Scorching Black Vulture

Chapter 25: Volume 1, Chapter 24: Brute Force

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Insert Music: Pendulum - Salt In The Wounds


"WHAT THE?!" I flinched as I looking back.

And suddenly, a large robot swung his gigantic sword at us and was about to slash us from above.


Luckily, both of us evaded his greatsword smash to the ground at lightning speed. It confused both of us looking at that Taken-Ki, because we've just killed him previously in that warehouse. And after we've killed that Infectoid, we're extracted his consciousness systems (soul system, black box, and a core).

However, there are some bizarre occurrence that can make a dead Android revived by itself, even though their consciousness systems are extracted. And yes, that Taken-Ki in front of us revived by itself and was about to avenge his defeat against us again.

"You… Authonoids… killed… my master!" said Taken-Ki growlingly, when he's staring at us threateningly and clenching his greatsword with his right hand.

"Wait, how the hell he is still alive?!" Joshua asked when he's drawing his dual guns in fighting stances.

"I knew it!" I said to myself when looking at Taken-Ki.

"What do you know?" Joshua asked curiously.

And then, I explained the Taken-Ki conditions.

"I think the Scorching Virus took over his entire consciousness. Although we've had extracted his original consciousness system (soul system, black box, and his core system), the virus inside his body filling up the space from his consciousness system slot.,"

"Maybe you got the point," Joshua replied to me.

Taken-Ki swung his greatsword as an intimidation. And then he shouted at us.

"YOU… AUTHONOIDS… MUST… DIEEEEEE!!!!" Taken-Ki shouted when he's about to releasing a shock wave projectile by scratching the ground with his blade harshly.

Both of us are in a fighting stance pose for engagement. And when Taken-Ki is about to releasing the shock wave projectile through his greatsword, Joshua said to me.

"Tsuyuki, get ready!"

"On it!"


He released the shock wave projectile. However, this one is more powerful and larger than ever.


The shock wave projectile is almost slashed us at lightning speed. Despite that, we've evaded it by spreading out at lightning speed.



Luckily, it slashed the nearby object from behind us, and it would create some havocs.


And then, Taken-Ki dashed at us where his feet stomping harshly and makes a mini earthquake out from it.


"GRYAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" He shouted as he swung his greatsword and tries to slash us.


Luckily, we've evaded it with our agile evasive maneuver by doing some ducking or flipping. And after we've evaded his greatsword swing, we're countering him with our gunshots while evading left and right.



However, that won't stop Taken-Ki desperately trying to slash us with his greatsword.


Because of that, I parried his blade harsh enough with my Nakajima.


Unfortunately, I left an open space on my right side. And that gave him a perfect chance to strike me down.

"TOO SLOW!!!" he said while swinging his greatsword onto my right side to slash my waist.


Luckily, I evaded it at lightning speed when his blade striking down the ground harshly.


"Shit!" I said after looking at his blade strike the ground, where it makes a decent amount of craters in it.

I lost all hopes where I'm almost dying in this fight. Until Joshua approached my back and said to me.

"I'll help you!"

After that, he's rapidly firing Taken-Ki with his dual guns.


Taken-Ki is enraged when he's getting shot by Joshua. And then, he growled.


After that, he swung his greatsword and hit the ground harshly, like previously.



And just like before, I evaded it at lightning speed. It infuriated me that I can't countering his attack. Because all I do is just evade and evade instead. Suddenly, Joshua said to me on my back.

"Tsuyuki! I think we have to destroy his core directly!"

What he meant was to stab Taken-Ki chest or head directly to kill that Infectoid. However, I'm at a difficult in countering his attack, because he keeps swinging his greatsword left to right, and that makes me infuriated as hell when fighting this stupid Infectoid.

"I'm trying! Unfortunately, he's keep juking me with his blade!" I replied to him while evading his blade swung.


"DIE... DIE… DIEEEEEEE!!!!" Taken-Ki growled while swinging his sword left to right repeatedly.

And then he smashed his blade to the ground as harshly as before.


And just like before, I evaded it.

"Fuck it! I've had enough with your bullshit, stupid rusty steel!" I said to Taken-Ki, frustrated.

"HOW DARE YOU… CALL ME… STUPID?!" Taken-Ki growled while stomping his right feet in anger because I mocked him stupid.

"Yes, yes, you are! Asshole!"

I mocked Taken-Ki by giving him my downward left middle finger as a "Fuck you, loser!" sign.

Feeling mocked, Taken-Ki glared at me with his threatening red eyes. And then, he said in a growl.


"You provoked him further!" said Joshua in my back.

"That's my last resort to kill that stupid beast," I replied straightforwardly while looking at enraged Taken-Ki.

"We're going to do an evasive move together after I'm counting from 3," I said to Joshua.

"Your call!" He replied while drawing his dual guns.

Both of us are on a fighting stance for an evasion preparation.


Taken-Ki charged to us by dashing in a lightning speed and about to hit us. However, I have to stay calm in this stressful situation and wait for a perfect time to evade.

"On, 3…" I said to Joshua.



When Taken-Ki gap between us getting closer around 0.72 second, I shouted to Joshua.



Like we've planned, we're evading him in a lightning speed as he is about to strike us.


I evaded to the right, while Joshua evaded to the left. And after we've evaded Taken-Ki charge strike, he's hit the wall behind us harshly, and it causes him downed.



After he's downed, it's our perfect time to strike him from his back.

"LET'S GO!!!" I said to Joshua.

Joshua replied by nodding once. After that, he's rapidly firing Taken-Ki back.


When Joshua assisted me by rapid firing Taken-Ki back, I charged to by stabbing his back with my Nakajima.


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After I stabbed his back and pierced through his spine, I revved my Nakajima to melt his steely body and his internal parts.


However, Taken-Ki is desperately trying to kill me. Although he's wounded badly enough, he's stood up, grabbing his greatsword, and tries to slash me from behind.




Luckily, I evaded him by doing a backflip. And after I did a backflip, I dashed and parrying his greatsword.


Suddenly, my blade is gritting against his greatsword.


"FOOLISH AUTHONOID! YOU… CAN'T… BEAT ME!!!" He growled at me as his red eyes glared at me whilst gritting my blade.

However, I glared back, smiled sinisterly, and slowly pushing my blade with my hidden power.

"Of course I won't. But how about this?!"

Thenceforth, I revved my Nakajima engine to heat the blade.


After I heated the blade, I pushing his greatsword while pulling the clutch to releasing the fire element from my blade.



And suddenly.


I've broken his Greatsword blade with my might. And that surprised Taken-Ki.


Furthermore, I stabbing his chest harshly.


"GRYAK!!!" He shouted in pain as the pain was too much for a big Authonoid like him to bear.

Thenceforth, I revved my Nakajima throttle to inflict a larger damage on him.



After I revved my blade and wounding his core slot through his chest, I draw my Kiryu and shoot his head as a finishing move. I charged my Kiryu after I pointed it at his head.


"Die…" I said to him as I glare at Taken-Ki.

After that, I release the trigger and let the bullet pierce through Taken-Ki's head.



Taken-Ki fallen down into the ground harshly after I finished his life with my blade and my gun. After he's sprawled on the ground, I took off my blade from his chest.



25 minutes have passed since we've slayed that Infectoid. Although he's tanky as hell, we've broken his armor with our previous trap, so we can wound his body easily with our blade and our gun.

"You're lucky that you're still alive after all," said Joshua in my back.

"Not really. I just don't want anyone to get in my way, or else they'll face the consequences.,"

"Your call…"

I approached the sprawled Taken-Ki to find out whether if he's still alive. Suddenly, Taken-Ki looked at me and asked stutteringly.

"Who… are… you?"

However, I replied by glaring at him. Although he's the most feared infectoid, my glare gave Taken-Ki a fear in his sight.

"No… it… can't be…" He said stutteringly and scared when looking at my glowing blue eyes.

I ended his suffering by shooting his head with my Kiryu.

"It's alright," I said to him while pointing my Kiryu at his head.

"I'll look after your master.,"

After that, I pulled my Kiryu trigger to do a charge shot.

After I fully charged my gun, I let go the trigger quickly and pop his head.


"I feel you've violated the Article 87," Said Joshua to me sardonically.

"Sort of, haha," I replied to him with a dry laugh.

When I glued my sight to the dead Taken-Ki, I got a call through my comms channel in a sudden.

*Beep beep beep*

"What the hell? I got a call from Axel?" I asked to myself.

"Answer it," Said Joshua.

I answered the call by asking.

"This is Tsuyuki. What's wrong?"

And then, Axel replied in panic when his comms voice was buzzing.

"LEADER! *bzzzt* WE'RE IN A HUGE TROUBLE! *bzzt bzzt bzzt* KOTARO IS- *bzzt bzzt*"

"Axel? Axel?! Do you read me?!"

Suddenly, Scott called me through Axel's comms. And then, he said to me while his voice was also buzzing.

"TSUYUKI! *bzzt bzzt* WE NEED HELP OVER HERE! KOTARO *bzzzzt* IS *bzzzt bzzzzt* STILL ALIVE! *bzzzt bzzzzzzzzzzzt*"

"Scott?! Scott?!"

"Fucking hell!" I throwing my hands in frustration because someone interrupting their comms channel.

"What's wrong?!" Joshua asked, confused.

"Axel and Scott needs a help. I felt like Kotaro was revived by itself.,"

"How do you know that?"

"Well, it's obvious that other Infectoids in this place were revived by itself. Just like how we've faced Taken-Ki previously.,"

Joshua looked down in confusion after hearing my reply. Suddenly, he also got a call from someone.

*beep beep beep*

"Wait, I got a call from Veronica?"

"Go answer it!" I said to him.

Joshua answered the call and said.

"This is Joshua, speak!"

However, he also got the same buzzing voice as I did.

"Veronica?! Veronica?! Christine?! Can you read me?!"

"Dammit! They're in a danger! We have to help them quick!" Said Joshua to me in a hurry.

However, I stay calm because I've had a plan.

"Joshua, I've got an idea!" I said to him straightforwardly.

"Spit it out!"

After that, I explained.

"I'll help Veronica and Christine, while you help Axel and Scott!"

"Got it!"

"I'll sent you their coordinates!"

"On it!"

Wasting no seconds, we're rushing to the different path to saving our friends at the topside.

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