Sage Sect

Chapter 20: Sometimes a bit bloodthirsty

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Everyone always told me that the outside world was evil and full of concspiracy. I didn't met many people on the Dragon Continent after we escaped the sect. Sure,many of those we met hunted us down. Still, when I saw a mother walking her children outside with a happy smile. Saw a blacksmith selling a new made weapon with proud feelings.

It wasn't like I didn't see the differences. The slums, for example. Why did people had to live like that? Wasn't there enough food and space for everyone? It didn't make any sense for me.

At port city Opar we got a ship. One of the elders from the Phoenix Sect helped Elder Lin out with it. I think I heard them call each one brother? It wasn't a good ship but for our purpose it was more than enough.

Meaningless how advanced our ship would be, the biggest danger came from Ascencion realm deep sea beasts. Not that our destination was any better.

The Forlorn Continent. There were many legends and myths about that place. Brother Sun told me how this place was once the central piece of the world. That was thousand of years ago though.

Now it was home to two immorzal dragons! Why they were called immortal? Meaningless how many Ascencion realm expert were send, none come back except one once.

Elder Lin told me that that place would the only one which could gave us a slim chance of survival. I still don't know why our sect was attacked.

I know that mother wasn't exactly one to hold back at injustice but I still couldn't believe that when she died that we would be attacked that mercilessly.

We got an unexpected visitor when we were about a little more than half way on our sea journey. This was the first time I saw someone shine in a golden light! He asked us this and that and was gone as fast as he came.

The journey was mostly relaxing except for that instance. I had enough time to think over what I wanted to do, no had to do as the next sect mistress. They may not be telling me the truth but all of the people still with me were tired.

We all lost family, friends and even lovers. I didn't want to think about who to blame, I had to think about what to do.

That waswhen brothe Sun came running again. I had a sense of deja-vu. Sure enough,he repeteaded a sentence from some days ago while pointing at the sky.

I began to panic, when the person "flying" suddenly changed trajectory towards us. Luckily did I still have grandpa Lin with me. I don't know ehat I would do without him.

First thing I did after the rocking of the ship subdued was running towards the starboard and looking into the deep blue ocean.

A..corpse? Floated up, no women had one of her hands on her chin. Suddenly she began to mumble to herself. I could only hear something about barrier.

That was how I met Big Sis Jovanna. It was now the second day after she joined, well swam beside us.

"Ye and after that! You know what she said?!? She really-" Before Lena could finish did she hear her big sister say something which made her realize something.

"Little sister Lena..say, do you not need to eat or sleep? If I didn't know better that Jovanna would have said that this girl was an Immortal speaker.

No seriously, almost one whole day! At first could Jovanna still hold on to this wild ride but after an hour did it go into. That sect sister said this about that, that sect brother told her that. A little bit? Ok, no problem but one whole freaking day?

Lena became a little pale and stuttered an apology.

"I'm sorry big sis. I don't remember the last time I felt that good and could just talk with someone. I feel at home with you..."

Jovanna sighed when she heard that. If somebody asked, she could probably tell the whole life of this little girl. From the memories to the things she liked and disliked. 

A shudder overcame Jovanna and she couldn't help but ask. 

"Can you say that again?"

Lena was puzzled but still did as asked. Didn't she just say?" After that! She even had the guts to-"

"No no, the last part about the feeling." Jovanna wanted to facepalm, this girl needed more friends which she could talk to on an eye level. She also understood that they were polar opposites. 

"Ehm.. i don't remember the last time I felt that good and could just talk with someone? I feel at home with you?"

Jovanna's eyes slinted and she was lost in thoughts. Feel at home...good feeling..remember...maybe?

"Thanks lil sis! I think you helped me understand something. I will be back shortly." Jovanna didn't say the last part loud out  Was this all in the plan of Sect Master? Did he knew?

Lena saw Jovanna dive and became scared. Did her sister want to suicide?!? After several minutes passed did she want to jump in and dive after her. She forgot that they were moving though. Even if she jumped in now, whe would never find her. Especially because the person in question was still diving down.

Elder Lin did his daily exercise on the bow of the ship when a bad feeling overcame him. He saw Lena already prepared to jump into the water.

"What the hell?!?" With a quick step did he almost teleport to her and didn't let her move. Lena looked at Elder Lin with teary eyes.

"Grandpa Lin, you got to save big sis! She suddenly dived down and still didn't come up after a some minutes!" After he heard her words reached his ears did he smile helpless.

Dive down and save her? If his conclusion was real...he should dive down and save the ocean live, yes!

Elder Lin wanted to say something when he suddenly disciple Sun came running again.

"E-elder Lin, problem, we have a big problem!!" Elder Lin sighed and turned towards him when his facial expresion also changed. Flying ship? And that crest..

"Disciple Sun! Take Young Sect Mistress and flee now!I will hold them of." He already signed the contract with death when he said those words. That crest belonged to the Burian Clan, one of the clans who hated their sect the most. Even worse. Only the grand elder, an Ascencion realm expert, had the authority to use it. The ressources needed to have a flying ship wasn't low.

Before the people on the ship could even react was a hearty laugh heard and an old women came flying in the air.

"Hahaha the ohh so once mighty Waterflower Sect, reduced to a hardstuck old man in the Transformation realm and some puny disciples. Ohh and the girl we need too hahahahah."

When Elder Lin heard that voice he knew they were doomed. Not only because the women before them was the grand elder in the Ascencion realm. Because the thing she said, so it really was because they knew. They were just scared of late Sect Mistress.

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Elder Lin sighed to himself and spoke in a low voice. "I'm sorry Sect Mistress, this old man couldn't fullgill the promise I made. This one is useless." His eyes became red from rage and sadness.

The women landed on the deck of the ship and tsk'ed several times.

"Don't make me dirty my hands, hand over the girl and commit suicide. If it wasn't for the contract with the others I wouldn't even be here. I don't like hunting little rats."

Deep in the ocean a body silently floated, head looking up but everything the person saw was darkness.

"Water, it gives life but also destroys it. Water has a infinite fight with air but both of them are almost the same. One without the other, there would not be. What is a storm? What is my bloodline? This question..if not for Sect Master, the Dragon Gate and..little sister. All these random encounters. I would have never understood.

I am a proud Storm Dragon, harbringer of destruction. Water, wind and lightning are my home. I don't need any cultivation to use it! They are our closest kin!"

Elder Lin stood before Lena and repeated his sentence to Sun. "Take Young Sect Mistress...and isn't long till the Forlorn Continent. If that person told the truth. Ask his sect for help."

The disciples on deck became pumped up, to avenge no rather die, for those who were already slain. Sun took the arm of Lena but she didn't move. Did this girl really want to play heroin here? How long could Elder Lin hold on? 10 secondd? Maybe 20? Tume was precious now!

Lena did know the gravity of the situation. On one side she didn't want to survive because of her sects sacrifice,. On the other one she knew that fighting was pointless. That wasn't the reason though she didn't move.

While every eye on deck was gazing at the grand elder of the Burian clan from the waterflower Sect, was one pair of eyes looking behind them. Should storms...look like this?

Deep beneath the ocean, lay Jovanna with closed eyes. She felt the rhytm of the waterflow. Suddenly strong and than weak. Pushing her there and here.

"I saw the Immortal tribulation, lightning which was send from the heavens. I felt the air embracing my skin while I flew. Now I am understanding the power of water. Except lightning, all of them can be gentle as a mother, all of them can be furious as a father in rage for his kids."

While Jovanna was receitimg her thoughts in her heart did the world around her change.

Somehwere on the Beast continent in a restaurant did an old hibryd dragon looking man sudden stop eating.

"Eh? She..? That eel.."

A little girl beside him looked at him and said with worry. "Grandpa, don't you like the food here? Aura asked everyone which place got the best and all of them said here..."

The old man laughed before petting her head. "No no, it's really good! Especially the spices.."

Jovanna didn't know what was happening with her but every cell in her body began to work. The golden light of the Sage Art of chopping wood began to circulate too. It was offended, how dare someone interrupts it sleep?!

When the 3 laws and the truth met esch other a standstill was made. The laws didn't have any concsious on their own, they were just following a "programm", so to say.

The Sage Art was different. It understood that those three energies didn't want to harm it or disturb its sleep. While those energies met did Jovanna's bodyily function stop and the phenom on the ocean begin.

This was what Lena saw. Ar first it wasn't anything special but as slowly golden light filled the surroundings she knew that this wasn't normal. That golden light was somehow reminiscend of something.

When the ocean and sky became dark clouds she knew for sure that something big was going to happen. She was "imprisoned" in the sect, yes. That didn't mean she didn't know that this wasn't normal. 

The next people to understand that there was something very wrong were the members of the Burian clan on the flying ship. The task they had was simple, fly grand elder there, take grand elder back. It was almost a bloodbath when this mission was announced. Who didn't want easy money and connections?

Sadly for them, did they all play a little role in a bigger story. The first to see the clouds above them was the disciple shrubbing the deck. At first he just thought it was going to rain but when he looked around did he see that these clouds were..small? It didn't seem like stormclouds at all. When it began to form a perfect circle did he knew that something was incoming. Alas, it was too late.

On the Waterflower sect ship did the grand elder heavily snort and blood was coughed up from all exceot Elder Lin. He could swallow it back. 

Her snort was at the same time as the clouds far way behind them connected together. Within, if one was able to, could one see a dragon with blue scales, white/gray strippes which made it look more beautiful. Around the dragon were sparks of electricity, discharching and charging itself in an endless cycle.

The flying ship was no more, atomized into particles. The dragon opend its eyes and instantly vanished from its spot. 

The grand elder on the deck saw the girl in front of her have a shocked expression. That was normal. Why were the two males, Elder Lin and Sun, smilling though?

Blood in her mouth she wasn't really understandable but the person who was new on deck did know what she said.

"Mhm, your big sis is here to take out some trash. You should look know, you could say sometimes i am a little bit...bloddthirsty.."

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