SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – My Final Curtain

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“Death may be the greatest of all human blessings”

– Socrates.

I looked up at the same drab bleached gray ceiling that had been a constant companion for the last few years. A moth struggled in the corner, trying to break from an old spider’s web, drawn in by the blinking lights of my cell. It would face its end too.

They had stopped the tradition of giving out last meals, a last social grace for those who were soon to depart from this world. I found I couldn’t give two flying figs. Even now before the final curtain of my life, I found myself reluctant to use coarse language. It was simply too crass and lacked style outside the bedroom.

It would soon be my time. I had not bothered with the pretense of appeal, I deserved what was coming and I had no regrets. I just wanted this charade to be over, I had lived exactly as I wanted and knew well the full cost of my actions. Rape, theft, murder-the big three were on the list of accomplishments, and to be honest I had enjoyed every single moment of it. Besides, it seemed that the powers that be wanted to make an example of me, and there would be no stay of execution. There was also the added benefit that many in this seventh layer of hell gave me wide berth. I reveled in the power.

My background was humble, coming from a stable middle-class background. An only child, my father was a reasonably successful banker, and my mother a generic bored housewife wasting her years on her various inane hobbies. They were kind and doting. For the most part, I had wanted for nothing and went through the expected education through overpriced private schools. Many in the media had blamed my parents, but I would never let them take my agency away from me-my choices had been mine and mine alone. They said some tripe that I was the eventual product of this society's hyper toxic masculinity. My environment was not to blame.

Neither loved nor hated by my peers, I sort of floated my way through a railroaded existence. My educators thought me a well-rounded individual and were more than happy to recommend me to higher education. It was in my formative years that I found that I could get away with a few things if I was smart.

It started simply when I wanted to buy a game that was slightly outside my weekly budget. My friends did not have much money of their own or were reluctant to help me, the end result was still the same. Where could I funds? The answer was simple, from the very peers who had refused to help me. During PE while my class got changed for sports I dallied and delayed for a little bit before thieving hands snuck into the various pockets in the changing rooms.

From there, I simply followed the path of escalation, making sure to always be careful. More than half of the time I didn’t even want the things I stole, instead enjoying the thrill that filled me. The beating of the heart and the solid lump in my stomach as I completed a ‘mission’ was headier than any drink or drug. From magazines at convenience stores, then to the woefully under-protected and too trusting houses of my neighbors. After an enjoyable spree in summer, I chuckled when they began a neighborhood watch, never knowing that the real culprit was already among them.

There was that time of course with Jennifer which was one of the watershed moments of my life. She was pretty in the awkward way of a girl on the cusp of womanhood and was a few years older than me at the time. Dark brown, almost black, shoulder-length hair framed a cute heart-shaped face with blue cornflower eyes. Her poor choice of clothes could not fully hide a figure that was losing its puppy fat and growing riper with every passing day. I even caught my father stealing a glance at her burgeoning breasts.

In front of my parents, she would play her role of the good girl perfectly. She was often hired by them once she had grown a little older and more responsible to babysit for me.

One evening when my parents were out, going to a wine tasting according to my memory when I saw the chance to spread my wings. It was time to slake the hormone-fueled hunger that had been running rampant in my adolescent body.

The saintly slut had invited over her boyfriend a little after I had been sent frustrated to bed. I saw them eating each other’s faces on the couch in the lounge, the TV blaring out a loud noise. The boyfriend repeatedly tried to paw at her clumsily, but she kept shifting his licentious hands away but he was not to be dissuaded. In time she broke away from him, and they had an argument that ended with him being sexually frustrated and storming out of my house.

This was my chance as I crept downstairs as if going for a late-night snack. Jennifer was still crying her eyes out in the lounge as if the world had ended for her. In our spacious kitchen, the area of pride for my mother, I prepared a plate of cookies and two glasses of ice-cold milk on a tray. Comfort food. In one of the drinks, I made sure to add a little something extra, hoping that the taste of the cookies would cover any additional taste.

When she saw me coming out of the kitchen she just smiled weakly at me, guilt lacing its way through her expression as she made space on the sofa for me to join her. Her eyes were still wet with pathetic adolescent sadness. Once I placed the tray on the coffee table, she hugged me strongly, pulling me into the warm softness of her curves. She smelled nice, with just a hint of fruit shampoo with lemon notes and the scent of some sort of light perfume. In time she extricated herself from me, smiling all the while, telling me what a good and considerate boy I was. Jokingly telling me that she wished I was her boyfriend and playfully punched me on the shoulder with a girlish giggle. I bore it all with a fake smile that I thought would project comfort and strength.

In time we began to eat our little late snack. I made sure to drink the unadulterated milk quickly, laying claim to it and leaving the spiked drink for her. She had completely stopped crying now and seemed to have regained her previous bubbly self as she chomped down on some cookies. My eyes followed her every bite, excitement growing in my loins as I saw her finally drink down her milk, a little spilling out of the corner of her mouth setting my imagination aflame before she quickly wiped it off.

We made a little inane conversation as I waited for the drug to finally take effect. Just as my frustration grew to a peak she finally laid down on the sofa, face flushed and sunk into blissful unconsciousness. I tested the effect of the drug, slapping her face a few times which only drew a few murmurs. Childishly I slapped her face a little harder, which caused Jennifer’s eyes to flutter open for a split second before closing again.

I grinned evilly as I felt a great sense of power at her complete vulnerability. My hands wandered first to her small growing breasts, groping them through the clothes which drew a sweet murmur that simply served to fan the flames of my boyish lust. My movements grew harsher and more demanding as I searched under her pullover for my satisfaction. I could feel them now as my hands quested under her bra, soft small mounds of yielding feminine softness. I did not just want to feel, I wanted a feast for my eyes. Hungrily I lifted her pullover and looked down at her white pale naked skin. She was wearing risque black lingerie that juxtaposed nicely against her cream-colored skin. Her boyfriend was a fool, I idly thought to myself, with just a little more tack and skill he could have enjoyed this prize tonight.

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I was almost salivating now as my small hands clumsily undid the front clasp of her bra, freeing the twin prizes beneath. Like a newborn babe, I suckled at her left breast while idly tracing a circular pattern with my hand on her right, enjoying the feeling of her rapidly stiffening nipples. She groaned then, probably lost in the drug haze of a dream, a wry sleepy smile forming on her face. I almost lost myself then, but by some miracle, I had endured.

Still suckling at her teat, my hands moved down to jeans, struggling to undo them blind with my questing hands. Finally, life found a way as I loosened the button and undid the zipper, pulling the obstructing cloth angrily down to her knees. I finally pulled my mouth away to enjoy the shapely sight before me before hastily pulling down her black lingerie pants to reveal a well-maintained Brazilian bikini line. Even at such a young and inexperienced age I visually preferred less down south.

The great plan! I had to remember the plan! So caught up in my lust I had almost forgotten the key component. Reaching for my phone I made sure to start a video, making sure to record her face and her soft tempting moans clearly as I touched her rapidly wettening sex. My hands moved across her clitoris, squeezing lightly which just led her to moan even more. Curiously I placed my face near her sex, drinking in a little of the musky aroma before flicking my tongue lightly across it and tasting her. I found the taste a little salty and strange and found I did not care for it much.

Foreplay finished it was time for the main event as I released my hard cock from the confines of my pajamas. With her jeans and pants around her knees, it would be impossible to enter her from the front so I twisted her around gently. This exposed her beautifully shaped pale buttocks and her cute face was now lying across the arms of the sofa, her dark hair splashing across it. I did not wish to completely disrobe her as that would just add to the complications later.

Affectionately I moved her hair away with nervous fingers showing her face before I placed myself in front of her eager sex, one hand lifting up the phone to capture the moment and the other holding her slender waist. I did this exactly as I had seen in a thousand videos and made sure that I captured the moment on camera perfectly as lined myself up and drew a shallow eager breath. I tried to thrust in her and missed my mark, enjoying nonetheless the softness of her youthful skin. I aimed lower and thrust into her slowly, vaguely amused that there was little to no resistance. It seemed she really was a slut and in reality was not a virgin like in my fantasies.

Jennifer’s body had thoroughly betrayed her as I felt myself slipping into warm liquid butter. The musky scent of sex filled the air and it was almost too much for the young me, and I furiously started calculating quadratic equations while simultaneously searching in my mind for the capital of Vietnam. Hanoi, that was it, as I narrowly avoided climaxing there and then. With great reluctance, I pulled out of that pleasure trap, the fan of the living room helping to cool my desire a little and a little rationale returned to me. I realized somewhere in the back of my mind that I had just fucked a helpless girl before actually kissing her. I chuckled a little then, knowing that I would never be able to tell another soul about this in boast.

Still, I was determined to sample those lips before I dirtied them with my growing manhood as I moved myself around the sofa. I tilted her delicate chin upwards as I knelt down and passionately kissed her unresisting lips, my tongue searching in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered open in a little surprise, before closing once and her tongue moved against mine, dancing with one another.

My own heart skipped a beat. Were the effects of the drugs weakening already? Panic almost ruled me before I saw that her eyes had closed once more and her breathing had evened.

Confidence filled me again as I stood fully up, my cock now in line with her face. I rubbed my member across her closed eyes, her button nose, soft cheeks, and generous mouth, my precum hanging from one of her nostrils. I pinched her nose gently, closing the airflow to them, causing her mouth to open a little as she gasped for breath. I released her nose before gently moving my member in, her brows furrowed quizzically as I sunk into the slippery warmth of her mouth. Her brow had stopped furrowing, and there was a look of concentration on her face as she subconsciously licked my hard penis. How many cocks had this girl already sucked to be doing such an act unconsciously?

I pulled out again, unwilling to stop her humiliation here. In truth, I was frustrated that she was not a virgin and this just spiked a cruel idea within me. My hard cock glistened with her saliva I moved behind her once again and placed it against her anus. Unlike her sopping wet pussy, there was resistance now as her sphincter muscles initially refused me entry. I spread her butt cheeks a little further and put a little more force behind the anal intrusion, unwilling at the time to use a finger to loosen her up. Luckily, she was so relaxed that I was finally able to enter her and I could finally taste the forbidden fruit of anal sex. Loose slut that she was, I did not imagine that anyone had taken her here yet. Slowly I worked my length into her, which drew a few whimpers instead of her previous moans. I reveled in the tight resisting feeling of her passage before it was loosened a little more by my hard member with every thrust.

So enthralled I was by the feeling that I had forgotten about the phone which I had completely forgotten about. Quickly realizing my mistake, I took it again and made sure to angle it to show where we were joined, proof of my conquest. I felt powerful as I rode sweet, not-so-innocent Jennifer, enjoying her whimpers as I enjoyed the anal sex. Her ass fitted me like a glove. No doubt I would have to clean myself later which made me think about the depths of her welcoming mouth.

This was to be the start of my abusive relationship with childhood friend Jennifer, she was even there for one of my trials looking haggard and well-worn…

I was snapped out of my reverie, as a guard clanked a baton against the bars of my cell. It was time to finally pay the piper. Looking back at my life I found that I had little to no regrets, not the pain I caused others or my lack of ‘success’ by normal societal standards. If there was anything like a shadow of regret it was that I wished I could have run free a little longer.                    





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