RWBY With Devils Gacha

Chapter 72: A bet 1.72

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*Bang!* *Bang!* Bang!*


The sound of gunshots.

I was looking through a simple front sight.

Hundred yards away. The target shaped like an wolf was full of holes by this point.

Smoke rose from the black metal barrel of the assault rifle I was holding. Unlike guns using gunpowder... the smell was unique? It was not bad however and I kinda liked it.

I mean who doesn't like the smell of world burning around them... ha ha, just kidding. Maybe.

I loosened my tight hold of the grip and let the buttock of the rifle fall from my shoulder... in same smooth motion I let my righ index finger to lift the safety up.


The aura had killed all the recoil leaving me perplexed from the ease I had shot the powerful dust projectiles.

It was easy.

I breathed out again and lifted the rifle back up while confirming the target far ahead of me. Small black dot was situated right in the middle of two black dots.

I flipped the safety away by moving the switch down once.


I stopped breathing. I saw the small white dot hundred yards away covered under my sight.

I pressed the trigger calmly.


*Bang!" a dim ray of light swept from the gun barrel

I lowered the gun slightly to see I had missed the bullseye by a small marking.... my hands had swayed as I bulled the trigger. A small sway, but big enough to make me miss the target by a margin.

"Haaahh..." I sighed while lowering the switch one more down to change from single fire to rapid fire mode.


This time I didn't let go as I pulled the trigger, while also using aura to keep the recoil as minimal as I could.

*Ratatatatatatata...!" Multiple rays of light shot forward.


** No bullets shot out anymore.

I looked at the target wolf which had its head blown to small pieces.

Smoke drifted from the black barrel once again.

I lifted the safety back up with my finger.

I tilted the rifle while pulling the ejector port back up, to let the bullet possibly inside to drop down. As no bullets dropped and I saw the champer was empty, I pressed a small button above the grip while holding and moving the magazine towards myself. I felt the magazine relase itself completely from the rifle.

I gently put the empty black rifle and the empty magazine beside it on the table. I turned hearing someone walking towards me through my hearing protector headset. Amazing piece of work as it filtered the loud gunshots while making the other noises, such as speaking or walking audible.

"Do you also want to try the spitfire?" I smiled at the familiar girl walking towards me. Weiss was also wearing same protective headset as I.

Weiss looked at the clumsy looking black rifle that had red screws and parts here and there painted red on my hands.

"I prefer shooting handguns." Weiss showed me a black revolver with a long barrel.

"Neat. Should we get serious then." I grinned at the white haired girl who raised her brows.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked.

"There is an actual main attraction here that various people, even huntsman and soldiers use. Not to mention Beacon students." I stopped speaking and looked at Weiss. The girl in question seemed thoughtful.

"Come, I will show you." At my words Weiss nodded.

I took the gun and the magazine from the table and started walking towards the exit.

The room we had was a private one, thanks to Weiss. Even so it had six different shooting booths and a long hall of 100 yards with six different targets at the end. After pressing a button on the booth wall. The target of the particular booth would move from the opposite side of the hall right above the table.

We walked outside the room to an open hall with various doors side by side. At the opposite side of the room was a large counter. Behind the counter three people were working. The counter was covered by thick looking glass with various openable hatches for paying.

No other people beside me, Weiss and the bodyguards sitting on the side side of the room were present. A faint sound of gunshots could however be heard at the other rooms. Something I confirmed after pulling the headset to my neck.

I looked at Weiss and pointed at a screen hanging above the two bodyguards sitting.

On the screen a score board of some sort was visible up to top 100. Various silly names was on the rankings such as the '27: Real_Name_Hidden (587 points)' or the '73: RealGeneral_IronTooth (448 points)'

"There is supposedly a special shooting range here with moving targets. The top 10 places gets special prices. I suppose." I spoke with a challenging glint on my eyes.

"It seems you get the chance to marvel my real shooting skills afterall." Weiss made a confident smile. "I will have you know the one who showed me how to use guns was an retired Atlas Specialist who mainly used guns."

I faked a surprise by covering my mouth which made Weiss smile, probably thinking I was impressed. I didn't mention I had gone through some training myself with assault rifles and semiautomatic handguns on various shooting ranges in my past life... My aim had not been bad, but not anything special either, just avarage.

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Now however... I had aura and also the gacha ability ultra sight. It had been a while since I had last shot with a gun, but the difference of having aura and actually seeing clearly what I was shooting was staggering.

"How about we have a bet then?" I spoke after a  moment.

"What kind?" Weiss seemed interested.

"The one who scores better can make a request to the loser. Not anything too extreme however." I waved my hand a little on air while speaking.

"You're on. Let's go." Weiss agreed immediately without even a second of consideration.

You are that confident huh? I will make you lose... hu hu hu. My plan is finally bearing its fangs.

Weiss didn't see my evil grin, but the receptionist turning to serve the approaching heiress did, if the huge sweat drop and twitching smile is any inclination.

"Hello, we would like to try the challenge next." At Weiss's words the receptionist with big circular glasses nodded. She had a neat small black ponytail and freckles on her tanned face.

"Certainly, do you need a run down on the rules?" The receptionist smiled while speaking.

"That would be appreciated." Weiss spoke and I nodded.

"Very well. The Challenge as you said, takes about two minutes to complete. In that time frame hundred normal moving targets appear at varying moving speeds. You can earn from one to ten points from each of this targets. Along with normal targets there are special targets such as civilians that give fifty negative points each. For other special targets they give varying amounts of points so do keep a lookout for anything weird and not civilian moving around." The receptionist stopped talking for a second. "Oh, also, you are only allowed to use automatic pistol on this challenge."

"Good, we both would like to try." As Weiss spoke a man came and asked if we wanted to return the rental guns we had used to shoot previously. So we gave them to him.

"One try at the challenge costs 3000 Lien per try. Only the one in challenge may enter the room." At the round glassed woman's words Weiss brought the dreadful black card up again.

I felt myself tremble at the raw power, as Weiss swung her hand down like an executioner chopping heads off.

*Swooosh* air was cut.

*Ping* A green light shined for a moment as Weiss put the black card away nonchalantly.

Waaa! you're so cool Weiss... Can I have a card like that too? Pretty please?!

"Thank you. The room ten is free currently, one of you may use it?" The receptionist pointed at a door on the left wall from the reception. They were numbered from seven to ten.

I shared a look at Weiss.

"You can try first as you paid. Thank you once again, Weiss." I smiled at the generous girl. Kinda like Coco? But Coco was not swimming in Lien. I was thankful anyway.

"It's fine. You better prepare yourself for my request however." Weiss blushed after speaking and skipped right at the door with a number ten above it. I watched the girl's rapid escape with some amusement.

The number above the door ten was lighted while some were not. As Weiss stepped inside the room the Number ten stopped glowing. This place is rather good? Must make a lot of Lien...

I watched the score board with some interest and saw a new notification flash on it.

'11: Coco (798 points) ↑↑ 10: Coco (813 points)'

The message flickerd on the middle of the screen for a moment before the Score board appeared again. The eerily familiar name went up on the list two spots.


No way right?

A door that had nine above it opened suddenly just beside the Room Weiss went into.


I watched without breathing as the tall figure stepped out of the room.

A brown short hair.


A shaggy beard and mean black eyes. Who is this bum? I sighed while ignoring the man in militaristic grey getup, to rather look at the score board again.

Why would a tough looking man use a nickname like a Coco? I detest you. Only Coco should Use Coco... or I go loco? Hu hu hu...

A hand suddenly dropped on my shoulder with a small thud!

"Prim!" A voice.

"Kyaa!" I let out a yelp and turned around to see a familiar tall girl.

I breathed out while starting to rapidly punch the girls shoulder weakly.

"Coco! You scared me..." I sent a one stronger slap at the smirking girls shoulder as I stopped speaking.

"Sorry Prim." Coco didn't fight back only smiled as if she didn't sneak up on me... I will remember this!




Wait Why is Coco here?

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