Saving Mirai

Chapter 9: Chapter 8 an interesting proposition

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I am stunned, "what? Your daughter? How does that even work? And if you want a child, then why not a son? Why do you keep talking about me wanting to become a woman? Would you please stop that? Why would you even believe I would want that? A woman? Really? I am a man!" She did not see me grimacing there and she definitely did not see me wince on the inside.


She looked at me in pity, as if I was a child who couldn't yet follow an adult conversation, "remember when you sent me a little prayer in the shrine? Remember saying you would do anything to be alive and have fun in life?"


I nodded slowly, asking what I got myself into. 


Then she says "how serious were you about the anything part? Would you be willing to trust me? A goddess who can look into your soul, see your innermost being and needs? Things you are not even aware of yourself?"


I could only mumble a "well, I don't know about about not looking in my soul and give me some privacy here. I am not going to sell my soul or anything like that..."


Ima rolls her eyes again, something she seems to be doing frequently. I liked the Ima at the shrine more, to be honest.


"Peter, I heard that. You were speaking out loud again", she says in a teasing voice while I am trying to hide my red face in my hands. Can you blame me? She knows my innermost dreams, struggles, anything. Even my mumbling doesn't go unnoticed. 


Okay, let's consider my options for a minute here. Would I really want to experience being a woman? Would I really be happier? Or was it just my life in general that was so boring? I don't know, I am not really convinced. Just saying that women have it easier and they can do what they want, get preferential treatment everywhere, can wear what they want, apply makeup to always be pretty, go out with their friends and have a nice day...while men cannot. It's not because I am really a girl on the inside, is it?


"Alright, stop struggling with your analyses. You have been doing that on your job too much anyway."


I looked at her, confused, and said "this is an important decision, you know, how can you be so casual about it?"


"Peter, it is really simple. Do you really want to be a woman? Only you can decide. Sometimes things are so obvious that you can't see them very well. Hidden in plain sight you could say. This is one of those. Have a bit of faith in me. I really believe that you would be happier as a woman, I can see it in your soul, see it in your eyes. The question is, do you want that too? Before you answer me though, let me explain about my world, and keep an open mind. then you can make your choice, I will not force you, sounds fair?"


I decided to keep it at a neutral "uh, yeah go on." I already feel sorry for that android that I managed to get totally confused. Now I know what that feels like, assuming they have feelings. 


She takes a deep breath, and checks if I am ready to listen. Seeing that I am at least paying attention, she starts telling me about her world. 


"On Earth I was never honoured by more than a few people. I was the deity of harvest in that region of old Japan, but those times have come and gone. My influence on Earth has always been limited, helping people find food in winter. Make crops grow just a bit healthier, trees growing just a bit more fruit. Those were the limits of my blessings. 


But in my own world, named Mirai, I am a true goddess. There are a total of 15 gods and goddesses responsible for my world. Some are overseers for certain regions, as am I. Others take care of the planet itself, the space around it and so on. 


We provide bountiful harvests, inspire kindness in people, help them to grow mentally and spiritually. 

We maintain peace, and help people see what they are truly capable of. We try not to interfere in people's lives directly, respecting their free will. This means we desire no worship, nor do we create religions.


While our ways are subtle, we will only directly and openly intervene to prevent things such as war, famine and slavery. "


I could only shake my head in denial "no, I disagree. That is intervention. You do not watch passively, you intervene. How is that even free will?"


"Peter, it is not as simple as that. Let me phrase it like this. People can do whatever they want. 

But we will not watch our beautiful planet be destroyed. We want people to thrive, to experience life. 

Don't think we would act on every dispute, every disagreement on the planet. No, we are only talking about preventing global catastrophes here. And the teachings and guidance we provide in our temples, are truly intended to help them. We will not force ideas onto anyone." 


I nodded, "okay, but still, you have a hidden agenda of sorts, your benevolent guidance might be interpreted differently on Earth." 


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"Peter, again no. Think about temples as places where deities listen to their people. And talk to people if they so desire. A place where we can warn our people about coming storms, to prepare for winter. To teach their children about magic. To help people find peace when they can't figure out what to do with their lives.

Due to our guidance, Mirai is a beautiful world. It is not a perfect world though, nor should it be.

Way of life on Mirai can be compared to your Earth's late mediaeval period, but people live more healthy lives here. Development is slower than Earth's, but our people will continue development at their own pace.


Back to the temples. Every deity has their own dedicated temple. A place where everyone is welcome, as long as they have good intentions in their hearts. Noblemen and commoners are treated the same there, and are required to treat others as equals within the temple. All temples have many servants, like mikos and priestesses. Still with me so far?"


My eyes grow wide "yes,yes, but go back for a minute. Magic? Did you really say magic?"


Her eyes were sparkling, amused to see that I might be interested after all. "Yes indeed, we do have magic on Mirai, exactly what you are thinking of now. One important example is Life Magic, we use it to heal, or just to create a small light at night. Are you still interested? Or do you want to go back to Earth? I would have no control over your new life though."


I thought for a minute, what would be more interesting? Going back to Earth? A new life in the same boring world. Or this? Sounds like it might be fun, but there must be a catch somewhere. When something sounds too good to be true, then it usually is.  


"Well, Ima, if I can still call you that, I am still doubting to be honest. I am still interested in your world. It just sounds too good to be true. On Earth we have a saying: every fairytale has a villain. So what is the catch? Do I start over as a baby too, without memories? That would not be much better than going back to Earth, now would it?" 


She looks dead serious for a second, unsure about my reaction, then starts to laugh as if I told the best joke in history. I look at her like the confused loser I feel like at the moment. I mean, I lose either way, right? I am already dead, and losing my memories feels like losing anyway, right?  


"Ha ha, Peter, yes the famous catch. The catch as you say, is that you would start a new life on Mirai.

There are indeed some conditions you need to agree on first. Listen carefully, before you agree or reject. You will only have one chance."


She then starts to list each condition, or catch if you will, by counting on her fingers. 

"Your soul will be transmigrated to Mirai. Your soul will be adjusted a bit to be compatible with our world and its magic. You will not be born as a baby, but you will start as a 2 year old at first."


I can't wait and just interrupt her, goddess or no goddess. "No no, no, can't I just start as an adult?"


She looks at me in a sad, almost apologetic way, then continues. 


"No, that is not possible for transmigrated souls. Usually you would start as a baby, but as your soul is transmigrating from Earth by the power of a goddess, you can keep your memories. And a baby cannot hold those memories yet, so you would need to start in the body of a toddler. You cannot be an adult yet either, due to the time your soul and new body need to merge properly; it's just the way things work.

I literally made your body, so I know what I can and cannot do for you. However, once your body and soul have merged perfectly, which should take about a week, I can instantly turn you into an adult. What about that?"


I nod in understanding. "That sounds reasonable. So.. I will keep my memories and I will still be me on the inside?"


"Yes indeed, you will be the same person on the inside. Now hear me out. As I have not finished listing the conditions of your transmigration." 


I can't believe there is still more, what more can there be? She continues "You must accept the following as well. I want you to become my only daughter and become the head-priestess of my temple".  She stares at me intently.


I swallow, thinking I know what she means.  "uh, sorry, did you really say priestess?"


She giggles, "no, I said head-priestess and my daughter. It is a very important position, one that I believe you will be perfect for. Mirai is in need of your help. I cannot say more.


But you have shown the compassion needed for the job. Besides, why wouldn't you want to become my daughter? It really is supposed to be an honour you know? It is not like I am torturing you." 


She pouts a bit, then continues "Peter, I am giving you the chance of a lifetime. Well, past lifetime now I guess." She giggles. "Now tell me Peter, do you want to go to Earth or to Mirai?"  You have to decide now. No more time for questions and endless thinking and debating on whether you want to be male or female. Now choose!"

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