Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: A saiyan land at konoha.

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In universe 7 on the saiyan home world planet Vegeta in the middle of nowhere there stood two saiyan with two pods.

“Do we really have to send them off-world?”

“Yes we do. If I’m wrong about this then I will just go and get them.”

“But still I don’t like this can’t we go with them.”

“No the scouters were just pick up our power level. Kakarot and Nori power level are low enough that they could pass undetected.”

The two saiyan are none other Bardock and Gine. They are sending their son Kakarot and daughter Nori off world

Naomi: Holy shit Bardock is my new father and I'm Goku sister. This is the happiest moment of my new life.

Oh yeah Nori just so happens to be the reincarnate of Naomi Solace who just suddenly got her memories of her past life back.

Bardock put Nori in the pod and closed it and then did the same to Goku.

"Don't worry I made sure to let Raditz know where they would be going."

Naomi: Yeah but you forgot to let him know that Goku wasn't there to destroy planet earth but to survive.

"But still why are you doing this? It isn't normal for saiyan to care for their children."

"I guess after spending all my life just destroying I for once just want to save something. That something being my children."

So after a tearful goodbye from Bardock and Gine the two took off heading to earth.

Naomi: I thought I would be sent to naruto world not that I'm complaining. I guess that means I have some fun in the dragon ball world instead. I should probably use the dragon ball to wish Bardock and Gine back to life they seem like good people.

As that thought occurred to her something strange happen.

A black hole appears and seems to be suck Naomi in.

Naomi: Oh shit I'm going to die.

The black hole sucked the pod in but it didn't destroy it but instead send it to another universe.

Naomi: Yay I'm not dead. Now time to inspect this space ship.

She then begins to look at the control and mess around with it, that was until she started to fall asleep.

Naomi: No not yet I still haven't...

Naomi couldn't fight the urge to fall asleep anymore and did so for about 4 months until she landed somewhere in universe 11 that shouldn't be there.

it was a normal day for the village hidden in the leaves. The hokage was doing some paper work and was about to be done when suddenly something crashed down and landed.

"What was that noise."

"Lord fourth something just landed in the forest."

Someone went through the door and told the fourth hokage Minato Namikaze this.

"Let go."

The hokage and a few of his men then went to investigate the crash.

"Lord Danzo something has just crashed in the forest."

"Oh so can we get to it before the fourth does."

"No my lord the fourth hokage is already on his way."

"Then what's the point of telling me this if you can't even get there before he does."

"I'm sorry my lord."

Just outside the village.

"Huh that odd something just crashed in the village. Hey Obito you want to check it out?"

"No black Zetsu. We have much work to do tonight so we don't have time to waste plus there is a good chance that Minato sensei is already on it so it's not a smart idea to just go in there and investigate."

"Good point."

At the crash site two shinobi along with the fourth hokage has just arrived.

"What is that thing?"

"An egg maybe?"

"What kind of egg looks like that." The shinobi pointed his finger at the pod while giving his friend a dumbfounded look.

"I don't know it fell out of the sky so anything is possible I guess."

"Yeah but an egg? Really, are you serious that gotta be the dumbest thing I ever heard."

"Well why don't you tell me what it is then."

"Well it definitely not an egg that for sure."

"Enough you two let go investigate the thing already."

""Yes hokage sama""

Both shinobi said.

They soon went in closer to the pod and then opened it expecting to either find something dangerous or out of this world not a little girl.

"Huh it's just a little girl."

"She look around 2 or maybe 3?"

"And she has a tail and what is she wearing."

"Is that armor? Why would a 3 year old be wearing armor?"

As the two were discussing about the child Minato step in closer to the child.

"Hey there can you understand what I'm saying?"

Minato then tries to communicate with the girl.

The girl nodded eagerly at him while also looking excited for some reason which confused Minato a bit.

"Can you speak?"

The girl nodded again.


"I'm mean yes."

"Okay good do you mind answering a few questions for me."


Naomi: I should probably act like 3 years so I don't raise suspicion. Well more suspicion than a 3 year old girl with a tail that falls out of the sky.

"Can you tell me where you're from."

"Up there." She point to the sky.

"Um yeah I meant the name do you even know it?"


Minato: Vegeta? That sounds more like a person's name then place. Either way I never heard of it and from where she points and the fact that she literally falls out of the sky I'm willing to believe that she is from outer space.

"Where are your parents."

"Dead." The girl look sad when she said this.

Naomi: Am I doing a good job looking sad, not that I don't feel sad about their death which is strange since I don't even know them at all well beside from what I've seen in the anime.

Well Naomi was questioning why she felt so sad about Bardock and Gine death Minato took pity on the girl.

"I'm sorry what happen?"

"Planet boom, mom, dad, send me away."

Naomi: This is how a 3 year old would talk right? Oh right I should probably keep looking sad.

The girl looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry don't cry um do you have any other family members we could find."

Naomi: Should I tell him? It's not like he would find Raditz and Kakarot anyways so what's the point. Wait did I just call Goku Kakarot? Whatever I'm just going to lie and say they dead or something.

"There no one. AHHHH" she cry.

Minato: Yeah that was a dumb question the girl planet was obviously destroy and her parents must have sent her here in hopes she survive.

Minato then pat the girl head.

"There there it is going to be okay. if you don't have anywhere to go then you could stay here in the village."

Naomi: Really that sounds cool thank god that my parents from my old life forced me to take acting class when I was a kid. I still don't understand why they wanted me to take it but whatever I'm glad that they did.

"Um lord hokage is that wise." One of the shinobi said.

"Yeah we don't know if this child is dangerous or not. For all we know this child could turn into a giant monkey at the full moon and run rampant or something."

At this the little girl tail twitch.

"Oh come it a little girl how dangerous can she be and beside it not like we could just leave her here." Minato said.

"Okay but where would we take her then?"

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"Oh I know just the place." Minato told the shinobi before turning to the girl again. "Hey so what is your name?"

"It Na..." 

She was about to give her old name but stopped.

Naomi: I don't know why but for some reason I feel like answering with Nori my saiyan name instead of Naomi my old one. Eh I don't see the harm in going by my saiyan name.

"It Nori."

"Well Nori welcome to Konoha your new home."

The fourth hokage said and reached out a hand to help the little girl out of the pod.

The third kokage was enjoying a nice cup of tea at his home when he suddenly got a visitor.

"Minato what do I own the pleasure and who is that girl with you and why does she have a tail?"

"This is Nori and the reason why I'm here is that I want you to take care of her at least until we figure out what to do with her."

Minato then begin to explain to Hiruzen about Nori situation and that she is from space and her home planet is gone.

At first Hiruzen didn't know what to think. A monkey girl falling out of the sky claiming to be an alien and her planet destroyed. Hiruzen thought that Minato was playing a prank on him or something but after being told otherwise he just accepted it. After all Minato isn't one to lie or be easily fooled by a child alien or otherwise. 

Now there is only one question that going through Hiruzen mind.

Hiruzen: What on earth destroyed her planet? If it was caused naturally like a huge asteroid falling down the planet and destroying it or something then I guess it is a tragedy but if it was caused by an outside force then that is worrisome. If there is something out there that can destroy an entire planet and it people be it a single individual or organization then it is a threat and we need all the information we can get. I'm assuming that Minato is waiting a few days before asking the girl questions about it.

It was then that Hiruzen looked at the girl more closely.

Hiruzen: Odd she doesn't look too depressed about it. One would think that having your whole planet destroyed would make anyone sad but this girl is looking around excitedly instead. That is suspicious no matter how I look at it.

'Then again she is an alien so maybe that's how they act.'

Hiruzen: Then again she is an alien so maybe that's how they act.

Just when Hiruzen was starting to doubt the girl story a strange voice spoke to him and soon that doubt was gone.

"Okay I understand Minato I will take care of the girl until you figure something out. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you Hiruzen."

Minato then teleported away leaving just Hiruzen and the little girl.

"You must be tired you can use the bed for tonight. I will just sleep on the couch."

"Thank you."

Hiruzen then guided her to his room and as soon as Hiruzen left the room Nori then jumped up in the air in excitement.

"I can't believe I'm in naruto world although I would have preferred the dragon ball world over naruto any day of the week. I'm still a fan of naruto even though I stopped watching somewhere after the five kage summit arc."

Indeed she was a huge fan of naruto although not as huge of a fan that she was for dragon ball. Naruto was still in her top 10 anime just under bleach. Even though she stopped watching because of the filler episodes she was planning to finish it eventually but unfortunately she died before she could.

Nori: Okay Minato alive so that means naruto isn't born yet so that means the nine tail hasn't attacked yet. I wonder how the goddess plans on giving me the other half of it chakra. Though not like I care that much about getting it. In fact I don't even care that much about doing what the goddess told me to do I only told her that I'll do so that she'll reincarnate me and not send me to the void whatever that is. So I'm not going to fight the god of destruction for universe 11 or make babies for her either. But I will try to make harem if I can because why wouldn't I want one.

"You know it's kinda cute that you think I'm giving you a choice in the matter or that you think you can just walk away from our deal."

Nori then found herself in a strange place. She was in what she assumed to be a japanese tea house on top of a river with pink water, the sky was light green.

"What the fuck?"

"Watch your tongue mortal you are in the presence of a goddess in training so you will act accordingly or at least that is what some gods would say but I don't really care that much about your foul language so I'll let it pass."

It was then that Nori noticed a teenage girl around 18 years old. She was wearing a dress that looked like it came straight out of fire emblem, it was white with some red mix in it, her hair was a light pink, her eyes as blue as the sky or at least the sky back on earth, and her skin was very fair. All in all she was very pretty to look at or at least Nori thought so.

That was until she figured out who this girl was.

"Wait don't tell me you're the goddess that sent me to naruto world?"

"Well duh. For a genius you are very slow on the update. But if you want to stare and awe at my beauty then I'm okay with that as long as you listen to what I have to say."

Nori then stares at the goddess for 5 minutes before realizing where she was staring at and quickly looks away.

Nori: What the hell? Why was I staring at her breast for that long. I mean sure she is very pretty and easy on eyes but I should know better than to rudely stare at someone's chest like that. I may be an lesbian but I not some pervy old man.

"Don't worry about it I get that a lot. It's one of the few downsides of being a goddess of love and beauty in training. Everybody that is capable of feeling sexual attraction will be compel to look and think dirty thought like you just did. Though I am surprised that you were able to break free of my charm and look away all on your own but then again you do have the body of a 3 year old so that might have something to do with it."

"Wait so just being a goddess of love and beauty automatically make people horny for you?"

"Well I wouldn't say horny but more like fascinated and more likely to think stuff that a 3 year old definitely shouldn't be thinking about."

"Hey I may be 3 physically but I am 16 mentally or 19 if you count the 3 years that I was reborn. Well anyway it must suck having everybody look at you like that without considering how you may feel about it."

"True it does get annoying sometimes especially since I can hear their thoughts and I can't even turn it off too. But I did decide to become a goddess of love and beauty so I just have to deal with it."

"That's rough... So anyway how does your charm ability work? Do you release pheromones that cause people to act that way or is it something else. Would it work if a woman was straight or does a person sexual orientation not matter when it come to your ability to charm people."

The goddess then started to get annoyed at the young saiyan.

"I didn't summon you to my realm just so you can ask questions about my ability to charm people. I summon you here so that I can tell you something and to make sure you do what I requested of you."

"Request implied that I had a choice in the matter and could turn it down."

"Whatever just listen to what I have to say."

"Fine as long as you answer my question afterwards. "

"You dare to ask something of a goddess."

"Yes now tell me what you want to say so I can ask my question."

"What makes you believe that me a goddess would even answer a stupid question that a mortal ask. You may be a genius where you come from but you're still far beneath me so you will listen to what I have to say or else... Hey why are you walking away from me I am still talking here."

Nori not wanting to deal with the goddess bullshit anymore walked away while the goddess was talking.

"You do realize that I can still send you to the void right."

Nori kept walking.

"I will do it you know. I don't care if I need you for my prank I can always get another mortal to do it."

Nori still wasn't listening to the goddess and kept on walking out of the tea house.

"But if you ask nicely I suppose I could answer one question."

Nori then walk out the door.

"Okay okay okay fine I will answer any question you want. So come back please."

Nori then walked back toward the table that the goddess was sitting in and sat opposite to the goddess. While struggling to get on the chair of course.

"Okay say what you want to say." Nori said acting like she didn't just spend a minute trying to get on a chair because of her small size.

"Okay I'm just going to say this once so you better listen. As you may have noticed I have manipulated the fourth and third hokage into automatically accepting you into the village despite you being an outsider and not automatically sending you to the interrogation department or have the Yamanaka enter your mind."

"Yeah so what? It's not like I have anything to hide."

"True you don't have any malice intent so they would just let you go after finding out everything they could about you but that's the problem here. The problem is that I don't want them to know about your past life or more specifically their future. Since you had watched the anime even if you haven't finished it you still have knowledge of their world and its future. Even though I do want you to make changes to it even if you do so without my input I still don't want the people of that world to have that kind of information."

"Huh but why is that?"

"Because it wouldn't be that much fun if they knew now would it?"

Nori just stares at the goddess in disbelief.

"Hey don't give me that look. I am a goddess and messing with people's fate is what we do. Be it for a grand purpose or just for the fun of it. The lives of you mortals are in the palms of our hands whether you like it or not. We could alter the fate of your world just by making sure that the right fly got squash or that the right leaf fell off the right tree at just the right time at just the right person. Sure you mortal may be able to fight against that fate and may even win but you mortals will never..."

"Yeah yeah I get it you're a god and I'm a mortal. Let's just get to the part where you tell me something useful already I don't have all day you know."

Nori cut off the goddess mid sentence which annoyed her but the goddess let it pass.

"Okay fine I will get on with it. I don't want them finding out that you're a reincarnation and since the Yamanaka can under your mind I'm going to temporarily block off your past life memories."

At the Nori get up from her chair.

"You're gonna what?"

"Temporarily block off your past life memories. Don't worry you still have access to it, it's just that when someone tries to enter your mind they will only see your time at planet vegeta and nothing more."

This calms Nori down a bit but it raise another question.

"Wait so you don't care if they find out about Frieza or the saiyan?"

"Why would I? They are not in the same universe and even if they would, so what it not like they could do anything about it. At best they would try to prepare for it and get stronger. At worst they do nothing about it and hope that nothing dangerous comes their way."

the goddess simply said while taking a sip of tea.

Nori: Now that I think about it if konoha finds out about aliens then they would most likely try to find out whatever they can about them. Best case scenario it leads to world peace, worst case it doesn't lead to world peace but konoha does try to get stronger to better prepare for it.

"I doubt that if they knew that there were beings out there that could destroy planets very easily the five element nations would still be at each other's throat. War is just a fundamental part of human nature after all. You can take the human out of the war but you can't take the war out of the human."

Nori: Hate to admit it but she has a point.

Even in her old world where there is no food shortage, space travel is possible so that means that they wouldn't have to fight over land, and their are even way to reproduce precious resource without any trouble which mean that their enough for everyone but that still doesn't stop people from declaring war to one another.

The only reason that her world wasn't nuked to death was because she invented an anti-nuke device that not only adsorbs nuke radiation but also stop nuke missiles mid air and then give them to all the nation in the world.

"But enough about that. You are probably wondering how you are going to get the other half of the nine tail."

"No not really."

"Okay since you don't have much time left until it comes out. You're going to have to fight the nine tail as a oozaru and win."

The goddess then took another sip of tea.

"Wait what!?"

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