Saving Mirai

Chapter 35: Chapter 34: replies

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I am now sitting at my desk in my bedroom. I should actually be writing replies in my own study room, but I don't want anyone else to even see them. I counted 24 envelopes. 24 letters waiting for my reply. 


Skimming through them, I noticed that one had the familiar handwriting that I had hoped to find. I turned around the envelope and yes, this one is from Kenji!  I held the envelope against my tummy, as if I were cuddling a plushie. "Greya, really? Act normal!" I thought. My cheeks were blushing and my tail was swishing happily. Totally unrelated, I am sure!


Good. Now what do I do first? Read Kenji's letter, or deal with the others and save the best for last?

No, I will read his first! It would be important if he sent me another one! Maybe he is disappointed that I didn't reply? I know that he wanted my reply really soon. Or did he need to delay our date, maybe he needed to travel for business?


I need to take my time for this one, so I walk to my balcony and first take a deep breath. It will be another sunny day today, a pity that I have to spend it mostly inside again. No, let's read his letter here, while relaxing in the sun. I take my desk chair and put it outside on the balcony, sit down, and open Kenji's envelope.



My dearest Greya, hello Greya,


I hope you are doing well. 


Kindly forgive me for sending you another letter. You might think that I am an impatient man, and in truth I am. 


The priestess on duty in your temple said you had to urgently leave the country by order of his Majesty. 

So whenever you are home again and read this letter, know that I will wait for you.


Would you please, at your earliest convenience, write to me when you can come visit me? 

Or if you cannot possibly leave your duties, when I may come to visit you. Our moment at the shrine was too brief. I miss you.


My lady, I patiently await your early reply.

warm regards, 



"Oh goddess, Kenji, what should I do now?"  I said out loud, noticing that my tail began to energetically sway left and right. How unusual, my tail is restless again this morning. 


"What should I do? Do I even like him?  I think he really likes me. A lot."


"He does," someone from behind me says. It is my mother, Ima.


"Mom, quit doing that, you startled me again."


"Really? That must be the reason why you are blushing so much, isn't it?" Her tails move happily while a grin appears on her face.


I just glare at her, not pouting at all.


"Sorry honey, I noticed you could use some moral support. You are not sure if you should go on a date with him, right?"


"No, well, I think things are moving too fast around here. I just arrived here, and now I have 23 letters to respond to"


"24" mother grins.


"Ahhh. you get my point!"


"Sorry dear, just listen to your heart. When you see him, does your heart beat stronger? Are you blushing in his presence? Do you miss him? If you like him then go and meet him. If not, then just write a polite goodbye letter. It is as simple as that."


"Yes. Yes mother. He makes me happy. Yes, this feels right to me".


She then replied "you have grown as a person so much in a short time. We are all proud of you. It is now your time to find happiness. I believe you made the right choice. Now go write that letter!"


I nodded, smiling happily again. Mother then kisses my forehead and vanishes surrounded by a flash of brilliant silvery light.

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I put my head in my hands, "oh goddess, what do I write?" I said out loud.


I then heard some giggling, right outside my bedroom door. That sounded familiar. Who could this be?


I slowly and carefully walk to my bedroom door, then pull it open at once. And who do I see? Mother, the queen of this proud nation. Eavesdropping on her daughter. 


"Ahh!" I startled her. And rightfully so!


"Mother, what are you doing here?"


"Greya....sweetie.....I am the queen, am I not allowed to be wherever I please?"


"Yes, but tell me, and be honest about it, isn't it a coincidence that you were waiting right here? Right after mother Ima visited me? You two planned this, right?"


"ah ha ha. You got me there, my child. Yes, our poor mother's hearts only want the best for you."


"Then you must be pleased with what I am about to say. What do I have to do in order to write 23 thank-you-but-no-letters and one love letter in this palace?"


"you mean..."


"yes, yes, I am going to send 23 thank-you-but-no-letters." I said with an innocent look on my face, closing my eyes for extra dramatic effect. Then only opening one eye, looking at her and we both started giggling like two teenagers. Well, I am only 18 so I'm not at fault here.


Now properly making eye contact again, I added "no seriously. 23 letters and one important one. I am going to see him again. Visit Kenji in his village for a day. I will try tomorrow."


"oh Greya", she cries, "I am so happy for you. I will send those letters by our fastest courier."


Mother left me to work on the 23+1 letters, and I was able to finish them all at noon. I don't know how fast those couriers are, but they better be. Otherwise there is no way I will see him tomorrow.


As for the contents..


My 23 thank-you-but-no-letters:  I wrote an honest but warm reply. I thanked them all for attending our evening, expressed my hope to see them again in the future, but also wrote that I was not ready to meet their sons. Or one daughter. 

My letter to Kenji:



Dear Kenji, hello Kenji


First, I am sorry that I was unable to answer you any sooner. I returned home yesterday late in the evening.

I hope you will receive this letter today, as I would very much like to visit your hometown tomorrow, Tuesday, the sixth day of the eighth month, around noon. 


Please confirm if this would be convenient. I have to stop writing now, as I need to get this message to you as soon as possible! I promise to tell you everything that happened while I was away.


I hope to see you soon, miss you too.






I then called Nana, and asked her to coordinate with my mother to use our fastest courier. Well, only one letter should be delivered quickly at least. I also asked her to give the courier a cup of tea and some cookies, even though it will delay him for fifteen minutes or so. He and his colleagues will be quite busy today. She promised that Kenji would receive his letter within two hours, assuming he is there of course.


Of course I wouldn't have a relaxing afternoon today, as Nana announced the arrival of my tutor Noria.

He is either psychic or my parents have invited him for this afternoon. Well, there is no helping this, it will at least get my worries out of my mind for a while. I asked him to go easy on me today, and he confirmed he would. So, we only discussed etiquette, noble manner of speech and correspondence. The timing on that last item was bad at best. I totally didn't inform him that a princess and future queen had just replied to 24 important people in her own inexperienced way. 

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