RWBY With Reverse Morals

Chapter 3: Fashion Date

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"Quit being lazy and get up," Raven said as she kicked the twin mattress Gray was sleeping on. The woman was already fully dressed, not a single hair out of place. The boy, on the other hand, groaned and rolled over, his eyes slowly opening.

When his eyes fully opened and met Raven's, he couldn't help but smile. At that moment, he realized it wasn't a dream. He was really here, really in this world. 'I really slept with Raven Branwen last night. If I ever meet Yang, I can never tell her about this.' Gray thought as he forced himself to sit up. Raven couldn't help but lick her lips when she saw his blanket fall and reveal his bare chest. He forgot a man's chest in this world was the same as a woman's breast in his old world. "Wow, I've never been so sore in my life," Gray groaned as he tried to stretch out his exhausted body, but his stretching just caused him to wince in pain.

"That's because you don't have your aura unlocked. I didn't notice it until after you fell asleep. I wouldn't have been so rough with you if I knew you didn't have an aura." Raven said as she dropped to a knee in front of Gray. She pulled him into a kiss, which quickly turned into a battle of their tongues. But after a moment of kissing, Gray's eyes opened in confusion. He felt something other than her tongue enter his mouth. Gray tried to pull back, but Raven didn't let him. She gripped his head and held him in place as his mouth was invaded.

Something Gray couldn't describe entered his throat. It slithered into his chest and to his heart. It was hot, Gray could feel his chest burning, but it didn't hurt. Gray's confusion grew when the heat wrapped around his heart and started to cool down. Raven pulled back from their kiss, pushing Gray down to the mattress. Gray couldn't speak. He was overwhelmed by the strange sensation now flooding his body. He could only moan as it felt like every inch of his body was getting a deep tissue massage. But the sensation was gone just as fast as it appeared.

"W-What was that?" Gray asked as he tried to catch his breath. He lifted his hand to wipe the drool off his mouth and was surprised when he didn't feel any soreness.

"That was your aura. I used mine to kickstart it." Raven said.

"What? I thought you had to say the prayer and all that?" Gray asked as he thought of the classic Pyrrha unlocking Jaune's aura scene.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Raven looked at him in confusion. "How the hell would praying unlock a person's aura?"

"How should I know? I've never had it." Gray said as he flexed his fingers and stretched his back. All of his soreness was completely gone. "Oh, and I hope you don't think you can use this aura to pay me," Gray said as he looked at Raven. The woman just rolled her eyes. She pressed her hand against the top of Gray's head and pushed down as she stood up.

"Yeah yeah, such a greedy little whore." Raven said as she turned around. Before Gray could say anything, Raven flicked her wrist out and created a large swirling portal in the air. "Wait here," Raven said as she stepped into the swirling darkness of the portal. Gray can only stare in awe. The show couldn't compare to seeing her semblance in person.


It took nearly a minute for Raven to come back through the portal, but she had a stack of Lien held together with a rubber band in her hand when she did. "Here you go whore." Raven said as she tossed Gray the stack.

'Whoa, she really paid me one thousand, Lien?' Gray thought in surprise as he caught the stack. He did a quick count and found it was ten cards, worth one hundred Lien each. "Thank you," Was all Gray could say as he looked up to Raven with a smile on his face. Gray's plan worked better than expected.

"You said you're homeless, right? Then take this too." Raven said as she tossed Gray the same keycard she used to unlock the apartment's door. "You can stay here."

Gray was really surprised now. This was something he really didn't expect. He flipped the card in his hand, then looked back to Raven with a grin. "What's this? Was I so damn good last night you wanna marry me now?" He teased, but Raven just rolled her eyes.

"You were terrible. I had to do all the work last night." Raven shot back as she crossed her arms. "I'm letting you stay here because I rarely use this place. So it just sits empty when I'm not here, and I plan on using you a lot more in the future. So having you here will make it easy for me. I'll know where you are and not have to track you down. So that's the deal, you get to live here for free, and in exchange, whenever I show up, you give it up. Got it? I don't care if it's the middle of the night, you're asleep, or you have a headache. When I show up, those pants come off. Got it?" Raven spoke firmly as if daring Gray to say no.

"Oh? You really want me to be your little puppy, hmm? I don't mind, do you want me to wear a collar too? I'll wear one for you if you want, maybe a lease too?" Gray slowly trailed his fingers across his pale neck to tease Raven some more. He was really starting to think his brain was getting affected by this world. He was enjoying his new seductive woman role far too much.

"You're lucky I don't have the time," Raven mumbled as she bit her lip. She quickly snapped her eyes back to Gray's. She reached behind her back and pulled out a small dagger in a sheath. "Here, take this. This world's too dangerous for dumb whores like you to be walking around without protection." Raven said as she tossed Gray the weapon.

The dagger sat in a black leather sheath. It was slightly longer than his middle finger and as wide as two of his fingers put together. "You know, you haven't even told me your name yet," Gray said as he clutched the dagger. His body was warm. This must have been the most kindness anyone has shown his body and the old Gray. "My name's Gray, Gray Mello. What about you?" He asked. Of course, he knew her name, and he was very careful not to say it since he'd been with her.

Raven stared at Gray for a moment. "Raven," She said as she turned towards the still-open portal. "I have to go, but remember, puppy, when I want you, you'll give it up." She started walking as she spoke.

"Wait!" Gray called out. "You aren't going to fuck me before you go?" He said while putting on a whiny voice. Raven was going to deny him, but her breath hitched when she turned to face him.

Gray was now lying back on the bed. He pulled the blanket off to show off his fully naked body. Raven's breathing grew heavy as her eyes trailed every inch of him. From his seductive face down to his slowly hardening cock.

Gray knew he had the woman wrapped around his finger. He loved his new role. But before the woman could jump him, Gray's eyes snapped towards the still-open portal as he saw someone walking through.

"Wha-" The young woman, only known as Vernal, started to speak when she walked in but froze when she saw Gray.

"Vernal!" Raven shouted, causing Vernal to flinch.

"S-SORRY! I was just coming to tell you it's almost time for us to-" Vernal quickly started to explain.

Gray couldn't help but grin as he watched the pair. This was a perfect chance for him to mess with Raven. "Blah, blah, blah," Gray called out, gaining the two women's attention. "Are you two going to talk all day, or is someone going to fuck me?" Gray asked as he started stroking himself.

The two women stared at him, stunned. Gray tried to put himself in their shoes. This situation in his old world would be two men staring at a beautiful naked woman begging to be fucked while pleasuring herself. "Do you want me to beg Master?" Gray called out. Vernal's eyes widened, and Raven glared. Raven knew Gray was messing with her, so she quickly grabbed the back of Vernal's jacket and pushed her through the portal. Once the younger woman was through the portal, Raven snapped it shut.

"You're so lucky I don't have the time to deal with you," Raven growled as she dropped to a knee next to Gray. "I should just leave you here, but I'm too kind. Much too kind, so you better thank me, little puppy." Raven grabbed Gray's cock, stuffing it down her throat and taking it to the base in an instant. Gray moaned, his hips bucking. Raven wasn't doing this for his pleasure. She was doing it to prove a point.

"Fuck! T-Thank you!" Gray called out. His words caused Raven to work his cock harder. Twisting, licking, sucking, and deep-throating. Raven put every ounce of skill she had into what she was doing, and Gray couldn't take it. "MASTERRR!" He called out, he knew she'd love hearing it, and he wanted to keep her happy. Raven let out a moan of her own as she pulled back, holding Gray's head between her lips, swallowing as he unloaded into her mouth.


Raven's breath was shaky as she stared at Gray, who was panting with his eyes closed. "That's probably not enough for an insatiable little slut like you. But it will have to do for now." Raven said as she stood up. She could taste him on her lips. "I have to go, for now. I'll be busy for a while, so don't get yourself killed by while I'm gone."

"Of course, Master," Gray said as he watched Raven open her portal once more.


'Should I join Beacon?' Gray thought as he felt the dagger clipped to his belt. Once Raven was gone, Gray took a shower, grabbed some of his new money, and left. He wanted to explore the city some more. 'If I don't join Beacon, I can enjoy a life of sleeping around and getting paid for it. Well, until Cinder shows up and wipes out Vale. Damn, I have to deal with Cinder, but I can't fight without getting some training. If I tell Ozpin the attacks coming and everything, he probably won't believe me, or worse, capture me thinking I work for Salem or something. That guy didn't make the best decisions in the show.' Gray couldn't help but groan at the thought.

"Oh? I didn't expect to see you so soon." A familiar voice called out. Gray quickly spun around, coming face to face with Coco Adel once more. "So, what has you groaning so early in the morning?" Coco asked. Gray could feel her eyes going up and down his body behind her sunglasses.

"Hmm, is this a coincidence, or were you looking for me?" Gray asked with a smile. A thought popped into his mind as he looked at her. "Hey, do you know much about fashion?" He asked.

"Me? Fashion?" Coco scoffed. "Look at me. I'm the definition of fashion." She boasted while showing off her outfit.

"I'll admit, you do look good." Gray said as he started running his hand up her sweater to 'feel the material.' Coco shuddered when he squeezed her chest. "I was planning on going to buy some clothes. Do you wanna tag along? I could use some advice from someone as fashionable as you."

"Gladly," Coco quickly replied. Coco would have agreed, even if Gray wasn't a cute boy. The woman just loved clothes shopping.

"Oh? So eager." Gray said with a laugh. He slid his hand up Coco's body until he reached her cheek. He leaned forward and gave Coco a quick kiss on the lips that surprised her. "Make me look good, and I'll give you more than just a kiss." Gray teased. He was hoping to get some nice outfits out of Coco, but he was planning on sleeping with her no matter what, even if she dressed him up in a trash bag.

"Let's go," Coco quickly said as she gripped Gray's hand and started pulling him towards her favorite stores.


"Can I ask you a question?" Gray asked as Coco sorted through a rack of clothes while some clothes she already picked were hanging on her shoulder. The young woman simply hummed in response. She was too busy, lost in her element. "How do you join Beacon?" His words caused Coco to turn to him, looking away from the clothes for the first time since they got there.

"You want to join Beacon?" She asked. She reached out and squeezed his arm through his jacket, squishing the soft flesh. "Are you sure?" Gray couldn't help but blush at her words. It wasn't his fault the former Gray didn't know how to do push-ups.

"I mean, I'm not going to join today, you know, I'll do some training first." He said as he pulled away.

"Well, my second year of Beacon is about to start in two weeks. But that's just because the second and third years will be on standby for missions. We won't really be taking classes. If you're looking to join, you'll either have to be in one of the combat schools or take the combat test Beacon holds for months before the school year starts. I think you have at least another three months before they stop testing and put the rooster together for first years." Coco said as she turned back to the clothes.

'Combat test? Isn't that how Blake joined Beacon? Damn, that might be the best way for me to join.' Gray thought.

"Let's try this," Coco said as she finally found the jacket she was looking for, the last piece to the outfit she was putting together for him. "Here, there are some dressing rooms in the back. Why don't you go try all this on." She said as she turned and held the clothes out to him.

"Uh? Isn't that just what I'm wearing but darker?" Gray asked as he eyed up the clothes. Coco basically picked out the same outfit, from the skinny jeans to the jacket. The only differences were the darker blues and black colors.

"Fashion is all about finding the style that works for you and enhancing it." Coco explained with a roll of her eyes. "You look good in that style. Gives you that nice innocent, but I wonder what's under it type of look. Works really well for you." Coco said with a smile.

"Well, you're the expert," Gray said with a shrug. He was glad Coco wanted him to wear a similar outfit and not a blouse or something strange. But when Gray took the clothes into his hands, he could feel the difference between what he was wearing and what he was given. It was a strange soft material. If he could, he would lay down and use clothes as a blanket. "Let's go." He said with a smile, suddenly happy to try the clothes on.

"I'll wait out here," Coco said as she turned back to the rack sorting through the rack once more.

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"Oh? You don't want to watch me change?" Gray asked. His words caused Coco's eyes to widen in surprise. Gray leaned in to whisper into her ear. "I know you thoroughly enjoyed those pictures you took of me. Don't you wanna see the real thing again? Don't you wanna touch?" He asked, causing Coco to rub her thighs together.

Coco quickly shifted her eyes around the store. It was a large place, fancier than any Gray went to in his past life. But all the workers were helping other people. Coco waved away the one that was going to help them. "Let's go, hurry." She quickly whispered, wanting to get into a dressing room without being seen.


Gray hummed happily as he and Coco entered the dressing room. It was as big as a small bathroom. The only things inside were a wall-sized mirror and a bench attached to the back wall that stretched from wall to wall. "So Coco," Gray said as he started hanging the new clothes on hooks. Coco took a seat on the bench. "How many times did you come while looking at those pictures of me?" He asked bluntly, a smile on his face as he watched Coco's reaction in the mirror.

"T-That, uh," Coco stuttered a bit when she started speaking. She quickly tried to regain her composure. "Pretty cocky of you to think I even looked at those pictures," Coco said as she pulled out her scroll to play the uninterested act.

Gray fought the urge to laugh. He tried to see the situation from Coco's point of view. If this was his old world, Coco would be the good-looking confident, maybe even playboy type of guy. Good looks, a good fashion sense, popular, the type of guy used to seducing and toying with girls. But then there was Gray. A slutty girl, forward, no shame in showing him her entire naked body right after meeting, but acting casual as if nothing happened. This type of girl was throwing the man off his game. Gray was throwing Coco for a loop, and she didn't know how to deal with him.

Gray placed his tattered jacket on a hook and turned to Coco with a small smile. "So you didn't finger fuck yourself to the pictures of my naked body?" Gray asked bluntly as he walked up to Coco. He wouldn't admit it, but he was so forward with Coco because Raven completely dominated him the night before. He wanted to reclaim some of his pride as a man. "You don't want to see me naked? You don't think I'm sexy? You don't want to touch me?" He leaned forward, staring into Coco's sunglass-covered eyes.

Coco's breathing grew shaky, and her mind was racing. She was thinking about the day before. Gray let her take naked photos of him right after they met, so she couldn't help but grow wet at the idea of what he might do now. "I-I do." She said. She gulped when Gray smiled and pulled the sunglasses off her face.

"So, how many times did you come then?" He asked again. "Tell the truth, and I'll reward you."

"T-Twice! I-I fell asleep right after." Coco quickly said, a massive blush taking over her face. She didn't stay embarrassed for long since Gray pulled her into a deep kiss. His tongue wrestled hers, and her hands flew to his shirt, trying to pull it off.

"Patience," Gray whispered against her lips. He softly gripped her hands, pulling them off as he backed away. Gray let Coco watch as he pulled his shirt off, tossing it on the floor. Once he was done giving Coco her eyeful, he turned and walked towards the clothes. He was planning on changing, but he froze, and his eyes widen when he saw the price tags. The shirt alone had a price tag of eighty Lien. "Uh, Coco, how much is this all gonna cost?" He asked.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It's on the house." Coco said as she put her sunglasses back on, trying to regain her composure.

"What do you mean?"

"My family owns this store, as well as a few others," Coco said with a casual shrug.

"Really now?" Gray said with a smirk as he eyed Coco up. If she was willing to give away hundreds of Lien's worth of clothes to someone she didn't know, he wondered what else she would give. "You trying to seduce me with gifts?" He asked as he walked up to her once more.

"I-" Coco started to speak, but Gray silenced her with a kiss.

"You don't have to use gifts to get into my pants. Someone as beautiful and sexy as you, the first ones free." Gray said with a smirk as he dropped to his knees in front of her. "Take off your pants." He ordered. Coco was quick to comply, not even bothering to unzip her pants as she yanked them down along with her panties.

Gray started kissing Coco's thighs as he spread her legs open. A sense of pride filled his chest when he saw how wet she was. 'I wonder how much women in this world are like men from mine. Men in my world would get hard if there was a hint of nipple in a movie, and they'd come if a woman stared at their cock for long enough. I wondered if it's the same for women here,' Gray thought as he slowly spread her lips open. Coco was the equivalent of a horny teenager, so he wanted to test her a bit. Coco's legs started to twitch, and her walls started to clench at nothing, begging for anything.

'A guy from my world this worked up would probably have a hair-trigger. Let's test hers.' Gray thought as he slid a finger inside of her. He was deliberately slow with his movements, pushing his finger inside of her as far as he could. Once his finger couldn't go any deeper, he curled it and dragged his finger back out just as slowly. Feeling every inch inside of her.

"D-Don't t-tease," Coco started to whine as Gray repeated his slow fingering. Gray could see the muscles in her legs tighten, and he had to hold her hips down to stop them from bucking. "P-Please, PLEEEE~" On the third slow drag of his finger, Coco came. She was forced to bite down on her hand to cut off the loud moan in her throat. Her hips thrusting into Gray's hand as she rode out her orgasm.

'Maybe more than sexual morals did get flipped. Raven did come more than I did last night.' Gray thought as he watched Coco lean back against the wall trying to catch her breath. While she was recovering, he reached down and pulled off her boots to get her pants the rest of the way off. "You said your family owns this place. Have you ever had sex in one of these dressing rooms before?" Gray asked as he pushed her down sideways to lay on the bench.

"N-No," Coco answered in a shaky whisper. The reminder that they were in a dressing room was starting to make her nervous about being caught. But she didn't once think about stopping. Instead, she pulled off her sweater, knocking off her glasses and beret.

Coco was now on her back, lying completely naked on the bench waiting for Gray to make his next move. Gray started undoing his pants as he took in every inch of Coco's body. He couldn't help but compare Coco to Raven. Raven's body was firm. The woman spent decades training her powerful muscles. But Coco only needed enough strength to wield her weapon, leaving her body softer.

Once Gray's pants were off, he positioned himself between Coco's legs. The woman was groping her sizable chest with one hand. Her other hand reached between her legs. She spread herself open, a silent plea for Gray to hurry. No words were said as Gray entered her, a slow pace that caused Coco to lock her legs behind him and push his hips against hers.

Gray leaned down, giving Coco a brief kiss before he moved down to her breast. He swirled his tongue around one of her sensitive and erect nipples as he sped up his thrusting. He was done toying with her. She wanted it, so he wasn't going to hold back.


Coco buried her face into Gray's shoulder and wrapped her arms around his back as low moans choked out of her. She was trying to be quiet. Coco didn't want anyone outside the dressing room to hear her. But the faster Gray started to thrust, the more she struggled to keep herself in control.

Gray was lost in Coco's body. Not a single thought went to his own pleasure as he focused on the young huntress-in-training. His thrust started to become erratic, speeding up, slowing down, twisting, and grinding. His right hand dropped down to her clit, lightly circling it, flicking it, pushing it down, and grinding against it.

Coco was close to the edge. Gray could feel it in the way she was squeezing him. He could hear it in her breathing and strangled moans. She finally came undone when Gray started kissing and sucking on her neck. When he lightly bit down on a sensitive spot, she came.

Gray tried to hold back as Coco came, but the way she clenched his cock was too much. Coco pulled him into a deep kiss as he kept thrusting, clutching him tighter as he came inside of her.


A few minutes passed as the pair simply enjoyed their post-orgasm bliss. Gray was still laying on top of Coco, his lips still slightly pressed against her neck. Coco shivered when she felt his breathing against her throat.

A sudden knock on the door caused the pair to freeze. "Hello? Is someone in there?" A female voice asked from the other side. Gray watched as Coco took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Occupied!" Coco answered back.

"Miss Adel? Is that you?" The female asked.

"Yes, I'm just trying on some clothes with a friend. I'll be done soon."

"Okay, just let me know if you need anything."

Coco let out a sigh of relief when she heard the woman walk away. Gray's wolf ears twitched as he listened to the woman walk away. He was surprised by how loud her footsteps sounded. Then once she was gone, he pushed himself off of Coco, giving her a quick kiss on the lips as he sat up.

"Enjoy yourself?" Gray asked as he started groping the exhausted woman.

"You're so good," Coco replied as she closed her eyes and enjoyed Gray's hands.

"You know, next time you want to fuck me, it's going to cost you." Gray said bluntly, surprising Coco.

"What?" That was all she could ask as she opened her eyes.

"I'm a high-class escort, you know," Gray said with a smile. He only had one client, but that client gave him one thousand Lien, plus an apartment, so he figured he earned the title. "A very exclusive one, you know."

"You are?" Coco asked, his behavior was finally making sense to her. "How much do you charge?" She was sort of relieved to know he could be paid for. She wanted sex, not a boyfriend. Paying for sex was something she thought about before. But, she didn't know where to go or who to talk to.

"Well, I charged my last client one thousand Lien for the night." Gray fought the urge to laugh as he saw Coco's eyes widen.

"A-A thousand!?" Coco squeaked in surprise.

"Yup, but since I like you so much. How about I give you a price just for you, two hundred Lien? How does that sound?" Gray didn't really care about the price. He would fuck Coco for free if she asked. But he still needed to put some money together.

Coco bit her lip when she heard the new price. She wasn't worried about how much it was. Her family was wealthy. But Coco also made her own money by selling them designs for clothes. Coco's whole outfit was something she designed herself, and it sold well, so she could afford the price. "Only two hundred?" Her only hesitation came from the fact that two hundred was nowhere near one thousand.

"The perk of being a high-class whore is I'm my own boss. I get to set the prices, and by charging you two hundred, I'll just charge someone else two thousand. I want to fuck you again. I just can't do it for free." To prove he wasn't lying, he pulled her into a kiss and pressed his erect cock against her. He was ready to go again. "So, what do you say? Two hundred whenever you want me in your bed?"

Coco's breath hitched when she felt him. "I-I guess I can do two hundred," Coco mumbled into Gray's mouth as they kissed.

"How about another free one before we leave?" Gray asked as he lifted Coco onto his lap.

"God yes~" She quickly replied. Gray wasted no time entering her once more. The store wouldn't get its dressing room back for a while longer.

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