SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 – Travail

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“Comparison is the thief of joy.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

Rosy-fingered dawn intruded upon my slumber as it filtered through the curtains of Mizuki’s apartment. I felt a pleasant warm west sensation around my nether regions as my eyes slowly opened to take in the morning light. Languidly, I began to stretch, hands reaching down to find the source of my morning’s pleasure.

Dark eyes the color of raven wings looked up at me, hair in perfect disarray Mizuki continued to fellate me. The sensation was exquisite and an excellent way to start a day.

Moaning a little in pleasure, my thoughts then rudely disturbed my morning. Aoi! I had not bothered to check my phone, I suddenly remembered as anxiety struck threatening to destroy my erection. 

I tried to pull away, but my enthusiastic partner would have none of it. My softening penis and my sudden rejection had probably sparked something in her, a need to prove something. Damn, I would need to finish this quickly. The things I do for love.

Gently at first, I used my hands to guide the pace of her fellation, seeking to selfishly please myself and ignoring her muffled cries of discomfort as I upped my pace forcing her down on my member.

“Ao… b…” Mizuki said her face still full of my length.

Thanks to my efforts I would soon be reaching climax, her protestations just an idle buzzing in the background. Hitting the final note of my pleasure’s crescendo I released my morning load into her welcoming and willing mouth. Aoi could learn a thing or two from this one’s attitude.

I held her there like for almost half a minute, just enjoying the sweet ache-my retreat against the stress of this world. Pulling it out of her, I noticed she was almost pouting in disappointment.

“Was that good?” she asked slurping down the last of my ejaculate, her refined feminine voice at complete odds with her current behavior. The gap was enticing.

“You’re so beautiful in the morning,” I replied giving a non-answer, making her conscious of her disheveled state and causing her blush. Teasing her was rapidly becoming a very enjoyable habit. 

Her reaction started to get my juices going again but luckily I was able to enforce a measure of control over my hormonal body. Quickly getting changed, I felt her naked body through my clothes, her heavy breasts pushing against the back of my head.

“Won’t you stay at least for breakfast, I could cook something for us?” she inquired, almost half-pleading with me. Aoi could learn a thing or two from this one’s attitude.

“Sorry, I really got to get back, and if I stay any longer I’m afraid I’d stay for the whole day,” I replied cordially, putting her down swiftly as I adjusted my belt around my waist. The could hear the disappointed pout even with my bank turned to her. 

A quick look at my phone confirmed my predicament, there was a plethora of messages and missed calls. I think I was in it now and decided that it would be best to resolve my domestic situation sooner rather than later. All thoughts of more morning action quickly fled from the planning halls of my mind.

I turned around to smile at her as she snuck under the sheets, this did nothing to diminish the curves of her body, and I almost regretted my decision to head back home. Perhaps I could stay a bit longer? No… remember the plan!

“I’ll message you later,” I smiled at her pausing to kiss her on the forehead and giving her left breast a quick grope before I turned towards the door. The chest department was certainly an area where my sister was lacking.




How I managed I had finally extricated myself from her clutches and found myself on an early cab back home I still think about to this day. I think I was made of sterner stuff back then. The bright morning light made me feel a sense of optimism with no basis, I still had the odious task of having to deal with my clingy sister.

Finally arriving back at my lair I was met by my sister at the entrance as soon as I entered the apartment. Arms crossed she looked at me as if I was something dirty that the cat had recently dragged in. 

“And where have you been, mister?” she asked sternly, though I could sense something else under the faux anger.

“I… was… err…” I sputtered at a loss, having failed to imagine Aoi going immediately on the offense so soon. However, I was soon saved by her stronger emotions. Women after all are such emotional creatures.

“I was worried sick! Where were you… I thought you were going away again!” she cried, tears falling as she embraced me tightly with her small lithe body.

“You were gone for so long… and you never answered… I thought… you were in another… accident,” she continued, sobbing into my neck. Her warmth seeped through my body, the care and love seeping into my tired soul.

Seeing an opportunity for a counter-attack my mind quickly weighed up the odds of success and found them to be in my favor. It was important to try and take the initiative in life. Good advice from a teacher from a previous life.

I let her lean against me for a few long moments, enjoying the heady mix of firm and soft of her form while embracing her back. Aoi was wearing a large baggy white t-shirt over her favored hotpants, typical indoor attire. Small breasts pressed against my chest gave license for my roving hands to wander further south, cupping her rear and pulling her closer. The girl did not seem to mind so I took the opportunity to slip one of my hands under the pants, touching her sweet skin directly as I pulled her closer. 

Aoi stiffened slightly, before relaxing once more, continuing to vent her anxiety and worry on me. A small part of me might have started to feel a little regret, and an even tinier part of me might have even felt a shade of guilt. I guess I was growing as a person, I thought to myself, as my fingers quested for my sister’s secret place. Hooking one of my digits I found it still only passingly wet. She was not completely lost in the spiral of lust just yet. 

That would have to be rectified.

Massaging her sex slowly released the natural lubricants which I used to lather my fingers and probe deeper into her. This created a positive feedback loop of unwilling arousal on her part which I mirrored with my own motion, pressing against the little bead of her clitoris. Shivering against me. her legs lost a little of her strength and she had to lean even more against me. Light as she was, in my current weakened state it was almost too much to support her weight. I gritted my teeth and kept my focus. My errant thoughts could not help but compare this encounter at the entrance with Mizuki’s welcome. Aoi could take a few pointers from her.

Trying to push my luck, I tried to kiss but she turned away. Dumb bitch. She could take my cock in her mouth, but she would not kiss me? Pure stupidity.

“No Aoba, I want us to stay as bro…” she tried to say as I increased the stimulation to her clitoris, gasping at the still unfamiliar sensations that were assaulting her. Damn, even for a hormonal teenager she was extremely sensitive-which just made my job easier.

Her weight was taking a toll on my stamina so I tried to turn her around, and willingly she followed my lead, her other hand entwined with my own. Then I let go of her hand, going underneath the baggy t-shirt and cupping one of her small firm breasts, while nuzzling at the nape of her neck.

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With no one to lean against her hands reached out for the wall to support herself, pushing her round behind against my engorged cock. That’s what you want, eh? I thought to myself as I continued to diddle her little twat.

Using both hands, I pulled her swiftly pants down like Houdini at a magic show. Now you see them, now you don’t! I laughed at my own inner monologue, enjoying the absurd situation that was unfolding before me. 

Being a considerate man, I took my dear sister’s wishes into account, I would not take her pussy’s virginity until she begged me for it. Until she finally shed the last shreds of her common sense and gave into her lust under my perfidious influence.

Smearing her pussy juice on my length, I spat on the tip of my cock for good measure, wanting this to be as painless as possible. I settled my cockhead at the entrance to her forbidden hole, kissing it with the tip. Her sphincter was still shut tight against me, but a little nudge allowed me to gain a little purchase. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her biting her bottom lip expecting a repeat of yesterday.

“You can do anything… except… but please… go slow,” she half whispered between gasps, her arousal clear as her vagina grew steadily moister around my finger’s assault. 

“Then you need to relax a little, Aoi,” I replied, using the diminutive “chan” which caused her to loosen up a little, her trust in me preparing her rear end for thorough penetration.

My cockhead had started to enter her now in earnest, passing by her tight gasp and causing her to cry out a little, her face growing tight. 

“It’s best if you try to breathe a little and relax,” I suggested a wry smile on my face as I concentrated on slowly loosening her bowels. Wanting nothing more than just to stab and stab away at her innards. But I liked to treat my family well, so I was considerate.

Her insides felt like warm velvet, like a glove that was slowly fitting to my cock. I lightly pinched her clitoris, causing her insides to tighten even more as I finally entered her fully to the hilt. I was a little worried that we might make a mess in the entrance hall if Aoi had a big meal before, but I mentally shrugged. She liked cleaning anyway and it would give her something to do.

Now I could begin to take my pleasure and started to fuck her tight teen ass that she had so foolishly given me. If not kissing was the price of this forbidden fruit then it was a price I was willing to let her pay. I found it ironic that the woman I had made mine in the hospital I could fuck like a lover, but my sister I had to treat like a dirty two-bit whore. At her instruction no less.

Aoi was getting confused. The pleasure from my fingers mixed with the strange sensations of being taken from behind was confusing the poor girl. Her brows were furrowing in bewilderment as she could not understand what was happening to her.

Maybe it was the clitoral stimulation, maybe it was cock intruding and massaging the rear and hitting her female ‘prostrate’ or g-spot. It did not really matter to me in the slightest, just that my twin sister was slowly being turned into a splendid anal fucker.

Sensing she was close I decided to forego teasing her pussy to concentrate on my orgasm so we could climax, if not together, then close to one another. Poor girl probably needed to take a break anyway after getting fucked up the ass first thing in the morning. 

I replaced Aoi before me with a picture of Mizuki, then Sanae, seeking something to bring me to climax sooner. This actually delayed my orgasm a little as I was seeking the perfect fit. Deciding to live in the present I found my desire reaching full bloom, as I splurted up her bowels a few moments after my sister achieved her own anal orgasm.

Eyes wide-open she shuddered as I spent myself inside her. Halfway through she must have started crying as there was a line of mucus running from her nose, and tears running down her eyes. Was I really that good?

After her orgasm finally subsided, a sudden worried look came across her face as her stomach rumbled dangerously. Like a sprinter let loose by the crack of the gun she pulled away from and sprinted to our toilet and slammed the door behind her. I stood still in the entrance, slowly softening cock in the air pointing to where she had gone like an arrow.

The absurdity was too much, and I finally started giggling as I shucked my pants and made my way to the bathroom. Since Aoi in her laziness did not bother to give my penis a clean I would have to make do with more banal methods. A hot shower it was.




With Masamori coming later in the afternoon I took the time to go over some notes from our previous lesson. The man really did know how to explain in a way that even a child could understand, and was not patronizing in the slightest. I was really looking forward to some male companionship, women were one thing but it was enjoyable to converse, actually converse, with someone of a near-peer status. 

In no time at all, morning turned into afternoon, and Aoi was either too embarrassed or too lazy to cook something up for lunch, having chosen to stay in her room. I sighed a long sigh and went into the kitchen to scrounge up some lunch.

Unfamiliar with the kitchen I decided against attempting to cook, rationalizing that it was not worth the effort in my weakened state. The lack of lunch could also be used as a bargaining chip with Aoi later on. Settling for some bananas, convenience in a natural package served to stave off hunger. You could not learn on an empty stomach. 

I was going over my situation, with my new school about to start did I have enough time or energy to pursue my ‘amor’ Sanae. My life felt like I was juggling enough plates as it was. Damn my eyes! No! I concluded. That was a loser’s way of thinking. A smart man makes time for the things that are important to him. The voice told me she would be mine and I would have to make it so.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, shattering my thoughts of future conquest. A smile began to form on my face. I waited a moment, which turned into another long moment. Why was Aoi not answering the damn door? Must I do everything myself?

Grunting I almost threw my notebook and pen in irritation, stopping myself at the very last moment. Childish tantrums did not become me. Damnable hormones were playing havoc with my self-control, not to mention my general libido.

Fixing a smile on my face, I went to answer the door. I apologized to Masamori for the slight delay. He just took it in his stride and walked with me back to my room, all business while we exchanged mild pleasantries. Not tea for this man, straight to what was important. This is why I sometimes had problems with women, they traveled from ‘A’ to ‘B’ via ‘H’ while taking a small detour at ‘D’. At times there was no understanding them, exasperating creatures.

Measuring myself by Masamori’s praise I felt I had done very well that day. English I was able to blitz through and simply asked him to skip it in the end, likewise, mathematics was easy after I was given a few pertinent reminders. Damn you quadratic equation you still confound me even in my advanced age. The problem was Japanese, but even there I found myself making headway in improving my understanding of the language of the devil. Yes, those Portuguese monks had it right when they were describing this language of deceit. So many damn rules that made little to no sense. My grammar was generally there, but vocabulary in certain places was definitely lacking. 

As for Japanese history, we both decided to defer that for another time, as our time together had drawn to a close. Just as our lesson had reached its conclusion he asked me if I knew where a certain character’s figure would be sold. Not being an ‘otaku’, the denizens of the bottom rung of society, I had to inform him that I simply had no idea. The poor man looked disappointed at this, almost as if he was sure that I was some sort of keeper of esoteric otaku knowledge. Why do people always have such a favorable impression of me?

Packing up his things I escorted him to the door, knocking on my sister’s room to say he was leaving. No response. Rude, that’s what it was. Apologizing profusely I bid Masamori good day, internally labeling him as Masa.

I would need to go over what I had learned today, to really cement the knowledge into my brain. My young mind was able to absorb knowledge like a sponge. Youth really was wasted on the young.

Once I had finished, I lay down on my bed and looked up at my ceiling planning away to make the voluptuous Sanae mine. Oh, she even had the same last name as Masanori. What a coincidence.

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