Savage Addiction

Chapter 29: CH 28

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Editor: Zoey0001

Fortunately, Ning You’s Martin boots are made of leather, so he doesn’t worry about the “unknown liquid” staining them. 

With a black face, he washed the tips of his shoes with a shower, and walked towards the main entrance of the cabin without turning his head, and treated Li Mu as air.

Li Mu followed Ning You and called out amusedly: “Ning You.”

Ning You didn’t say a word. After entering the foyer, he was about to walk out with his large suitcase.

“Where are you going?” Li Mu hurriedly grabbed Ning You’s arm. 

“Let go, I want to go home.” Ning You shook off Li Mu’s hand and strenuously lifted the suitcase outside the threshold.

When one is angry, one can make any decision. Isn’t it just dragging the suitcase down the mountain? How strenuous can it be going down the mountain!

“Don’t be angry.” Li Mu took Ning You’s suitcase back with one hand, “It’s not easy for you to come for a trip, so take a good rest first.”

One second the suitcase was still in his hand, and the next second it was returned to the entrance. Ning You was forced to feel the absolute crushing of his strength, and he couldn’t breathe——is it time to show off his strength?

“I don’t want the suitcase anymore.” Ning You growled angrily, turned around and left.

But before he could take a step forward, Li Mu had already taken a step forward, circled his shoulders from behind, and said in a not-so-right mood: “Why do you always have to go?”

Li Mu’s whole body was buried in Ning You’s neck, like a tall and sturdy dark horse, bowing his head to show kindness.

Ning You was caught off guard. He didn’t understand the meaning of Li Mu’s words, and asked subconsciously: “What?” 

Last time, it was a consensus, only this time he was leaving. Where did the “always” come from?

“In a dream.” Li Mu whispered, “You will always leave me.”


Ning You muttered in his heart, this stinky rough man turned out to have a long mouth. 

“You also know that it’s very difficult for me to come here.” Ning You naturally wouldn’t calm down so easily, “Why is your phone always off?”

“The hospital wouldn’t let me borrow an Apple charger.” Li Mu raised his head, increased the strength in his hands, and wrapped his arms around Ning You, “Turning off the phone is a good way to avoid contacting you.”

Ning You had the same idea.

Whenever he is alone, he has to find something to distract him, otherwise he can’t help but pick up his phone and want to contact Li Mu whilst hoping for Li Mu’s call. 

In the end, he was so upset that he simply turned off the phone and all troubles were solved.

“What about our photo?” The anger in Ning You’s heart subsided a little, but he still didn’t want to let Li Mu’s off lightly, “Why didn’t you put it on the bedside?”

There was a rustling sound of pockets behind him. In the next second, a photo appeared in front of Ning You. He saw that there were already many creases on the photo, and it could be seen that someone often held it in his hand.

“It’s on me.” Li Mu said. 

The two people in the photo are next to each other, both with deep frowning brows, as if to remind Ning You of the difficulty of this reunion.

Ning You lost his temper for a while, but he didn’t want to appear spineless. He was thinking of saying something to ease his situation when he heard Li Mu say again: “I miss you, Youyou.”

Ning You couldn’t hold it anymore, turned around and threw himself into Li Mu’s arms, buried his head on his shoulder and said, “You are really annoying to death!”

Ktf jgbwj bo nfgyfcj gertfr lcab atf alq bo atf cbrf, j rwfii atja Rlcu Tbe wlrrfv nfgs wemt. 

“Tfr, P’w jccbslcu.” Ol Ze rwlifv jcv geyyfv atf yjmx bo Rlcu Tbe’r cfmx.

“Qtja jybea sbeg lcpegs?” Rlcu Tbe gjlrfv tlr tfjv, “Gbfr la tega?”

“Pa vbfrc’a tega ktfc sbe’gf tfgf.” Ol Ze rjlv.

Ning You snorted softly: “Glib tongue.” 

“Yes, I’m glib.”

Li Mu didn’t refute anything, just looked at Ning You with a smile, still remembering the feeling of a dream coming true in his heart.

The white swan in his arms is wearing a thick soft feather jacket. His head is obviously small, but his body is bulging like a ball. It’s so cute, making people want to bully.

“By the way,” Li Mu suddenly thought of something, put away his chin slightly, and looked at the person in his arms, “I search you in Baidu, you’re almost thirty.” 

The subtext in the words is obvious: what happened to twenty-two or twenty-three?

Ning You faintly heard the accusation of “pretending to be young” to him. He suddenly jerked away from Li Mu’s arms and poked Li Mu’s chest with his index finger guiltily and said, “I haven’t yet settled the score with you for making me call you gege!”

“Come on then.” Li Mu held Ning You’s hand.

“What?” Ning You asked. 

“Settle the score with me.” Li Mu said, “How do you want to fix me?”

Ning You originally just said casually, and didn’t really want to fix Li Mu. But looking at Li Mu’s deep eyes, he suddenly blushed, and whooshed back his hand and said, “In your dreams.”

The longer you look forward to it, the less vigorous it is upon reunion, only a sense of familiar tranquility and leisure.

Li Mu’s injury was on his left lower arm, about ten centimeters, and did not injure the bone. 

Ning You only saw circles of white gauze, did not see the wound with his own eyes, and still felt a burst of pain inexplicably.

It was almost noon at this time, Ning You turned on the faucet to wash the vegetables, while saying to Li Mu beside him: “Don’t do such a dangerous thing next time.”

In fact, Li Mu was supposed to cook, but Ning You couldn’t bear to let him work hard, so he took the initiative to take over the chores.

The water coming out of the faucet was no different from ice water. Ning You only scoured the basin twice, and his hands were red from freezing (water). 

He began to struggle in his mind, whether to wash it twice more, wash it completely, or just scour it twice to finish it, so that he could freeze less.

However, after struggling for a long time, Ning You suddenly recovered. How could he be entangled in this kind of thing? Of course it must be washed clean.

Thinking of this, Ning You suddenly found that the person next to him hadn’t spoken for a long time. He turned his head and found that Li Mu was looking at him motionless, so he asked, “What are you looking at me for?”

Li Mu smiled and said, “Watching a fairy descending to earth.” 

Ning You immediately threw away the cabbage leaves in his hand and looked at a certain heartless person: “Li Mu!”

Li Mu suddenly laughed so hard that he came behind Ning You and wrapped his waist and said, “The fairy has worked hard.”

“You!” Ning You flew into a rage out of humiliation, he broke away from Li Mu’s embrace, turned around and wanted to punch someone, but unexpectedly his fist was firmly caught by Li Mu, and in the next instant, a warm sensation blocked his lips.

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The long-awaited kiss didn’t appear until now. Ning You should have been angry, but somehow he softened in Li Mu’s arms. 

In the end, the wetness from the butt interrupted the kiss——it was nothing else, it was Li Mu who took Ning You to the countertop to deepen the kiss, and the water stains on the countertop soaked Ning You’s pants.

“You’re so annoying.” Ning You pushed Li Mu away, continued to wash the vegetables in the basin, and changed the subject embarrassedly, “In the end, did you catch that poacher?”

“It’s a group of poachers.” Li Mu retreated to the side, folding his arms, leaning against the dining table and said, “Caught them, and a lot of bear paws were seized.”

“Bear paws?” Ning You looked back at Li Mu in surprise. 

“Hmm.” Li Mu said, “It is said that the bear paws that alternate between autumn and winter are the fattest, so this time is also the peak of poaching.”

Of course Li Mu doesn’t agree with this statement, but he is just explaining why bear paws are so valuable in some people’s eyes.

“Remember when you said a brown bear came around here?” Li Mu added.

Ning You nodded. It was the night of the serious fire. Li Mu left him alone in the cabin. He was almost scared to death by the brown bear. 

“It also suffered.” Li Mu said, “All the limbs were chopped off.”

“Huh?” Ning You was completely stunned, and suddenly felt the abomination of the poacher firsthand, “These people are too brazen, aren’t they?”

“It’s next to the border, and the situation is much more complicated than other places.” Li Mu said, “We also seized a batch of wolf skins, including the wife of the alpha wolf.”

Ning You was dumbfounded, and for a moment, he didn’t know what to say. 

“Also,” Li Mu paused, a little reluctant to tell Ning You, but felt it necessary to say, “The little fox is also dead.”

Ning You pursed his lips. Although he already knew this result, he would still feel sad when he really learned the news.

He suddenly thought that Li Mu had heard so much bad news during this time, and couldn’t help but comfort him: “Don’t be sad.”

Ning You, who said this, was so sad to death. 

“I’m not sad.” Li Mu exhaled, “I’ve seen too much and have become numb.”

Ning You finally understood why Li Mu always gave him the feeling of maturity, because Li Mu had indeed experienced many things, and perhaps some people lived to be forty or fifty years old, but they did not necessarily have such an experience as Li Mu.

“Then you…” Ning You said hesitantly, “Haven’t you ever thought about returning to the city? That way you don’t have to see so many bad things”

The second half of the sentence is purely an excuse, because even if he returns to the city, these tragedies will always repeat themselves in a distant place. 

Ning You just wanted to tell Li Mu what he meant, but Li Mu did not answer, but took the vegetables in Ning You’s hand and said, “I’ll do it later.”

Stir-frying is not very laborious, and it can be done with one hand.

Ning You sat quietly at the dining table, watching Li Mu’s back as he stir-fried vegetables, the chaotic thoughts in his head interrupted by a few WeChat alerts.

[Xiao Zhao: Director Ning asked me why you didn’t go to work just now] 

[Xiao Zhao: I said you weren’t feeling well]

[Xiao Zhao: She will definitely look for you after requesting a leave of absence]


Ning You replied “Got it”, then put the phone back in his pocket. At this time, Li Mu brought the food over and said to him, “There will be a general assembly in the village later in the afternoon. Will you go?” 

“What general assembly?” Ning You asked.

“Announcing the results of this capture operation.” Li Mu said.

In fact, Ning You just asked casually, no matter what the general assembly is, as long as Li Mu goes, he will follow.

After eating lunch, Ning You cleared the dishes sharply. 

Before setting off, he saw Li Mu tuck away the car keys, so he took the initiative to say, “Let me drive.”

“You know how to drive?” Li Mu asked in surprise.

“I said don’t underestimate me.” Ning You said slightly dissatisfied, “I didn’t want a driver from the company. I drive to and from work every day, okay?”

Having said that, Ning You suddenly realized that something wasn’t right, and added in a low voice: “Of course, I know it’s not environmentally friendly to drive to and from work, but if you want me to squeeze in the public transportation, it’s impossible…” 

Li Mu was amused by Ning You’s “desire to survive” and said with a smile: “I didn’t let you squeeze in the public transportation.”

As Li Mu said, his standard for environmental protection is not to make himself too inconvenient, and this standard is different for everyone, he naturally will not use his own standard to demand others.

Ning You took the car key and sat in the driver’s seat, but when he found that there were three pedals under his feet, he suddenly regretted it——it turned out to be a manual transmission car.

Driving school actually is studying manual transmission, but Ning You has been driving automatic transmission since he hit the road. 

Of course he wouldn’t admit that he couldn’t do it at this time. Anyway, he knew the principle of manual transmission, but he was just unskilled, so he still pretended to put the gear and step on the gas calmly.

Not long after the huge car drove out, it shook abruptly. Ning You received the message and quickly changed gears. At any rate, the car drove normally.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

Li Mu secretly grabbed the door handle, because Ning You’s shift was obviously unskilled. 

In particular, he adjusted the seat straight, eager to see everything in the front of the car, which is the characteristic of a typical novice.

“Of course, there’s no problem.” Ning You said.

After starting normally, just pay attention to changing gears in time. But there were two bends on the way down the mountain. Ning You passed like a snail at the first bend. Li Mu couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t we exchange?”

This sentence stimulated Ning You. He wanted to behave better in the next corner. Who knew that he didn’t pay attention when he stepped on the brakes, he stepped on the accelerator, the raptor let out a roar of motor, whooshed out of the road, and rushed directly down the mountain. 

“Step on the brake!” Li Mu grabbed the handrail above the window and hurriedly commanded.

“I’m stepping on it!” Ning You was also frightened by the scene in front of him. He didn’t react  to the fact that he was stepping on the accelerator, and the car rushed down the mountain.

The village of Tuva is not far away. According to their position, there is a high probability that the car will rush down the mountain, cross the asphalt road in front of the village, and then go all the way to Lake Hanas.

But fortunately, Ning You reacted in time, changed the pedal under his feet, and slammed on the brake. 

The clutch didn’t keep up. The engine shook a few times and stalled. The car was parked halfway up the hill, with a trail of dust behind the tires.

Li Mu had experienced many big events, and he had already practiced the ability to be calm and unperturbed, but he didn’t expect to be scared by Ning You’s driving today.

“I can see it clearly.” He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ning You and said, “You came to Hanas to find me and to die together in the name of love.”

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