Saving Mirai

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: A long evening

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A day has now passed. I only have one hour left to prepare for my introduction at the opening of the festival. 

I learned about so many topics that my head is swirling with do's and don'ts. I need to relax. 

But no such luck. I am now in my bedroom, laying on my bed with arms and legs wide apart. 


Knock knock.


"Yes?" I barely manage to say, fully exhausted.


"Greya, it's me, Nanami. Can I enter?"


Why does she ask now? She never asks. Whatever.  "Come in!" But I don't move a muscle.


"Ah Greya, you shouldn't lie on your bed like that, it is..."


I glare at her "don't you dare finish that sentence. I cannot hear any advice anymore. So let me be at peace for a minute."


"Ah, ha, ha. Sorry Greya, but you need to get dressed now. I guess your training sessions were exhausting? May I assist you?"


I sigh and manage to somehow get up from my bed. "Yes, they were very exhausting. But yes, I can use your help to get dressed. Otherwise I am sure that I will fall asleep."


Twenty minutes later, I am freshened up. Mika applied some make-up to my face. Yes, they do that even on fur. Then she used lipstick to give my lips a modest soft pink glossy colour. I guess they have those things here as well huh, small universe. My muzzle now looks quite adorable, and very feminine. Even if I say so myself.


And of course I am wearing a new dress. Yes, a new dress, one that was made this morning after having been measured every centimetre of my body. This dress doesn't cover as much as I would like, so I feel a bit apprehensive. Anyway, according to Nana, I look "like a princess." Doesn't really feel like a compliment, but whatever. My arms are uncovered, and the dress reaches to just below my knees. It also highlights my neck, and apparently I need to show off my modest cleavage, all for the purpose of politics and my role as princess and future queen. I believe a more modest dress would be more appropriate, but mother was insistent this morning. She asked me to trust her, well what do I know about women's clothing. But this feels just too much for my taste. Thankfully I have the newly cleaned royal necklace placed where it absorbs some attention.  

So I am good to go.


"Ah, Greya, these are your shoes for this evening." She unboxes my shoes. They are again of a pure white design, with pointed noses and a considerable heel.


"Oy my goddess. You can't be serious. I am going to die in those. What am I? A dress up doll?" 

Then mother enters the door "yes honey, you are today. Unfortunately for you, inconvenience is a part of a princess's life." 


I turned around to look at my mother. "Hello mother, thank you for your very encouraging words. It makes me feel much better. "  


"Ah Greya dear. It isn't so bad. Yes, you need to dress up many times, but even more when you will become the queen of this nation in the future. You will then need to maintain relations with other nations. So please, just get used to it. Just one step at a time. I went through the same thing myself."


"You did? Well that is comforting. And honestly, I would have never known. You act naturally as a queen."


"Aww honey, thank you. But I am not lying. Just take your time, you will get there. And we will be right there to support you. Now put on those shoes, we need to go downstairs. The first guests will be arriving shortly."


"Yes mother."


Nana then asked me to sit down on the bed, then she gently helped me to put on my shoes. 


I looked in the mirror, and I must be honest. There is no point in lying to myself. 

A beautiful young lady, looking lost in thought, looks right at me. Then I smiled, because, well that is really me. 

Even though there are no earclips in my fox ears, maybe that is not a thing here. Yes, she looks cute! I can do this!


"Greya sweetie, that is much better. You are adorable, now get up and see if you can walk on those."


I did as she asked and walked without any issues, but I must admit, my calves already hurt. I never practised in these before. 


"Well done dear, I see you are ready to go."


"Yes, also thanks to mother Ima, she helped me prepare for tonight too, you know."


"I am sure she did, dear. You are her daughter too. I wouldn't be surprised if she paid you a quick visit this evening. Ah, one more thing. Now close your eyes for a minute."


I did as she asked me to. Then I felt something being placed on top of my head, her hands brushing my twitching ears. Then a kiss on my forehead. 


That was the signal to open my eyes again, I looked into the mirror and noticed that I was now wearing a 

tiara. A real royal tiara for a real princess. I started to blush, and said "thank you mother, I did not expect that at all. It looks amazing."


"Thank you dear, it was mine when I was your age. Wear it proudly tonight."


"Yes mother" I could only suppress a tear, but my mother already noticed.


"Now, now, we don't want your make-up to be messed-up, now do we. Let's get down there now. Nanami, go ask Mizuki to join us as well."


"Yes my queen, at once."


I rolled my eyes at her never ending formality, but I will forgive her. Well, my mom is the queen after all.


When we are all downstairs, Mizuki compliments me on my princess look. I start to blush again, but am interrupted by my father. 


"Greya, you look stunning. As do you, Mizuki. Ah, ha, ha and you my dear Miyako. Now let me tell you what will happen tonight. We will be sitting at a long table, your mother and I in the middle, you and Mizuki to the right of your mother. Nana will join on the right hand side of Mizuki and will take care of anything you may need. On my left I have invited a few nobles and representatives of our leading merchant firms, who have contributed significantly to the growth and well-being of our kingdom. But don't think about them. Every other guest will be sitting at small tables distributed through our grand hall. With me so far?"


Mizuki and I nodded. 


"Good. When most guests have arrived, at about seven o' clock, I will officially declare that you both are my daughters. But then introduce you, Greya as the heir to our kingdom. Just leave all the official talk to me.

I will also tell them about your illness until recently. So they won't bother you too much about minor things. For example the names of our most important noblemen. You cannot possibly know about them, so don't worry.

Mizuki will only speak to others when spoken to, she will not actively mingle. Nanami will try to make both of your lives as comfortable as possible, so look for her when you need something.  


You, Greya, will actively mingle between our guests, but don't worry. With mingling, I mean people will either  come to you, like with Mizuki, or I will guide you to them. Just ignore anybody else, unless you are bored and wish to speak to someone, standing alone is not a good sign, remember that."


Mother then interrupts "but above all, dear, relax and have some fun. We have guards everywhere, and we will do everything to make your evening enjoyable. It may seem like a daunting task, but you are never alone, okay?" 


Mother really knows how to make me smile again. "Yes mother, father, I will do my best"


Then other servants, ones I haven't met before, open the huge sliding doors to reveal an enormous hall. 

Many tables can be seen, with waiters in white gloves preparing the last little details. 

Small flowers are placed on each table, the chandeliers are lit, even though sunlight is still shining through the large windows. Looking through one of them, I can see many carriages parked after each other, no they are moving slowly and people are leaving them. 

Then the outer doors open, and fresh air fills the enormous hall. It is still summer, so the temperature is just perfect for an evening. No summer heat, just a warm breeze.


"Alright my darling daughters, follow me and your mother to your places."


After taking our places, people are entering from the main doors. The volume of people chatting increases as more and more people arrive. Most people are fox-kin; only a handful of wolf-kin can be seen. 

Father and mother need to welcome the guests, so Nana tries to distract us with a story from her past.   


"Greya, did you know that I learned some magic too?"


"Really?" I said, truly amazed. "Then you could have healed my headache too?"


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"Ah ha, no. I can only summon a fireball. This is one of the advantages I had that allowed me to enter into your service. I can protect you with my magic, but I also learned basic self defence. I wasn't allowed to learn more than that because I am a woman. It is only that I was so stubborn that my brothers taught me that after continuous begging and nagging. So in the end, I won." She said, showing a smug smile. 

"But then my parents scolded me for doing such unwomanly things." 


"Ah, it must have been tough for you. I actually never considered training magic here yet. But I am going to learn about being a proper princess first. So I hope magic is in those lessons as well.

I guess women don't always have it easier than men. We need to wear high heels, dresses that cut off your blood circulation. Men are looking at you only to see a pretty girl, trying to marry into the Royal family. Like I am not a person, only a pretty thing that is useful for the affairs of the state." I pout. 


Before Nana can get me back on the positive side, I am interrupted by mother Ima. Who startled all of us. Nana is ready to defend me, but Ima raises her hands to her, signalling no threat. Ima then whispers in my ear "would you rather be a boy then?" 


"noooo!" I immediately whispered back to her, glaring at her.  Mm, where did that come from? 

"Guess I made the RIGHT choice then, mm Greya?" she teasingly says. Then walks off to mingle between guests as if she were no goddess. 


"Who was that?" Mizuki says.


That was mother Ima, I guess you didn't recognize her. She can change her appearance, but I could feel her divine aura. I can't believe she casually walks between people here" I say to Mizuki.  


"Well, she must want to have some fun too." she says.


Half an hour went by when my parents finally joined us at our table. We are introduced to some noblemen and wait for the clock to strike seven. Well this clock doesn't strike, but it is the thought that counts, right?

In the meantime, the hall is completely filled with guests who are chatting loudly and happily. 


At seven o' clock, father addresses the people, by the cliche clinking of a crystal glass with a silver spoon. Three times. Then three times more. 


He starts his introduction. "Ladies and gentlemen, honoured guests of our kingdom, friends of our family, we welcome you to the opening event of our festival. Let me get to the point, so your hungry bellies will not have to listen to my boring speech."  Quite some laughter could be heard. Some of them must agree with the eating part. Or the boring part.


He then points to me and to Mizuki, a signal for us to rise. 

"After eighteen years, our lovely daughter Greya had finally come home. She fell ill when she was only two years old. She recuperated in the fresh air of our mountain lodge. After many, many years, our goddess Ima herself showed another act of her unending kindness. She healed our daughter." 


Many people were speaking in a surprised tone, all at once. Unbelief was the keyword at the moment.


Father is clinking his glass three times again, to get everyone's attention again.

"Honoured guests, you will be able to meet her later this evening, and you shall have evidence. A wise man once said extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You shall see it for yourself. 

Now let me continue. Greya is our heir to the throne, a princess with all duties and privileges as customary in this kingdom. I ask you to treat her with the respect as you treat the rest of the royal family, as she will become your new queen, well, in the far future I hope." Again laughter could be heard, people understanding that the king is not ready to stop yet. You don't want people to get the wrong idea after all.

"Now let me continue. Greya is our daughter, but she was touched by goddess Ima, who also claims her as her daughter. The royal family is more than happy to share family time with a healthy Greya between us and our goddess. So we honour our goddess tonight as well." 


Many people started talking again. The king asks for attention again, using his glass.

"That is not all my good people. There is one more thing. Next to her stands Mizuki, since recently an adopted big sister of Greya. Even though she cannot claim the throne, and is not allowed to carry the title of princess, know that she is very much part of this royal family. Yes, she is wolf-kin, but her heart beats strong as a kitsune. Please give our two darling daughters a warm official welcome to the royal family!"


Everybody now stands and applauses, a loud cheering starts. 

Then people quiet down again, as they see my father still looking at them, father then continues "I now have bothered you long enough. You will be able to meet our daughters later tonight. Now eat, drink and be merry!"


"hear hear hear'' could be heard. Well the people are happy, but I am not.

Some music can be heard in the background, I can't see the musicians, but they must be somewhere close. 


Father motions us to sit down again, "well done, they now know you are our daughters, so people will think twice before they mess with the royal family. But it will also mean you have little privacy remaining when you go out in public."


Mother then takes over "but don't worry my dears, you will get used to it. Trust me, trust us. All will be fine."


A smile appeared on Mizuki's and my face again. 


"Ah yes, mother says. Keep smiling like your life depends on it."


Then in the middle of the huge room, people were standing up, obviously troubled by something.

Father notices this and awaits one of the guards. The guard rushes to inform the king about what is going on. 

Father nods, and uses his glass to get the attention again. The music stops. 


"Ladies and gentlemen. I must address a question we have over there in the central part of our grand hall. 

Please sit down, honoured guests, as I promise to answer your question. 

The question was "where is your extraordinary proof, that your daughter is also a daughter of goddess Ima.

Some of you believe my statement might be considered blasphemy. And I would agree, if I didn't have the proof to show you all. May I request all of you to look at the doors where you entered this grand hall?"

People turned to look at the doors, but nothing happened.  "Just wait for it people, just a moment."


Then a brilliant white light could be seen. In front of hundreds of witnesses, mother Ima appeared in her normal, recognisable goddess form. Many people kneeled down in respect for her.


"Fear not, my people. Do not bow down for me, do not kneel for me, for that is not my wish.

It is my wish that you continue your festivities. But I also wish to acknowledge in front of all of you as living witnesses, that Greya is indeed my daughter. Come here sweetie." 


I swallowed at the extra attention, and then rushed to mother Ima. 

"Relax sweetie, this will be over in a minute" she whispered in my ear.


Mother Ima then stood behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. 

"This is my daughter Greya, she has royal blood in her veins. She is indeed a princess and heir to the throne. I blessed her and accepted her as my daughter. Now hear me, for this is important. She is also a demi-goddess. She will start her duties at my main temple soon in her official capacity as head-priestess. 

I ask you to respect her. But let it also be known that she only desires your respect, and she is absolutely clear that she desires no worship. Her desire is to serve me, this kingdom and bring healing wherever and whoever it may need. Now one last thing. Is there anybody here who doubts my story, who thinks I am some form of trickery?" 


Believe it or not, one man, an elderly kitsune raises his hand. 


"Yes, Miro, what is it?"


"you know my name? oh goddess."


"I believe you wanted to express your doubts? Or do you wish to blame me for your low yield on your lands?

Didn't my mikos tell you that plants need water?"


Many people started to laugh. 


"Now, now people, this man showed the courage to face me. For that I respect him. 

I just happen to know that your grandchild was born five minutes ago. She is a healthy girl, congratulations. 

Your son is on your way here. When he arrives, tell the good news to anyone here so they know that my words are true. And to show you my respect for having the courage to face me, your fields will produce twice the harvest next year. Look forward to it."


Then a brilliant flash was seen, and I almost fell down. I must have leaned onto her. But I was able to correct my posture. Few, falling down as a princess would not be very good. Ah, that leaves me in a very awkward position, people are looking at me now. Okay, go with the flow Greya.

"Honoured guests of the royal family, now hear me. You witnessed the statement of my mother, goddess Ima.

I will be happy to meet as many of you as I can, but please know that I have only arrived here a short while ago. So I will not recognise many names or faces." Then I shouted "Now enjoy your evening-meal!"

I bowed down, and then rushed back to join my parents at the table.


I could still feel people staring at me, but then my parents interrupted my thoughts. 


"Well done Greya, I am proud of you" father told me.


"Sweetie, you couldn't have said it any better now. They will now definitely respect you. Go eat something and drink some water, you are going to need it tonight."


Then Mizuki whispered into my ear "well done little sis." I started to blush from all the compliments, and my smile reappeared.

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