Sasuke in Another Dimension

Chapter 22: The Truth about the Gates

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It had been several hundred years since humans had abandoned armor, but when magical beasts came through the gates, humans returned to the age of armor, swords, bows, and spears.

"I hate having to patrol in cold temperatures like this."

"Are you serious man? You would rather enter the gate and die?"

In a quiet village filled with meadows, rivers, and thick fog.

That day was approaching authumn and the temperature had reached minus in the morning, two hunters were seen patrolling the England countryside complaining because of the cold morning air.

"Bloody hell!? What's that?"

One of his friends was shocked when he saw a red light behind a green hill and then felt a strong magical energy.

"This is bad! We must report to the association immediately."

"Dungeon Break? But this area can't possibly have a gate… What's going on!?"

"Let's save that for now, we better hurry!"

They realized that the strangeness was dangerous for them and immediately turned around to maintain a safe distance while reporting this incident to their superiors.

"Fufufu... you think you can just leave from here?"

Their steps stopped when they heard a male voice that was smooth but filled with evil intentions from beside them.



Sensing the evil intentions of the stranger they instinctively pointed their sword and staff at him.

"Fufu~ my name is Lucifer a demon, loyal servant of Demon King Baran."

The stranger who claimed to be a demon looked like a human but had black eyes with golden pupils, and gray hair. He was wearing an all-black suit and nice black gloves.

'Demons? Is that a strange sect? Demon King Baran?'

The two Hunters were confused by the stranger, in terms of appearance the man named Lucifer was handsome because of his good face and body then he wore a suit that they thought was very luxurious.

'Is there a noble's party near here?'

They had their doubts, but to their knowledge, this area also had noble families but it was very far away from their current location.

"What are civilians doing here!? Can't you see the danger there?"

Because the two of them felt he was a man who might get lost.

One of them asked what he was doing here.

"You mean that? Beautiful isn't it? So why are you guys rushing off because something more beautiful is about to appear."

Lucifer turned around and watched the red light from behind the hill with starry eyes like a zealot.


The red light suddenly disappeared.

'Just like that?'

The two hunters were confused but they were still awake because the terrifying magical energy had not dissipated.



A crimson light flashed then a great rumbling sound and ground vibrations appeared, From behind the hill slowly appeared a sharp object with a flag with a symbol on it.

"Long live Demon King."

'What the!?'

Lucifer suddenly knelt making the two hunters confused at the same time the flag grew higher and revealed its true form.

"a Palace..."

"How could a palace suddenly appear? Wait… could it be summoning magic?"


"UGH! What..."

While they were still confused, suddenly something stabbed them from behind.

"Too bad... but you guys have to die. Fufu~"

"So fast..."



"We are here, sir."

Sasuke accompanied by Adam had arrived in Boston.

'I feel weird about this one…'

Looking at the light blue gate, Sasuke felt that something was wrong.

"Then... do as usual."

Sasuke walked towards the gate while reminding his secretary.

"Please be careful sir."


From inside, slowly Sasuke appeared and then arrived at the dungeon.

"This is..."

The dungeon this time was different from usual.

He was greeted with a view of a passageway with high ceilings, the walls were gray with statues holding flaming torches.

Sasuke walked deeper then suddenly the gate behind him disappeared.

"Huh? Is this the red gate?"

From its features, it matched very well, but he had never heard that the red gate dungeon was a room like this.

Sasuke continued walking down the hall but another oddity was that he didn't find any magical beasts at all.

"Something's wrong..." Seeing this unusual thing He narrowed his eyes and tried to activate his sensors even further.

"There's no mana signatures at all... Oh? That's a big door for the size of a human."

From his sensory abilities he didn't feel any life signature, then from a distance, he saw a large door with a unique carving.

Sasuke stopped right in front of the big door.

"Hmm, maybe this is made for giants?"

He stared at the door flatly. Instead of being scared, Sasuke commented on who this door was made for.



Gathering mana in his palms, Sasuke tried to push the large door.



'The door opens on its own when I touch it, sigh...'

After it was opened then he went inside.

Sasuke saw a room filled with bookshelves, some kind of magic equipment, and magic circles.

[Ohh... you arrived.]

From ahead, Sasuke saw a cloaked creature over two meters tall and had tattered black wings.

But Sasuke also saw things that he didn't like or made him feel disgusted.

'Experiment on humans...'

Sasuke frowned at the sight of dead humans hanging or lying in the magic circle.

Even though he is a bad person, Sasuke hates it when someone experiments on humans.

Because of that, he hates Orochimaru.

[KUKUKU... it's their own fault for not being able to withstand his power.]

The creature turned towards Sasuke and was seen holding an ancient book.

[OH? That's amazing... To think that there are humans who can reach such a level. KIKIKIKI! Perhaps you would be suitable to be a vessel.]

The winged creature was shocked when it sensed the amount of mana Sasuke had.

He didn't think that any human could withstand that much mana.

Hearing that, Sasuke stared at the creature coldly.

He didn't like that.

He may have softened a bit, but his pride refuses to be used as a stepping stone for others.

'Vessel huh… but I still need more information.'

Sasuke thought whether it was better for him to paralyze this creature first and then look for information through the books in this dungeon tower-like, or use the power of his eyes to dig up information.

[This is the first time I've encountered a chattering magical beast...]

From his words, Sasuke mocked his enemy.



Taking out his Kusanagi from the scabbard then Sasuke ran towards the creature with great speed.



When he heard Sasuke's taunt, his joy turned to rage.

He released a large amount of mana from his body then coated himself with it then shot toward Sasuke.

As it shot, it clasped its fingers together and a mana aura wrapped around its hand like a blade made of mana.


When they were close to each other, the creature slashed its hand toward Sasuke's chest.


From Sasuke's vision, the world seemed to slow down.

He saw the direction of the enemy's slash clearly.


In no time, Sasuke read his attack and then made a maneuver to dodge and prepare a counterattack.

Sasuke dodged by making himself bow, while at the same time, he was pouring Chakra and Mana into his sword.





Like lightning, Sasuke slashed his chest to the stomach.

[I'm not done yet.]





Sasuke's body become blurred leaving traces like lightning and a purple aura that kept circling his enemy.

He slashed from the front, side, bottom, and top of the creature very quickly.



Stopped attacking, then Sasuke kept his distance while watching the result of his attack.

Drip* Drip*

From afar, the creature's cloak was torn as it was cut, showing a bit of its bloody body due to Sasuke's attack.

[KUKUKUKU! Extraordinary.]

The reaction was the complete opposite.

Even though he received a lot of injuries, he laughed as he was satisfied after receiving Sasuke's attack.


The creature used more mana making the floor around it crack.


He slid back towards Sasuke but with a faster movement.


The entire great hall was dusty from the intense impact.




Instead of sending Sasuke flying away from the overwhelming force, he didn't expect to be caught by the huge skeletal arms.


The half-formed Susanoo growled like a predator staring at its meal.

[W-What are you?]

Seeing the difference in his strength with Sasuke, his pride turned into fear.



Sasuke was still angry when he saw the scene of the human experiment, he deliberately strengthened Susanoo's grip making the creature whimper.

[Shut up.] Said Sasuke while his right eye turns into star-like.




Sasuke didn't want to chatter about this and that, he used Mangekyou and then dug into the creature's mind.

At that moment, Sasuke read the creature's memory to make himself understand the root of the problem that occurred and the mystery behind the appearance of the gates.

"Rulers and Monarchs, the fight between light and darkness. So that's what happened."


At the dawn of time.

When light and dark are the only ones that exist.

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Absolute Being divided light to create Rulers and divided darkness to create Monarchs.

When Monarchs were created to destroy the world and Rulers were born to protect it

It wasn't long before they were involved in a war with each other.

After thousands of years of war with no end in sight, rulers ask the Absolute Being to give them the power to quell Monarchs for good and end the constant bloodshed.

However, Absolute Being did not provide an answer.

And, it was only then that the Rulers realized that the war between them and the Monarch was just entertainment for him and that the Absolute Being did not want the war to end.

[As long as the Absolute Being is alive then the war will never end.]

With that fact, seven of the eight Rulers rebelled against their god.


The last and strongest Rulers, he is the only one who's loyal and tries his best to stop them.

But they easily overpower Ashborn and his army and leave them for dead.

When Ashborn thought that everything was over, he realized at that moment that the Absolute Being hid a certain power within him.


He activated his power before he died, and then the Power of Death managed to heal him and transform him into a Shadow Monarch.

When he felt that he was healed and stronger, he advanced back into the battlefield with his shadow army who had been resurrected from the dead.

However, when he returned it was all over.

He just resigned himself and watched his god die after being pierced by the Rulers' spears.

When the Rulers finished their rebellion, they immediately moved to capture Monarch Legia and lock him up.

Ashborn realized that the Monarch would lose if he did not step in and offer his help in defeating their common enemy, and they accepted it immediately.

The sheet of war continues.

Ashborn who used to fight against the Monarchs now he is fighting against the Rulers as a Shadow Monarch.

The war had even destroyed many worlds with other beings who had nothing to do with their war, even forcing some of them fought for the Monarchs.

With extraordinary power, he moves forward to destroy his enemy with his shadow army who eternal.

Unfortunately for Ashborn, though he managed to balance the forces to continue the war.

It actually made both sides fear his overwhelming power, making the Monarchs of the Beasts and White Flames, turn their back and betray Ashborn.

Even though Ashborn came out victorious, sending the two Monarchs fleeing into the rift between dimensions.

But in the process, it almost made his shadow soldiers nearly annihilated.

After that happened, the Rulers descend in front of Ashborn and knelt to plead for his forgiveness.

Even though Ashborn still refused their request for peace and instead insisted on killing him so that they would win the war.

But the Rulers' insistence on their plea left Ashborn emotionally overwhelmed and unable to give them a definitive answer.

After that he decided to hide while gathering his strength again, giving the Rulers the opportunity to defeat the Monarchs and make them run and hide through the gaps between dimensions.

But several years after that, Ashborn decided to return and team up with Antares, the strongest Monarch, and build their strength back together.

Centuries later.

Monarchs succeeded in taking over the human world, but during that time the Rulers managed to find a way to use the power of the Absolute Being and used that power to rewind time by ten years in the hope that they could prevent the destruction of the human world.

But that effort seems in vain because humans are so weak and don't have any readiness that they always perish as a result of their wars regardless of which side wins.

It was also because the earth had so thin mana that the Rulers couldn't set their feet there.


(Sasuke POV)

So that's how it happened.

The Rulers decided to open the gate and expose humanity to the existence of magical beasts, causing a large amount of mana to enter the human world.

Slowly, making the human world is saturated and filled with mana in the hope that humanity can survive.

Then they also gave their powers to the human vessels, but this being or wizard had no information as to who they were.

'Luckily I know a few of them.'

[KUEK... what did you just do!?]

This creature made an expression like it was caught off guard.

[Hmmph... it seems you used humans as your lab rats to search for vessels.]

[H-how come? T-Tell me your real identity! When Antares finds out about this, he will find you and kill you KUKUKUKU!]

He is stubborn too.

I better kill him, so the exit door will reappear.


This gate is definitely not from Rulers.

That means this wizard is the creator of this dungeon gate.

Even if he dies, I can return with Rinnegan since I already saved the coordinates.

Then, because he was looking for a vessel for the Shadow Monarch.

He is a dangerous enemy.

I have to kill him.





I released Susanoo, and let Amaterasu burn him down.

I watched him squirm cause of the heat of the black flames.

[8th Circle]

[Forbidden Magic]

[Splitting body]

While he was burning, it seemed like he was casting magic.


Apparently, Amaterasu was quicker to kill him before the spell could work.

But what is this feeling...

[Huft... Huft... maybe now you win human. But this war will be won by us.]



Then from beside me, I was startled by the voice of a magician who should have died by the black flames.

I hurriedly glanced to my side, but all I saw was a blue gate that then disappeared.

I took a deep breath.

"Sigh… he ran away."

I don't know what kind of magic trick he did earlier, it seems the way the magic worked was splitting his body in two, because I could see that Amaterasu was still burning the other body.

"Forget it, I believe that magic must have a high price."

"Kagutsuchi." (Flame Control)

Turning off Amaterasu, I walked towards the almost incorporeal body.

I searched for precious things like magic crystals, but there was nothing but the black body and wings.

"But now I have something even better than that."

Looking around me, I grinned widely at the many ancient books, magic tools, and probably a number of other important items.

And because I don't have to worry about it collapsing because this isn't your average dungeon.

I can stay here for a bit to absorb this rich Mana.

But before that, I have to secure the magic books and other valuables.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu" (Shadow Clone Technique)

Poof* Poof* Poof*

Poof* Poof* Poof*

Poof* Poof* Poof*

I made about 100 bunshins.

Because this dungeon looks like a tower with books on each floor.

This amount is more than enough.

"Take everything in here."



The clones that circled me nodded, then they scattered all over the place.

Meanwhile, I sat down and started absorbing as much mana as I could.


Several hours had passed in the dimension where Sasuke was, but he didn't know that three days had passed on earth.

<As you can see, we are once again shocked by the calamity of the sudden appearance of a mysterious civilizational race that attacked England.>

The world was again shocked by the attacks of the monsters but this time, instead of coming out of the gate, they seemed to be summoned by magic summons.

<This image was taken from a satellite showing a magic pattern supposedly for summoning monsters. We haven't confirmed further about this 'summon' at the time being.>

-US Hunter Bureau-

"Is the whereabouts of Sasuke Uchiha still unknown?"

Worriedly David asked his deputy.

"Yes sir, but how do we find him? While he was trapped inside the gate."

Connor stood facing his boss while he explained the facts about Sasuke with a face of despair.

Sigh... Why did this happen now?

David frowned while massaging his forehead.

That news is worse than the disaster that is happening in England.

The US's best Hunter is now unknown after the gate he entered mysteriously disappeared.

One could imagine how unlucky they had been when a calamity that was judged to be Kamish's level was occurring in their allied country along with their best hunters trapped inside the gates.

Even so, Sasuke being trapped in the dungeon is still top-secret, but sooner or later the news will be conveyed considering England through the US hunter bureau, they are still waiting for news regarding requests for Sasuke's strength assistance.

"Then at this time Princess Rachel is on her way flying here, apparently England is really serious about asking for help from Master Sasuke."

Hearing that David nodded in understanding.

"So they sent their beautiful Princess to bring him."


(Rachel's POV)

I'm currently on a plane bound for the United States.

Right now my feelings are shattered to see my country being attacked by monsters who claim to be the Demon race.

Out of nowhere they suddenly appeared in Scotland.

I'm currently heading to the US as a royal representative to ask for His help.

I did not run away from my country and my people.

But maybe, this is an evacuation covered with diplomacy tasks.

I hate seeing my people die.

But, I hate my weakness more.

I recalled Grandma's words.


At Buckingham Palace.

"Rachel Elizabeth Louise... as Queen I order you to leave the country and go to the US. Your task is to find Hunter Sasuke Uchiha and deliver my letter directly to him."


Why should I go when the country is experiencing a disaster?

"I refuse! Why do I have to go when the country is at war!?"

"It is my duty as the heir to the throne and a Princess of the kingdom to stay!"

I couldn't hold back my anger when grandma, no... Her Majesty suddenly sent me to a foreign country with an errand that could be done by an ambassador.


"It's an order! also for the sake of the continuity of the kingdom, and you should know that Rachel."

I lowered my head when grandma snapped at me.

Yes, I know that, Grandma...

But my deepest heart wants me to stay.


"I know for sure that you will reject this because of your love for Kingdom, but as a Princess, it is a duty you can do now Rachel. But… as your grandmother, I am very proud to see my granddaughter who is still fourteen years old have this kind of courage."

Hearing that, I couldn't hold back my body shaking and my tears.

"I'm sorry that I'm just a weak girl."

Forgive me for being weak and helpless.

"No need to apologize, the kingdom is proud to have a Princess like you even though you are so young. You should be proud Rachel."

-Flashback end-

"Princess, we are almost there..."

Getting out of my thought, I heard the butler announce that we were almost there.

"Good job… then tell me my schedule after that."

I'm back to using the appearance of a usual princess because I have to show my best for this task.

"Yes, Princess."

The butler smiled then bowed and left me.

'I hope he will help England.'

My heart breaks at the thought of him refusing the request from the kingdom, and I have to watch from this country to see my kingdom taken over by those demons.

Dont forget to click the heart!

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