Saving Mirai

Chapter 23: Chapter 22: what kind of party is this anyway?

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Our guests are now chatting more and more, a sign that they finished the royal evening meal. Including deserts I might add. 


Unfortunately I couldn't eat at all, I was that nervous. The servants are cleaning the tables, removing plates and cutlery and providing fresh crystal drink glasses to all guests. I guess it is almost my turn now, so I look at my father, waiting for him to tell me to start mingling. Patient Greya, patient, I will survive this evening, even if it is the last thing I do.


Moments later, the time has come. It is my turn to entertain the guests, something I am absolutely not looking forward to. This is supposed to be a party to celebrate my recovery and arrival in the royal palace, right?

Well, it doesn't feel like a party to me. 


Father rises from his chair, then slowly walks to Mizuki and me. The way his eyes are switching between my eyes and my lips indicates that he wants me to smile. Yes, Yes, I get it. Smile all night long. 

I give up, and force a little smile, then look at my sister, who is also a bit afraid to become the focal point of attention for the next hour. We then realise we are doing the same thing again, and we both giggle, then we need to laugh, drawing the attention of my mother. Her queenly gaze pierces through my body, this can only mean one thing "act like an adult already, or else.."  So we both calm down very quickly.


Well, I do feel better now after that giggling session. Why do I even worry? It's not like I'm on trial or what? No, I am going to enjoy this. Yes Greya, yes you can! 


Then father gently pushes Mizuki's and my back, "alright you two, it's your turn now. Just relax." 

And then all the tension came right back. Oh boy, a room filled with people I have never met before, all looking at me and my sister. Mainly me though...


"Eh father, one question" I say.


"Yes Greya, quickly, what is it?"


"How did you know that mother Ima would appear there?"


"Ah, you connected the dots, very good. Yes, your mother and I spoke with goddess Ima earlier today. Actually it was her idea, she already expected someone would need proof of you being her daughter. Well, I guess she was right. She is a goddess after all. Now go forward you two. Don't stand together, otherwise people won't approach you. So I will take some steps back. Now make us proud. You too Mizuki."


"Ah, yes father, I will do my best" Mizuki replied, showing a glint of worry in her eyes.


I then walked forward a few steps, now isolated from the rest. I looked at Mizuki and gave her a wink. 

She smiled, nodded, then looked forward, as did I.


Alright, time to shine. I put my best smile on and look around to see if someone would like to approach me. Maybe there is some rule that I need to nod to them or something. Here goes nothing, I see an elderly couple at close range. That is my first target.  I nodded at them, gave a minimal bow, as the princess should not bow too much, then smiled a bit more. The signal worked, they are coming forward. My first act as a princess, I guess I decide myself who I talk to. Maybe I really can play this game.


"Good evening my princess." A gentleman in, I believe, his late sixties bowed deeply and started the conversation. "May I humbly introduce myself?"


"Of course, you are our honoured guests after all. Please feel welcome here. " I said. Maybe it was too much, well, let's call this a practice round. 


"You are too kind Princess, my name is Maruyama Ryo, and this young lady is Maruyama Momo, my wife"

His wife was giggling like a teenager, flattered by his comment.


"Now dear, stop that, please treat our princess with respect. She deserves no less. My name is Momo, dear, nice to meet you. "


"It is an honour to meet you both. My name is princess Yoshimura Greya. But please call me Greya."


The couple bowed and Mr Maruyama continued. "The honour is all ours, princess."


We then continued our conversation, mainly keeping it to small talk. Some questions on how my life was until recently. And how I was healed. Of course I was already prepared for this. It was a reply that I could repeat and repeat all night long. So far so good. Apparently the couple represents the merchants' guild in Grae Thal. Obviously people of nobility. Five minutes passed quickly, and I felt myself relaxing and smiling more. 

I think I can do this. But then, Momo came closer to me and whispered, well loud enough for all to hear her message...if I perhaps was already seeing a young man. 


My face turned instantly red, blushing all over. Did she mean to sound like a genuinely interested mother, or does she have some ulterior motives? I will not address her with her first name, to create a bit of a distance between us.  "Ah, no Ms. Maruyama. I only recently arrived here at the palace. There was no time to, well, ah, eh." 


"Now dear, see what you have done", Mr. Maruyama interrupted "apologies my princess, we didn't mean to intrude into your private life."


Oh yes you do. At that moment I remembered the lessons I took earlier today. One about how I could recognize if people have something to gain from me, or perhaps if they were interested in me personally as a woman. I think I know where this conversation is going to go.


"Ah no, Mr and Ms Maruyama. Think nothing of it. If you will forgive......"


"A great dear, then I can ask you a very important question. If you are looking for a decent well-educated and nationwide respected young but successful merchant, might I perhaps one of these days introduce my son....."  


I hold up my hand for a second, as if I were to stop a car. Not very polite, but it gets the point across. I don't have time for this. "Excuse me Mr and Ms Maruyama." I nodded to both of them, showing an obvious fake smile, when mentioning their names, "please forgive me, as a princess,  I must show my respects to all my honoured guests. Kindly forgive me for ending our conversation at present. Perhaps there will be time to continue later tonight? Enjoy your evening." 


"Of course my princess," both of them said, while withdrawing. But not before returning a fake smile.


Yikes, they give me the creeps. Father then approaches me, smiling like a professional, and whispers in my ear " well done dear, they are notorious for taking over conversations to get what they want. What was it that they wanted?"  


I also kept smiling, as if I really enjoyed the conversation, then whispering back  "to hook me up to their son, I think." 


"Ah, I see." His smile was gone for a second. But only for a second. "well done, now keep mingling. Looks like you don't need my help after all. "


I looked at him like a lost puppy, and said  "father, please."


He grinned "just a joke Greya. Just a joke. Now smile."


I did as he asked, and tried to show my best sincere smile.

After having a few more of these conversations, but with genuinely nice and warm people, my calves started to hurt. So I looked around to find Nana. She instantly understood that she was wanted, goddess bless her, and she came right away. 


"Princess Greya, how may I be of service?"


"Ah, Nana. It is good to see you. Can we have a conversation for a few minutes? I need to cool down. My calves hurt from walking on these high heels and I really could use something to drink."


"I understand, just follow me. I will guide you back to our table, and.."


"No Nana, thank you. But I cannot leave this spot. Not yet anyway. Just standing here and talking with you is already soothing."


"One second" she says, gesturing at another servant. 


"Your drink is on its way, Princess."


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"Wow, you keep surprising me, is that like, like a secret code or something?" 


"Well, not really, princess. I guess you are still not used to these things. Ah, your drink has arrived."


I thanked the servant and drank my glass of water. "Eh, Nana, that really was water, right?"


"Don't worry princess, it was indeed water.  Remember, I am here to help you. Not to get you drunk."


"Of course, my apologies. I didn't want to..."


"I understand, princess. Please do not apologise in public. You are the princess. Besides, you didn't have to anyway. I am only here to help. Please give me your glass. I believe it is time for you to continue."


"Ah yes, thank you Nana. You are the best."  I could swear I heard "you bet I am", but that must have been my imagination. I will keep my eyes on that one, just to be safe.


I realise that my ears are not fully upright and my tail is motionless. I need to think about these things, people might get the wrong message. They are used to interpret those signals, but I am still new to them. 

My tail, the traitor, might give away my feelings. So, I decide to pretend that I am enjoying the evening. It seems to work, my ears twitch and stand in attention, and I have fooled my tail because it starts to sway gently. 


After two more meetings, it seemed the time was right for the really important guests to speak to me.

A genuine count and the mayor of our capital. Both conversations progressed and ended very well, but one offered to meet his son, while the other offered to meet his daughter. Let's just say that I am beginning to see a pattern here. I thanked my guests and let them know I would always be willing to meet their sons, well and one daughter, but it would need to be another time. Maybe I should have just refused, but I didn't want to sound impolite. I was very grateful that only the parents were invited here today. Otherwise I would have a very, very, very long evening.  


I was totally drained, if my body had a battery it would be blinking red and showing that I had only 10% power left. Looking around, I tried to find Mizuki, ah there she is. She also looks like she could use a break.

I signalled her to come to me, to let other guests know that we both are having a time out. 


"Are you alright?" I asked when we both withdrew a bit from all the people.


"Yes I am fine. Well dead tired to be honest, but I never expected people would be asking me if I was interested in marrying their sons? Well, mainly because of me being a wolf-kin that is."


"So, how suspicious. You too? I received non-stop invites to meet their sons. Oh, and one daughter."  I said giggling. Well, nothing wrong with that, only surprised.


Mizuki narrowed her eyes and looked pensive, then replied "yes, suspicious indeed. Let's talk about this to our parents."


"Not yet Mizuki, tonight at home. Well we are technically at home, but you get my point. Now let's see father and mother. I want to know how long we need to keep this up. My calves are killing me."


"They are what?" Mizuki giggles? "They are killing you?"


"Laugh all you want Mizu, I am not used to wearing these, you know." 


"Ah, I see. Sorry little sis."


"It's okay, big sis."  We now did the simultaneous giggling thing again. To my parents' dismay, as they were walking towards us. "Quick, smile again!"


"Hello my darlings, how are you holding up?" mother asks.


"Well, to be honest, my calves are hurting. I am not used to wearing high heels. But I must admit, they are cute though."


"I understand sweetie, you too Mizuki. You both are doing great. Normally, you would have received years of training for these events, but you are really doing well. Ah Greya, stop touching those calves, it is unbecoming of a future queen."


"Yes mother. I understand" so now I am no longer a princess, but a future queen. Things go pretty fast around here. 


Then father says "your mother is right, you both are acting above and beyond our expectations. We are proud of you two. As for the rest of the evening. You both will now have one more meeting, then I will declare the introduction part is over. 


"Wait. what? The introduction?"  I said, confused.


Mizuki also looks at me in disbelief.


"Speak full sentences dear." Mother adds to my frustration.


"Yes indeed, the part where you introduce yourselves to the most important people of our kingdom. 

You will now both meet one more guest, then we will.." father continued.


Mizuki and I sigh and smile again. Of course, he didn't mean the evening was just starting, but only the part where we introduced ourselves. So the worst part is done.


"Greya, you are spacing out." father says sternly. 


"Ah ha, sorry. I am just tired, father."


"I understand, just one more meeting, followed by one dance with anyone from our guests. After that, your duties for tonight will be over. You can then join us at the table again."


" With anyone?"  I said, shocked.


"Yes sweetie," mother says, "preferable with someone you can relate to, otherwise it will feel like a burden.  

Now go and be done!"


"Yes mother!" Mizuki and I both say.  We really need to stop doing that. Probably. Ah, whatever. 


I have to dance with a stranger. Yuck. Creepy. I want to leave! My desire to leave grows when even the musicians decide to take a break. All I hear now is people chatting everywhere. 


We are both at our designated coordinates again. But I am not going to play the waiting game anymore. My parents didn't say who, so I can decide. Let's see, how can I get this over with as quickly as possible? 

Just talk, and ask for a dance. Not going to think about this.


I am scanning the room, close to me, I see the same types of people. All important people who only have one thing in mind, me becoming their daughter in law. Not gonna happen, not tonight.

Let's a way.. yes?


My eyes settle on a young man, maybe a few years older than me. He is all alone, no parents around him. 

He looks well dressed, well most people are when they visit the royal palace, but you get my point: it actually suits him. He is a kitsune, like me. He currently faces away from me, so I can see his fluffy tail, but it is not moving at all. Perhaps he is also annoyed with being here. He is not speaking to anyone at the moment, so it is not rude to interrupt. Maybe a guard dressed as a guest? Ha, now that would be entertaining for me! I am going for it!

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