Saving Mirai

Chapter 36: Chapter 35: waiting for a reply

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And again, I wake up too early in the morning, even before the sun has risen. 

Whatever I try, I cannot find my sleep again. The only thing on my mind now is if and when Kenji will write back to me. I didn't answer his first letter, but did answer his second letter. We sent it around noon, but I still received no reply. I don't know if I will see him today. 


I mumble "Oh goddess, listen to me, I act like a real princess, nothing else on my mind." But there is nobody in my room who can reply to my musings.


Looking outside my balcony doors, gazing in the still starry sky, I notice that there are no moons visible. The gardens are covered in darkness. I Shook my head to get rid of my morning worries, and then decided to go for an early breakfast.


While walking through the dimly lit corridors, I stealthily walk past the employee's break room, heading for the kitchen to get an early snack. But before I get past them, the door opens and Nanami appears. 


"Princess Greya, my apologies, I should have been waiting outside your room."


"Nana, for crying out loud, relax will you?"  


"Yes Princess, but where are you going? Please forgive me, but it is my duty to remind you that you are walking in your pyjamas. A princess should cover herself properly."


"Nana, I am just going for a snack, it is still too early for breakfast. And I see no harm in wearing pyjamas this early right?" 


"But I am your personal maid, princess, it is my humble job to guide you in these matters."


"Yes yes, I know. I won't do it again, okay? Man, I am hungry.  What time is it anyway?"  


"Ah, it is...half past five Princess." 


"It is Greya, not princess"


"Yes my princess"


"No Nana, now call me by my name or I am going to make your life very miserable. This is my final warning."


"Y..yes, my P.p....Lady Greya "


"Okay that's it, you are fired."


"What? No no, forgive me"


"Relax, you are so tense. I am just kidding. There will be plenty of occasions when you can play the formal maid."


Not waiting for a reply, I walk into the employee break room, a room off limits to non-staff. But I have been here before, so no worries.


"Greya stop! That is no place for a princess!"


"Ah yes, finally. That is my name." I roll my eyes at the impossible maid.


I look into the room and see other staff preparing for their shift. I greet them "good morning guys, ready for a new day in paradise?"


The answer I get is a collective "morning Greya" and a thumbs up. 


"Good, good, have a great day, guys."  Ah and Mika, thank you for cleaning yesterday's dress, I never thought those tea stains would vanish."   


"It was my pleasure Greya" and she is all smiles. 


Yes, a little tea spilled in front of my tutor Norio. Talk about embarrassing. 

I wave goodbye and head for the kitchen, then turn around for a second.


Nana looks absolutely shocked at our casual conversation, and adds "princess, euh, greya, you don't mind talking to commoners?" 


"Nana, really? Do I need to paint it so you know how I feel? I have to work, you have to work, they have to work. We all have our duties, so I don't see the issue. Bye now, my stomach is growling."


"Ah ah, let me get something for you then"


"No, that's..."


Then I am suddenly interrupted by one of the maids assigned to my mother, the queen.

This maid has an aura of excellence, one you don't want to pick a fight with, who can beat you with etiquette.


She looks at my pyjamas, but only for a second. Too late, the damage is done.

"Excuse me princess, a letter has arrived for you, may I hand it over to you or would you like me to deliver it to your room?"  She is holding the envelope in her hand. I recognize the writing already....


"Good morning, sorry, what was your name?"


"Ah my apologies my princess for failing to introduce myself." She bows. 


Nana looks smugly at me as if she is trying to say "look, that is the way a maid should behave."


"My name is Emiko, your highness."


I decided to play along, as not everyone has the luxury to be informal with me. 


"Thank you Emiko," I return a bow, "it is nice to meet you. Kindly forgive me for not remembering everyone's name, I meant no disrespect." 


Emiko's face shows a bit more emotion with a warm smile and answers me


"No princess, it is I who should say that, but I thank you for your kindness." She hands over the envelope, bows and concludes "have a nice day princess."  


I can't answer her, because she already left when my eyes returned from the letter to where she stood.


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"Eh Greya, if I may ask, why are you so formal with her, but not with me." 


Then Mika in the break room replies, "Nanami! Now stop bothering her!" 


Nanami's face turns red from embarrassment. "wa, wa, sorry, princess" .


I look at her and shake my head, "great,  just great, and we made such good progress."


I walk back to the break room, and wink at the other employees, then tell Nana,: "Nana, you are fine. I will tolerate your behaviour, but I expect my personal maid to be a good friend above being a maid. I expect you to learn from them. They have much more experience than you do, they know when to be formal and when not to be. So don't act like an android and copy, paste from them already."  


Nana tilts her head "an ah doi duh?"


I facepalm and shake my head "sorry, my bad, just be more like them while you are on the job.

I am going to read my letter now. Please bring a little snack to my room, so I can survive until breakfast.

Then please draw me a bath. After that you are off duty until seven o'clock, so eat breakfast and relax properly, you understand missy?"


She tried to answer me, but she noticed my intense glare. "Yes, Greya."  Looking back into the room, I get several shrugs, I wink and wave goodbye.


I walk back to my bedroom, of course still in pyjamas. "No, I should indeed act a bit more like a genuine princess."  I walk towards my desk where a handcrafted and expensive looking vanity mirror is showing my reflection.  "Yep, not looking my best this morning," I sighed.  


Kenji's letter:


My dearest Princess Greya, hello Greya,


My heart was overjoyed when I received your letter and your desire to come to my village. I will also keep this letter short, so I can send it to you right away.  


This letter should arrive at your palace tomorrow morning. So that will be today for you. 

The courier will wait for your reply. Please tell him to leave at once, so I can make the necessary preparations. 


You are welcome here, I will await your arrival at my mansion, Tuesday, the sixth day of the eighth month, around noon. The address is at the bottom of this letter. 


If for some reason we cannot meet then please confirm the next available day. 


I am looking forward to seeing you again. 


Note: the courier asked me to thank you for the chocolate cookies.


with warm feelings of love,




I quickly take a blank envelope and letter from my desk's drawer. My heart is beating fast. What shall I reply? How do princesses answer that they will come as soon as possible, but still somehow sound polite?


Then Mother Ima appears.  "Good morning sweetie."


"Good morning mom, perfect timing as usual!"


"Yes sweetie, it is a mom-thing, you will get that too one day."

I start to blush, not knowing what to say.


"Greya, do you need some help with that letter?"


"Well yes, how do other princesses write a letter to someone they like, telling them I will meet him as soon as possible today?"


"With their heart, just like you," she grinned, sparkles in her eyes.


"Ah, mom, that is really helpful," I rolled my eyes at her remark.


"You really like him, don't you?"


I start to blush again.  


"He has the right to know, you know, it is the right thing to do, right?"


"Ah mom, it is still early. Stop the right jokes already." 


"Ah you are right there"


"Thanks mom," I facepalmed.


She then vanished without being truly helpful.


I returned the following letter to Keni. I know, nothing fancy but it works! I don't care about etiquette and my lessons on how to write a business letter at the moment.  



My dear Kenji, 


Your courier didn't need to wait for long, as I gladly confirm that I will arrive at your mansion 

today, Tuesday, the sixth day of the eighth month. I hope to see you there around noon.


I am looking forward to finally seeing you again. 


with love!




I hand over the envelope to Nanami and ask her to give it to the waiting courier. Cookies included.

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