RWBY With Reverse Morals

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: New World, Different Morals

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'Crap! Crap! Crap!' Jason thought as he ran through the forest as fast as he could. "That's a Grimm! That's definitely a freaking Grimm! WHY IS A BEOWOLF CHASING ME!" He shouted as the deadly creature rampaged behind him. Jason's only saving grace is that he felt his body moving faster and easier than usual. Normally if he ran at full speed for more than a few minutes, he'd start breathing heavily, but now Jason felt like he could run a few miles without a problem. Jason chalked it up to the adrenaline bursting through his veins.

'Just keep moving, just keep moving.' Jason chanted in his mind as he focused on running. But, no matter how fast he ran, the Beowolf was right on him. Jason could feel the air behind shift as the Beowolf's claws slashed at him. Then just when Jason thought it was all over, a blur shot out of the trees and smashed into the creature of Grimm. 'What the!?' Jason shouted in his mind as he turned around to see what happened.

The Beowolf was dead, turning into smoke. In its place stood a tall, dark-haired woman. The woman was wearing strange armor, and in her hand was a two-handed mace. "You okay, kid?" The woman asked as she turned to Jason.

"Yeah, I'm fine, t-thank you," Jason said, slightly stuttering as the reality of what was going on caught up to him. Jason wasn't dumb; looking at the facts in front of him, he knew what happened. There was a Grimm, and now a woman was wielding a massive weapon in front of him. So he understood; somehow, he was now in the world of RWBY.

"I'm glad you're okay." The woman said, snapping Jason out of his thoughts. The woman strapped her weapon to her back as she started walking towards him. Jason didn't know why, but he started to feel nervous by the look the woman was giving him. He took a nervous step back as she got closer. Seeing this, the woman licked her lips, causing Jason to gulp, his throat suddenly dry. "I'm glad I was able to save you." The woman said as she pressed a hand against Jason's shoulder. She gave him a slight shove that caused him to stumble back until his back was pressed against a tree.

"I would hate to see such a pretty and young boy ripped to shreds by such a vicious monster." The woman said in a low voice as she pressed her hand to his cheek. Her thumb slowly rubbed his cheek as she spoke.

Usually, Jason would be happy with this type of situation. What man didn't want a beautiful woman giving them attention? But for some reason, his body was reacting differently from his mind. His body was starting to shake lightly, telling him to run away. 'What's going on?' That was all he could think as the woman's free hand fell to his hip, gripping it lightly.

"You know, normally, the hero gets a reward for saving the damsel in distress. So do I get a reward?" There was apparent hunger in the woman's eyes as she stared down at Jason. She couldn't have been more than an inch or two taller than him, but he felt so small compared to her. She pressed her lips to his cheek, giving him a quick kiss almost as if to test him. The kiss turned into a lick to his neck.

'HELL YES!' Jason shouted in his mind. He never had a getting dominated fetish before, but he couldn't help but get hard at what was happening now. He wanted to touch her, he wanted to kiss her, but he couldn't move. His body wouldn't let him.

"You taste amazing." The woman whispered into his ear, causing him to shiver. She turned Jason's head towards her, their lips less than an inch apart.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" A loud voice shouted, causing Jason to jump and the woman to frown.

"Tsk, you just had to show up now, huh?" The woman said as she let Jason go and stood up straight. The woman turned to look at the source of the voice.

A man holding a spear was glaring at the woman. "Can't you go do something else for a while? I'm busy here." The woman's words caused the man to grip his spear tighter.

"Leave, get back to your patrol right now, or I'll take this up to Ozpin." The man's voice came out harsh as he spoke. His words simply caused the woman to huff.

"I'll catch you later, cutie." The woman said to Jason as she started to walk away.


"Are you okay?" The man asked Jason once the woman was out of sight. Jason tried to glare at the man for interrupting, but his eyes widened when he realized how badly his own body was shaking. Jason took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He could only nod. "Listen, if you want to file a complaint, I'll back you. She should not have done that."

"I-It's fine," Jason wanted to slap himself for stuttering, but he could only shake his head. "I-I just want to get back to Vale," Jason said, taking a shot in the dark about where he was. He heard the man say Ozpin's name, so he assumed the pair were Vale huntsmen.

"Alright," The man said, causing Jason to let out a sigh of relief as he realized he was right. "We're pretty close to the gate, so we shouldn't run into anymore Grimm. But follow me closely, okay?" Jason nodded, and the pair started walking through the forest.


'Woah,' Was all Jason could think as he walked down the streets of Vale. Thankfully for him, security at the gate was lax. They didn't even ask him his name. The guard watching the gate simply gave Jason a brief look as Jason walked through the gate. It was no wonder the white fang and Cinder Fall ran rampant during the show. 'No, doubt about it, somehow I'm in the world of RWBY… So now what?' He thought as he scratched his head. He froze once he realized his hair was longer than usual. Jason quickly rushed to a nearby parked car. He adjusted the side mirror to give himself the first look at himself in this world.

'What the? Who the hell is this pretty boy? Oh, wait, that's me?' Jason thought to himself as he looked at his reflection. A young gray-haired boy was staring back at him. A messy-haired boy with a pair of wolf-like ears on the top of his head. 'What the hell is this? I'm a Faunus?' He quickly reached behind him, but he didn't feel any kind of tail. 'Well, if I have to be a Faunus, at least I have ears and not a tail.' He thought as he started to grip and pull his wolf-like ears. His attention turned to his pale face. It was smooth and soft. 'Wait, am I a girl?' Jason quickly reached down and grabbed his crotch through his pants. He let out a sigh of relief once he felt his little buddy. 'Wait, does that make me a trap?!'

Jason's thoughts were cut short as he heard some giggling. He quickly turned to the side and saw two women staring at him. They were staring directly at his crotch. Jason's face started to heat up, and he suddenly felt the urge to walk away. So he quickly started to walk down the street, but he could feel the women staring at his butt as he walked away, causing him to move faster.


Jason let out a sigh of relief as he took a seat on a park bench. 'There's something off here.' Jason thought as he ran through the things that have happened to him so far. Nearly getting killed by a Grimm was standard for this world, so he dismissed that. Getting saved by a huntress also made sense. There were plenty of huntresses in the show, so he dismissed that. But getting pushed against a tree by that huntress was strange. The way his body reacted was also strange. Getting looked at and eye-fucked by two random women on the street was also strange. Even now, as he sat in the park, staring at people walking around. He was seeing strange things being done by couples. But his thoughts were interrupted as his stomach started to rumble.

'Crap, what am I supposed to eat?' Jason thought in panic. He quickly started to pat his pockets, looking for money. He managed to find an old torn and worn wallet in his back pocket. He quickly opened it. It was mostly empty. The only thing he had a few of what he assumed was Lien and an ID. His eyes widened when he looked at the ID. 'Gray Mello? What kind of name is that?' He thought as he stared at the name on the ID. The picture next to the name was definitely him, or at least him he was now. 'Wait, if this guy's name is Gray, does that mean I took over his body? Why? how?'

He pushed those thoughts aside as he started patting his clothes some more. For the first time, he really looked down at himself and looked at what he was wearing. An old tattered jacket, a pair of equally tattered skinny jeans, a slightly too big-for-him shirt, and a pair of dirty shoes. 'Either his guy was the hipster type, or he was broke.' He thought, which made sense since he didn't see much Lien in the wallet. Going through his jacket pockets, he did find something else. 'Is this? Is this a scroll?' Jason thought as he pulled out the smartphone-like device. Jason remembered the scrolls in the show. They always looked futuristic, but the one he was holding looked like a regular smartphone from his old world. The screen was cracked, and there were a few dents in the frame, but it seemed like it was working.

Pressing a button on the side of the scroll caused the screen to light up and flicker. The screen showed the time and date, so Jason quickly compared it to his ID. 'I guess I'm seventeen?' He thought as he put the ID down and focused on the scroll. He tapped the screen a few times. There was no lock on the scroll, so it went straight to the home screen. Unlike his own old smartphone, this one was empty, with no apps, no wallpaper of his favorite anime character, nothing, only the words' no service' at the top of the screen. Because the scroll was so empty, he found the contact list right away. But there was only one contact on the list. 'Vale City Shelter?'

Jason leaned back on the bench as realization hit him. His stomach rumbled once more to remind him he was starving. He could only let out a sigh as he ran his hand through his messy, dull gray hair. 'I guess, in this world, I'm Gray now. I doubt I can get back to my old world, so I guess I'll just do what I can here… But first things first, I'm so hungry.'


Gray's stomach rumbled once more as he walked into the first fast food place he could find. 'I guess you can find a McDonald's anywhere.' Gray thought with a laugh, the Burger place he was currently standing in was very familiar to the ones from his world.

His laugh turned nervous as he stared at the prices on the menu. After looking around for a bit and watching some people, Gray was starting to understand Lien. It seemed to work like USD, only it was plastic, not paper. So judging by the fact that the Lien Gray had on him was marked 'one.' Gray figured he only had four Lien, or four dollars, on him, and the cheapest meal was five. Thankfully he did see some things that only cost a single Lien on the menu too.

"Hey, cutie," A voice suddenly spoke next to Gray. The sudden voice startled him, but once he turned to see who was talking to him, he had to stop his jaw from dropping.

The smirking face of Coco Adel staring at him. The brown-haired girl lowered her sunglasses to look him in the eyes. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you. Names Coco."

"J-Gray," Gray replied. If Coco heard his slight stumble, she didn't react to it. "N-Nice to meet you." He said as he held out his hand. He wondered if he'd meet anyone from the show but didn't expect it to be so soon.

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Coco took Gray's hand into her own gloved one. With a smile, she gave him a light squeeze. Gray, on the other hand, was surprised at how soft her glove felt. It was a strange silk-like texture he'd never felt before, so he couldn't help but rubbing his thumb across the back of her hand, feeling the material. This caused Coco's smile to widen, and Gray quickly pulled away when he realized what he was doing.

"S-Sorry," He quickly said.

"Let's have a mini-date," Coco said with a grin. Her confidence was boosted.

"Mini-date?" Gray could only reply in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm only here to wait for a friend. But I'd rather spend time talking to someone as cute as you rather than sitting on my own. What do you say? My treat." Coco's words caused Gray's stomach to rumble.

"O-Okay," Gray accepted the offer. He was never too proud to deny a free meal.


"You're not hungry?" Gray asked as he and Coco sat in a booth. In front of Gray was the standard number one combo, while Coco only had a cup of black coffee.

"Nah, my friend and I are going to see a movie, so I'll stuff myself with popcorn," Coco mumbled, not really paying attention to her words. Gray looked up from his food, wondering what was wrong with the girl. His body slightly froze when he saw her. Coco's sunglasses were sliding down her nose, and Gray could see her eyes as she stared at him with a slight hunger. She was staring at him as he was licking the ketchup that splattered onto his fingers.

A thought flickered into Gray's mind. Seeing Coco staring at him was the perfect chance for him to test the theory going on in his head. This world was strange, it was the RWBY world that much he knew, but it was also different. So as Coco watched him, Gray slowly dragged his tongue down his index finger. He let out a soft moan once he reached the tip of his finger. Coco let out a shaky breath as she watched the show Gray was putting on.

"So, you're a huntress?" Gray asked completely innocently as he popped a fry into his mouth.

"Y-Yeah," Coco quickly said. She cleared her throat and sat up straight. "How did you know?"

"I've met some huntsmen before. You give off that same feeling." As Gray spoke, he slipped off the tattered jacket. He wasn't done testing his theory. "You seem really strong, plus you have a belt of bullets hanging off of you."

Coco let out a small laugh as she shifted the bullets hanging on her shoulder. "Well, you're only half right. I'm a huntsman in training, about to start my second year at Beacon."

"Beacon? Sorry, it's kinda hot in here." Gray said as he slowly lifted up his shirt, showing off his pale, flat stomach. Gray looked around to make sure no one was looking. If his theory was correct, what he was doing might cause a scene. But, he and Coco were sitting in a corner booth in the back where no one would see.

Gray stepped up his show by grabbing a napkin and slowly dragging it across his skin as if he was wiping off the sweat that wasn't on his skin. But there was none. It wasn't hot. If Gray had, to tell the truth, he'd admit he was kind of cold. But what he was doing was hypnotic to Coco, she gulped as she watched him.

'Holy shit, I'm right?' Gray thought as he slowly started to lift his shirt further. 'Is this world really flipped?'

"Y-You're teasing me," Coco said with a nervous gulp.

"Do you want me to stop?" Gray replied as he started to lower his shirt.

"N-No!" Coco said in a panicked whisper.

A pleasant shudder went through Gray's spine at her words. 'She's acting like a horny teenage boy.' He thought as he licked his lips. He had never had this effect on any woman from his past life. "Say please."

"P-Please, d-don't stop."

Gray watched Coco's face as he lifted up his shirt further. She swallowed and bit her lip as she stared at Gray's hard nipples. He didn't know if they were hard because of the cold or how excited this was making him.

"Do you want to touch me?" Gray asked, but before she could answer, a bleeping sound blared out. The sound startled the pair, and on reflex, Gray pulled his shirt down.

Coco quickly pulled out her scroll and answered the call. "Hello?" Coco nearly growled as she spoke. Gray could hear someone speaking through her scroll, and a moment later Coco turned her head towards the front of the room. He could see a nervous-looking Velvet Scarlatina standing near the entrance. Thankfully she wasn't looking their way. "I'll be right there," Coco said with a sigh. She hung up without another word.

"Why don't you cancel? I'll let you do more than just touch." Gray said in a near whisper as he stared at Coco.

"D-Don't tempt me. You don't know how badly I want to. But I can't. I promised Vel I'd take her to see this movie for more than a week now. If I don't take her, she'd never go on her own." Coco let out a disappointed sigh as she stood up.

"You're such a good friend," Gray said, and he meant it. If he was in her position, he'd completely ditch his friend. "You know, since you're such a good friend, how about I give you a reward? Take a picture for when you're thinking about me later tonight." Gray said with a grin. He laid back on the booth seat and pulled his shirt up to his neck. He quickly undid his pants, pulling them down slightly to pull out his hard cock. Coco's breath hitched as she saw it. Gray laughed in his mind. Coco saw his new body's dick before even he has, and judging by her reaction, she liked what she saw. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." Gray teased.

At his words, Coco quickly pulled up her scroll. "No face," Gray said on reflex. Coco nodded, and she tilted the scroll down. Gray held still as he heard the familiar sounds of a camera shutter. Once, twice, and a third went off before Coco lowered her scroll. "I hope you enjoy those." He said with a grin.

"See you later?" Coco asked.

"You will, I'm sure of it, but you shouldn't keep your friend waiting," Gray said with a smile as he started pulling his clothes back on. Coco chewed on her lip as she watched Gray get dressed. Once he was done, Coco gave him one last goodbye and started to walk away. Gray fought the urge to laugh. He could tell she didn't want to leave but didn't want to keep Velvet waiting.


'So I was right? Somehow I'm in the RWBY world, but not just that. It seems like men and women switched places.' Gray thought as he ate his now cold burger and fries. His eyes turned to a young couple standing in line. The girl was standing behind the guy, with her arms wrapped around him. The guy actually had a slight blush on his face. 'So I'm technically the girl in this world, and girls like Coco are the males… How do I use this? I need to do some research.' He thought as he took a sip of his drink.

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