SCUM: Rise of the Reincarnated Criminal

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 – Anticipation

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“Patience is the best remedy for every problem.”


The next morning I found myself in the peculiar position of enjoying a stream of lukewarm water being shot at my rectum by my toilet after a particularly satisfying bowel movement. This was one of the many joys of living in this country.

However, a simple note on the kitchen table alongside my now cooling mediocre breakfast was certainly not welcome. According to the note, my sister had left early today to meet friends or some other excuse. Women, there was simply no understanding them sometimes. I guess there would be no loving breakfast blowjob this morning.

Nonetheless, I wolfed down the passable fare and washed it down with some cow juice. It actually turned out to not be half as bad as it looked.

I was expecting my new tutor Masanori tomorrow and for the first time in a long time, I had a little time to myself. Finally, I could start some of the things I had planned.

It was time to train my body. With the various weights and fitness equipment I had ordered online not arriving, I had to make do with a regimen of basic calisthenics. Even though still weakened, this body had all the advantages of youth which meant a faster recovery time. I kept these positive thoughts in the forefront of my mind as I began my struggle.

My training over I took a quick shower, memories of last night playing across my mind, before toweling off and doing the rest of my daily toilet. I changed into a facsimile of the locally accepted fashion, left the building, and stepped out in the brisk spring air. 

I had awoken a little later and the usual morning hubbub of busy people doing busy things as they hastily went about their little lives had somewhat lessened at this hour. During the early hours of the morning after my sexual escapades with Aoi, I went to a nearby ATM to try the card I purloined. My luck was still with me and I was able to withdraw the maximum amount once more and quickly stuffed the money into my bag. I then placed the wallet into a plastic bag to be disposed of later.

Again, like everywhere else in this city, people walked about in a bubble of security, so sure of their own safety. I felt like the wolf among the bumbling sheep.

Resisting my larcenous temptations I moved among them, just observing and getting a feel for my local area.

My feet found their way to the local park where I buried the evidence of my recent crime. I then sat down on a wooden bench that was warmed a little by the morning sun. A pleasant scene of children playing in the park, watched over by their guardian sentry mothers.

In the middle distance, an attractive woman with a long shock of red hair opened up her truly corpulent breasts to the world allowing her spawn to suckle on her teat. I was truly gobsmacked at this wonderful display as it was inconsistent with my built-up image of the conservative Japanese people. Life it seemed could still surprise.

“Prey… sweet pleasant sullied flesh,” the companion in my mind whispered to me in delight and immediately my body began to physically respond.

My heart rate jumped, excitement building up in a slow heat in the pit of my stomach. The voice had never led me astray and this latest utterance probably meant opportunity. Hallelujah, I rejoiced sardonically in my mind as I licked my lips in anticipation of the coming hunt.

Even at this distance, I could appreciate the subtle lines of her face and the soft contours of her body that flared into wide shapely hips which were right at the border of obscene. It all came together to paint the perfect picture of motherhood and fertility as she cooed down at her babe, encouraging to suckle.

I had to concentrate to stop myself from staring too much. The voice had all but promised her to me, but the gods did not help the foolish drunk on hubris. A fixed expression of disinterest on my face, I pretended to be just another background figure. A simple pubescent boy enjoying the morning in a local park, simply enjoying the bloom of spring.

This was dangerous, hunting so close to my lair was something I wanted to avoid but the voice had shown me the way. Patiently I waited for my targeted prey to move, my mouth now salivating in desire. Calm, calm, I said seeking some measure of humanity within to control the rising beast. Breathing deeply I was able to establish some modicum of control and after twenty minutes or so my patience was to be rewarded.

With all the love in the world, she covered herself, sealing her pale breast once more into the confines of her dress, and placed her infant into a cute pink pram. She gave her babe a radiant smile that promised soft comfort and safety before moving off to the opposite end of the park.

Waiting a reasonable amount of time, making sure my eyes never left her retreating curvacious form, I soon followed, and my licentious heart beating to the thrill of the hunt. A thin smile formed on my mouth as I reminded myself I was doing the Lord’s work.

I increased my cadence as much as I could without hopefully drawing too much suspicion, a skill I had learned from my previous life proving useful. A pram meant that her home could not be too far away and I followed the young mother across the concrete jungle. 

In time she stopped before an apartment building and checked her mailbox. I made note of its position as I trailed in after her as casually as possible and entered the entrance of the building. 

Making sure she entered the elevator, I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of her mailbox which had her number and family name. Then I moved to the elevator, all the while checking for cameras in the hallway. Luckily there were none and “Mrs. Suzuki”, the name on the mailbox, lived on the seventh floor. Elevators usually had cameras in case of an emergency, and I wanted to leave as little of a trail as possible, so despite my reticence, I decided to challenge the stairs.

What would have been a non-issue in my previous body proved to be a stiff challenge to this body, my previous ardor now waning a little due to my over-exertion. Halfway up the endless flight of stairs, I had to suck in deep heavy breaths to restore myself, hands on my knees as I bent forward in tired exhaustion. It was a most pathetic display.

So caught up was I in recovering my stamina that I failed to notice the old lady that was cleaning the tiled corridor with a broom that looked almost as ancient as her. Eyes still bright with energy were set in a wrinkled face ravaged by the unkind hand of time.

“Ah, to be youthful again. Good of you to get some exercise instead of using the elevator young man!” she cackled at me and smiled gap-toothed, voice uncharacteristically firm despite the decrepitude of her advanced age.

“Thanks, granny! I thought it was about time I got myself into shape,” I smiled back, pulling off a perfunctory half-bow before resuming my quest to conquer the stairs.

After what seemed like a torturous amount of time the endless flight of stairs finally ended. As I slowly recovered I took the time to appreciate the clear view from one of the small windows in the hallway. It was a clear morning and I could see for miles, and smiled when I could see Mt. Fuji out there to the west.

Once I had gathered myself, it was time to check where exactly my Mrs. Suzuki lived. I looked over the picture I had taken with my phone and confirmed her room number. There it was room even hundred and seven, with the family name plate displayed conveniently below. This was where my promised prize lived.

What could I do? There was no way to force an entry, even if I did I doubt in my current state that I could overpower the woman. Still, the voice had promised, so patiently I retreated to the safety of the stairs and prepared to wait.

I sat down on the stairs, the very picture of a rebellious teenager escaping from the claustrophobic confines of a family home for a few moments as I flicked over my phone. There were a few messages from what I suspected was a young girl that I had been chatting with over social media, the contents and pictures of my room binding us with a ‘common’ interest. However, I still followed a pattern of caution that was always ingrained in me at this point for in truth she could be anyone. In time I was sure I would be able to convince her to swap photos with me before arranging an ‘offline’ meet at a place of our convenience.

Idly I replied automatically to her messages, only applying the briefest amount of my concentration, before flicking down her feed and pressing the like buttons a few times on her subpar drawings of popular characters. Social media types like these lived on a steady diet of force-fed affirmation.

The sudden bing from the elevator jolted me from my online adventures and I quickly retreated down the stairs as quietly as I could. A man with bleached blonde hair and a tight red t-shirt and tight jeans that fitted his strong masculine body moved down the corridor. I recognized that step, it was the gait of a man who was expecting something good to happen to him soon. I observed him knocking on the door of my prey’s house and almost grit my teeth in frustration.

Wait… I thought to myself. There had to be meaning to this, providence would not lie to me and the timing was all too convenient. With an evil grin, I reached out for my phone and turned on the camera function, and started recording.

Suddenly the door sprung open and Mrs. Suzuki almost flew into the man’s arms, drowning the man’s face with her soft chest. He stayed there a moment reveling in the feel of that feminine softness before gently pulling away for a moment. He then stared into her eyes before pulling her to him again and kissing her thoroughly and groping one of her heavy breasts as they stepped into the door. 

It was excellent material and recorded for posterity on my device. I doubted that the man was her husband and that meant that providence had once again provided. Still, measure twice, cut once-or however that stupid saying went. In short, I would need to confirm later. With Mrs. Suzuki currently occupied, my options were to wait for a while or to beat a retreat. I decided on a tactical mixture, my determination unwilling for the time being to give up so soon was alloyed with caution, my constant companion.

With no security card for the building, I could come and go as I please so I decided to retreat to a cafe and enjoy an afternoon coffee. Finding a reasonable place, I got myself a decent brew and smiled pleasantly at the barista, and settled down in a quiet corner. I messaged my sister telling her I would be a little late and to not worry about dinner. Consideration was a hallmark of civilization.

Reading through a few articles I got a clearer picture of the world around me. I also researched what was popular with local youth so that I would have ammunition for the social test that was high school. The last thing I needed was to have nothing to bring to the conversational table.

Engrossed with my research I also took the time to brush up on the local nomenclature, attempting to improve my underdeveloped language skills. This was boring but necessary work. The important thing was just to get on and do it. This applied to everything from doing your daily chores to finding just the right materials to make practical shiv for a local meet and greet. Another thing that my life had taught me, and wisdom that this generation did not appreciate.

In time the street announcement calling for the good young children home could be heard resounding through the area. It was time to make to do another one of my chores.

Moving into the building again, I checked the mailbox for any new mail. My luck was still with me and there seemed to be some bills and an assortment of colorful junk mail. The poor dear had forgotten to or as a matter of course did not bother to lock it. Climbing the stairs at a leisurely pace, I knew the limits of my own endurance now, I once more waited patiently outside Mrs. Suzuki’s home. 

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I would like the record to show that I do not go about ‘stalking’ people. A man has the right to go wherever he wants, and no court orders and flimsy pieces of paper can disprove that. A person has rights and people’s rights are definitely more important than someone’s ‘feelings’, but I digress.

With time on my hands, I sorted through the mail, using my phone’s rather useful app to translate a lot of the difficult-to-read Japanese. An assortment of utilities like credit card bills spilled forth their secrets. However, the real jackpot was Mrs. Suzuki’s phone statement which showed me her number and name. Sanae, someday you would be mine to ravish. It was fated.

Reaching my hunter’s hide on the stairs I began my vigil. The elevator dinged several times, disgorging its tired occupants into the hallway and causing me to retreat as casually as I could. I would have to wait another hour before my patience was rewarded, as a typical salaryman man tired from a long day at the office stumbled into the cuckold’s nest.

No warm greeting at the door, I noted to myself. The reward of loyalty and allowing women too much free rein. He stumbled into the home and was welcomed by no one as he shut the door behind him, an atmosphere of exhaustion in his wake. For a moment, I almost sympathized with the man, but when it got down to it I just really wanted to fuck his wife.

I required an outlet for my sexual frustration, and luckily in my infinite foresight, I had prepared one such person. Messaging Mizuki, hoping she was finished with her work, I asked for her home address even though I had already noted it down somewhere. I did not want to creep her out by just appearing at her door.

Almost instantly I got a reply with her address, and considerately the name of the station closest to her apartment. Not another train for me now, I wanted to get to her fast, to achieve release from the growing ache in my balls. 

Hailing a taxi I showed the bored-looking taxi driver the address that he entered into his navigation system. I took the time to relax now, attempting to still the growing excitement in me as I wrote down instructions for Mizuki and sent it to her.

After about a fifteen-minute ride, I barely noticed the city this time, I paid the driver my fare with my transport card and swiftly left the taxi. This time I would not bother with the stairs, my eyes barely registering my environment, and took the elevator to the eleventh floor.

Standing outside Mizuki’s place for a moment to collect myself, I took and centered myself. I tried the handle on the door, finding it open as instructed, as I entered my woman’s apartment.

I found her there at the entrance, forehead touching the floor, completely naked giving a lovely display of her curves. My eyes were particularly drawn to the perfect peach of her rear.

“Welcome back, master,” a familiar refined feminine voice greeted me.

“Raise your head,” I croaked out in desire as I began to unbuckle my belt and trousers.

She lifted her head, dark eyes locked with mine for a moment her full lips parted with suggestive promise.

“Would you like dinner, or a bath, or maybe perhaps…” she offered, her eyes mesmerizing me as she knelt in supplication. The whole scene filled me with a savage bestial desire.

Without a moment’s hesitation, I gave her the most direct answer possible as I grabbed both sides of her head and jammed my cock down her willing mouth. I could feel her agile tongue licking over my length, her jaw straining to widen to not let her teeth make contact with my member. 

There was a slight gag reflex as I found the back of her throat, and instinctively she tried to pull back a little but I held her firmly refusing her escape. I vented all of the frustration of the day, my hips bucking wildly as I fucked her mouth mercilessly. Soon enough, tears began to track twin lines down her face, and saliva and mucus dripped down from her mouth and nose, staining the cheap wooden floor.

I wanted to reach climax, but in the moments before a spot of clarity returned and I pulled away. My turgid member glistened with her spit and Mizuki coughed and sputtered, gasping for air.

“Why are you so cruel Aoba-kun?” she asked of me, eyes wet with tears.

“Because that is how you like it,” I replied in a cold voice that brooked no argument. 

She made to answer back, but then thought better of it and kept her eyes down submissively. Mizuki knew how I would treat defiance.

Such obedience deserved to be rewarded with kindness. I reached into my bag and produced some tissues and commanded with my most angelic smile, “Clean yourself up.”

Gratefully she took the tissues with her delicate hands, dabbing first at her eyes. While she was busy wiping her delicate porcelain face I took the time to grope her large generous breasts. Subconsciously I compared them to Sanae’s larger corpulent breasts, imagining burying myself in them and drowning in their sweet softness.

Recovered now, without a word like a well-trained dog, she moved to sandwich my cock between her the pillowy softness of her chest. It was almost as if she read my desire with her newly opened womanly instincts. I moved between their sweet silkiness, her saliva adding to the texture and making it easier for her to massage my desire.

Now that I could think straight, my eyes looked across her small cramped but tidy, and clean apartment. Her home was a one-bedroom studio there in one of the corners of her room I could see her single bed. It was lime to move locale.

I patted her head gently in thanks before taking her hand in mine.

“Let’s go to the bed, darling. It’s time to give you your reward,” I said kindly, wanting to take her where she slept every night. To make her think of me every time she went to sleep at night.

“Aoba-kun…” she said in a half-whisper, voice filled with real longing and husky desire.

She lay down delicately on the bed, body still tense with nervousness despite our numerous sexual encounters. It was something I liked about her. Every time with her she acted like it was our first in some ways. Truly it was endearing and annoying in equal measure.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked of me, eyes alight with anticipation.

“What would you like me to do to you?” I replied in a honeyed tone, willing to hear the woman out.

“I… want you…” she answered, her gorgeous face growing a bright scarlet as she turned away, displaying the delicate profile of her face as she could no longer meet my eyes.

“Spread your legs,” I said hungrily, a part of me wanting to hump her just like an animal, like my sister the night before. I knew then that if I saw her tight hole I would take the virginity I had been keeping for a ‘special’ occasion.

Demurely she spread her long pale legs, an open invitation, and her face grew an even deeper shade of red. Stripping quickly, I entered her roughly and buried my face between her great tits, seeking sanctuary from the world there. Lovingly, she gripped and held the back of my head as her back arched in pleasure. 

We both took our pleasure then, a mutual giving and taking hot and heavy, the season of spring giving lending our bodies a hungry need. The only reason I did not prematurely ejaculate was the distracting nature of the creaking of the bed which helped to keep my desire grounded.

Her legs akimbo in the air, I sought nothing else but to sow my seed in such fertile soil, and my still-growing body continued to hammer against hers with desire. The sounds of our congress echoed through the walls as I used Mizuki’s body as a simple substitute for Sanae in my mind. Fingers entwined I pinned her hands to the bed as we finally reached a riveting shared orgasm. As the waves of pleasure took me and gasped in the pure joy of release, images of my sister, Mizuki, and Sanae floated across my mind interchanging with each new burst.

Finally spending a few long moments in her, I rolled off my partner and almost fell off the bed. I breathed a sigh of relief as falling would have been an ‘uncool’ moment. I moved up the bed, supporting my head with a pillow, and looked at Mizuki’s beautiful face. Her eyes were wide and open as she basked in the emotional afterglow. 

I kissed her affectionately on her forehead before giving her a quick chaste kiss on the lips. She understood then my unspoken command as she sluggishly moved down the bed giving me a great view of her ass, my cum already beginning to drip down one of her pale thighs. 

Playing with the pale peach softness I was able to finally achieve a state of meditative calm. Fully relaxed I enjoyed her wet mouth trying to wring out the last vestiges of semen. As clarity returned I reached down, searching for my phone. I found it in one of my trouser pockets by the side of the small bed just as Mizuki began to lovingly clean my spent balls. Focus I told myself, as I began to write Aoi a quick message that I was staying out for the night. There would be hell to pay the next day.

Even in this harsh and alien world, I like to think of myself as a sort of pioneer. In truth I really was. The first of my world, nay my own reality, to travel beyond the bounds of space and time. It certainly had a grandiose ring to it.

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