Saving Mirai

Chapter 42: Chapter 41: divine punishment

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Another morning has arrived. "Ahhhhh.." I stretched and yawned. Wow, I must have been really tired yesterday, because I am still in my cat form. I jump out of bed and open the curtains to greet the new day.


The sun is already shining brightly, meaning that I must have slept longer than I had first expected. Well, being a goddess is hard work. I really miss being a kitsune, so I snap my fingers and I am me again! 

Plain, regular, normal Greya again. 


It looks like today is going to be a beautiful sunny day. I wash up and pick my favourite summer dress, of course the pink one. Ah, that reminds me...mother arranged for a courier to return the spare dress to Kenji's maid. I hope she has received it by now.


"Good morning sweetie," mother Ima appears behind me.


"Ah, good morning mom. Is there something wrong?" I tilted my head, showing a serious expression while expecting bad news.


"Greya, please. Can't I have some mother-daughter time? No, dear, all is fine. Better even. You did very well yesterday. But there is still much to do." She opened her arms wide and invited me for a morning hug, which I gratefully accepted.


"Yes I know, but I was really tired yesterday. Can I ask you a strange question?"


"A strange one? I like those the best. Go ahead, dear."  Mother Ima said.


"I was wondering, not sure if I am allowed to or not. But well, much has happened lately, and I need some time to unwind. Would that even be possible?" 


"I don't see why not," she says, with a contemplative expression on her face, "I think that is a great idea, it would benefit your duties in the long run too. Restoring a country is no easy job, so yes. You can take a day off today, but we really need you back on the job tomorrow."


I hugged my mom, "thanks mom, you are the best."


"..But it comes with a catch," she added.


"Wha? You could have said that before, you know. What is the catch?" 


"Nope, not gonna tell you....until we are enjoying a family breakfast. All of us together."


"Meanie!  But okay, I can wait a bit longer. But you promised I would have a day off, so please give me a break, mom."


"Of course dear, I would never be so mean. I am sure that even the poor people in Acria don't mind waiting another day for their goddess to return to her duties." 


"Ah great, now I feel guilty. Thanks mom. Just... just...nevermind." I shook my head in disappointment.


"Honey, I am only teasing you. Trust me, Acria is fine for now. I will cover for you if something should happen. But you already did so much yesterday. Just relax dear, I promise it is fine!"


"Alright, then let's have breakfast!" I exclaimed, looking forward to a relaxing day.

We are now all seated, awaiting breakfast to be served. Both my moms, my dad, and Mizuki are here. 


"Good morning goddess," father said. 


"Goodmorning," mother Ima and I both answer. Then we glance at each other, both smiling.


"Sorry, I think he means you mom." I said to Ima.


"Indeed I did. Sorry Greya dear, I didn't realise I was about to have breakfast with two goddesses. Ouch!" 

Mom hit my father on the arm. "Ah, make that three stunning divine goddesses and beautiful lady Mizuki." 


'Awww," all of us ladies said at the same time. Yep, those are bonus points for father.


"Well, thank you for having me for breakfast," mother Ima said. "Greya here has a day off today, because yesterday she moved heaven and Ea.. eh Mirai to save her precious cats."


"Mom! Now tell me what your catch is. I can't wait anymore!" I said.


Mother Miyako looked surprised for a second, then she glanced at me, then at Ima. Ima nodded, winking at her. They both seem to nod and grin, oh oh, this is foul play. They prepared this together......


Ima continues, not hiding a warm smile "alright, let me explain. Your parents and I were happy to welcome you to Mirai. You were only a toddler for a very short time, and then instantly became an adult, you remember?"


I nod very carefully. I am about to enter a minefield, I know it!


She continued,  "I really wanted to cuddle you, spoil you, play together. Your parents have had the same feelings. We will never have the joy to see you growing up, having friends stay over for a sleepover. You know, all those nice things are gone, never to return." She looked really sad, except for that grin that tells me I am so deep in trouble.... 


"So...your parents and I came up with a solution to this problem. We have agreed that we should at least have one day's worth of little Greya. We want to properly have a little one, cuddle you and...." 


"No, no, no, that is soooo not going to happen!" I said, standing up from my chair, anger on my face "you promised me a day off. But how is this relaxing for me?" 


Mother Miyako says "Greya dear, relax. We really want you to have a good time. I promise from the bottom of my heart that we will have a relaxing day together. Please do us this one favour. Please?" She used her puppy eyes attack on me. 


I sit down again, my head in my hands. Then I look up at them both, "you promise this is going to be a relaxing day?" 


"Yes dear I do. Please try to play along for a day. Just play little Greya, okay?" Ima asked with sad puppy eyes too. 


"Alright, but only for today. Next day off is a regular day off for me. Can we all agree to that?"  I said.


"Agreed!"  father, mother, Ima and Mizuki all said at once.


I facepalmed. "Oh goddess, what have I done?" I say in a low voice. "Mizuki, what do you have to gain from this? Are you on their side too?"


"Yes little sis, I want to hug little Greya again, you know, back when we first met and you acted as if you really were a two year old....but you were still an adult on the inside? This is my revenge for not telling me that day. But don't worry, I won't be mean, we will have soooo much fun together today!"


"Not only fun Greya, you also are going to learn things. So don't think of today as a break, you will have a genuine break soon, I promise!" Ima said.


"So, this doesn't count as a break then, and I will soon get a real day off?" I asked carefully.


"Absolutely. I promise on my honour as a goddess," she gave me a warm genuine smile.


"Good, I surrender to you all. Do as you must" I said, my face now parked on the breakfast table, to show my defeat. No day off for me today. 

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"Good, good, sweetie. Now this is what we are going to do today." Mother Ima continued.  "First this...."  and she made me shrink into a two year old Greya again. 


"Awww. She is sooo cute!" all ladies agree, I am super cute. Great.


Father walks over to me and pats me on the head. He then whispers in my ear, "I swear I had nothing to do with this. So please no divine judgement, okay? I will leave for work now, so you are on your own. Good luck kid." He looked serious.


"Okay, I promise daddy."  What? Why do I talk like


"Mommy, why I talk funny?"  I said, lisping a bit. 


"Awwww. Goddess, you are so right. We should have done this sooner! She is so adorable like this" Mother Miyako said. 


Mother Ima continued, "yes indeed, she is! Greya, you agreed to be our little one for a day, so you can't speak like your adult self for a while. So cheer up and have fun. I promise that you will have fun too, just play along dear."


I pouted, then I gave in and nodded. They want a toddler, they shall have one!


"Greya sweetie, I know that face, don't think evil thoughts" mother Ima said.


No....already beaten, not fair! Alright, I will play nice. I will have my revenge someday, you wait for it.

I nodded and said "okaaaay" with a little innocent smile.


Ima continued, "Greya dear, I made sure that you look a bit different than you did before. So nobody will recognise you as little Greya from before. If anyone asks, you will just be a niece, visiting us for a week.  Prepare to be cuddled, loved, pampered, fluffed, spoiled, petted and loved, in that order."


I shrugged and nodded in surrender. No smile this time.


Then mother Miyako said "sweetie, we will be going to the merchants district, have some fun together, then we will have a walk in the forest together. There we will all transform in our ancient fox form, and our goddess here will teach us about why this form is so important for us to experience."


"Greya knows! Don't wanna again!" I said pouting.


Mizuki then said, "I think she means that she already knows the lesson, because she is a goddess herself. But I would like to learn that lesson."


"Thank you Mizuki dear, " mother Ima said,  "still it is also important for Greya here to experience this form herself for a while. Not only transform for five minutes and be done with it. No, I am talking about really experiencing things here. You will like it, I promise."


She then continued, "ah I almost forgot. We will be travelling incognito, so no need for guards. 

I will change all of our appearances, but little Greya will keep her form. Nobody will recognise her at all.

Oh, and we should give her some other name for today."


Mizuki then looks at Ima and asks "won't it look strange with me being a wolf-kin, and all of you are kitsune?"


"Well, not really strange. But I could make you look like a kitsune for today if you want?" Ima answered.


Mizuki then put her head in her hands and started sobbing, then tears fell on the breakfast table. I tried to hug her, but my arms were too short.


"Ah little sis, it is nothing. Don't mind me." 


"Mizu always be fox?" I asked.


Mizuki only nodded and tried to run away, until Ima stopped her. "Is that your true desire, Mizuki?

Would you really want to be a kitsune like us? Think about it, you won't be recognised by your family again."


"I.." sniff "don't have any family. Only you. Oh goddess, I always wanted to be a part of this family."  She then cried more until Ima put her hand on Mizuki's shoulder.


Ima said "but you are a part of this family. You are Greya's big sister. And she cares for you as much as you care for her. I have seen you two, you really are family, dear."


"I know..." sniff "...but people still see me as an outsider wherever I go. I would so much rather look like you."


"Last chance to back out Mizuki,"  Ima stated.


Then Mizuki kneeled before Ima. "Please, goddess, please let me be a kitsune like all of you." 


"Alright, but I have to ask Greya here, do you agree too?" 


I said "Yes! Mizu fox!"


"And you, dear queen, do you agree as well. I think it is safe that you can speak for your husband as well."


"Mizuki, we love you as our daughter, just the way you are. But if you really want to be one of us in form as well, then I can understand that. So we agree as well." 


Mother Ima then put her hand on Mizuki's head, "so shall it be!" and a brilliant flash could be seen.


Slowly Mizuki's body began to change. Her light coloured fur became darker, her tail just as fluffy as mine, well, when I was bigger. And her ears are now also kitsune ears, a bit larger than mine though. Her muzzle changed until it looked like mine. She only shrank a little bit in height, but I don't think she minds that.


Mizuki then stood up, thanked Ima, and we all hugged Mizuki. She was beyond happy, she looked just like me now, well, like my true sister. I must say, she is definitely cuter this way.


After getting used to her new looks, admiring the new view in a mirror, Mizuki calmed down. 


Today is just like any other normal day on Mirai. Well, until now, this really is an average day. There almost never was a day without surprises so far.


Mother Miyako then sighed and said she would have the royal records corrected. Mizuki will be registered as a kitsune. They would say it was a divine intervention, in the adoption papers. 


Mizuki now focused on me, hugged me, then took me in her arms. 

"Thank you Greya, thank you for letting me be your real big sister." Then she nuzzled me. 


"Mizu big sis!" I said, also nuzzling her. 


"Ah Greya, that reminds me." Mizuki said, me still held in her arms. "We can't call you Greya, now can we. How about....Sanako? But I will call you Sana. Just like you enjoy giving me a pet name."


"No....big sis meanie!" I said, with obvious teasing in my voice. Another nuzzle sealed the deal. I shall be called Sana for today.

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