Saiyan ninja of Konoha

Chapter 5: Chapter 4: An important meeting about a monkey girl.

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Three weeks have passed since the nine-tail attack. During that time Nori has been at Konoha hospital healing from her wounds.

"I'm so booored."

However, since there is very little to do in the hospital and nobody in Konoha knows her she obviously doesn't get any visitors leaving her with nothing to do and no one to talk to.

"Wait why am I still here? I'm already healed." 

It true since the nine-tail was sealed inside her she heal faster now in fact her wounds already healed 5 days ago. The only reason she stayed was that the doctor told her to.

However, Nori has reached her limit and is bored as fuck so she now planning on leaving this hospital.

"Nori you will come with us please."

But just when Nori was about to get up and leave the hospital. Two anbu show up and begin to take her somewhere.

Nori: Oh I was wondering when they were going to question me.

Nori did as told and follow the two anbu to what she assumes is either to the third hokage or to the interrogation department. Either way, she will have to do some explaining.

Nori: Okay play it cool all I need to do is just say that I didn't mean to turn into an oozaru, it was an accident. I should probably say it with a bit of nervousness like a child being scared that they going to be scolded by their parents or something.

As Nori was thinking about ways to lie and how best to act she and the two Anbu reach their destination, the Hokage building.

Nori: Wow I can't believe that I'm about to go inside the Hokage building.

As Nori was staring in awe at the Hokage building the two Anbu quickly told her to hurry up.

"Lord Third is patiently waiting."

"Yeah stop staring."

"Oh right."

Nori after realizing that she stop moving for a good minute quickly run up to the Anbu. They soon made their way to the Hokage office where not only the third hokage himself was there but a blonde man as well.

Nori: Wait that Inoichi Yamanaka! Shit better hope that stupid goddess actually can block off my past life memories.

"Come have a seat."

As Nori was Panicking Hiruzen told the girl to seat down and Nori did so though very slowly.

"Okay, there is something that I..."

"I didn't mean to turn into an oozaru."

Nori interrupted Hiruzen.

Nori: Shit was it too soon.

Hiruzen was quite puzzled about what Nori was talking about until he remember the great ape that help fight against the nine-tail.

"Oh, you're talking about the giant ape. Though I'm not happy that you fought despite me specifically telling you not to however that is not why I ask you here."

"Huh, it not?"

Nori signed in relieved acting like she just got out of trouble.

Hiruzen: Was she worried that she be in trouble? Well, she is a kid after all.

The third hokage generally thought. Thinking that Nori was just a normal little girl that like most children is scared of being in trouble.

Nori: I should get an Oscars award for this.

But of course, that is anything but the case with Nori. Even though she messes up when she interrupted Hiruzen she still got one over the old man.

But while Nori was busy praising herself Hieuzen continue talking.

"Well anyway, the reason why I ask you here was to meet with Inoichi."

"Hey, nice to meet you."

Inoichi then reaches out his hand to her.

"Um nice to meet you too."

Nori then did the same.

Nori: So when is he going to read my memories? I kinda want to explore the village so could he please hurry up and do it already.

As if to answer Nori's Inoichi wish instantly enter her mind and begin reading her memories. Just like the goddess has told Nori her memories of her past life were blocked so all Inoichi was able to find were just memories of her time on planet Vegeta and nothing more.

"Okay, you're free to go."

"Huh? I am?"

Nori not realizing that Inoichi was in her mind for about 30 minutes was confused. But since Nori really wanted to explore the place she has only ever seen on a tv screen she immediately took her chance and go. Running off like an excited little girl in Disneyland.

When Nori left Hiruzen then spoke.

"So what did you find out?"

"A lot and most of it ain't good."

Hiruzen sign.

"I see. Better call a meeting then."

In the large meeting room stood six people. One of them of course being the third hokage along with Inoichi, the other being Shikaku, Danzo, Koharu, and Homura.

"What is the meaning of this Hiruzen."

"Yeah, we already had a meeting not too long ago. Why summon us again so soon?"

"Does it perhaps have something to do with that giant monkey that helps fight the nine-tail?" Danzo ask.

"Yes." Hiruzen simply answers.

"Well then what did you find out?"

"All in due time. Let's wait for everybody to show up first."

10 minutes have passed before all of Konoha clan heads show up.

"All right now that everyone is here. Inoichi tells them what you found out when reading the girl's memories."

"Yes lord third. The girl name Nori is from an alien warrior race known as saiyan. They are a blood-thirsty race that enjoys fighting and has been known to send their baby children who they deem too weak off into space to conquer and destroy other planets in the hope that they would come out stronger. They also have the ability to use an energy called ki which is very different from chakra and can turn into a giant monkey when they look at the full moon."

Deafening silence befalls the room.

"So what you're saying is that monkey girl name Nori, was sent here to conquer and destroy the planet? Well in that case I say we disposed of her before she has the chance to do what she came here to do."

Danzo was the first to speak out after the revelation of not only their life out there in the universe but also the fact that there is a race that goes around sending their child to conquer other planets.

Naturally, Danzo being the piece of shit that he is, instantly suggested that they kill a 3-year-old little girl. Sure Danzo wasn't thrilled at the idea of Konoha losing one of its jinchurikis but better to get rid of something before it become a threat.

"Um no. She wasn't sent here to conquer but to escape her planet's destruction. From what I gather from the girl's memories her race were ruled and enslaved by an evil tyrant known as Frieza. This Frieza person has sent a message to all saiyan off-world to return home and with the girl's father thinking that Frieza was going to wipe out the saiyan race decided to send the girl and her brother off-world to survive."

Inoichi then explains to Danzo that the girl wasn't a threat and is most likely one of the last few saiyan out in there in the universe. Well, little does he know that Nori is the ONLY saiyan in this universe.

"Wait so are you saying that this Frieza person destroys the entire planet?"


"Not only that but did you say that there is another saiyan on the planet?"

Some of the clan heads said.

"Well, I'm not exactly 100 percent sure but given what the girl heard about Frieza and how he gathered all the saiyan for a mission, then suddenly the planet exploded when the last spaceship seemly landed. Yeah, I say that there is a good chance this Frieza person definitely did it. Though on how he did I cannot say."

Inoichi explains the best that he could with what little information he has. Even though Inoichi read Nori's memories there is only so much useful intel he could gather from 3 years worth of memories. So that means that he doesn't have full knowledge of Frieza's capability and doesn't even know what he looks like.

The only reason that he was able to piece together that Frieza was responsible was because of what Nori would hear adult Saiyans say about Frieza and how he destroyed a planet because its people disgusted him.

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"Okay and what of the brother? Where is he? You did say that the father sent them both here right?"

Danzo asks, wondering if he is going to have to send out his anbu to kill another child with a monkey tail.

"Um yeah, that's the thing I don't think that the girl was supposed to come here. While she was traveling in space her ship was sucked into a portal separating her from her brother and putting her off course."

Danzo: Oh that's good to know that means that there is only one alien threat to the village that I need to kill. But then again...

While Danzo was busy thinking Hiruzen then spoke up.

"Okay, so what you're saying is that Nori's home was destroyed by a tyrant, separated from the only family she has, and will most likely never see him again."

"Yes lord third."

"I see."

This made Hiruzen sad upon hearing this.

"And what about this Frieza fella? Do you have any other useful intel about him? Like his look, personality, combat capability, and most importantly do you think that there is a chance that Frieza will come here?"

Shikaku calmly asks Inoichi gathering the attention of everyone in the room.

Shikaku wanted to know every little detail there is to know about Frieza since if what Inoichi was saying is true then in his mind Frieza is the biggest threat there is to Konoha no the whole world. Well too bad for him and everybody in the room that they are focusing on the wrong threat. Frieza ain't even in this universe and even if he was he wouldn't be that much of a threat well at least compared to a god of destruction.

And of course, Belmod isn't the only threat in universe 11 that this earth needs to worry about.

"Sorry, but that was all I can gather from the girl's memories. The only other intel I got from the girl was that Frieza commands a powerful army and rarely ever gets his hands dirty and prefers to let his men do the work for him."

Inoichi answered Shikaku's question.

"Okay, so what should we do with the girl then?"

Homura asks.

"Yes, we can't exactly let her stay in the village especially since we now know what she is."

"Yeah, I say we kill her."

"Are you serious! Have you forgotten that that little girl helped fight the nine-tail."

Hiruzen yells at the two elders.

"That is true however let's not forget that she is an outsider. Which means that she holds no loyalty toward the village."

"The girl may not have been sent here to conquer but what to stop her from doing so in the future? The girl can transform into a giant monkey and compete with the likes of the nine-tail although she was heavily overpowered by the fox. It still doesn't change the fact that the girl in that great ape form is a force to be reckoned and she is only 3. Imagine what she'll be capable of when she is all grown up. We may be looking at a disaster worst than the recent nine-tail attack."

At the elder's word, everybody went pale. Even though nobody in the room was okay with killing a 3-year-old child except for Danzo they have to admit that Nori does pose a danger. Not only can Nori turn into a giant monkey that is powerful in her own right but she also has the nine-tail seal within her. Who knows what effect the great ape transformation could have on the nine-tail.

For all they knew the great ape transformation might cause the seal to weaken and the nine-tail to be left free or even worst the nine-tail somehow managed merges with the oozaru form and end up becoming a great ape demon fox hybrid thing and end up more powerful than ever.

"No, we shouldn't kill the girl."

To everyone's surprise, it was Danzo of all people who advise against offing a potential threat to the village. 

"I'm sorry Danzo but wasn't you the one who said we should kill her the first chance we get?"

"Yeah what with the sudden change of heart Danzo?"

The two elders begin questioning Danzo however Hiruzen chooses this moment to back Danzo up.

"Now now let's hear what Danzo has to say first before questioning him."

Even though Hiruzen suspects that Danzo has an ulterior motive for wanting to let Nori live it is still better than letting the girl die.

"Thank you Hiruzen. Now as to why I think we shouldn't kill the girl. The reason is simple if this so calls Frieza decides to come to earth then the monkey girl will prove to be a valuable weapon for Konoha against him."

Hiruzen: *sigh* I should have known that Danzo wouldn't choose to let Nori live out of the kindness of his heart. He only views Nori as a potential weapon for Konoha and nothing more.

Hiruzen was disappointed in his friend's way of thinking but said nothing about it.

"It is for that reason that I believe we should let the monkey girl stay in the village and become a ninja. If we can instill loyalty to the village in her right now then we gain a powerful weapon."

Danzo: and if she shows any sign of malice toward the village then I'll simply kill her right then and there.

Danzo's words convince the two elders.

Danzo: And if I could brainwash the girl to be loyal to me alone then all the better.

As Danzo was thinking of plans of brainwashing Nori which will most likely involve traumatizing her or making sure that she doesn't live a good life in Konoha.

"Well in that case how about letting one of Konoha clan adopt the girl."

This immediately put a frown on Danzo's face.

"In that case, I think the Yamanaka clan is best fit to handle the girl. I have already seen most of the girl's memories and have a pretty good idea of her personality. If she turns into a giant monkey again the Yamanaka can use the mind transfer jutsu on her and give her lack of memories of the event it wouldn't be a bad idea either." Inoichia said.

When Inoichia tries to read Nori's memories of the battle against the nine-tail for some reason he couldn't. He figured that girl didn't have any memories of the event and just assume that Nori didn't have any control and was just mindlessly attacking the nine-tail. Little does he know that a certain goddess in training blocks those memories as well.

Though Inoichia assumes that Nori doesn't have any control over the form and just fought the nine-tail because it was strong and her saiyan instinct was telling her to fight it.

"No, you said that the girl was part of a warrior race right? In that case, I think it best if the Uchiha clan took her in. We are one of Konoha's strongest clans and therefore we can better train her to be a strong kunoichi in the future."

"Well if that is the case then wouldn't the Hyuga clan be a good option as well? We specialize in taijutsu and with our byakugan we can keep a close eye on the girl too."

Danzo was not happy with this development at all. Because he wanted the girl to be an emotionless tool at his disposal but that would prove difficult to do if the girl were to be adopted by any one of the clans.

"Now now let's not be hasty on this decision. We have all the time in the world to decide who the girl gets adopted into."

Hiruzen said to all the other clan heads and putting a smirk on Danzo's face.

Danzo: Good, knowing Hiruzen he probably going to take his time on the matter. Heck, he might even ask the girl if she is okay with it. All I need to do is convince the two fools that it isn't a good idea to let the girl be adopted by a clan and instead let the girl be an orphan with no family. It might even be easier to do than the fourth hokage son. It shouldn't be that hard since the girl is an outsider I wouldn't even need to bribe them too like I would with Minato's kid.

As Danzo was thinking this Hiruzen then spoke up.

"Now with the matter of the girl's origin done with let us now discuss future plan in case Frieza's army show up."

And so the rest of them then discuss future plans on how they would deal with Frieza's army or any other aliens that may show up. The meeting lasted for 3 hours.

But while all that was going on, in training ground 3 Nori was standing and looking around the place.

Nori: So this is the place where team 7 took the bell test or will take the bell test. So cool I can't believe I'm actually here.

Nori was in awe at the sight before her.

Nori: It looks exactly like it does in the anime.

"Okay, now time to do what I always wanted to do."

Nori then got into a horse stance, put her hand on top of one another then move to the side of her and begin to gather ki in it.

"Ka Me"

A light ball started to form there.

"Ha Me"

The ball is now growing bigger in size.


She then thrust forward shooting out an energy blast from her hand and aiming it at a nearby tree destroying it in the process.

"I can't believe I just did the Kamehameha wave. I'm the happiest girl alive."

Nori was jumping around excitedly happy that she has completed one of her long-time dreams. But after a while of jumping around Nori then decide to explore the village some more however when she was about to leave a sudden itch overcame her.

"Huh, I guess I'm like Kakarot then huh, well at least it's better than being evil."

Nori then started to train like crazy something she will most likely be doing a lot in the near future. No matter the outcome of her fate.

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