RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 71: Shooting range 1.71

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Weiss Schnee

"Hmph." That should settle it. I felt a moment of satisfaction having stopped the weird behavior of Primrose.

As the pink haired girl spoke to the scroll I had felt discomfort. So I ended the jarring call. Prim must have felt uncomfortable too right?

As I turned towards the girl who had been unusually silent for a while now.

"..." Prim was smiling?


I took a step backwards as the pink haired girl walked towards me with smile on her lips... Her pink eyes however were not smiling.

Primrose seemed to emit pink mist from her hair and the red dust crystals hanging from the red stick on her hair bun sparkled and glowed in red.

"Pr-prim what... what is it?" At my question the girl didn't stop walking towards me as I took another two hesitant steps backwards.

*crush!* Primrose bit a whole lollipop to pieces with  her teeths showing. I felt shiver run down my back at the sound of hard candy being crushed.

"Weiss..." Finally the pink eyed girl spoke. Slowly, like she was tasting my name in her mouth? Prim seems somewhat dangerous right now...

I took another step backwards only to feel wall against my back. Oh no...

"Ye-yes?" At my words the girl no taller than myself stopped right in front of me. The usually carefree girl had stopped smiling giving me a thousand years ice stare...

And some vulgar people had dared to call me cold thinking I would not hear it? They must have never seen Primrose right now...

"Do you know what time it is right now?" The girl in crimson hoodie coat tilted her head with cold stare.

What... what happened to Prim? Prim has went weird!

... Weirder than usual!

"A..." I saw a clock at the corner of my vision and spoke carefully. "It's fourteen past two?" At my words the pink haired girl giggled.

I didn't feel safe hearing the out of place giggle.

"No." Sweet denial. The pink haired girl smiled once again with cold eyes.

I felt another cold shiver and an unfamiliar feeling of heat at my lower stomach.

"It's time for..." The pink haired girl slowly moved her head towards my ear. I felt the heat on my lower stomach grow as her warm breath caressed my neck. "... a Punishment."



Suddenly Primrose took both of my cheeks between her fingers and pinched and pulled them strongly.

"MMmmmMmmmmMMMM...!" I tried to push the girl away in vain. It HURTS!

"Mmm....Sss-tttop! SssSs-Too-oPpp!" A voice unbecoming of a lady left my mouth as I tried to speak for the pink devil.

Uuuu... let go!


I'm sorry!

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I only let go of the mischievous heiress cheeks after tears had accumulated into her two sparkling blue gems.

"Uuu..." The white haired girl let a miserable sound while massaging her bright red cheeks.

I had sent a death stare at the two bodyguards who had tried to help the heiress. Successful stopping both.

"Now Weiss... what have we learned?" I spoke gently to Weiss having successfully relased my fury to the poor girl.

The white haired girl had teary eyes and she sniffed. "I'm sorry." A quiet whisper.

I gently let my hand fall to the drooping girls white hair. Slowly petting it. "Mmm... forgiven, you are. Second time, not?" Yodarose spoke. Hu hu hu...




We had swept past the small incident. I had sent a message to Coco saying I'm sorry.

The girl in question didn't mind, although she did ask where I was going today? Curious...

"And here it is?" I presented a militaristic building facing towards forest and Beacon.

We had gone east past my agency? or whatever and had gone to the very east to the no man's land. Where the ground started rapidly rising with a forest that eventually lead to Beacon.

The area was famous for being more huntsman oriented in with the various shops leaning towards weapons, specialized gear, dust and other things a huntsman might need. The Beacon's private bullhead landing spot was situated also here.

I had wandered to this area due to Coco and found it interesting.

The place I was currently leading Weiss to was the private training grounds with shooting range.

I had come here previously once to rent a gun to shoot with...  because why not!

I didn't have Lien then... the humiliation. I will avenge it today!


I wanted to show this street to Weiss for obvious reasons. She will most likely use it in future... probably? Who knows if she just orders everything she needs from some high class shop... I hate that I can't deny the possibility of it.

"Weiss?" I called out to the quiet girl who looked at me warily and visibly relaxed seeing I was not mad.

"Yes Prim?" Weiss spoke like usual... It seems she was back to normal now. I looked at the blue eyed girl for a moment. She looked away with a little red on her cheeks as our eyes met... I guess NOT?!

"Let's go shooting, all right?" At my words Weiss nodded and we walked inside the two layered red tile building with a blue neon target flashing over the door.




Weiss is being weird?

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