Saving Mirai

Chapter 33: Chapter 32: home sweet home

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It is amazing, we are already home. But now it is night. But what day is it? 


The guards came rushing to us, ready for action. But they relaxed when they realised who we were. 

"Good evening princess, what happened? Were you attacked? You just left this afternoon!" one of the guards says, I recognise him, it is Mr. Masaaki!


"Ah, Mr Masaaki! No, we are all fine. Due to some unexpected help, we were able to complete our mission."


"That is good to hear, princess. Shall I take the horses then?" He asked politely.


"Yes, please do. Good evening to you, Mr. Masaaki!" I said, receiving a deep, polite bow as a reply.

And a whisper "thanks for the beer, princess."


I smiled and gave a quick nod. 

"Alright ladies, time to go home. Let's see my parents first. Then we can have a bath and get our much needed sleep. I could fall asleep right now." I said, my tail hanging lifelessly behind me.


Somehow we managed to walk all the way to our comfy study room, but before I could open the door, we were intercepted by servants. They probably cleaned the room at night.


"Your highness. You have returned, should I ask their majesties to join you here? They were preparing for bed." a male servant said.


"Indeed, please do. Tell them to take their time," I said.


"Yes, at once!" the servant bowed and ran away.  


I didn't say they had to run, right? Need to remember this for next time. I breathed deeply, oh goddess, I am so glad to be home. Then I realised when was the day that I felt this place became home? Nevermind. 

I asked another servant, a female, "Is it alright to enter the study, or are you cleaning the place or something?"


"Eh, he he," she said. "Honestly, yes, but if you desire, you can enter and we will continue cleaning another time."


"Okay, we will sit down in the study. Would you please get us some tea, ah and some cookies, I am almost starving." I said, jokingly. "Ah, and my guards will join the meeting, so same for them please." 


"Yes princess, I will get something right now." And so this one ran away too. What did I do wrong?


"Tomoko, Minako, is it normal that servants run away when I ask them something?"


"Not really," Minako replied, "it might be your assertive tone of voice you used today. You may not be aware of it, but you can sound a bit frightening."


"Ah, so that is it. Well, I will remember that. But now, I am going to claim the sofa and shut down for a minute."

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I said.


We all entered the study, which looked clean to me, so no complaints there. I see a lost towel there, but I am not going to complain. I fall on the sofa in the most unladylike manner possible, and fall asleep immediately.


"..Ya.  ...eya.....Greya! wake up already!" Mother shook me awake, like I was about to die. 

Father was keeping in a laugh.


"what? yes, yes, what, where?" I said, still half asleep.


"Easy dear," my mother said. "You fell asleep, you poor thing. But we need you awake. Can you tell us what happened?"


"Yeah," yawn, "sorry, give me a minute to reboot please." I said, still trying to sit up straight. While drinking my tea, which was surprisingly still hot.


"Reboot?" mother asked, her head tilted.


"Ah, nevermind that." I showed them my index finger, to gesture to them that I needed a minute. 

A precious minute where I devoured a chocolate cookie. 


"Alright, now we can talk." I said. 


I then explained to them all that had happened. Including the confusing difference in time. We spent an entire day there, but we arrived the same day as we had left. 


"Oh, so that is why you are so tired. I see, now go have a rest." Mother gave me a hug.


"Thanks mom, that we will do. But first a bath. You two, Minako and Tomoko will join me. 

Father, they protected me from harm with no regard to their own lives. They are to be commended."


"Yes dear, I understand. But they were doing their jobs, Greya." father said.


I gave him my spoiled princess pout, which thankfully mother understood. "Just think about something dear," she told father.


Tomoko, Minako and I then enjoyed a quick bath, before returning to our own bedrooms. 


Before I stepped into my bed, to enjoy my well earned rest, I saw something on my desk.


"No...oh no no no....." I said, shaking my head. There were many, many unopened envelopes on the desk.


That is when I fell down on my bed and lost consciousness.

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