SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – A Brave New World

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“One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."

- Henry Miller.

One of the last memories I had was of the usual gallery of media vultures, along with a contingent of my victims’ members of family at my execution. This unsurprisingly large group was offset somewhat by a macabre group of my own fans. I despaired at the human race.

In time I was efficiently strapped down by the on-duty guards. The incessant glare of flash photography irritated my eyes and I struggled to maintain a bland emotionless expression. I would meet my death with dignity in silence. As the cocktail of deadly drugs entered my system I wondered how they were even able to get them. After all, many of the drug and chemical companies that had previously supplied the judicial system had joined the hypocritical ‘all life is precious’ bandwagon. My mind was wandering as suddenly, I could no longer breathe, my muscles locking as my death quickly approached on dark wings. Panic initially floated by me for a few seconds, joined hand in hand with her sisters terror and agony, only to be replaced finally with acceptance. Finally, it would be over…

Not yet…”, an androgynous voice whispered in the depths of my mind, “You are too perfect a soul…

And that was the last I knew of my old world as I vacated my bowels.


I raised a hand to the bright light as I slowly woke up, sensation slowly returning to me. I was lying down on what felt like a hard bed, I could feel the familiar sensation of clean sheets against my clothes. I guess I was clothed, which in my book was currently a plus. As my eyes adjusted I immediately began to see that there was something definitely wrong as my vision slowly returned to me.

The world was far too vibrant and colorful, filled with sharp lines, and less detailed. Less real. My panicked eyes continued to rove around the small room before finally settling on a most surprising sight.

Eyes that were the color of deep jade, far too large to fit in a perfectly symmetrical face that ended in a perfectly rounded yet too sharp a chin with skin a sun-kissed brown. The girl’s hair, if I could call it a girl, was cut short in an unearthly green that matched and complimented her eyes. Her expression was filled with worried, and what seemed to me glacial slowness, was slowly changing to surprise threaded with joy.

In the microseconds that all of this was happening my shocked brain had started to come to a worrying conclusion.

“Quick, he’s awake,” the girl shouted in an overly childish voice in what I took to be perfect Japanese as she stood up from her chair, “Arata’s awake!”.

I stifled a crazed laugh as understanding began to dawn on me, either this was a side-effect of cheap knock-off Chinese pharmaceuticals or the gods had deigned to place me in a truly strange world. An honest to goodness anime world.

This is real… yours for the taking…”, a familiar voice whispered into my ear before fading off with the last of my stifled laughs.

I simply shrugged the voice off as I clinically tried to analyze my somewhat strange situation. I had died and had somehow been brought back to life in this new world, or this was simply the final dream of a brain slowly dying. I surreptitiously pinched myself, finding that this body lacked a lot of power and coordination. I concluded for the time being that it must be the former.

The girl in front of me was somehow related to me. My surroundings seemed to be some sort of hospital, and this observation was further reinforced by the IV drip attached to my arm.

That was all my brain could come up with as a male doctor and a gaggle of nurses entered the room. One of the nurses with blue hair looked away from me guiltily as I made eye contact with her.

That one…”, the voice whispered again, but I mentally shrugged it off at the time.

I struggled to give life to my voice with my new unused and unfamiliar vocal cords not fully connected to my current consciousness. All I managed was a croak before the stern-looking doctor addressed me from the opposite side of my bed. Idly, I realized that I was in a private room before I placed my full attention on the incoming doctor.

“Mr. Aoba, this may come as a shock to you, but were in a car accident and have been in a coma for a considerable length of time. You may experience some memory loss and disorientation, but rest assured that this is perfectly normal,” he explained in a clinical before taking a deep breath.

“You may also experience weakness, headaches…”, he continued to explain my condition in a voice that almost ironically put me into another coma, “...and I would recommend that you stay with us for another month or so for rehabilitation and observation”, he finally concluded as he looked to the green haired girl for affirmation.

I weakly smiled at the hilarious cliche I was currently experiencing. I simply nodded in acceptance and closed my eyes as exhaustion finally took me, the girl with green hair rushing to my side and gripping my hand, the worried look returning to her cute face.

“Arata!”, she screamed out in a shrill voice filled with stark worry.

It was amazing how adaptable the human brain was, what I once thought of as shocking was now cute…


Over the course of the next few days, through a fugue of disorientation and disbelief, I found out that my name was Arata Aoba and I was sixteen, soon to be a high school student in the coming spring. The tanned attractive green-haired girl was apparently my younger twin sister and was called Aoi, which apparently meant blue, green, or new, or some such nonsense in Japanese. She looked a little disappointed as she ‘filled in’ the gaping wide gaps in my memory. According to her, our mother had died when we were young and our absent father was busy with his new family. Still, he was a responsible sort and made sure to send us money and paid for our education and the small apartment that we shared together in the city.

How awfully convenient I thought to myself, almost a half prayer of acknowledgment to the powers that had facilitated my reincarnation on the great wheel of life. If Karma was a thing, was this new situation supposed to be a sort of hell?

With no small amount of dread, I girded my loins and finally mustered the courage to look into a mirror at my bedside. My familiar face was gone, replaced by what my brain perceived as an overwhelmingly average and forgettable face. Thankfully black, instead of a shocking green, hair grown long covered my head.

My own command of the local language was limited to my previous memories, I could understand a lot of what was said except for technical terms mainly thanks to my familiarity with Japanese media. A sign of a very misspent youth. Slowly I was beginning through sheer dint of will and practice beginning to grow more accustomed to my new voice. Though various sounds in English were still difficult for me, by dint of this body’s muscle memory I found that my Japanese pronunciation had grown by leaps and bounds. I was also reintroduced to my personal effects, which importantly included a phone. I could not make heads or tails of the stored messages, but I was able to get the camera working. Also, with the help of a nurse, I was also able to get cloud saves enabled. Luckily she had mistaken my Japanese illiteracy for good old technical illiteracy.

One of the shocking things as I engaged in my rehabilitation was my surprising lack of depth perception. Coming from a three-dimensional world I found it a little difficult to adjust to a more two-dimensional paradigm. In time as I stopped thinking about it, I was able to slowly regain some measure of control. The human brain after all is very adaptable.

From the nurses around me, I learned that the blue-haired nurse’s name was Mizuki Miura. The nurses themselves all wore what I thought of as a highly sexualized, at least in my mind compared to my previous reality, version of a nurse’s uniform with stockings as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

This seemed to be a cliched theme of this world, with my own ‘sister’ wearing a ridiculously pleated short skirt that the weakest of errant breezes would easily defeat on one of her after-school visits. Again the human mind was adaptable and I found that I was getting used to the new societal norms.

I was growing a little sexually frustrated and it was during one of these visits that I decided to see just exactly where the boundaries were in this new world. Feigning a fugue state I embraced her suddenly as she sat by the side of my bed and chatted about inane things like her school life, homework, how lucky I was to be excused from taking tests, and her all-important swim club. I drank in the vanilla scent of her, squeezing her as hard as I could with my limited strength. To cover my bases I whispered in her ear, “Reiko,” a different name from her own before I kissed her fully on her invitingly pink lips. There was no resistance at first and my tongue wormed its way into her mouth. I could have sworn that her tongue mirrored the passion of my own for a second or two, but then reality set in for her and I could feel her body stiffening. Sensing it was time to withdraw, I fell weakly back into the bed-making sure to brush my hand against one of her breasts. Through slitted eyes, I could see the red blush on her face and her sharper intake of breath. Aoi's mind no doubt was trying to make some sort of sense of the situation at hand, reeling in no small doubt to my kiss. In due course, she would blame it on my condition or make some other excuse to rationalize it.

The young Aoi would be no match for adult manipulations. I did not even think of her family, she was to me at the time just another potential target. I sensed an affirmation somewhere in the recesses of my mind as I drifted off to sleep, noticing the sound of my sister’s shoes clacking against the floor as she paced about the room muttering to herself.


I spent a few more days with my rehabilitation regaining a little of my strength and gathering a bit more information as nonchalantly as possible about the blue-haired nurse Mizuki. She had been one of the primary nurses who had been responsible for my care. I sensed something off when she averted her eyes, a secret poorly kept which something in my head seemed to affirm. It was time to try and pick some low-hanging fruit. It was time to see if the nightingale effect was real.

My eyes roved over Mizuki as she entered my room one morning. Now truly settled in this world, my mind now registered her face as gorgeous and I saw that she looked a little nervous as she set foot in my domain. Today, like always, her hair was tied up in a no-nonsense professional bun. She had a slender figure with all the curves in just the right places and was clean-limbed. Mizuki's proportions were all mathematically correct by any objective measure. Full breasts that were just shy of straining against her white uniform rounded out a seductive figure that tapered out to an hourglass waist and a well-shaped bum that almost begged to be groped. With a figure like hers, she would have difficulty traveling on the crowded trains every day. Her skin was a similar shade to Jennifer’s, my first true love. Her truly beautiful features were her tilted dark black eyes that you could get lost in for a blissful eternity. I had to almost physically restrain myself from licking my lips in a lasvicious manner as I imagined spraying my seed over her refined and delicate features. I could feel my manhood beginning to strain against my hospital pajamas in pent-up excitement.

“I’m so glad to see that you have started to recover”, she said with a false smile plastered to her face in a cheerfully musical voice that was a touch deeper than a true alto. She opened up the curtains to let the light into the room. I resisted the urge to cover my eyes as that would be an unconscious sign of weakness. She moved towards me before beginning her usual ministrations.

“Now, just take your temperature. Say ‘Ahhh’ please Aoba-kun”, she smiled sweetly as she used the diminutive suffix, seeking to establish a sense of social authority and control.

With well-rehearsed lightning quickness, I grabbed her slender wrist as she went to put the thermometer in my armpit.

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“You touched me when I was asleep”, I hissed at her, feigning anger I did not feel at all. “You know even though I couldn’t respond, I felt everything that you did!”, I half spat, bluffing to the best of my ability.

“Ao… Ao… Aoba-kun”, she stuttered as her other hand delicately moved over her mouth, her face growing a deeper shade of red. It was exactly the kind of reaction I had been looking for.

I let the following silence continue to work its poison before I finally decided to twist the knife.

“What a scandal, the new nurse sexually assaulting a helpless young boy in a coma. You would be lucky to be able to live in society, let alone keep your job. The accusation alone would cost you. I am sure the media would lap it up, they always do like a good story,” I said coldly in my best monotone Japanese.

“Ple… Please Aoba-kun… I’ll… I’ll do anything … please understand,” she all but squealed. Almost a complete admission of guilt, my heart sang with my joyful success and I struggled to keep up my poker face. The voice sang with me.

It was time to make my demands, and keep her off-balance before logic had a chance to firmly entrench itself.

“I want you to have sex with me”, I stated bluntly which made her eyes widen like teacups.

“I have a boyfriend… a fiance…that is something that you should only do with someone you love…” she continued to make pathetic excuses at this juncture, failing to realize that she was already soft squirming putty in my hands. How childish her thought patterns were. She was not really dealing with an adolescent boy.

“Then just take off your top and bra, I want to see a woman’s breasts”, I said in return. I could almost see the relief that crossed her face at this less challenging demand. If she took a long moment to think about both demands, she would come to the conclusion that they were both out by any degree of common sense. Totally out of the question. All of this just further stoked my desire to possess this woman.

She turned away and moved to take off her nurse’s top, efficiently before folding it at the foot of my bed as if she was in the girl’s changing room. While she folded her clothes, I had pressed the record button on my phone under the sheets, swiftly confirming that it was recording before placing it by the bedside supported by a square vase. Our eyes met as she turned around again, and we both couldn’t help but blush. Mine was more from embarrassment as I hoped that she didn’t notice me moving my phone. Her hands reached around behind her to unclasp her white utilitarian bra and her breasts all but sprang out, heavy mounds filled with soft sweet promise.

For the first time in a long while, I realized I was the physically weaker party, something I determined I would have to remedy in the future. However, I had the advantage of her in this current predicament. The jaws of my trap were closing as the poor dear almost predictably walked towards her doom.

“Come closer,” I ordered in an authoritative voice that belied my biological age.

Sheepishly, eyes downcast, Mizuki moved closer and I reached out to harvest what was before me. My hands cupped her pendulous breasts, my fingers sinking in their welcoming softness. She was close enough now that I took in her scent, a clean smell of soap and the morning’s shampoo, as my fingers twisted a rapidly hardening nipple. Her blush was growing an ever deeper red, and I saw that she was almost biting her lower lip to keep herself from making a sound.

I kept massaging her breasts, alternating my motions while making sure to vary the rhythm and tempo of my movements. It was a technique that few adolescents had, and I could see that her eyes had opened now in surprise to the conflicting feelings that must be flowing through her.

“I want you to touch me now. Like you always wanted to,” I ordered, almost like a hypnotic suggestion. It was important in situations like this to never let logic enter the equation, but to steadily push against a weak-willed individual psyche.

She tentatively reached towards me, finally touching me just above the sheets that sent a shiver of excitement through me.

“Touch me directly, you stupid woman. Don’t you know anything?”, I half-shouted at her in false anger as I removed the covers, and pulled down my own pajama pants as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“I’m so sorry!” she squeaked quickly, almost bowing in apology. I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all as her hand hesitatingly moved to my phallus. Her soft skin felt like silk as it grasped my already hardened rod.

“Now move, your hand”, I ordered a sneer forming at the edges of my mouth.

She moved her hand roughly, in a jilted manner as she did not know what she was doing. Getting annoyed I grasped her hand in my own, using it as a masturbatory tool for a few strokes before leaving her to independently continue.

I took in the sight of a beautiful adult nurse, her large tits hanging out while she jerked off an adolescent boy. The scene was almost too ridiculous and erotic in equal measure.

She continued to stroke me until finally I reached completion with a long groan and I sprayed my seed across her hand and my stomach. She looked totally aghast at what she had done, a fraction of reason entering her mind once more.

“I just kissed Aoba-kun goodnight on the forehead…” she whispered to herself, her psyche growing ever more fragile by the moment. The voice and I almost howled with laughter in the dark corners of my mind.

She moved to get a small towel from the bedside, but I stopped her with my next command.

“It’s good manners to clean things up with your mouth”, I commented snidely.

She froze before her hands went to cover her face, which only served to cover it with my opaque cum. She looked at her hand in horror.

“I suggest you start making preparations to leave Japan if you can’t even finish the job. The work ethic of young people these days…” I threatened with a false smile.

She closed her eyes and clenched her clean hand into a fist as tears began to spill out of the corners of her eyes, tracing a liquid line down her beautiful oval face. Crying she stuck out her tongue and with great reluctance started to lap up my semen from my exposed stomach, tracing an exotic line down to my now soft member. Gently, she was still a nurse at heart, she placed my cock in her mouth to clean it.

Thanks to my now-adolescent body I steadily grew hard once again. I guided the now unresisting Mizuki’s head up and down my shaft which drew out my pleasure. Occasionally her tongue would move in her mouth, but it was a half-hearted effort at best. The poor girl was still crying as she continued to pleasure me with her mouth, her tears mixing with the saliva that dribbled down her chin. Finally, just before I reached my climax I grasped her blue hair as strongly as I could and thrust upwards seeking to enter her throat. Her eyes bulged in surprise, and she started coughing in a gag reflex and tried to pull away, but I continued to thrust mercilessly holding her in place with one of my legs now around and over her neck which locked her in place. My hips bucked wildly before I ejaculated directly deep into her throat. It was a perfect moment.

Eventually, when I released her I saw that she was a complete mess, a mixture of saliva and my ejaculate was running out of her left nostril. Suddenly, she tried to gag but I closed her mouth and ordered her to swallow, then slapped her lightly until she eventually complied. The initial stages of her humiliation were almost complete.

Sobbing as she got dressed, she adjusted her hair and face as best as she could to have a semblance of some decency, wiping off the mess on her face as best as she could with a small towel.

“I’ll see you again tomorrow,” I stated in a voice that brooked no rebellion.

She only nodded weakly as more tears tracked down her face. Seriously, how much was this girl intending to cry?

“Where is my reply!” I said in a raised voice that caused her to jump.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said softly, looking away as she stuttered out my name.

“See that you do,” I replied, grinning evilly as I groped her sex which caused her to stiffen up, “and be sure to wash here.” I gave her bum a friendly pat, signaling that her trial was over.

“Thank…you.. Thank you Aoba-kun,” she said quickly as she hurriedly left the room, embarrassment and shame lending her flight wings.

I smiled as I checked the recording on my phone, the angle could have been better but it still showed all the important parts. From a purely legal perspective, no matter how you looked at it I was the victim for once. It looked like things were looking up in this brave new world.

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