RWBY With Reverse Morals

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A night with a Bandit

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Gray let out a nervous sigh as he walked down the road. It was night now as Gray walked past building after building. His hood was pulled over his head, and he kept his head down. The wolf-like ears on the top of his head were twitching nervously under his hood. The sensation caused by his new ears rubbing against the hood was strange, but he ignored it as he focused on his plan.

He thought about everything he learned so far. His day of research gave him plenty of results. To put his current situation in the perspective of his old world. He realized his new body was basically the little sister type.

The type of girl you just couldn't help but want to protect. The type of girl you couldn't help but bully because her reactions were so cute. He knew exactly how he wanted to use his new body. Even when he was walking around town, putting on an act to test how well it would work. The number of times he got hit on was starting to get overwhelming.

His research was all done to see if his plan would work. Gray's plan would solve his two immediate problems. The fact that he was dead broke and that he had nowhere to stay the night. He needed money, and he needed it fast.

So Gray walked until he came across a building called Vale City Pub, he'd been looking for a bar or a pub, and this was the first one he saw. He thought about going to a nightclub, but that was never his scene. Besides, he needed to find someone that was alone, drowning in a drink. Someone that was maybe desperate, and that would be harder to find in a nightclub. So with one final breath, Gray entered the building.


The pub was a lot fancier than Gray was expecting. Gray was expecting to walk into a rowdy pub full of people drinking, laughing, shouting, and maybe watching sports. But what he was in was more like a proper gentleman's cigar club. It was wide and spacious. Everything seemed to be made of redwood. There were plenty of small groups of women in nice-looking dresses sitting in comfy-looking chairs.

But Gray needed to find a woman who was alone, so he did a quick scan of the area while keeping his head down and ignoring the bartender who was staring at him. 'I-Is that…' Gray froze, and his eyes widened when he saw thick black hair and a red ribbon. He couldn't see the woman it was attached to since she was sitting on a couch facing away from him in the back of the pub staring at a fireplace. But he did know who it was just by the ribbon.

'That, that has to be her, right? Raven Branwen… What the heck is she doing here? In the show, she did follow Yang around while in her bird form from time to time. So did she check in on Yang, got depressed, and came here to drink?' Gray thought, but he quickly shook the thought away. Why she was here didn't matter, he still needed money.

Gray started walking to her while running through everything he knew about her in his mind. 'Strength, I have to be strong. In the show, she only cares about strength, so I can't look weak in front of her. What was her catchphrase? Something about being strong? Doesn't matter. I just have to be strong.' That plan was nearly thrown out the window when Gray realized Raven was staring right at him.

Gray forced himself to keep walking when he realized there was a mirror on the wall, and Raven was staring at him in the reflection. 'Keep it together, remember this world is flipped. Right now, you're pretty much a woman who's about to try to seduce a man. Nothing could be easier.'

The closer he got to Raven, the more he realized no one was sitting near her. The woman was completely alone in the back. While most of the women were sitting in the front near the bar. 'I guess they can sense danger.' Gray thought as he kept walking.


"Get lost," Raven said without even looking at Gray.

"Don't wanna," Gray said as he sat down on the couch next to her. He was putting on an act. Gray was playing the character of the bratty girl. He was planning on pissing off Raven to the point of wanting to fuck his mouth shut, no matter what the cost.

Raven let out a sigh as she took a slow sip from her drink, ignoring him. Gray started to step up his game. He slipped his jacket off to reveal his face to the woman.

"You know when a cute boy comes to talk to you, it's rude to ignore them," Gray said in a slightly whiny voice. He was using knowledge from movies and shows to play his bratty role.

Raven turned to him. He kept a slight smile on his face as he could see her eyes trailing up his body and his face. "I've seen cuter." She said as she turned back to her drink.

"Lying is rude to you know," Gray said with a grin. His heart started to beat faster as he pressed himself against her side. Gray was smaller than the woman, smaller than he used to be. If he had to guess his current height, he'd say about five foot five inches, while Raven was closer to six feet. "Tell me, why is someone as beautiful as you sitting here all alone?" Gray asked as he tilted his head to look up at the woman. During his day of research, which mainly was stalking couples, Gray learned that women were still called beautiful and men still called handsome in this world. But feminine boys like him were called cute and pretty.

Raven took a deep breath. Gray's act was starting to affect her. This situation in Gray's old world would be a beautiful woman pressing her breast against a gang leader. Gray was playing a dangerous game, but that might have been what was making him so excited. "I like the silence," Raven said in a low voice as she stared Gray in the eyes.

"Hmm, but drinking alone is no fun. Here, I'll drink with you." As Gray spoke, he reached out for Raven's opposite hand, the one holding her drink. She did nothing to stop him as he softly cupped her hand and carefully pulled the drink towards himself. He was practically in her lap as he leaned over her body. He placed a hand on her hip, squeezing it lightly as a way to steady himself, and his shoulder was lightly pressed against her chest. Once the drink was close enough, Gray leaned forward a little more and took a small sip from the glass.

While Gray wasn't much of a drinker in the past, he felt like he could hold his own the times he did drink. But what Raven was drinking, to him, tasted like straight rum times ten. Gray was planning on letting out a cute cough as part of his act, but after that tiny sip, the cough he let out was real.

Raven couldn't hold back once she heard his cough. The deadly woman let out a genuine laugh that caused Gray to blush in embarrassment. Once Raven was done laughing, she looked at Gray with a grin. The grin only grew wider when she saw Gray pouting at her. So she placed a hand on his head and started to lightly scratch him behind his wolf-like ear. Her scratching made him shiver. He almost forgot he was a Faunus since he didn't feel any different from his old human form. "This drink isn't for little brats like you." Gray huffed at her words and pushed her glass away. But the sudden push caused a small amount of the drink to splash out and land on his hand.

"I guess you're right. That drink isn't for me. So can you take care of this for me?" Gray said as he carefully lifted his hand. He didn't want to spill the drops on his hand and fingers. Gray stared Raven in the eyes as he brought his hand up to her face. He was daring her to do something, and Raven was not a woman to be challenged.

Raven placed her drink on the small table next to her, and she then grabbed Gray's wrist. The bandit leader stared back at him as she got to work cleaning the drops of liquor off his hand. Gray was surprised at how gentle Raven was. He was expecting her to bite and roughly suck his skin. But instead, she was giving him softly and light kisses, followed by slow flat licks. Once she was done with the back of his hand, she took his fingers one by one into her mouth, swirling them around her tongue and moving on to the next one. Gray's breathing grew heavy, and he was harder than he had ever been. Teasing Coco was a turn-on, but what he was doing now blew everything else away. Once Raven was done with her work, she kissed his palm and leaned her head toward him.

Gray licked his lips, he thought Raven was about to kiss him, but instead, the deadly woman wrapped her hand around his throat. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Raven asked while squeezing his throat. Panic started to fill Gray's chest. He couldn't breathe. It was once Raven saw the fear in his eyes, she lightened up his grip. "At first, I thought you were some sort of decoy. A distraction or an assassin here to trick me until whoever you're working for could ambush me. But this soft little hand of yours has never held a weapon before, so who are you?" She asked again with a glare.

"F-Five hundred," Gray managed to stutter out. If the game was up, he saw no reason in lying. "Five hundred Lien, and you can take me to bed."

Raven stared at him for a moment, then let out a sigh. "Fuck off, I don't pay for whores." Raven said as she shoved Gray away. Gray rubbed his sore throat as he glared at Raven. There was no way Gray was going to let her go. Not only because he needed the money, but because when would he get another chance to fuck Raven Branwen.

"Why not? You need one." Gray said as he put a hand on Raven's bare thigh just below her shorts. He squeezed her thigh as hard as he could, feeling the muscles tense. "I can feel the stress in your muscles. You need some release. Wouldn't using me be more fun than sitting all alone in this corner?" Gray pushed further, sliding his hand up her thigh until his fingers were under her shorts.

Raven let out a shaky breath as she slightly opened her legs to give Gray more access. But she snapped her legs shut when she realized what she was doing. "If I wanted that kind of release, I'd go down to any street corner and pay some slut like you twenty Lien to eat me out."

"Oh? Why settle for that when you can have this?" It was Gray's turn to grip Raven's wrist. He pulled her hand under his shirt. Listening to how she was breathing and the way she was groping his chest, Gray knew he almost had her. He just needed to push a little more.

"You think you're worth five hundred Lien, don't you?" Raven asked, but Gray knew he had her. If she wasn't interested, she wouldn't be pinching his nipple as she spoke. "I'll admit you're pretty cute, but looks can only get you so far. Do you have the skills that make you worth that much?"

"Maybe not. I'm a virgin after all." Raven's breath hitched as soon as he said those words. The woman quickly looked Gray in the eyes to see if he was lying. But all she got in return was a wide smile. "Seven hundred Lien." Technically, Gray wasn't lying. While he doubted the former Gray ever had sex, he was the new Gray, and he hasn't had sex yet.

Raven frowned at that, but she slipped another hand under Gray's shirt, openly groping him. "Suddenly raising the price isn't good for business. You'll just upset your customers."

"I don't have any customers. You'd be the first one, and well. Lien comes and goes, but I only have one virginity. So one thousand Lien sounds like a fair price, don't you think?" Gray said with a smile. He had Raven on the ropes, so he launched his final attack. He thought about what he was about to do. This situation would be a beautiful woman giving a hand-job to her potential client in his old world.

Gray pressed his body against Raven's. He started kissing her neck as he pulled his hand off her thigh. Gray would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. Raven was dangerous after all, but stopping now was out of the question. So without a second thought, Gray shoved his hand down the front of Raven's tight black shorts. He was playing the role of the clueless virgin, so he quickly shoved his middle finger inside of her as hard as he could. The dangerous woman was wetter than she let on, his finger slid in with ease, and her walls immediately closed around him.

"Fuck~" Raven half moaned, half-whispered as she latched onto Gray. Her hands shifted to his back, and her nails started to dig into his skin. Gray wasted no time. He rapidly started thrusting his finger in and out of her.

"Am I doing this right?" Gray asked as he kept up his assault. "I've never done this before." Gray kept up his act as he listened to Raven's shaky breathing. Gray knew he wasn't doing a good job with his finger, but he had to play the role of the clueless virgin. So he was surprised when he felt Raven clench his finger so tightly. 'She really must not have had sex since what's his name was her husband. I guess guilt will do that to you, huh?'

"Y-Yeah, just like that. Add a second finger." Raven ordered as she started to move and twist her hips. The woman must have figured, instead of giving him instructions. It was easier for her to get herself off by moving on her own while Gray mindlessly finger fucked her. The woman was getting close, Gray knew it, and he knew what he was about to do could get him killed.

Unfortunately for Raven, Gray didn't want her to come yet. In one swift motion, he pulled his finger out of her and out of her shorts. The sudden action caused Raven's brain to stop working for a moment. "One thousand Lien." When he said those words, he could almost see the gears turning in her head as anger started to take over. The glare Raven gave him caused Gray to shiver in fear.

"You fucking little whore." Raven growled as she shoved Gray down onto the couch. She quickly straddled him and wrapped her hand around his throat. "You think you can toy with me, boy?"

Gray grinned as he stared up at the woman. At that moment, he understood women in his old world. He understood women who would marry cartel leaders or any other powerful man. His heart was racing, and it wasn't because of fear. He was hard and wasn't because she was pressed against him. No, the feeling of making someone so powerful, so dangerous, go crazy felt better than any drug. Raven wanted him. She wanted him so badly that even though she was threatening him with her hand around his neck, she wasn't squeezing.

"You think this is funny? I should kill you." Raven kept her voice in a low growl as she spoke.

Gray didn't reply with words, no he needed to stall as he thought up a script in his mind. So instead of speaking, he raised his hand, showing the woman her wetness. The woman could only watch as Gray licked his fingers, cleaning them, and he even let out a small moan when he was done. His little show gave him the time he needed to finish thinking up what to say.

"Do you know how many times I've been hit on? How many times have women tried to pressure me into a date? I turned down every single one of them. I knew they only wanted sex, and I was never interested. But now, I need money." Gray said as he looked the woman in the eyes. "That's why I came here. When I saw you all alone, I figured it would be easy to get you to pay me for sex. That's all you women want after all, isn't it? Listen, I-I need that money, but now I also want t-to have-" Gray stopped talking to put on an embarrassed look as he bit his lip.

Instead of speaking again, Gray pressed his groin against her as Raven straddled him. The woman's breath hitched. His pants were tight, so he knew she could feel how hard he was. His little speech and his hard cock implanted a thought into Raven's mind. A thought that she wasn't just hiring a prostitute for the night. No, this was something special.

"As much as I want you, I can't do this for free. So, will you pay me for my virginity? My first kiss? Will you be the first woman to see me naked? To touch me?" Raven's breathing grew heavier the more Gray spoke. She wanted him. The only thing holding her back was her pride. But once Gray pulled her hand off his throat and started kissing it instead. She snapped.

"FINE!" Raven shouted as she stood up, grabbed Gray's arm, and yanked him up off the couch. "Let's go whore." Gray quickly grabbed his jacket as Raven started dragging him behind her. She held his arm in a tight grip. There was no way she was going to let him go after all he put her through.

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A blush grew on Gray's face as Raven pulled him through the pub. The boy was so lost in his moment with Raven he completely forgot they were in a public place. Judging by the looks the women in the pub gave him, and Raven, a mix of lust for him and anger and jealousy for Raven, the women knew what was going on. More than that, the women must have been watching the pair, but no one said anything. 'They must know who she is, right? They must know how dangerous she is, right? That has to be why no one said anything, right?' That was all Gray could think as he was pulled out of the pub. He shivered when he was out. Not because of the cold air, but because he realized this was happening. This was no dream. This was his life now.


"So, uh, is this your place?" Gray asked as Raven dragged him into an apartment. Gray expected to be taken to a hotel, or even the alleyway, so he was surprised when Raven dragged him two buildings over and into an apartment complex. 'This must be a safe house. I guess it makes sense. She's a wanted bandit leader with the ability to make portals. Guess it wouldn't be a big surprise if someone like her has safe houses in every kingdom. In the show, she only cares about surviving.' Gray thought as he looked around at the bare apartment.

"Shut up," Was all Raven said as she dragged him to her bedroom. The room was just as empty as the rest of the house. The only thing inside was a small twin-sized mattress laying on the floor, a single pillow, and a blanket.

"Uh, do you even have a thousand Lien?" Gray asked. He figured she did have money, and if she didn't, she'd just rob someone for it. He only asked because he felt like it was something he should ask.

"I told you to shut up, didn't I," Raven said once more as she grabbed the front of Gray's shirt. A sadistic grin appeared on her face, and a second later, she threw Gray onto the mattress. Raven was on him before his dropped jacket hit the floor, she was straddling him once more, but this time she held both of his hands above his head in only one of hers. "You are a stupid whore, aren't you? I mean, how dumb can you be? Willingly following a woman you don't know into a place you've never been?" Raven started to laugh as realization filled Gray's face.

Even though Gray knew that gender roles were reversed in this world, he only looked at the positives that benefited him. He just saw himself in this world playing the role of the beautiful woman who could seduce any man and get paid for it. The thought of getting raped never crossed his mind. It was something he never had to worry about in his old life. But right now, he was a woman pinned down by a powerful criminal. He had no chance of beating Raven Branwen in a fight. His mind started racing, trying to think of what to do next.

"I can't believe how dumb you are." Raven was just toying with Gray. There was a broad smile on her face as she reached up and started softly scratching one of Gray's wolf ears. Her smile grew wider as she enjoyed the way it twitched. "You want me to pay you a thousand, Lien? Why should I pay for something I can just take? When I was feeling you up earlier, I was also looking for weapons, but I didn't find any. You really must be new to being a whore, because even the dumbest whore is smart enough to carry something to defend himself. But you, nothing, didn't your mama ever teach you how dangerous women can be?" Raven taunted as she gripped his wolf ear, causing him to wince.

"Don't have one," Gray replied. Of course, he had a mother in his past life, but there wasn't anyone in the contact list when he looked into Gray's scroll. So he assumed they were dead or disowned him.

"My poor puppy, I guess I'll have to teach you this lesson. When you're done learning, you should thank me for taking the time out of my busy life to teach you."

"Look at me, look at my clothes, look at my ears," Gray said with a glare. He was putting the best plan he could think of into action. "I'm a broke, homeless Faunus, orphan. Do you think no one has ever tried to rape me before? You're the dumb one, then. I was able to get away all those other times, but now I don't see the point. Even if I'm able to escape you, that just means I'll have to sleep on the streets tonight, where someone else will try it, and I'll have to fight them off too. I told you back at the pub I need the money, and I followed you here knowing something like this could happen. I figured the best case, you'd fuck me then pay me. But if you won't pay me, at least have the decency to let me sleep here when you're done. But if you expect me to scream and struggle, I won't. I refuse to give you that sick pleasure, so hurry up and get on with it." Gray kept his voice as calm as he could as he spoke, and he stared straight into her eyes. 'Damn, I should have been an actor in my past life. Who knew those four years of high school drama club would pay off!' Gray thought as he forced himself to keep an angry face.

The sadistic smile on Raven's face turned into a small smile as she stared down at Gray. The woman released her grip on his ear and placed it on his chest instead. "Fuck, your pretty face is cute, but it becomes so sexy when you're angry," Raven said, surprising Gray. He figured Raven would get annoyed with him and kick him out after his speech. He wasn't expecting this. "Don't worry, little puppy, I was never going to rape you. I might be a bad person, but rape is beneath me. No, I just wanted to tease you a bit. Don't worry, puppy, you'll get your money." Raven bit her lip as she stared into his eyes.

Gray was starting to get affected by her stare. He could see the lust and hunger in her eyes, and he was starting to get hard again. The dangerous woman placed her free hand on Gray's forehead, pushing his head back revealing his pale neck. Raven quickly leaned forward and dragged her tongue across his skin. The breathy moan Gray let out caused Raven to shiver.

"Are you really a virgin?" Raven asked as she kissed his throat. Gray could only reply with a shaky yes, as the woman sucked hard on a vein in his neck. Hearing his reply, Raven lifted her head and placed a soft kiss on his lips. She pulled back only an inch, looking him in the eyes. "I'm going to ruin you, my little puppy," Raven whispered.

"Prove it,"


Gray could only let out a soft, whiny moan as Raven slowly licked his bare chest. The women in this world loved a man's chest as much as the men in his world loved a woman's breast.

Gray could feel Raven smile against his chest when she heard his moan. She was in complete control. Raven was still fully clothed while Gray was stripped naked. His shirt was used to tie his hands together as he held them about his head.

Once the woman got her fill of his chest, she started placing soft kisses down his body. Down his stomach, until she reached his groin. Raven gripped and held down Gray's hips. They started to buck when he felt her breath on his sensitive skin. "You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were a girl. You're way too pretty to be a man, even too pretty to be a boy. But after seeing this cock, I suppose I have to admit I was wrong." Gray clenched his eyes shut when Raven kissed his tip.

Raven couldn't help but tease Gray. After the kiss, she leaned in and dragged her flat tongue from the base, back to the head. Once she was done, she pulled back, puckered her lips, and started to blow cold air onto the wet trail she left. The sensation was nearly too much for Gray as his hips started to buck wildly.

"F-Fuck! P-Please! Stop teasing me!" Gray shouted as Raven held his hips down.

Raven leaned back to take in the sight in front of her. If this was his old world, Raven would be a man, looking down at a woman squirming and twitching, begging to be fucked because she can't take it anymore. "Well, since you asked so nicely." Raven quickly stood up and yanked down her shorts and panties, not even bothering to take them all the way off as they pooled around one of her ankles.

Gray's heart was hammering as he watched Raven lower herself. They both looked into each other's eyes as the head of his cock entered her. Gray expected her to be tight. He felt it when he used his finger. But the way Raven's powerful muscles clenched him was more than he could handle.

"F-FUCKKKK!" His eyes crossed, and he came before he was even halfway in. Raven let out a surprised gasp when she felt him buck his hips and unload inside of her. She could only watch as Gray was losing his mind, his hips thrusting himself deeper inside of her. His back arching, his face twisting in pleasure. Seeing it, all caused the brightest smile Raven's had in years to appear on her face.

"I guess you were a virgin after all," Raven said. Her words caused Gray to use his shirt to cover his face in embarrassment. That was not a part of his plan.

Once Raven agreed to pay him, Gray decided to play up his act. He was planning on moaning and groaning and doing whatever it took for Raven to enjoy him. So she didn't change her mind about payment because he wanted a repeat customer. While Gray was no sex expert in his past life, he did have two long-term relationships with satisfied partners. So he was confident in his abilities, but he forgot that this wasn't his old body. This body belongs to the old Gray, a Gray that grew up a woman in this world. A Gray whose body was far more sensitive than his old one. A Gray that couldn't handle the pleasure Raven was giving him.

"Now, now, no reason to be embarrassed." Raven cooed as she lifted Gray's hands and shirt off his head. There was a bright blush on his face as he looked up at her. Raven couldn't help but chuckle when she saw him. But instead of taunting or teasing him, she leaned forward and kissed him.

As Raven's lips met his, Gray tried to see what happened through Raven's eyes. If this was his world, Raven was a man who made a woman feel so good she came as soon as he entered her. Gray knew how he'd feel if he was in her position, so he quickly tried to take advantage of it.

"Y-You took my virginity, t-that'll be one thousand Lien," Gray mumbled as he looked away.

"Hmm, maybe," Raven said with a laugh. "But I'm not done with you." Raven reached down between her legs and gripped him. It only took a few pumps for Gray to get hard again. "Don't worry, if you can't make me come before you pass out, I'll just grind myself on your chest to get myself off. I don't expect much from a virgin like you." Raven taunted, causing Gray's eye to twitch in annoyance.

Gray couldn't say anything. He could only moan as Raven slid him inside of her once more. Unlike before, Raven didn't slowly lower herself. Instead, she slammed her hips down. Raven shuddered as she held his hips down. She quickly started to grind her hips into him. "Look at you, little puppy, you're inside, and you didn't come yet. You're doing so much better than before." Raven said with a laugh.

"S-Shut up," Gray was starting to get annoyed. He might technically be the girl role in this world, but he still had his manly pride from his old one. "Take off your shirt! I want to see you." Gray groaned as he started to steady himself. He refused to lose to Raven.

"Oh? Do you think you can give me orders? You're such a cute little puppy." Raven teased as she ruffled Gray's hair.

"That's it!" Gray snapped. He quickly sat up and pushed Raven as hard as he could. The powerful criminal simply smirked as she felt Gray's push. It wasn't enough to budge her, but she played along, allowing herself to fall back as Gray freed his hands. "When I tell you to do something, you do it." He growled as he pushed her shirt up himself. He licked his lips when he saw her ample chest.

Raven grinned as she watched Gray lose himself with lust. But he ignored her as he started groping her breast and biting down on one of her light brown nipples. Gray started to thrust his hips into her as hard as he could. He knew she had an aura, so he didn't hold back.

Raven's breathing grew heavy the rougher Gray became. A harsh thrust and a hard bite forced Raven to clench her jaw to suppress a moan. But Gray heard it. He wanted to hear more. Reaching down, Gray pinched her hooded clitoris. His thrust became harsher and wild as he squeezed the sensitive bundle as hard as he could.

Raven's breath hitched, and she couldn't hold back any longer. Her walls squeezed Gray in a vice-tight grip as she came. Gray's muscles clenched as he forced himself not to come. To distract himself, he quickly bit down on Raven's shoulder as hard as he could. Her hands gripped his hair as his teeth broke flesh. Raven's hips bucked, and Gray didn't stop his thrusting as the dangerous woman rode out her orgasm.

Then when it was over, they both collapsed, feeling weightless.


It took a few minutes for Gray to steady his breathing, but he lifted his head to look at Raven when he did. The normally cold-hearted woman was laying on her back, sweaty, clothes pushed up and hanging off her body. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing would fit someone who just ran a marathon. Her long, thick hair was messy as it lay around her head like a silky sheet of black.

"Beautiful," Gray couldn't help but whisper as he watched her. Raven was, without a doubt, the most attractive woman he'd ever been with. He found himself thanking whatever God sent him to this new world.

Hearing his voice, Raven's eyes slowly opened as she turned her head to look at him. The woman couldn't help but smile as Gray smiled at her.

"You came, and I didn't. Who's the virgin now?" Gray taunted, causing Raven to twitch.

"You had your fun." She said as she rolled on top of him. Her smile turned sinister as she looked down at him. "Now it's my turn, and I'm not going to stop until you break." Raven didn't let Gray reply as she lowered herself and took his cock into her mouth. He could only gasp as he gripped her head as she started swirling him around her tongue.

'Is this really my new life?' Gray thought as he started to buck his hips into the woman's mouth. The clock struck midnight, marking the end of his first day in the world of RWBY with reverse morals.


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