Saving Mirai

Chapter 34: Chapter 33: princess duties

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It is early morning again when I wake up. I could have slept longer, but awake is awake. The sun is already brightly shining and is peeping through the curtains. I get out of bed, then wrap myself in a blanket. 

Not because of the temperature, but because I am not ready to get dressed yet.


After opening the curtains, I am standing on the balcony, enjoying the early morning breeze. 

It is peaceful here, just imagine that we almost went to war. 


After relaxing in the early morning sunshine for a few minutes, I remember the pile of unopened envelopes, patiently waiting for me on my desk. I returned inside and took a few of them in my hands, just to get a first impression. 


All are written in beautiful handwriting, and all seem to be high quality paper envelopes. Some are plain white, others have roses on them, some even have gold coloured edges. Wait, is that real gold? You have to be kidding me! And of course they are waiting for a reply from me. 


"But not today!" I said to no one in particular. "First I need to discuss some more things I forgot about yesterday night. Then Kenji!"  I blushed at the thought. I was allowed to visit him. 

"Ah no!" I cried out, "I forgot to reply to his letter!"


Then Nanami came running into my room, scanning the room for intruders, then focusing on me, still in my pyjamas. "What happened?"


"N..n...nothing! Nana, I just forgot to write a reply to Kenji." I said, nervously.


"Wha? You were worried about that? Then write to him today. You were like, gone for one day, so no harm done?" She tried to calm me down.


Ah that is right. Only one day has passed here. Actually, only one afternoon. 


"Greya! You are blushing again! Relax or you will faint. Please get dressed, your parents are waiting for you". Nana was not kind to me this morning.


"What is wrong with you? Why do you act so cold to me?" My ears were drooping.


"Yes Greya, you should feel that way. It was my task to be there with you. Why didn't you think to ask me to join you on your travels!"


"Ahhh. I see. You are wrong about that Nana. I was ordered by my parents to only take my two personal guards, and Mr Baldric of course." I raised my hands in defence for a second, waiting for her reply.


"I see, I guess I need to apologise then." 


"Don't.  Can you help me get dressed?" I asked.


Nana showed her usual warm smile again. I didn't really need the help, but at least it will make her feel better.

She offered to brush my long hair, which I graciously accepted. Then she helped me get dressed. 


After completing my morning routine, I walked downstairs to have breakfast with my parents, but was intercepted by Mizuki.


"Little sis! You are back. Wait, back already? Is everything alright?" Mizuki said with a worried expression.


"Yes, Mizu, all is well. I will give you the summary later today. Let's have breakfast." I gave her a big hug.

It was then that I noticed that Tomoko was following me. Wow, she is good. She really is stealthy isn't she?


Mizuki nodded, and she and I entered the room to have breakfast.


"Good morning my darlings. Greya, are you feeling better?" Mother said.


"Good morning, mother, father, yes, I am feeling fine again. I was just really tired yesterday night."


"Of course, now eat." Father said. That sounded more like a command, but no arguments from me, I am hungry.


While we were eating, I asked about the troop placements and the emergency goods that would be sent to our neighbours. Both us and the cat-kin were withdrawing their troops, and indeed emergency goods were being prepared as we speak. I relaxed when I heard that, remembering those little ones who were mal-nourished, while we were eating a royal breakfast. 


"Greya, couldn't you do one of those, eh teleports you call them, for those emergency goods?" Mother asked after drinking some tea, setting her cup back on its saucer. 


"No mother, I am not allowed to do that. I was granted special permission to teleport. I am not allowed to use it whenever I feel like it. I am sorry." I was truly sorry. I would much rather help those people than answer those piles of letters.


She must have read my mind. "While you were out yesterday, we received some letters, actually all of them were addressed to you. Please take the time to reply to them within a few days. Okay dear?"


"Yes....mother" I said like a child that was scolded by her mommy.


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"Let me know if you need any help," mother asked while trying not to grin. Too late, I noticed that.


"Mooom!!!" was the only thing I could reply. 


Then Mizuki hugged me, "sis, I can help you too if you want."


I glared at her, thinking that she was making fun of me again. But I guess her offer was a serious one. "Thanks Mizu. Maybe tomorrow. I first need to tell all of you one more thing. I forgot to tell you yesterday that the deity of the cat-kin has stepped down." 


My family acted in unison again, they all looked at me if I had said something blasphemous. Father motioned me to continue. 


"While I stood before the king, their former deity Noboru helped me. He asked me to pass along the following message. Not only were they no longer receiving his divine blessings, he even officially stepped down as their deity, to prevent them from receiving immediate divine punishment. The other deities then basically ordered the cat-kin to agree to their terms, or be wiped from existence. It was an all or nothing deal yesterday. I hope the cat-kin will now stop discriminating against us or the other races."


Breakfast ended without further conversation. The mood was depressing, we almost came to witness the divine annihilation of a whole nation. My parents gave me an apologetic nod and a little smile, to encourage me, but they also left me to recover from yesterday. 


Mizuki wanted to hug me again, but I asked her to stop. I just needed some time to process things.

It was one event after the other. Would I now finally have some peace? I hope so.


While we all prepared to leave and all attend to our individual duties, someone knocked on the door. 


"Enter!" Father spoke loudly.


A guard opened the door, then he let a messenger pass. It was not just any messenger, it was our priestess Kasumi!


She looked at me, a bit confused, then looked at father. "Your highness, forgive the intrusion. Goddess Ima has asked me to deliver a message to you!"


"Please, go ahead priestess."


"Our goddess informs you that the cat-kin have withdrawn their troops from the border. They are keeping up their part of the deal. Eh, I hope you know what that means, your majesty, I am only a messenger."


"I do, priestess. Thank you, you are a bearer of good news. You are dismissed."


She was about to leave the room, as I said "Kasumi, please join me for some tea."


"Ah, yes head-priestess."


My mother looked confused for a second, then understood that we worked at the same temple.


Kasumi and I were now the only people in this room. 


"One minute please," I asked Kasumi who nodded in confirmation.


I opened the door, where I was happy to find Nana waiting for me. 


"Nanami, please tell the servants that they can do their cleaning thing if they want. We don't mind. We just want some tea please." I asked.

"Ah, Greya, then would you please consider moving to the study room? It is not occupied and it would be a better place to entertain your guest." Nana said.


"What would I do without you? We will do as you suggest," I said. 

Five minutes later, Kasumi and I are seated comfortably in the study. I poured the tea in Kasumi's cup myself.

She was surprised, but didn't make any comment. 


I told her what had happened in Acria, and that she should select a miko and a priestess who will be teaching their cat-kin counterparts. She agreed to arrange everything. 


"Of course, Greya, I will remain here and coordinate things." 


"Kasumi, it will be some more days before I can continue my duties as head-priestess, as I have other things to do around here. Promise me that you let me know when you need help, okay?"


"Yes, Greya, just take your time. We have everything under control. We do have some people who are interested in learning about our ancient fox form. It would be great if you someday could come and teach us about that. But we can manage the healing part well." 


We then said our goodbyes, after which I left for my bedroom. Determined to get through that pile of envelopes before sunset. 

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