Savage Addiction

Chapter 33: CH 32

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Editor: Meouwch 

Not everyone agrees with the shift of a purely profitable project to a semi-public welfare project.

At the initial trial of the meeting, several technical supervisors expressed their opposition, arguing that this was a waste of corporate resources.

But Ning You has already thought of countermeasures. What these technical experts are most concerned about is whether they can win the manufacturer’s most advanced EUV lithography machine. The new project does not involve politics and self-interest. It can play a perfect emotional card, greatly increasing the chance of cooperation.

Finally, near noon, the specific details of the new project were finally finalized, and Ning You’s energy was stretched to the limit. 

He planned to take a half-day off and go back to rest after lunch, but he didn’t expect Li Zhao to call and say that the jewelry designer of the wedding finally had a schedule, and asked Ning You to discuss wedding ring ideas together.

Their queue was bypassed by means of Ning Xin’s relationship, otherwise the two would have to wait for half a year.

Because of this, even if Ning You didn’t want to go, he had to dispel the idea of going home to rest, and waited in the office for Li Zhao to come and pick him up.

“Didn’t sleep well?”

Ning You got into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, and Li Zhao, who was beside him, immediately noticed something was wrong with him.

Relying on coffee all morning, Ning You was still able to barely keep working. After taking a break in the office at noon, his face was now full of deep drowsiness.

If it weren’t for the fact that it’s impolite to yawn in front of others, Ning You would have already yawned countless times.

“It’s okay, let’s go.” 

The car slowly moved forward. Ning You didn’t have the energy to chat with Li Zhao, and looked out the window indifferently. At this moment, he suddenly saw a group of people wearing fluorescent green vests on the side of the street, holding a garbage picker used by sanitation workers in their hand, while walking forward, picking up garbage on the road.

This road is the most bustling place in the city center. Although sanitation workers are wandering around nearby, there are still used toilet paper or plastic wrappers on the sidewalk due to the number of snack bars on the street.

It was the first time Ning You saw a non-profit organization on the road, he couldn’t help but draw closer to the window, wanting to see the name of the organization printed on the back of their vest, thinking that if he had time in the future, he could also do public welfare activities.

But something strange happened. These green vests seemed to only pick up the garbage at their feet. Obviously, there was a piece of toilet paper a few steps away. More than a dozen people passed by, but no one went to pick it up. 

Looking at the front of the group, the leader was actually taking pictures. Ning You instantly understood, this was just a face-saving project.

He leaned back in his seat in disappointment, Ning You’s mood was quite complicated.

The matter of environmental protection is too big, so big that everyone feels that it has nothing to do with him, it is a macro-level matter; the matter of environmental protection is too small, so small that no one takes it seriously, and they all think that a piece of garbage is harmless.

Qtja mbwqilmjafr Rlcu Tbe atf wbra lr atja tf lr jirb bcf bo atfw. Mbg fzjwqif, cbk, fnfc lo tf rffr ujgyjuf bc atf rlvf bo atf gbjv, tf mjc’a jrx atf vglnfg ab rabq jcv qlmx la eq tlwrfio, yfmjerf tf kbeivc’a offi atf cffv. 

Lf revvfcis ecvfgrabbv Ol Ze j ilaaif yla.

In such a big environment, you can’t change others, you can only take care of yourself. No matter how much money is donated to improve the environment, as long as it does not change people’s thinking, there will always be people who will destroy the environment. What is the point of donating?

“Environmental protection is hard to do.” Li Zhao also saw what happened outside the window and spoke to Ning You.

“Indeed.” Ning You responded. 

“The reason why I admire Li Mu is because I know I can’t do it.” Li Zhao added.

“Is that so?” Ning You looked at Li Zhao with no expression, “Then all the more reason why you shouldn’t obstruct him.”

Everyone has their own stand, and Ning You is obviously on Li Mu’s side, which is a bit biased. But Li Zhao was not angry, he just smiled and said, “I admit, I did warn him not to come back and complicate things. You are my fiancee.”

Ning You frowned imperceptibly and wasn’t aware of this. Recalling the last conversation between him and Li Zhao at the racecourse, this person clearly said that he was single, and he set him up with Li Mu. It’s really a set on the surface and also behind. 

“I thought I had convinced him, but he called me this morning and the situation was completely different from what I thought.” Li Zhao paused when he said this, turned his head to look at Ning You, and asked, “Just what on earth did you say to him? Ning You, I am very curious.”

If Ning You remembers correctly, when he was at the racecourse, Li Zhao clearly said that he didn’t know what Li Mu’s attitude was, and let Ning You ask himself.

But judging from his words, if he felt in his heart that Li Mu had wavered and still deliberately let Ning You ask, the result would be very simple —— Ning You would be disappointed in Li Mu, and then marry Li Zhao with peace of mind.

What a great trick to manipulate people’s hearts. 

Although Ning You didn’t change his mind, he did feel angry with Li Mu. After all, he didn’t know that Li Mu was still under pressure from Li Zhao.

But having said that, why is Li Zhao suddenly starting to be honest now?

No, whether he is honest or not, there is still a question mark.

“I didn’t say anything to him.” Ning You said, “I just let him think clearly.” 

“Think about what?” Li Zhao asked, “You’ve only known him for half a month, do you know how high the chances are of failed marriages?”

“Then have I known you for a long time?” Ning You asked rhetorically, “It’s just a business marriage, why don’t I pick one I like?”

The reason why Ning You and Li Mu are progressing so fast is largely because Ning You has a marriage contract on his back, otherwise he and Li Mu would not make a choice so quickly.

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This reason seemed to convince Li Zhao. 

He put his left leg on his right leg, relaxed his tone, and said to Ning You: “It’s purely out of curiosity. If you don’t mind, I want to ask why him, not me.”

Li Zhao did indeed make a good partner, at least before Li Mu appeared, he was considerate and gentlemanly. Even Ning You himself was not sure if he would have a good impression of Li Zhao after a long time.

But since knowing that all this was a disguise, Ning You didn’t know what to think anymore. He wants a real person, not a false one.

“Because you smoke.” Ning You casually found a reason. 

“Is it because I smoke, or because I lie?” Li Zhao smiled helplessly, “It seems that I lied and was thrown into the 18th floor of hell.”

“Then let me ask you,” Ning You looked straight at Li Zhao, “Have you ever smoked in the woods?”

“It’s really not me.” Li Zhao said sincerely.

But Ning You still wasn’t convinced: “Even if you were, you wouldn’t tell me.” 

“Indeed, even if it were me, I wouldn’t tell anyone.” Li Zhao said, “But I’m not as bad as you think, Ning You. If it was really me, I would pay to maintain that forest, so that I can make a name for myself and also eliminate my guilt, why not?”

“But do you think I’m in charge of that forest?” Li Zhao said again, “No, because I don’t have that leisure.”


Ning You admits that Li Zhao has a point. 

Even the authorities were inconclusive about the forest fire. It was indeed unfair for him to buckle such a big label to Li Zhao with just one lie.

The topic was far away, Ning You went back to business: “So why are you willing to let Li Mu come back?”

“Don’t worry.” Li Zhao smiled faintly, leaned back in his chair, and said in a relaxed tone, “I came to you today just to say congratulations.”

As soon as Li Zhao spoke, the moving car suddenly stopped. Before Ning You could ask “what”, he saw the Rolls-Royce parked downstairs in his company. 

“Aren’t we going to see the wedding ring?” Ning You asked inexplicably.

“Why, do you really want to marry me?” Li Zhao teases, “I don’t want to be eaten alive by that bastard Li Mu.”

Ning You was simply confused, and didn’t know what Li Zhao was playing at. He originally wanted to continue asking, but at this time the driver had already opened the car door, and Li Zhao also made it clear that he was in a hurry, so he had to get out of the car in a daze.

He wanted to ask Li Mu, but Ning You didn’t want to. 

Now in his mind, a villain called Li Mu is being confined, and he doesn’t want to release this villain so early.

After taking a half day off in the afternoon, Ning You returned home and slept through the night.

He had a strange dream, in which he came to a remote rural area. Someone was killing chickens and ducks on the side of the road. A dark horse sometimes appeared and disappeared, coming and going like the wind. Suddenly, a big white goose stuck out its butt from the dog hole and was bitten by the dark horse……

A strange dream without logic. 

Ning You stood from the perspective of God and wanted to see if the big white goose would fight back, but at this moment a ringtone pulled him out of his dream.

Looking at the time, it was night time, Ning You pressed the answer button and lazily said “Hello”.

“Chief Ning, have you seen the news?” Xiao Zhao asked hurriedly.

“What news?” Ning You took the remote control and turned on the bedroom lights. 

“Chief Li and his company were investigated. Chief Li took the blame and resigned.”

“What?” Ning You sat up from the bed abruptly.

“Do you still want to get married?” Xiao Zhao said, “Will Director Ning help them?”

“No,” Ning You’s mind was in a mess, “Why was he suddenly investigated?” 

“I asked the people in their company and said that there were signs a long time ago. The villagers near the factory protested so much this time that they couldn’t be suppressed.”

“And there is news that this time Chief Li took the initiative to come forward and take the blame, otherwise some officials above will be implicated.”

“Chief Ning, do you think it was those people above who forced Chief Li?” Xiao Zhao guessed, “Seeing that things can’t be suppressed, and made Chief Li the scapegoat.”

Ning You suddenly understood why Li Zhao wanted to come to congratulate him on purpose. It turned out that Li Zhao was experiencing problems in areas he didn’t know, and was forced to make a decision. 

Could it be that Li Zhao approached Ning Xin at the beginning and mentioned the environmental protection route, not to get Li Mu back, but because the company was in crisis?

Ning You was not sure, because Li Zhao’s mind was so deep that he couldn’t see through it at all.

Moreover, he didn’t know what conditions Li Zhao and Li Mu had negotiated behind the scenes.

However, it is certain that the choice made by Li Zhao must be the one with the least losses after weighing it, because with Ning You’s understanding of him, he would never make sacrifices for no reason. 

“Oh, right.” Xiao Zhao’s voice interrupted Ning You’s thoughts, “The young master of the Li family is back.”

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