Savage Addiction

Chapter 32: CH 31

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Editor: Meouwch

The person he likes is by his side, and the cabin is as warm as spring. There is no place more comfortable and cozy than here. 

Ning You rolled over, lay on Li Mu’s chest, looked straight at him and asked, “Are you serious?”

Although Li Mu’s expression seemed to be serious, Ning You still wanted to make sure, because this question was really important.

Li Mu raised the pillow behind his head a little, and instead of answering yes or no directly, but left room for assumption, “What if I am?”

If so, then Ning You began to seriously consider this proposal. 

His parents wouldn’t agree to him living in seclusion in the mountain forests, so staying in the cabin was tantamount to giving up everything in the city.

If he gave up his job, the medical examination project would be abandoned halfway; giving up his social status, no one would care about his status as the youngest member of the Ning family anymore; abandoning his wealth and property, the most valuable thing on his body may only be an unlimited black gold credit card——there is a high probability that it will be suspended because of the loss of Ning’s shares.

His parents would complain that he is willful, and his colleagues would discuss his foolishness. Perhaps only Li Zhao will raise a glass of red wine and say to him “You are braver than I thought,” but mostly in a mocking tone.

Give up what others dream of in exchange for a dark horse knight. Whether he is grateful for today’s choice or regrets it in the future, at least now his thoughts are becoming clearer and clearer.

“I’m willing.” Ning You said.

“Are you sure?” Li Mu was a little surprised, “If I take back the word ‘if’ and let you stay with me. Are you really willing?”

Li Mu obviously didn’t believe that Ning You would make a decision so easily.

Because the sentence “I’m willing to give up everything for you” is not the best solution to their problem. It’s more like an afterthought. It’s just to make the other party happy, but it can’t be taken seriously. 

“I am really willing.” Ning You smiled carelessly, unlike Li Mu who looked serious, “But I have a question to ask you.”

“Go ahead.” Li Mu said.

“Would you like to live in the city with me?” Ning You asked.

“Maybe life here is more suitable for us.” Li Mu also began to seriously consider this issue, “We are already familiar with the environment here and have lived together for a while. If we return to the city, we have to re-adjust our living habits.” 

Ktf rwlif ja atf mbgcfg bo Rlcu Tbe’r wbeat vlrjqqfjgfv j ilaaif. Mbg atf olgra alwf, tf mbcmfjifv tlr fwbalbcr lc ogbca bo Ol Ze, qeiifv bea j rwlif jujlcra tlr klii jcv rjlv, “Pa’r pera j mtjcuf bo fcnlgbcwfca. Coafg jii, la’r ralii atf akb bo er.”

“Yypfmalnfis rqfjxlcu, atf egyjc fcnlgbcwfca lr wbgf mbwqilmjafv——”

Hearing this, Ning You’s patience was exhausted. He got up from Li Mu’s chest and supported his upper body with his hands, without any expression on his face.

Li Mu finally realized that something was wrong, and quickly sat up and said, “Youyou, I’m just analyzing…” 

“I don’t need your analysis.” Ning You said.

He knew that Li Mu had a point, and also knew that Li Mu was more rational than him, but he didn’t want to hear any of this. He just wanted Li Mu to say, “I’m willing too”.

Feelings should be equal and no one is obligated to sacrifice themselves. Ning You is willing to give his all on the premise that Li Mu is equally willing to give his all to him.

No matter where the two live in the future, Ning You feels that this is an issue that will be discussed after they have reached a mutual understanding. Some people may sacrifice more, some people may sacrifice less, as long as they understand the other party’s intentions, these can be balanced. 

But it is clear that Li Mu felt that reality was more important than feelings.

He is still the same as before when discussing civilization and environmental protection, calmly and rationally analyzing where it is more appropriate for the two to live. As he said, if the two people want to put aside everything and be together firmly, it is true that the city is full of temptations, and the mountains and forests are the best choice.

But he forgot a premise, that is, Ning You first expressed his willingness to put aside everything before he followed up with these analyses.

But he himself did not take a stand. 

“I’m just thinking, Youyou.” Li Mu said, “Of course I would like to live in the city with you.”

“No, this is not thinking.” Ning You said, “You are hesitating.”

If Li Mu was really thinking about Ning You’s proposal, then he should have done what Ning You did, listing the things he was willing to abandon and the problems he faced, and then made a choice, instead of skipping the step of choosing and talking about the problems that followed, as he is doing now.

“You are too absolute. Everyone thinks differently. I just took a little more time, but the end result is definitely that I’m willing.” Li Mu softened his tone when he said this, and went to take Ning You’s hand, “Youyou, I like you, there is no doubt about that.” 

“Do you know why we think differently?” Ning You was indifferent, “Because you simply like me, while I’m in love with you.”

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For the first time, Ning You made Li Mu speechless.

He frowned and widened his eyes, his lips moved, but he didn’t say anything.

When Ning You’s phone rang, he got out of bed and picked up the phone, and Ning Xin’s voice came from the phone. 

“I asked the housekeeper to cook you porridge and send it over, why aren’t you at home?”

“I had a last-minute trip, so let her put it on the property.”

“Alright, improve your body as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go to work tomorrow.” 

When Ning You hung up the phone, Li Mu immediately asked, “How are you going to work tomorrow?”

“I will go back tonight.” It isn’t yet eight o’clock in the evening, so he can go to Urumqi to transfer and take a night flight back to Jin City.

“Don’t be angry with me, Ning You.” Li Mu said with a headache, “Do you know how much I’ve missed you during this time?”

“I’m not angry, you need time, then I’ll give you time.” 

Ning You didn’t pack his suitcase, only took a small backpack, documents and other necessities, and said to Li Mu in a tone that brooked no arguments: “Send me to the airport.”

“Youyou…” Li Mu was at a loss for a while, and he didn’t know how to calm Ning You down.

He wasn’t a person who would mess around. Ning You’s words were all on point. Indeed, he didn’t answer the original question well. If he tried to make amends now, he would only make things worse.

“Are you really leaving?” Li Mu asked. 

“Yes.” Ning You was determined to go, it was different from previous angry outbursts, “If you don’t send me off, then I’ll go by myself.”

Li Mu had to drive Ning You to Hanas Airport. He wanted to talk to Ning You several times on the way, but Ning You always looked out the window. It was like an iron wall had been erected between the two of them, and any excuse was too feeble to break through it.

When the two arrived at the airport, Li Mu took Ning You’s hand, really not wanting him to leave: “It’s my fault. I didn’t consider your feelings. I’ll apologize, can you not leave?”

“You are not wrong.” Ning You said calmly, “What you said is correct. The environment in the city is indeed complicated. I’ll be more like the person I am now, and I will not be your carefree little fairy. So, before you think it through, don’t make meaningless attempts to retain me.” 

Taking the night flight for two consecutive days, Ning You’s energy was greatly consumed.

The only thing that relieved him was that he cleaned up the room and helped Li Mu take a shower. Even if he was not around to take care of him, Li Mu’s injury should not be too inconvenient.

Early the next morning, after hurriedly eating the vegetable porridge sent by the housekeeper, Ning You came to the company to work on time with thick dark circles under his eyes, and coffee at hand just never stops.

“Chief Ning.” Xiao Zhao knocked on the door and entered the office, the expression on her face was tinged with worry and curiosity. She was the only one in the company who knew that Ning You had been on the plane for ten hours in the past 30 hours, “What have you been up to these past two days?” 

“Nothing.” Ning You took another sip of coffee.

Seeing that Ning You didn’t want to say more, Xiao Zhao didn’t ask more. She talked about business: “The animal experts have given feedback, and our general direction is feasible.”

After returning from Xinjiang, Ning You had a new idea. Since the technical level of the implantable medical examination instrument is not mature enough, it is completely possible to change the direction and implant microchips into animals. There is no need to detect diseases in detail, but only to be able to determine the animal’s range of activities, pregnancy status, physical health and so on.

This will be much less difficult, and the cost will be greatly reduced. It’s not too late to do research and development on humans after the technology on animals has matured, and by then there will be a lot of data to support it. 

Although this direction is not very optimistic in terms of profitability, it can contribute to the global environmental protection cause. At first Ning You was not sure if this path would work. Now that he has the opinions of animal experts, he has become more determined to proceed with this project.

“That’s fine.” Ning You said, “Have a meeting at ten o’clock and have everyone in the department attend.”

“Ok.” Xiao Zhao planned to leave after speaking, but she stopped and asked another question, “This project is related to Mr. Li’s brother, right?”

The night before last when she heard that the young master of the Li family was injured, her boss hurriedly took a plane to get there. At that time, Xiao Zhao had already begun to feel something was wrong. 

“Hmm. “Ning You responded lazily.

“Will he be involved in the later stage?” Xiao Zhao asked.

“No way.” Ning You snorted softly, “Who does he think he is.”

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