her ass against my crotch to increase her own pleasure.

Slow, warm, but criminally brief. If I were to use my special abilities, I could work her up to a Ravaging, but right now, all she wants is love, so we orgasm in sync, then I slump to the side and cuddle with her as she cuddles Lina in turn.

That is, until Hana's had enough and snatches me away.

"The others have all finished," Alissa reports, and I snap out of it.

I look at human-Aoi, who's riding me slowly while Roxanne cleans out Hana, then my slender wife suddenly starts slamming her hips against mine. "Just one more cumshot," she states, and I move my hips too to match her rhythm.

After refreshing ourselves, we join the other guests for dinner. Seeing how everyone looks rather "refreshed" (except for Bitar, the poor man), the pool party must have started a few fires that have yet to die down.

But Silvane uses this lust-filled meal to make us an offer that nobody could refuse, "I'd like to invite you all to watch Nono's defloration."

"Why am I not surprised?" Toroo calmly asks herself out loud.

"After what the Lords said, how could we…?" Thomas follows up.

"Such an event is nothing special, though Lord Wolf kind of is special…" Gimbo quietly remarks, and all eyes turn to him. He suddenly feels the heat of our gazes and looks to his wife in search of help, but even she is a bit embarrassed. "What? This invitation isn't that outlandish."

"How many deflorations have you witnessed?" Selina questions him, bewildered.

The old dwarf sighs tiredly and looks down at his own plate. "Only one, but I've heard about a dozen more."

"Why do you want us to watch?" Arantos concernedly asks.

Silvane gently lays a hand on Nono's shoulder, who immediately shrinks in shame. "It's our fetish," she announces unabashedly.

"And I thought our family was depraved…" Ciel comments wryly.

And Silvane suddenly pouts, seeming a bit offended. "We're not depraved, just a bit kinky," she affirms, though Nono doesn't seem to agree.

"A bit," Arantos gives her sass.

Silvane's face stiffens in irritation. "Well, I'm sure you'll all enjoy watching it if you just open up your minds a little to new experiences. So answer me, do you accept?"

After a short, awkward moment of hesitation, Gimbo is the first one to respond, "I accept."

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And the others follow his lead.

After our meal, I get all my wives to pretty up every last little inch of my body with oils for my skin, wax for my scales, perfume for my cock and ass, and even a light touch of make-up.

The other female guests take care of Nono while the rest of the men just take a seat at the walls of the main hall, which is where the event will happen, and awkwardly drink in silence.

Silvane suddenly barges into the room and grabs my hand, then stares at me intensely as she states, "I want you to be as rough as you can without drawing blood. No matter how much Nono screams, don't stop. She wants to feel like she was raped by a dragon."

"Holy shit," are all the words I can find to respond.

"You need a safe word," Alissa advises, but Silvane frowns. "Seriously. We use 'record scratch,' so at least tell that to Nono."

Silvane looks a bit unsure, but Alissa is dead serious, so the young elven girl eventually relents, "Fine."

Intermission – Nononya

I look in the mirror and feel the heat between my legs intensify. I look so sexy that I just want to masturbate as I stare at myself, but something much better is coming, so I quickly push that thought aside.

I still keep admiring myself, trying to build up my confidence so that I won't collapse at the mere sight of Wolfy's naked body.

My lingerie is all entirely wine red, which contrasts alluringly with my white skin and fur.

The open high heels display how the elastic stockings wrap around my small feet while also subtly enhancing the shape of my calves. The hem ends at the upper part of my juicy thigh, and it's a bit tight to create a slight indentation on my flawless skin.

My panties are so small that they don't even hide my pubes, and their transparency makes them useless to hide anything anyway, so they're worn solely for decoration instead of function. The long, high strings that secure them above my hips do make them quite sexy, though, but they're a bit uncomfortable since they do ride up my cheeks, covering nothing of my peach butt.

My tummy is as flat as always. Each and every sacrifice I make to keep it like this is worth it for this sight and the love I receive from Silf.

My breasts are pushed up and against each other, giving me more cleavage than I thought possible. The Snow Weave covering them is so delicate that they don't just make my hard nipples obvious, but they also show off the areola, too. I breathe a little heavier as I imagine how good it'd feel to pinch them… then I imagine Wolfy doing that, instead, and my legs quiver.

Everything is on display beneath a thin, strapless, see-through white shirt and a half-unbuttoned black mini skirt that doesn't hide the strings of my panties, nor the beginning of my pubes.

Then my eyes fall on the fake slave collar, and I blush. It even has a strap with a tag saying "pull me" that tightens it around my neck to choke me.

All I ever wanted was to marry a kind man to have children with, but then Silf slipped into my life and kicked up a storm within my heart. No matter what Silf asks, I can't say no to her. No matter how depraved she becomes, I never stop her. I'm addicted to her, and she's addicted to me.

I'd even let myself be toyed with by the entire Townsguard if Silf ordered me to. I'm such a massive harlot that I don't even regret anything I do anymore. Shame? Yes, I can feel it, but only until my first orgasm.

I don't have any regrets.

If only I had met Wolfy when we were both still single. Would we have still ended up like this?

It'd never work… Wolfy needed Alissa, and I needed Silf.

Then the love of my life comes back to the room, and I sigh.

The time has come.

She tells me something about scratching, but I'm so tense that I immediately forget what she said.

Silf leads me out, and the chorus of excited and worried female voices follow us, but I still can't pay attention to anything they're saying.

We soon enter the main hall, where a large bed has been laid out for me, and the eyes of the men fall upon my body. I can feel their lust and jealousy. I can sense them looking down on me, judging me as nothing more than a breeding slave.

With a shudder, I walk alone to the foot of the bed, and there, I wait.

My ears instinctively shoot up and my body freezes as I hear the distinctive sound of claws hitting the carpeted floor. My prey animal side tries to assume control of me, but I resist, resigning myself to my fate: to be devoured by the approaching dragon.

The door opens, and a large, scaly head comes through. Its shining, mirror-like scales are dazzling, its long, black horns are frightening, and its gaze is predatory.

His eyes lock with mine, and the intensity of his stare drowns out everything else around me. There's only the monster and me, now.

His head remains still in the air, facing me while the rest of his body sways up and down as he slowly walks forward. His eyes hold a ferocity that spells the promise of pain, a vow to give me an inconceivable amount of pleasure, and the guarantee of a night that I'll never forget.

I notice a sound grating my ears, then I realize that I'm the one making it with my jaw as my teeth clack together from my trembling. If I wasn't already sitting down, I'd have fallen on my ass, and if I hadn't gone to the bathroom a short while ago, I'd have pissed my panties.

I'm nothing but a little, white bunny in front of the large, silvery dragon. Innocent prey cornered by a sadistic beast.

He stops before me, his large face sending hot, minty breaths towards my face, then he breathes in deeply, taking in my scent, and gives me a fearsome, toothy grin.

"Ahh~… you smell delicious," he growls with his deep draconic double voice, and the bass is so strong that I can even feel my bones shake from it.

My body refuses to obey, and I simply tremble uncontrollably in front of him, making him even more amused.

He stands up on his forelegs and spreads his majestic wings wide open.

"Your body belongs to me now, Nononya," he declares, and I'm still too scared to respond, so I only nod, then he glows and transforms.

His wings disappear, his stature shrinks down to a humanoid's, his claws reduce by half, most of his scales go away, and his fearsome draconic face becomes boyish again, but the intense predatory gaze remains.

Then my eyes drift down his naked body, and I gasp. I've seen so many cocks, but I was never allowed to touch one, and now that the fated one is within my reach, I don't have the courage to grab it.

His right hand flashes, and I feel a breeze, then the pressure on my chest is released as both my shirt and my tight bra burst open.

"KIH!" I squeak in fear, but his claws didn't even graze my skin.

My chest is now exposed for all to see, and shame grows within me alongside my excitement.

Look at me! Look at this naughty bunny! Do you see how willing I am to bend over for a big cock?! Dominate me more, Wolfy! DOMINATE ME!

My shouts die in my throat, my "Willpower" too low to break through the aura of domination that the male dragon has placed me under.

"You're perfect, Nono," he whispers huskily as he stares at my breasts, causing the heat between my legs to become even hotter, then he grins sadistically again. "A perfect breeding slave, that is."

"Ah~…!" I moan in delight.

Dominate me more!

He takes a step forward and presses his claws against my chest, pushing me down and forcing me to lay on my back, then he grabs my legs and spreads them apart, nearly splitting open the mini skirt.

"And I bet you taste delicious, too," he adds as his head slowly lowers towards my dripping pussy lips, then he notices the wet spot and raises his eyebrows in surprise. "You slut. You're already this wet?!"

Before I can even moan out a reply, he opens his mouth with a perverse grin, then rubs his tongue over the thin fabric as he lets out some low chuckles, and I feel the vibrations, making me orgasm instantly.

His tongue touches my swollen clit, then he flicks it. "Kih…!" Forcing another squeak out of me.

"I can't believe you already came!" He shouts indignantly.

"F-forgive me… I'm just an inexperienced s-sex slave!" I suddenly shout as Silf's conditioning allows me to momentarily overcome my fear.

"You'd better not think that this will be over before I've thoroughly bred you!" He angrily shouts, and my legs tremble in his grasp.

"I can still endure more!" I desperately reply, and he grins in satisfaction, then his claws grip my thighs and he starts eating me out.

I gush out lewd fluids like never before as he does impossible things with his surprisingly long and dexterous tongue.

I can't look away, so I just stare into his frightening eyes as the fear mixes with the pleasure and my heart starts beating so fast that I feel like I'm going to die.

I become mesmerized with his enthralling gaze, and before I notice, my voice starts to leave my throat on its own "Ah…! Ahh…! AAAAAAAH~…!" And I orgasm once again.

He releases me and lets me rest for a short moment, but as soon as my body stops convulsing, he rips off my skirt and panties in one smooth movement.

"Kih…!" I squeak reflexively, and now I'm completely naked for all to see.

I see his cock point up, and stare at it in wonder again. Longer than my hand, many times thicker than one of Silf's fingers, this… this… meat club is supposed to go inside me…?

"What, too small for you?" He growls, and I pale.

"NO!" I immediately shout.

But he only grins sadistically. "That's unfortunate because I'm going to make it bigger."

The club grows veins as it thickens and widens, then I gasp as rounded spikes grow out along the top of the shaft and small bumps appear all over the rest of the surface of it.

"Impossible…" I breathe in awe.

"I just need to force it in a bit," he sadistically replies.

I open my eyes wide and stare at him in disbelief. "Wolfy, please don't… it won't fit!"

He suddenly pounces on me, then grabs my hands and straddles my legs with a maniacal grin. "Too late, Nono."

I start to struggle, but my legs refuse to respond, and my arms are simply too weak. "No, no, no…! Silf, help me! I'm scared!"

Something slimy suddenly enters my mouth and silences me, then I notice that a black, grotesque tentacle coming out of Wolfy's back has plunged past my lips.

"If you scream, it'll hurt more," he warns me and chuckles evilly, then he suddenly stops and glares at me. "Understood?"

I nod weakly, and the obscene tentacle leaves my mouth, but then more tentacles appear and slither suggestively along my body.

They wriggle creepily as they make their way towards my limbs, then my arms are suddenly tied up, and my legs are forced apart. After a short but tense moment as Wolfy's eyes crawl all over my body, his terrifyingly large cock touches my small, wet entrance.

"Please…" I beg one last time.

But that only makes him more excited. "No," he denies once more and laughs.

Then he grabs my waist and thrusts, and I'm blinded with pain.

"AAAAAAH!" I shriek as I'm stretched beyond what I ever thought possible. That thing is inside me, completely inside me, it has filled me up!

I recover from the pain and look down to see that Wolfy really is completely inside me, right up to the base. His cock is so thick that there's even a small bulge in my abdomen.

Then he moves his waist back, and the sense of relief makes my eyes roll back into my skull as I almost instantly orgasm.

"W-wolf-…" My pleading is cut off as he enters me, and I'm blinded by pain again.

Before I can recover my senses, he moves again, and the cycle repeats. Extreme pain followed by extreme pleasure.

With each movement, his spikes rub against my swollen clit, then touch my g-spot, and I lose control of my legs as I squirt a bit of lewd fluid. The bumps along the shaft cause tingles to shoot through me that make my toes curl and my muscles tense up, my face warped in disbelief at the amount of pleasure I'm feeling.

It's too stimulating, too fast, too painful, too merciless.

I'm a sex toy, a filthy hole for this draconic cock to play with.

Then something warm fills me up, making me feel even more bloated, and I officially become Wolfy's cum dumpster.

"More…" I beg, my conditioning kicking in again.

Wolfy laughs as he thrusts and immediately orgasms inside me again, then I feel his cum gushing out of my overstuffed vagina.

"MORE…!" I roar as my insides adapt to the shape of his cock, reducing the pain to bearable levels.

"MOOOO-…" My demands are silenced by his mouth as he kisses and hugs me while his hips continue to slap wildly against my thighs.

Heat and anger give way to warmth and passion. His taste, his smell, his strength. I want to take it all.

I feel his extreme heat inside me, stirring my insides, his fierce movements mixing his semen with my juices.

As a sliver of clarity is allowed back into my mind again, I feel eternally grateful to Silf for forcing me to do this. I love Wolfy more than I'd like to admit, and it's only because Silf is so understanding that I get to have one of my dreams fulfilled.

For tonight, Wolfy's cock and heart are mine. His seed floods my insides as fantasies about what could've been fill my mind. How it would be to have his undivided attention, his intense affection, his greatsword of love stretching me every night.

Then he pulls on the strap, choking me.


I scream inside my head because my voice is completely blocked now, and I quickly start to get dizzy from the lack of air.

The pleasure rises higher and higher, and the time between my successive orgasms shortens so much that it becomes one long, mind-blowing, intense blur.

Time loses all meaning in this sea of pleasure. It feels endless, and at the same time, it feels far too short.

As my nerves fry from the extreme stimulation, I start to feel numb, then a spell is cast on me, and I'm suddenly filled with energy again.

My eyes refocus, and I see Wolfy's gentle, loving smile. It hurts to think that I can't have him all to myself.

I'm just a greedy harlot.

He starts to slow down, and I smile happily in contentment, for some reason thinking that it's finally over, but then his cock starts to vibrate.

Intermission end.

I went too far. Nono has passed out.

With a sigh, I vacate the half-dead little rabbit, then I kiss her forehead lovingly.

After caressing her head a bit, I look up and see a naked Silvane masturbating wildly while staring at us, one hand reaching forward as if it were trying to grab us.

Hana suddenly stops beside her, also completely naked, her cunt dripping with lewdness.

"I want to fuck you," Hana states, and Silvane slowly turns her head up to face her.

Once their eyes lock, something wakes up within the little elf, and her pained expression suddenly shifts into excitement.

An idea suddenly comes to me, and I stretch my soul towards Hana, then I envelop her clit and grow a cock around it. More precisely, a copy of my cock.

Silvane gasps in surprise and reflexively mutters, "Please, fuck me."

Hana doesn't need any more confirmation. She grabs Silvane and throws her onto the bed.

The young girl shrieks and perfectly lands right in front of me, her head now mere centimetri from my fluid-coated cock.

She stares at it in wonder as her mouth slowly opens.

The dragon roars again, and I instinctively grab her hair, then I shove my cock down her throat at the same time that Hana penetrates her.

Silvane is tight, though not as tight as Lina, but then we soon learn that her asshole is a lot looser than Hana's.

Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Creamy Spinach.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Novgarod.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Fullmoon.

Lord Sean Drake.


Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Mike Bartter.

Lord Cardinal Steiner.

Lord Warwulfv.

Lord Jorge Franco.

Lord Khristopher Welsh.

Lord DJ.

Lord Philip.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord The Tallest Joshua.

Lord Copey Dunt.

Lord Dracopuppy23.

Lord Chris Carter.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Bradly.

Lord Aubrey Powell.

Lord AnderyUC.

Lord Cidant.

Lord Tmac.

Lord Krawn.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble CarlBaxter.

Noble Yeuromain.

Noble Brandon Lai.


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