Saving Mirai

Chapter 43: Chapter 42: girls day out

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After mother Ima changed everyone's appearances, it was time to change my outfit into something more appropriate for my age. So...I am now wearing a dark green dress with a cute bunny image woven on its front and back sides. My shoes are proper ones, brown flat closed shoes. Mother Miyako then tied my shoelaces, making me feel as if I really were a child again. 


Then mother Ima teleported us into the centre of our capital. She made sure that nobody would see us appear out of thin air.   


Well nobody, except for a stray cat that was so scared that she lost one of her presumably nine lives. 

"Mwaaaaa!" the cat exclaimed, while jumping a metre into the air, then running like her life depended on it. 


"Ooops, my bad." Ima said, while grinning. Not sorry at all. She really must have something against cats.


Here we are, three adult kitsune and a little one tagging along for today. Nobody will recognise us, we look like 

ordinary people here. A bit better dressed than the average commoner, but nothing too remarkable.


Despite my protests, the first order of business was to visit a toy shop. Why? Well, they thought it would be cute to have me pick something out for myself. Can you imagine? An adult pretending to be a kid. 

Oh..the embarrassment. 


After strolling through the wide and well maintained streets of Grae Thal, we entered the merchants district.

Well, they were strolling, as I was being carried all the time.


There are shops everywhere, street vendors selling delicious smelling food. Regular shops, restaurants, all at ground level, the floors above all are residential floors. 


We are now in front of one such building. "Little Treasure Toy Shop."  Well, that does sound promising. 

I am currently in mother Miyako's arms, then being allowed to walk inside, but still holding her hand. 

The door swings open, making a bell ring once. 


"Coming!" a warm female voice from the back of the store exclaimed. 


"Take your time miss, we are browsing!" Mother Miyako replied loudly. 


Imagine that lady would find out that a queen, a brand new kitsune and two goddesses just entered her store...

Mother Miyako then let me trod around in the toy shop, while she showed the warmest smile ever. I think she is really enjoying it. All right, I won't spoil her fun. 


"Mommy, what that?" I pointed at some big dragon statue. 


"Oh sweetie, that is only a fake. Dragons are much larger than this one. Don't worry." 


I could see the shopkeeper waiting from the far side of the shop, taking in the view. That is me holding hands with mommy, who is holding my hand with all the love in the world. But I am going to make her come here, "mommy," then I pointed at the lady shopkeeper. Well I think she owns the place, may as well be an assistant. But I don't have to worry about that, I am too young to understand things anyway...


"Ah sorry," the queen said, "didn't notice you there." 


"Don't worry, I was just enjoying how she was looking around in awe at all the toys, while you were holding her hand. I can see that everyday and it always puts a smile on my face. Now, how can I help you?"


"Well," mother Miyako replied, "we were enjoying a family day,..but..." then she looked at Mizuki. 


Mizuki understood the message, and continued her sentence "....I forgot to bring her toy, so she was very sad, weren't you little one? Oh yes you were..." She then kneels before me, in order to have her head on my level and nuzzles me.


Oh god, just play along Greya...I nodded, faking my sadness at a missing toy.


"Awww. She is so cute. What is your name, little one?" the shopkeeper said, looking at me.


I smiled, and said "Sana '', then I hid behind mother Miyako's legs. Just playing along, remember?


"Awww. don't be shy little Sana. Do you see something you would like to take home?" Mizuki said, now standing next to me again.


I then faked my enthusiasm, and looked up, right into mother Miyako's eyes, as if I were asking for permission. 


"Yes sweetie, now look for something you like." She smiled, enjoying my acting very much apparently.


I then pointed at something on the top shelf "plane!" I exclaimed. 


"No dear, those only exist in stories, that is a dragon too. Do you want to see it up close?" Ima said, glaring at me to not make Earth references here. 


I quickly shook my head, then pointed to a section across the room, all plushies. The whole wall from left to right was filled with every kind of plush toy imaginable. We slowly walked to that section of the shop, and I was allowed to take my time. Sometimes they needed to lift me so I could reach a plushie in order to inspect it.


I pretended to like many toys, but then I saw the right one. Not a big plushie, but one that I could easily carry in my small arms. A kitsune fluffy plushie. The most fluffy plushie I have ever seen. I don't care for plushies, but that one is really, really well made. I took it from the shelf and put it in my arms, nuzzling it.


"Awww. I think she found the right one, right Sana?" Mizuki said.


I nodded like my life depended on it and nuzzled the little plushie like it was the most normal thing to do for me. How is this possible? Did Ima mess with my mind? This thing is so fluffy, I love it. Then it dawned, she definitely messed with my mind. But I don't care, I want to enjoy this day too, so let's just play along.


Mother Miyako then asked Mizuki to take me in her arms, as we were about to go to our next destination. Mizuki didn't need to think a second about it, she happily picked me up. 


I now am in Mizuki's careful hold, while mother Miyako is paying for my plushie treasure.


When we walk outside, mother Miyako comes to me and pets my head. She whispered "thank you Greya, thank you for this. You have no idea how much this means to me", while adjusting my hair to be a bit more orderly.


I smiled at her, a genuine smile. Well, she deserved it. They were all so nice to me, so who am I to complain?


"Where oh where should we go now? I wonder where..." Mother Ima said, showing a smug grin.


Oh no, this can't be good. I hid my face in Mizuki's arms, when Mizuki said "aww Sana, don't mind that. Trust me, we will have so much fun together." 


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I looked her in the eyes, smiled and said "yes big sis!" 


That earned me yet another nuzzle. What do they think? I am no plushie. Well I can relate to my plushie now....poor thing.


We walk further into the city centre, I recognise this street. It is the road to the temple. They must have planned something for me there. The temple comes into view, closer and closer, and when I expect to take a turn to enter the building, they keep walking!


I look up at Mizuki, wondering what is going on. 


Mizuki sees my confusion "ha ha, thought we were going to the temple, didn't you Sana? No, we have something nicer planned. Just wait a bit longer." 


Then a few minutes later, we arrived at a playground. Three children were already playing there, two girls and a boy. All of them are kitsune. They are about my age, their mothers slowly pushing them in the swings. 


One of the mothers, the one with the boy, smiles warmly at Mizuki and me and says, "we were just finished here, so she can have this swing if you want." 


"Oh yes please, thank you very much," Mizuki replied, smiling at the mother. 


The mother then took her child in her arms and came to us, looking at me, then at Mizuki.

The mother said, "aww, she is so cute, I wish I had a girl. But I have two boys. They are such an active bunch. Don't misunderstand me, I adore them, but still, a girl, awwww."


"Of course I understand, she is cute, isn't she? Mmm? Little Sana, say hi to the nice lady," Mizuki replied.


"Hi nice lady" I said, earning a head pat from the lady and a giggle from Mizuki. Then I hid my face again.


The mother then said, "She looks just like you, she is yours right?" 


Mizuki then blushed, " am her big sister. This..." 


oh oh....they both are my mothers. How is she going to fix this?


Mizuki then continued "she is our mother," pointing at mother Miyako, who smiled back at us.


Mother Miyako then replied "Yes, little Sana came a bit late, but we are still very happy to have her. She is just as cute as when Mizuki was that age," looking at Mizuki, then at Ima who understood this was a covert "thankyou."


"Bye little Sana, we must go home now," the mother smiled and patted my head, while I dropped my plushie.


The mother picked it up, wiped the dust off of it and returned it to me, after which I said shyly "thank you."


She smiled, then the others said "bye" as well and then she left. 


Now it was my turn to sit on the swing. They gently pushed my back so I could enjoy the swing for about fifteen minutes, after which I made sure that they knew it was time to move on. I opened my arms at mother Ima, indicating that I wanted to be picked up by her this time, and she did, earning me a warm smile.


When mother Ima heard my tummy rumble, she said "alright sweetie, we will have something to eat first, then we will go to the forest."


We entered a restaurant across the street, me still being carried by her.


Apparently, it was already early in the afternoon, because we were greeted with a cheerful "good afternoon, my dear ladies, would you like to have a seat near the window?" It was a young man, I think a waiter.


Mother Ima answered him, "good afternoon, yes please. A table for four please."


"Of course....eehh...that one is free over there. Let me quickly clean it." And he ran over to the table, and cleaned it with two fast wipes of his towel. Well, it is not a proper cleaning, but it is the thought that counts.


Our group then arrived at the table and we made ourselves comfortable. Except for me, because I couldn't reach the tabletop with my small body.


"Oh, don't worry little one, do you want a cushion?" I couldn't answer him as he ran off and came back with two cushions. Mizuki thanked him, then picked me up and put me on the cushions. A strange feeling, but this actually works! 


Mother Miyako then ordered sandwiches and tea for us all. Only I would get orange juice. For goddess sake, why no tea for me? Nevermind, let's play nice. 


Mizuki cut my sandwich into three parts, then gave them to me, one at a time. I was happy that she was not going to feed me, because that would have been way too embarrassing. But still, the glass containing the juice was considered too dangerous for me to hold, so Mizuki helped me to drink. A few minutes after our meal had started, another waiter, a lady, approached us and asked if all was fine. Of course we said yes, after which the lady put a small box on the table in front of me and said, "here little one, a little gift for you for visiting us, they are chocolate cookies."


I looked at her, gave her my warmest smile and said "thank you lady." Which earned me a warm smile. Then the lady left us. Is she psychic or what? That is my favourite snack ever!


After paying and visiting the restroom, we were ready for our next destination. 

I was now in mother Ima's arms, when she said "we will now head for the forest. It will be a nice walk for us, and when we are about ten minutes away from the city, we will transform into our ancient fox form. I will then tell you a story about the importance of this form. After that we will call it a day, so you all can relax at home. Maybe have some cuddle time with this little one. Who is a pretty kitty? Yes you are," she smiled with sparkles in her eyes..


I looked at her surprised, and said "kitty?"


"Yes, you are a cat too, right?" she then nuzzled me, after which I started to purr loudly.


"Awww, so cute," all the ladies said. Well except for me of course. I was astonished. Did I just purr? 


"Mommy, meanie" I looked up at mother Ima, giving her a serious disappointed expression.


She only smiled and replied, "just once dear, I won't do it again. Unless you want to?" 


I made sure to shake my head in an obvious "no".


"ah, that is a pity, you little kitty." 


Okay she is now driving me crazy, I open my arms to mother Miyako "mommy!" 


Miyako then smiled, as it was now her turn to carry me. I didn't care that Ima had a sad expression, that is what you get for teasing me!

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