Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 6: Side Chapter 1: Family

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On planet Vegeta 10 months before its destruction by the hand of lord Frieza. There were two saiyan training together one was a male saiyan with spiky hair that seem to defy the law of physics. The male seems to be around his early 30 but with a saiyan you can never be too sure since they stay in their prime until their mid to late 80s.

"No not like that. Use your whole body that way your punch will have more force in it."

The male saiyan was training a young female saiyan who look to be no older than 2. The little girl has long black hair that reaches a bit under her shoulder. Her hair has some spikiness but is nowhere near as law-defying as the older saiyan hair.

The girl did as the older saiyan said and put her whole body into her next attack it being more powerful than before.

"That my girl. Good job Nori."

Bardock praises his daughter for a well-placed hit on the face. It didn't hurt much but that didn't stop him from padding the girl head.

"Yey I did it, I'm the bast."

Nori was all sunshine and rainbow after she manage to get a solid hit on her father. Bardock just kept padding finding the girl antic to be cute.

Three hours passed and now Nori was on the verge of collapse. Her breathing was heavy, her arm was sore beyond belief, and her short little legs look just about ready to give up.

"Okay, that should be enough for the day. Let's head home dinner is probably ready by now."

At this, the girl was suddenly full of energy and was now jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yay dinner."

Bardock: Wasn't she ready to collapse like 5 seconds ago?

Bardock was of course confuse on how his daughter went from exhausted to being full of energy in an instant.

Bardock: Well I guess she must really like Gine cooking then.

Of course, Gine's cooking wasn't the reason why Nori was so excited. Sure she loves her mother's cooking but it is not like she'll go crazy over it. No the real reason why she is so excited was that a certain someone would be joining them for dinner today.

Nori: I hope Zucca will be impressed that I managed to hit papa.

Zucca is Nori half sister.

Since saiyan don't have a concept of love and marriage they tend to have children with more than one person at a time. Usually, when two saiyan have one child they never get another one together again not unless the child turns out to be strong. The only exception to this are Bardock and Gine and of course the royal family.

At first, Bardock was like any other saiyan not giving a damn about love and more interested in fighting. However, that changed when he met Gine. Gine was unlike most saiyan in that she doesn't enjoy fighting and is more kind-hearted. Because of it most saiyan view her as weak and useless and tend to make fun of her for it.

However not Bardock, sure he may have viewed Gine as weak and useless but at the same time also kinda interesting. Unlike most saiyan, she doesn't talk about the same old things like what they kill or how strong their opponent was, and how they kill them. Bardock was getting sick and tired of hearing the same thing every day.

So when he met Gine and after getting to know her Bardock found her to be a breath of fresh air and kinda grew a liking to her so much so that he had not one but two children with her and is even thinking about having a third too.

Bardock even stops having sex with other female saiyan and is wholly focused on Gine. Much to the dismay of all the other girls.

Of course, that means that before meeting Gine Bardock had two children (that he knew of) with two other female saiyan. One of them is Zucca who Nori finds to be very cool and looks up to.

She even had a little crush on her however once Nori found out that Zucca was her half-sister she put an end to that right away. She may not have a full understanding about certain things but despite that Nori knew full well what incest means and know that should avoid it at all costs. Even though she never heard of the word before (at least in this life).

Bardock also had a son named Turles before meeting Gine.

Nori doesn't like Turles one bit because he much like Raditz always picks on Nori and calls her weak but unlike Raditz, Turles would brutally beat her whenever he has the chance. Sure they may be saiyan and beating each other to a pulp is another form of bonding to them but that is definitely not the case with Turles.

At least with Raditz he would hold back and not injure Nori too much but with Turles Nori would either end up bloody or on the verge of death. And Nori doesn't even get a zenkai boost out of it either because of a strange pill he forces Nori to take before each fight. That pill can temporarily stop the zenkai ability from working.

Nobody even knows the existence of these pills but somehow Turles manages to get his hand on them.

Luckily for Nori Bardock happen to witness one of Turles brutal beatdowns and put a stop to it. As a result, Turles is no longer welcome in the family.

"We home."

Nori shouted excitedly when she and Bardock got home.

"Quiet weakling."

And Nori's face immediately deadpan at the sight of a young saiyan around 6 or 7 years old with ridiculously long hair.

Nori: What is Raditz doing here? Isn't he supposed to be off world doing a mission or something?

"I finish early."

Raditz answered as if he read her thoughts.


Nori pouted.

"Now now play nice. We have a special guest today so no fighting... At least not while we eating."

And so they set themself at the dinner table.

5 minutes later.

A young female saiyan around 16 or 17 years old with long messy black hair kicked open the door and walk right on in without caring about the damage to the door she causes.

"Yo I'm here, father."

Zucca casually said.

"How many times had I told you to not break the door down whenever you visit." And I just got that door repaired too.

Bardock said already feeling a headache coming.

"Until you either give up or die of old age whichever comes first."

Zucca said not caring about her irritated father's complaint.

"Oh Zucca, come have a seat dinner is almost ready."

Gine kindly said to Zucca gesturing her to join the dinner table. Not caring about the damage to her house caused by her, Gine is far all too used to it by now to even care.

"Sure why not."

Zucca then took Gine on her offer and seat down next to Nori.

Bardock: How come she listens to Gine but not me? I'm her father and yet she treats me like dirt.

It is true Zucca almost never listens to a single word her father says and will do the opposite instead. But Gine on the other hand Zucca would listen and do as told as a child would its mother despite Gine not being her actual mother.

Zucca even stop busting through the wall just because Gine told her to and now she only broke the door whenever she goes in.

"Big sis Zucca guess what, I hit papa tadoy"

Nori excitedly told Zucca what today with a big smile.

Zucca: SO CUTE!!!

Zucca inwardly thought while her face remains expressionless.

"Oh, that's good I guess."

Even though she said that disinterestedly Zucca just couldn't stop herself from padding Nori's head affectionately and even letting out a little small smile before quickly dispelling it.

"What so special about hitting father? He probably just let you hit him after all you're far too weak to do otherwise."

Raditz mockingly said to his younger sister.

Nori pouted

"Whut was that pineapple head."

Nori insults Raditz and then shot him a mad glare.

Zucca: Oh my god why is she so goddamn adorable.

Zucca was padding Nori even more finding her to be even cuter when she tried to be intimidating and failing miserably at that too.

"What was that!? Oh, it's on now. If it a fight you want then it a fight you'll get little sister for I the great Raditz will- ouch - What was that for mother?"

Just when Raditz was about to start another fight with Nori Gine then lightly hit him on the head.

"No fighting at the dinner table."


"No fighting at the dinner table."

"Yes, mother."

Raditz then did what every child does when their mother said something twice while also giving them the 'mom look' too. Shut up and do as told.

Nori then playful sticks her tongue out at Radiz.

Which Gine noticed.

"And Nori how many times have I told you to stop calling Radiz pineapple head."

Gine scolds Nori.

Radiz then lightly laughs at his sister.

Gine then turn to look at Radiz and he immediately stops laughing and starts shoving food down his mouth.

"Wow, this zeynu oxtail is so good mother. I can't get enough of it."

Radiz praises his mother's cooking hoping she didn't notice his laughter.

She did.

"Well since Radiz is already eating might as well dig in."

Bardock said taking Gine attention away from Radiz.

Radiz then sighs in relief. Thanking his father greatly for the save.

Bardock didn't have a clue that he save his son from a scolding lecture from Gine.

He was just very hungry and wanted to eat.

And so everybody started eating. Soon after everybody was finished eating Nori then turn to look at her sister, her hands sticking out as if she was expecting something.

Zucca smirk.

Then hand Nori something which she excitedly grabs without a second hesitation. It was a silver rectangle object with six orb like buttons on every side of it with each having a different color.

Zucca had found it on some planets she was at during a mission.

She has always made it a point to look for something interesting to give to Nori while off world since the little girl always gets excited whenever she gets her hand on new technology (or what Zucca thinks is junk). The reason she does it is because it always puts a smile on Nori's face.

So given all of that one would think that Nori would treat the gift her half sister gave with care.

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"Yey I can't wait to break this thing down when I'm done playing with it."

Nope, it's the total opposite.

Whenever Nori is done playing with any device that Zucca hands her Nori would always tear it to pieces (though Nori usually does it slowly).

"Yeah that the spirit rips it to pieces."

Zucca not caring at all that her gift to Nori is being treated like garbage (even though she spends a lot of time finding something that wasn't destroyed when her squad took over the planet) just pad the girl head encouraging her.

She doesn't care at all if Nori keeps it or just blows it to pieces after all if it makes her little sister happy then she doesn't care.

"Oh, that's right I almost forgot."

As if remembering something Zucca then took out a small necklace with an even smaller stone ball attached to it.

Nori looked at it confused and before she could ask what it is Zucca then revealed what it is.

"Rumor has it that whoever holds that stone ball will be granted good fortune in life or something."

Zucca casually said not even sure if what she said was right or not.

Nori just gives her a dubious look.

"But isn't it just a stone ball?"

"True but apparently that thing is indestructible or at the very least hard to break. Go ahead give it a try."

Nori did as told and try to crush it in her hand but it wouldn't even crack. 

"Talk about weak you can't even break a simple pebble."

Radiz mocks his sister.

"Oh then give it a try Radiz."

Zucca beckons Radiz to try his luck and with him being the arrogant little runt he is cocky took the stone ball off of Nori hand and immediately tries to break it.

When nothing happens Radiz then tries to crush it with a bit more force but it didn't give him the result he wanted. No matter how hard he try then damn rock just wouldn't crack.

It made him so mad that he through the rock to the floor and fire off a ki blast at it. The stone was still fine as if it wasn't even shot point blank by an energy blast powerful enough to destroy a small truck.

"Ha ha Radiz can't destroy a rock."

Nori mockingly laughs at her brother.


Radiz grumpy walks away frustrated that he can't even destroy stupid rock.

Zucca then put up the stone ball can hand it back to Nori.

"Now I want you to carry it with you at all times okay. It may not seem like much but when the time comes it will bring you and me together."

Zucca then looks at Nori as if she was trying to burn the image of her cute little sister into her brain so she won't ever forget.

"O-Okay I guass."

Nori simply said very confuse on why her sister is acting this but agree nonetheless.

"Okay good. Well, I better get going then I have a mission later today and I don't want to be late."

Zucca then said her goodbye to the rest of her family giving each of them a hug even Bardock got one too despite him not asking for one or expecting it either.

"Um okay... um... stay safe I guess."

Bardock said not use to his elder daughter showing any affection toward him.

"Father even though I don't always show it I want you to know how much I love you and how I appreciate you always being there for me and letting me be a part of your family."

Bardock was even more shocked.

Not once has his daughter ever said that she love him.

"Are you okay Zucca?"

Bardock asks worried that there was something wrong with his daughter.

"I'm fine just felt like saying that is all. Well, I'm off."

Zucca then pulls out of her hug from Bardock and begins to leave.

"Um yeah just come back home soon okay."

Zucca then stop for a few second unsure what to say.

"Um Zucca is something wrong?"

Gine call out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Well, see you later then."

Zucca with one tear running down her face quickly ran off toward her mission.

A mission she knew full well that she won't return from.

10 months later in universe 11.


Nori was at training ground 3 screaming her lungs out.


She has been doing that for 5 minutes straight.

Nori: I don't feel my power lever rising I'm doing this right?

Nori of course was trying to rise her power lever by screaming very loudly.

Nori: It was worth a try at least but dang does that feel amazing.

The young saiyan was of course fully aware that there was more to increasing one ki then just screaming. If she doesn't initially have the power within her already then no amount of screaming is going to rise her power lever. She'll need to train for her power lever to increase the reason that she even screams is simple, why the fuck not.

"Well good thing I decide to scream where no was watching or otherwise I would look like a total weirdo."

Nori said to herself not realizing that there were 3 well hidden anbu present all of who are thinking the same thing.

'''What kind of weirdo is she?'''

She then took out her necklace and stare at the stone ball attached to it.

Nori: I wonder if big sis is okay she disappear 10 months before planet vegeta was destroyed so maybe she still alive. But there wasn't any mention of Zucca in either anime, manga, movie, or even non-canon stuff like GT or Heroes. Not even a simple foreshadowing or something.

She continues on staring a the stone ball.

Nori: What even is this thing? I would say that this was a deactivated dragon ball that was used for a wish if it wasn't for the fact that Zucca said that this stone ball was like this for one thousand years. Though then again I suppose that a thousand on whatever planet Zucca found this thing on could equal to ten earth months but I have no way of knowing that. Not like matters anyways if this thing is a dragon ball or not, it useless unless I have all of them and I highly doubt that I'll find them in a totally different universe, and even if I somehow miraculously get them all is the dragon even powerful enough to bring back a planet and it people? The thing is the size of my hands and my hands are small as hell since I'm three.

Her face then begins to twist with anger.

"What fucking good are you if you can't even bring back my family."

She yells and angrily throws the necklace to the floor and shoots a ki blast at it.

"My home, my friends, my parents are gone because of some stupid tyrant readed some stupid legend that he didn't know if it was true or not."

Another ki blast was fired at the stone ball again.

"My two brothers that I give a damn about are in a different universe and one of them is going to die because he's a dick and a dumbass."

More ki blast begins rapid firing at the rock that refuses to be destroyed.

"And I'm not even fucking sure if my sister is alive or not."

A very powerful ki blast then met the stone ball.

"Not only that but I'm in a world where fuck up things happen and the tech is shit as fuck."

She then decides to throw a Kamehameha wave at it.

"Just fucking break already."

She then angrily stomp her foot at it.

"I have no ways to get back what I lost, no ways to reunite with my remaining living family, and no ways to get revenge."

She yells before suddenly tearing up.

"I have no one."

The anbu watching her were starting to feel sorry for the girl even though they don't understand some of the things the girl said.

Nori continues to cry for 30 minutes.

Nori: Stupid memories and emotions. If only I just regain my past life memories and not retain my new one then I would be fine right now. But no I just had to keep them and even worst retain the feeling behind those memories too. Not only that but I think my mentality is that of a child. Just my fucking luck.

At this point some of the anbu are wondering if they should try to cheer the girl up or not.

Nori then turns to look at the stone ball again.

'when the time comes it will bring you and me together.'

She then remembers Zucca words.

Nori: Yeah fucking right that thing is just a stone ball and I didn't find a tracker on it so how will it bring us together? You're just liar big sis.

She then walks up to it and picks it up.

Nori: Though not like it matters anyways. Because I'm going to find not only you but Radiz and Kakarot too and after that I'm going to bring back our planet and kill Frieza. Of course to do that I need to find a way back to universe 7 the question is how? I guess I could just make a device to travel the multiverse but that didn't end well for me the first time. Whatever I just figure out how to do it safely and without it blowing up in my face.

Her eyes then begin to shine with determination.

Nori: Come to think of it can a god of destruction travel between universes? Well, I guess that mean I have to become a god of destruction then. Of course, I have to train like crazy but I'm a saiyan now so it should be good. I will still try to figure out how to travel the multiverse without being a god of destruction after all I have no idea when Belmod will show up and I rather return to universe 7 before Radiz die... On second thought never mind I could just use the dragon ball to revive him so I'm not in a hurry.

"Okay time for some more intense training."

The anbu watch on with confusion as the girl went from being depressed about her home being gone to excitedly training with a happy smile on her face all within a few seconds.

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