Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 1: Prologue:

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In a dimly lit room that is full of things that most might consider junk but are actually technological innovations that are far more advanced than anything that is on earth.

Too bad that the person who made them doesn’t bother to organize them and instead just make a mess of things.

“For crying out loud, how many times have I told you to clean up your room?”

A middle aged woman said to a young 8 year old girl wearing a lap coat that is far too big for her to wear. She was playing around with something that the order woman assumed to be a toy.

“Yes mom, I do that after I’m done doing my project okay.”

This however just made the middle aged woman mad.

“Naomi Ariya Solace if you don’t clean this right now you will not see the new episode of that cartoon you like.”

This got the girl to stop what she was doing.

“But mom I…”

“No but you either clean your room now or no cartoon for you.”

“They are not cartoons, they are anime.”

“Yeah I don’t care, clean now.”

And so the little girl did what she was told.

“I’m done now can I get back to making my teleport watch now.”

“Yes you can.”

Just as the girl was about to get back into working on her so called teleport watch alarm ring which stopped her from doing so.

“Oh it on.”

The little girl immediately began running toward the living room and got on the couch while quickly turning on the t.v.

“~ Break through the shining clouds ~ and fly away ~ a panorama that spreads throughout the body~”

The little girl then begins to sing the opening song of her favorite show dragon ball z. She has been a fan of the show since the first moment she watched it. It not hard to tell why though since even though she is a genius and one of the top 10 smartest people in the world she is still a kid and like all kids find shooting out energy beams and turning super saiyan to be really cool.

“You must really like that cartoons so much so that you sing it song.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that it not a cartoon, it's an anime.”

“Oh yes sorry.”

And so the little girl continues to enjoy her show.

4 years have passed and she has graduated from university which she would have done so earlier if she didn’t spend too much time watching anime instead of studying for her final. 

Since she was a 12 year old attending the world's most elite university her parents didn’t make a big deal out of her failing her final twice and not graduating.

“I am so proud of you sweetly.”

“Yeah, who knew that my little girl would be such a genius and graduated from the world's most prestigious university at just a young age.”

“Yeah Naomi you’re amazing.”

“Oh it was nothing, now let's go TO CHUCK E. CHEESE.” she yells out that last part pointing her finger to the sky while she is on her father's shoulders.

“Yes, let go.”

Her father then took out a capsule like object and threw it and then popped out a van.

“I still can’t believe that you made these.”

“Yeah and aren’t those things from that cartoon you like.”


“Oh yeah right.”

Then they went inside the van and went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate.

Naomi then went on to innovate the world for the next three year by inventing the world's first light speed spaceship capable of traveling to the Andromeda galaxy and back to earth in just under 5 hours.

“Wow Naomi you’re truly amazing and beautiful too.” said her long time friend Liam.

“Oh um thank I guess.”

She and Liam have been friends since they were 5 and have been close ever since. They are now riding a new spaceship model that Naomi made and fly through the milky way.

As they were flying through the star Liam decided at this moment to let out his feeling that he was keeping hidden for so long.

“Naomi, there is something I need to tell you.”

“Um okay?”

Naomi, who was still piloting the ship, had a bad feeling about what her friend had to say.

“Naomi you are the smartest and most amazing girl I have ever known, of course the most beautiful as well. For as long as I have known you have done nothing but amazing things, like inventing a spaceship, flying cars, capsule, and you’ll even working on teleportation, and not to mention all the lives you save by finding the cure for that virus.”

“Yeah I know so umm what is it that you’re trying to say here Liam.”

“What I am trying to say is that I am in love with you Naomi. I have been for the longest time actually.”



There was a moment of silence.

Naomi: Shit how do turn him down without breaking his heart too much? I can’t just say hey sorry Liam but I’m lasbian so I’m not sexually attracted to opposite sex but I hope that even can still be friends. Okay think how to tell I’m interested in the nicest way possible.

5 minutes has passed as Naomi tries to come up with a way to still turn Liam down while also not breaking his heart in the process.

Liam: Come on please have the same feeling as me.

Another 5 minutes pass.

Naomi: Should I just lie and say that I have a boyfriend or something. No Liam was brave enough to confess his feelings for me so the least I can do is be honest with him.

Naomi then took a deep breath.

“Look Liam I’m flattered that you feel that way about me but the thing is that I don’t really feel the same about you. Sorry.”

Liam hearing this was heart broken.

Naomi: Shit I totally broke his heart. Well better hope that we can still be friends after this.

“WHY?” Liam yells feeling betrayed and hurt by Naomi's rejection.

“I just don’t. I’m sorry but I just can’t return your feelings the way you want me to. I know it must hurt trust me I know but I am sure that there is someone out there who will see just how much of a great guy you are. You just have to find them.”

Liam however was having none of that.

“Bullshit. You’re gay aren’t you.” he angrily ask Naomi.

“Okay yes so what.”

“I fucking knew it. You’re a dirty fucking lesbian whore. I should have known given the ways you look at girls and how you talk about your favorite waifu. I should have seen that coming but nooo I just had to believe that if I was nice to you and constantly kiss your ass then maybe you will feel the same as I do but no instead you’re just a filthy lesbian.”

“Look Liam I get that you’re hurt but that still doesn’t give you the right to say all of that.” Naomi said, trying her hardest to hold back her tears and failing.

“Oh yeah well it the fucking truth. You’re a disgusting lesbain and I never want to see your fucking face ever again.”

Soon after they return from their flight through space they never meet again. When Naomi returned home she went to her bed not even bothering to watch the new episodes of Dragon Ball Super like she planned on doing but instead she cried herself to sleep.

Things got even worse for Naomi two week later when her parents found out.

“You’re a lesbain!! You should be ashamed of yourself.”

“I have no daughter.”

Her parents kicked her out of the house soon after Liam told them of their daughter's sexuality.

Lucky for her since she invented numerous things that will go down in history as innovation beyond humanity capability and have been well compensated for it. It means that Naomi Solace is the richest person in the whole wide world. So basically Naomi won’t have trouble finding a new home and paying for rent but being kicked out by her parents and practically disowned still hurts.

 So after about a month being depressed that depression soon turned to anger. There are so many ways that Naomi could get back at her family. She could easily ruin their lives if she wanted to after all since she was little Naomi has invented things that easily cost millions all with just stuff she found in the garage so thanks to that her parents never had to work a day in their lives.

So what would happen if let's say all her parents' money that they save suddenly disappear from their bank account or what if they were unable to get a job because of some awful rumor about them and what would happen if their house suddenly just disappeared out of nowhere. What would happen to them then?

Naomi could easily pull all that off and get away with too, all she just has to do is call a few favors, maybe leave a device that just so happens to teleport everything in a 20 m radius. She could do it just like that.

“Fuck that I ain’t that petty and I don’t need to ruin their lives just to get back at them. I can just live my life happily and successfully, yeah that will show them. If they won’t accept me for who I am then to hell with them I don’t need them anyways.”

With that Naomi continues to live her life peacefully not even giving her parents a second thought anymore while continuing to invent new innovation for humanity. She does however make sure that her parents won’t get any money from her invention anymore.

A year after Naomi had become even more well known to the whole world. Naomi Solace had solved most of if not all of the world's problems like hunger, pollution, and even global warming.

That is not all Naomi Solace had become a beauty among beauty if that wasn’t the case before. With long brown hair that reaches all the way to her waist, dark blue eyes, and a good old c cup. Basically every man in the world fantasizes about being with her.

“For fuck sake why am I not getting any girls on this dating app. I’m pretty sure I put girls only on it so why am I getting a bunch of dudes?”

She couldn’t help but yell as she looked at her phone while she was on her break from her current project. A project that Naomi Solace has been working on since she was a kid. Teleportation or more accurately teleportation to another world. Not just another planet, no what Naomi wants to do is travel to another form of reality that has a different law of physics.

“Why am I even bothering with this shit ass dating app? I should just make my own and then finally I can get a girlfriend.”

Of course what she wants more is a girlfriend but that ain’t going so well for her at the moment.

“Screw it, I'm getting back to working on my other world portal. At least with that I know for sure that I’m going somewhere with it, unlike my love life.”

It true since Naomi is usually always working in her lab she never really has the chance to get out there and meet someone.

Naomi then begins to work on her other world portal.

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“Okay if my calculations are correct then this should open a portal to a world where either humans never evolve or nothing happens. Well, there's only one way to find out.”

She then made sure that all the safety measures were on before she activated her device.

“Ah come on I thought for sure that it would work this time.”

But then her lab exploded, killing her instantly.


“Well this is unexpected.”

A void calls out to her despite her being dead.

“Oh by the way you’re dead.”

Naomi: Huh I’m not?

“Well technically you are but you’re also not at the same time.”

“...” Naomi tried to speak but she couldn’t.

“You don’t have a body anymore so you can’t speak but you can think since your mind isn’t gone yet.”

Naomi: Wait yet?

“I mean to be fair, do you honestly expect your mind to continue without a body? It is a miracle that your soul hasn’t been sent to the void or reincarnated.”

Naomi: Wait so reincarnated a thing? Tell me everything you know. Does the soul keep all its memories or do they lose all its memories when being reborn? If so, how does it keep some of its past life? Does it even keep any of its traits? Do you reincarnate as a different gender from your last life? If that is the case doesn’t that lead to gender dysphoria?

“Wow wow stop right there I ain’t some answering machine that you can pop questions on. I am a goddess and you sure be either worshiping me or being in awe at my beauty.”

Naomi: Well I’m atheist so I don’t worship god or goddess and I can’t see anything probably because I don’t have a body I can’t exactly awe at your beauty. But for some reason I can tell that you’re beautiful even without being able to see you. Why is that?

“Oh that's because I’m the goddess of love and beauty, well in training that is.”

Naomi: So what you’re saying is that becoming a god is some you train for? In that case would you once human too or would you a different species before you became a goddess of love and beauty in training?

“Enough of that, why don’t you answer some of my questions before asking yourself.”

Naomi: Okay fair enough. Ask away.

“How did you even get here? This space should only be accessible to only the gods and I’m pretty you’re not one or even one in training so explain.”

Naomi: I don’t know, all I know is that my lab exploded when I activated my other world portal. I could have sworn that I put all the safety measures in place before I activated it. Well I guess not since I’m here and without a body.

“Were you trying to get to another parallel world or a different form of reality?”

Naomi: A different form of reality.

“Holy shit no wonder your lab blew up. You probably got killed by the reality beast. That thing will kill anybody that tries to travel to a world that doesn’t match their original reality in any shape or form. Did you even have a destination in mind?”

Naomi: Nope not really I just wanted to travel to another world that is far different from my own.


Naomi: So that I can learn more.

“Well you obviously learn something out of this like how to not fucking bend the rules of reality to another world without considering where to fucking go. I would be laughing at you if it wasn’t just serious things.”

Naomi: Huh why is that?

“Because I now have to decide what to do with you. I can’t exactly let you stay here unless you feel like slowly losing your sanity over time because you don’t have a body, just nothing more than a thought literally.”

Naomi: Yeah that doesn’t sound too appealing to me so no thanks.

“Yeah I thought so. Now what to do with you? I could just reincarnate you to another world since I am a goddess and I can do that without worrying if the world matches your original reality or not.”

Naomi: Oh in that case can you send me somewhere with…

“Fuck no you don’t get any said on what world you get to reincarnate in. You’re lucky that I’m even allowing you to keep your memories because I have a feeling that without it you'll just end up making the same mistake again ending up back here. Which I don’t have a problem with but I rather not have a mortal with no body here. So yeah out you go plus I could use you to play a prank on someone.”

Naomi: Yeah I rather not be used as a way to prank a god mainly because I value my existence so no thanks.

“Aww it's cute that you thank that you have a choice in the matter which technically you do but it's not much of a choice really. It’s either you do as I say or I just sent you to the void and trust me you don’t want to go to the void.”

Naomi: Oh so you’re blackmailing me now huh.

“Hey don’t talk to me like I’m the bad guy. Don’t you know how much trouble you’re causing me here. You just escape a reality beast, don't you know how lucky you are. Those things can track you down across all of existence meaning that they track you here and I rather not deal with those things thank you very much.”

Naomi: And so you’re planning on making it some other god problem then. Woow that soooo much better using me as a prank.

“I don’t like your sarcasm but I will ignore it for now and for your information I ain’t planning sending those things to some other gods if that's what you were thinking. Yeah fuck no that put me in soo much trouble then those beast could ever give me.”

Naomi: But you said that they could track me now no matter where I go right?

“Yeah but it won’t matter if I give you my blessing that should keep them from going after you for about eternity or give or take or unless I feel like taking that blessing away. But you don’t have to worry about that, just do my prank for me and you won’t have to worry about me taking it away from you. I’m that kind of goddess.”

Naomi: So my choices are either be sent to the void which I rather not know why it a bad or just do your stupid prank and hope that god doesn’t do anything bad to me for it.

“Oh don’t worry that god ain’t that petty so you should be safe. Plus the world that I am sending you to is an anime world and one that you might be familiar with. It is the most popular show after all.”

Naomi: Wait, is she saying what I think she is saying?

“Oh yeah you better believe because the world that I am sending you to is the world of…”

Naomi: Holy shit I can’t believe I’m heaven well I guess I am technically so maybe?

“The most popular anime of all time, you guessed it Naruto.”

Naomi: Oh really. I was kinda hoping for dragon ball but I guess going to Naruto is just as good. Though I did stop watching part way through shippuden mainly because I was sick and tired of dealing with the filler. Man those filler episodes are so annoying, some of them I like well others not so much.

“Oh well if it makes you feel any better I kinda maybe transported the naruto world to one of the universes in dragon ball, universe 11 to be specific.”

Naomi: Wait so that means that I technically am going to the dragon ball world so heck yeah. I don’t even care if I’m being used by some shady goddess any more.

“Hey I’m not shady.”

Naomi: Yeah whatev so what do you want me to do.

“Okay find I will just let you think that I’m shady even though I’m NOT in any way shady and for what I want you to do is three things really. One gets a harem.”

Naomi: Ha ha ha I must be mishearing because you just said to get a harem like that going to happen.

“Second, I want you to give birth to children and a lot of them too. Don’t ask why I ain’t explaining anything to you. And third but not least I want you to replace the god of destruction of universe 11. I don’t care how you do.”

Naomi: Fuck this shit I ain’t doing any of that.

“Okay I guess it's time for the void.”

Naomi: Hold up hold up hold up let talk about this first. I mean come on be reasonable here replacing god of destruction are you serious? I’ll be lucky to get out of a fight with Raditz alives let alone a god of destruction. And secondly a HAREM you must be joking right? I never even had a girlfriend before and you want ME to get a harem. Plus you expect me to get pregnant for you because you ask. Yeah fuck no and in case you haven’t notice I’m a lesbain so there for I ain’t having sex with a man. Deal with it.

“Okay first of all just fucking train and you’re be good hopfully, secondly find if you don’t want to have sex with a man then don’t just figure out a way to impregnate a woman then you won’t have to do it with a man. And about the harem just fucking get it I don’t care if you have to brainwash them or something just get pregnate with them or make them pregnate I generally don’t care.”

Naomi: Well since I don’t have a choice at all I may as well try my hardest.

“That's the spirit.”

Naomi: But you better believe I’m going to complain about it like bitch to you every chance I get.

“Eh, as long as you do your work you can complain as much as you want.”

Naomi: Oh I’m soooo going to complain just you wait.

“Yeah sure. So what do you want to be reincarnated as, do you want to be a Hyuga, Uchiha, Uzumaki, or even a saiyan and yes I can do that now. Oh and tell me what else you want for your reincarnation just say and I try to see if I can make it happen.”

Naomi: A saiyan obviously I mean come on is that even a question. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be a saiyan. Oh and I want to be able to control the ozaru form at will and is super saiyan 4 possible? If so I want that too as well as the other form too.

“Okay a saiyan it and for your request to be able to control the ozaru easy peezy but as to giving you super saiyan 4 as well as the other yeah nope you’re getting that shit all on your own. So is there anything else?”

Naomi: Nope that about it.

“In that case, time to reincarnate you. Oh by the way do you have any problem being reincarnated as a man?”

Naomi: Oh you better believe I fucking do. I would rather be sent to void than be reborn as a man.

“But it would make getting a harem of girls easier will it not?”

Naomi: I don’t give a damn. I prefer to be me no matter what anybody else says and what I am is a woman who is strong, smart, and beautiful. If you reincarnate me as a man against my will then you better forget about me doing anything that could in any way remotely help you.

“Okay okay find I won’t reincarnate you as a man how are you going to get women pregnant while also being a woman.”

NaomI: I don’t know I’ll figure it out later just reincarnate me already. Oh if not too much to ask can you make it so that my new self looks like my old self if you can. But if you can't, don't worry about it's not that important.

“Okay I’ll try my best but I don’t know what you look like before so I can’t make any promises. Is that all right?”

Naomi: Yeah sure like I said it is not that important I just don’t feel like getting used seeing one else in the mirror is all.

“Okay got it, oh and one more thing I’m going to make sure that you somehow get the other half of kurama chakra which is the nine tails by the way. So that means you’re going to be dealing with an angry demon fox thing inside you so good look.”

Naomi: Seriously! You know what fuck it, it might actually be cool and if naruto could handle that thing inside him while also dealing with the unjust hate of the village then I don’t see why I can’t handle that thing too. The unjust hate of the village on the other hand yeah that might be a problem for me but I think I might manage somehow.

“Okay good now off you go.”

And so Naomi began to be reincarnated however it was at that moment that Naomi realized something important. Something that would definitely help her in so many ways.

Naomi: Oh, almost forgot, can you give me information about the naruto-verse because like I said I stopped watching about somewhere in shippuden. 

“Nope I can’t do that so you have to work with the little information that you have but even that won’t help you much because there are going to be some changes, some small, other big, a few are plain weird or just WTF, but I’m sure that you can handle it. I hope.”

Just before Naomi was about to ask what she meant by that she suddenly reincarnated. Now begins Naomi Solace her new life as a saiyan ninja of Konoha.

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