Saving Mirai

Chapter 10: Chapter 9: now or never

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I don't have time to think anymore, so I blurt out "alright, I will come to Mirai. It's after all the right thing to do right?" 


She looks at me like a proud mother on graduation day, and shows me her warmest smile ever. Then she adds "congratulations, yes I believe you made the right choice. Your heart made the choice this time, didn't it feel much better than just thinking? Anyway, now I can.....Peter are you alright?" 


She noticed the worry in my eyes, "yes Ima, I think I will be. Just trying to remember what I signed up for here. I have questions. Many questions. Would you please answer at least some of them for me? How does that work, becoming your daughter, you are a goddess, What does that make me?"


"Wait a minute, dear, let's do this properly". She waves her hand between us, and a big, round, wooden table appears out of thin air. It looks like it has seen better days, with scratches here and there. 

The table is completely set with a blue, expensive looking teapot. 2 matching cups, silver spoons and a small bowl with sugar lumps. The most important item sits in the middle of the table: a cookie jar, filled to the brim with my favourite cookies: chocolate cookies. 


Ima looks at me, a big motherly smile appears on her face, "go ahead dear, I know you like cookies."

She then pours the tea in both of our cups. 


My mouth betrays me and shows a grin, which relaxes in a warm smile, cookies! 

"Do you perhaps have some milk or cream for the tea?" I asked.


"Of course, dear" she snaps her fingers and my tea now shows a perfect colour.


I carefully sip on the tea and say "thank you, it's perfect." Then I take a cookie from the jar. 

"Mmm. Yes, these are the best. And the tea is delicious as well."


"Glad you like it dear. Now let's continue." There are just a few more things to discuss.


"Peter, you will become my daughter soon, but let's first address the most important topic.

You are now a part of my family, so please, call my mother. Or maybe mommy?" She giggles at the thought, but her puppy eyes paint her true feelings.


I still have some difficulties imagining myself as her daughter. I say out loud, without thinking "eh, mommy?" 


She shows the biggest smile ever, then says "yes sweetie?"  


I must have looked confused, I obviously walked right into her trap and decided to just play along. 

"Mommy, eh mother. that daughter bit. How does that work?"


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She looks at me amused, then continues "ah I thought I had you distracted there for a minute. But okay, I will  answer your questions. Well, when a mommy and daddy love each other..." she giggles, stopping to enjoy my face turning into a deep red colour in embarrassment.  


"Stop, stop! That is not what I meant", I say.


"Yes, I know sweetie, your mother is just having fun. I can finally tease my daughter about these things. At least allow me to have some fun too. Now to be serious, I already selected your biological parents. They are unable to have children due to some complications. So I contacted them and gave them another option. 


In exchange for them having a biological daughter, I was allowed to take their code of life, or DNA as you humans want to call it. With that, I made your new body. I only need to modify your soul to match the conditions of life on Mirai. Then you will be good to go. So to summarise, you will live with your biological parents, but you are also my real daughter. You will inherit a part of my divinity. And that will make you a demi-goddess."


My head started to spin. Well, not literally, but it might as well have. "Let me get this straight, I will be a demi-goddess too? And what about modifying my soul? That sounds creepy."


"Yes dear, you already are, but you just don't feel the effects yet. You are now part of my realm, my domain. One day you will be able to create your own domain, but for now, let's call this home. Well not this office, but well, you will see.


You are my true child. You may live with your biological parents. Your body will grow old, but your soul never will, you will always come back to me safely whatever happens. As for the soul modification, it is only a light change of form. Your essence will not change. Let me show you what I mean, as there are no humans on Mirai."


I am starting to second guess myself here, but there is no way back I guess.


Suddenly, mother, I should probably get used to calling her that soon, starts to glow. 


Two furry ears slowly rise from the top of her head. Here human ears are retracting inwards at the same time. A big, fluffy, comfy looking fox tail forms behind her and her face transforms into what looks like a fox's muzzle.

Her hair transforms from a deep black into a dark orange and red colour. Yes, the typical colour of a red fox, but somehow her colours are more radiant. 


She is definitely older than 16 now. She glares at me. Probably still only 20? She smiles again. I have to be careful what I think. Her tails, yes there are multiple, are steadily swaying, left and right.  "Ah much better", she says. "Now listen carefully my dearest, this form is called our kitsune form."  


I couldn't wait and had to interrupt, unconsciously blurting out "wow, you are beautiful. Eh, sorry, that came out wrong."


She blushes. "Thank you, sweetie. You will look similar to me when you are in your divine form. Otherwise you will look like a young version of your biological parents' kitsune form. Well you will look like a 2 year old version at first," she giggles, then continues. "Again, once you are in your adult form, you will become my head-priestess and will be the bridge between the people's needs and my desire to help them."


"Mother, my head is spinning, can we slow down, or something? Information overload." 


She nods in understanding, "of course sweetie. Now follow me. Let's get out of this office shall we?"

She opened a portal of sorts out of nothing, and indicated that I should follow her. It looked like she made a hole in the wall. I then followed her, the only feeling I had at the moment was a regret that I couldn't take the cookies with me.

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