Sage Sect

Chapter 13: An arm for a flower

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Elor didn't fly to the Beast Continent this time like to the Dragon Continent. He knew now that there was only water here. First he teleported back to the shore where he first landed on the Dragon Continent and afterwards he teleported several times in the direction which the humans said the Beast Continent was.

Soon he was hoovering above a land mass. He had to say that the difference of the continents were stark.

The Forlorn Continent was looking just like a wild unkempt forest. The Dragon Continent was almost razed of natural ressources and one saw that humans lived there. As for the Beast Continent.

It looked like a well kept natural place. It was truly remarkable that these beast could co-exist with each other here. Well, they were at war with the other continents. Beast people were in high demand on the slave market on the other continents. Depending on which race they were from they could be used as many things. Labor slaves, maids/buttlers, assasins, cannon fooder for war etc. etc.

"Well.. I don't think it would be a good idea to walk around as human. What kind of beast shall I impersonate? Let's go with dragon?" He used his soul core to transform himself into a weird looking old man. His eyes were slinted like a serpent. A blue scaled tail was looking out from behind him and a golden scale was on his forehead.

"Mhm this ought to do it!" What Elor didn't know was that dragon hybrids weren't just rare. They were extinct. Not because dragons were, it was because the dragons who still lived were not really happy to have their bloodline mixed with humans.

Problems were already programmed to happen if he was seen by a dragon. This would make for some good story telling in the Beast Union later.

Elor landed on what he did think was a road and began to walk leisurly. He didn't have any stress. Let alone until those three he had poached from the humans were finished with getting a Sage Art. He would like to enjoy this continent this time. 

He didn't have negative feelings towards humans, he may also be one but he wasn't sure. It was just what he heard did make him feel disdain towards most of them.

The only place which was somewhat war free on the Dragon Continent was the Dragon Empire. There were skirmishes and famines everywhere. Nature was destroyed and people with higher realms bullied those with lower.

It surerly wasn't because he would also liked to have done this if not for the systems warning. As he walked he took in the nature around him. At first he walked on grassland but soon he did get near a forest. He was enjoying this change of pace. He couldn't remember when it was the last time he did this, if he even did in his prison.

Elor saw that he was being spied on from atop a tree but didn't care. If he were using his senses, he would have known what they were talking about but he was just too happy to go now. Just taking in everything with his eyes and nose.

"Is this..a dragon hybrid?" A shadow leaned to another one and asking him with puzzlement.

The shadow which got asked was also puzzled. Dragon hybrid? " seems like it. Weren't all of them killed? Why would one appear here? Even walking around with such leisure?"

"I don't know. I just know that if we get to the Dragon Palace and report this. Heheheh, we will be rich!" The two shadows nodded at each other before slowly baking away into the woods.

Elor was still strolling, sometimes picking up a flower and smelling on it before replanting it. If the two shadows would have seen this. It would be hard to say if they would really go and try  make money out of him.

Several kilometers down the road was a chase scene. A little hooded person was hunted by three burly looking lionkins.

"Not bad for a little scum like you! Run run! Let us brothers enjoy the thrill of hunting you!" The biggest of the lionkins was laughing like a manic while jogging behind the hooded being.

Under the hood of the little person was a beastkin child. The weird part about it was that the two ears were different. One was the same as the lionkin behind it and the other looked more pointy, like those of tigers.

The beastkin child had tears down its face while running as fast as it could. Why was this happening? Just because its parents shouldn't have given birth to her?

Her mother was of the lionkin tribe while her father was of the tigertribe. The Beast Union forbade the beastkins bigger wars and skirmishes. This fidn't mean that all of them had the same rights or that some tribes didn't like each other.

One of those rivalries was between the lion and tiger tribe. Nobody knew when it began but it was strictly prohibited to be friends or nice to each other. Let alone making a child!

The only saving grace was that her father was a bit stronger and had the ability to protect her and her mother. It was only two weeks ago when suddenly the elders of both tribes attacked them out in the woods.

Their little family didn't live in the tribe anymore. She grew up in the woods, far away from the rest. When the elders came did her father use everything he got to make some time for the both of them. 

After a week of running did the lion tribe catch her mother, she didn't know what has been done or will be done to her parents. She knew it wouldn't be good though. Since than she was running alone.

Those three liontribe males could have easily catched her. Everytime she fell they would stop and point at her. Laughing and mocking her parents and how she was lowly hybrid scum.

Some minutes later did one of the other lion tribe males say to the boss. "Nee boss, shouldn't we catch that thing already? The elders told us to bring it back to execute the family together. After a week of torture they are probably near death. If one of the parents die before we have her..."

The lion instantly shut up after seeing his bosses scary face. Who didn't knew that the female liontribe who gave birth to this thing they chased was actually promised to their boss. He wanted to let the whole family experience pain and suffering for this.

He snorted. "Very well....even though my anger is still not dry. To let the elders wait is but a sin I can't take on me."  He infused energy into his right paw and sliced the air in front of him.

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Several winf blades flew towards the little beastgirl and cut deep into her legs. A sad cry came out of her mouth before she was rolling on the ground in pain.

The three came towards her and the boss picked her up by the neck. "Be happy you little shit, you can die together with your scummy family!"

He wanted to punch her but his face concorted into shock when he wanted to move his other arm. Why didn't he feel or see it? When he looked down he let go of the child and clutched his shoulder. The arm was gone!

"Say...I was just minding my bussiness..I even found such a nice smelling flower! Was it neccessary to destroy my happiness?" A old man walked towards them with heavy steps. His face had anger written alll over it.

"D-Dragon hybrid?!?"

If we turn back time for several seconds we can understand better why Elor was so angry.

"Ahhh what a nice flower! Even though I have those memories of that Crowned Divine and he smelled much nicer things. How could one understand the beauty of smelling it on their own." It was like someone painted a picture of a good smelling flower. Who could know how good it really smelled from a painting?

That was when suddenly a windblade cut of the stem of the flower. Dumbfounded as he was he didn't react for a moment. That moment was all it took to be unable to regenerate the flower. With how crude it was cut it was instantly crippled.

Elors face slowly turned ugly and he began to send out his sense. When he saw the four people not far away from him he knew who were the cultprilts. A short teleport later and he made a chopping motiin. He didn't infuse the Sage Art. He wanted to let that fucker know how it felt to be sliced!

That is where we're now.

Two lionkins blinking rapidly at the dragon hybrid before them and shivering when they looked at their boss.

The boss on the ground was whincing in pain but he could still hold it in. He was perplexed by how there was a dragon hybrid here! A strong one to boot.

"My lord! How did this lowly one offend you?" He couldn't help but ask, did he intervene because he wanted to save the child?

"Hmpf" Elor showed them a flower which he held in his hand. "I believe you were the one to throw out those crude windblades? You cut my flower, my momentary happiness. How do you think you offended me?"

The three lions became dumbfounded. Because of what? 

"My-my lord! This lowly one apologizes! We were chasing this lowly scum and didn't know that your esteemed self was here! I beg to forgive my bad aim and be lenient with me! If you want you could come back to the lion tribe with us! We have many flowers which are smelling heavenly!" The boss lionkin wasn't stupid, he was only in pain.

A dragon hybrid out in the woods? Strong enough to kill them bit he didn't after being spotted? That could only mean that he didn't know about the bounties on dragon hybrids heads! This was a blessing in disguise! He would even give another leg if this old man came with them!

The two lionkin behind him understood where their boss train of thought was going and immediately nodded their heads.

"Yes! You could walk around in the liontribe garden as long as you want! We have the second well knownst garden of the Beast union!"

Elor was stumbed, maybe he overdid it? His gaze wandered around the three of them and lastly landed on the hooded figure. A child? He scanned her with his divine senses and became dumbfounded. A hybrid of Beastkin?

It wasn't exactly impossible but still hard to make one! When he saw the two bloodlines he could understand why it did happen though. Lion and tigers weren't that far apart. 

What made him shocked was the cultivation level though. Body Forging 9? How old was she? No wait, she shouldn't be able to cultivate yet?!

When the pain subdued a little did the little girl look at the dragon hybrid before her and saw the almost pure innocence in his eyes. Could it be that he didn't know? Even she knew what being a hybrid of dragons meant!

"Don't listen to them! Your race has a bounty on them from the Dragon clan! They just wan-" before she could finish was she kicked from the boss lionkin.

"Esteemed lord don't listen to this scum! She just wants to make you help her! If you knew what cruel things she did you w-"

Three heads rolled on the ground and Elor sighed. " Do I look like a child to you? Seems I got some problems than..." He waved his hands and let their bodies be fertilizer for the fauna beside the streets. He didn't forget to take all of their belongins into his soul space though. He still hadn't money before!

He walked towards the little girl and looked at her for a second before placing his hand on her head and making her unconcious.

"Sleep for kow, we will talk if you wake up. I'm also a tad bit hungry.."

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