Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone

Chapter 1: Prologue

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I think there are many different values that people have.

I have a friend who dislikes curry, for example. It’s not a constitutional issue like allergies or anything like that; it’s just that curry makes his rice mushy, so he dislikes it.

He told me that he was sick of hearing people around him say, 

“You’re missing out on half your life if you don’t like curry.”

That ‘angry’ part was something I understood very well.

Because I’m often told similar things by the people around me. 

Like this. In a daze.

“…..You’re in your first year of high school, and yet you’re telling me that you don’t need a girlfriend? That’s 90% of your life you’ve lost, not half.”

No, 90% is an overstatement.

I mean, is my view really that unusual?

Personally, I think it’s much more unusual for someone not to like curry.

I don’t really want a girlfriend──── I’m one of those people.

In case you’re wondering, I mean it. People have different values.

However, it seems that my sense of values is too hard to accept for men of my generation……

Whenever I talk about this, their response usually goes something like this, 

“You’re just a jealous guy who’s not popular.”


“You’re so sarcastic.”

and if someone actually took it seriously, they’ll just say, 

“Well, BL is a thing, isn’t it?”

But that’s not true at all. 

I really don’t want a girlfriend, even leaving out all those things.

After all, wouldn’t it be more fun to hang out with a bunch of friends?

Of course, I’m sure that hanging out with her alone is fun and happy too.

But if I were on a date with my girlfriend and one of my friends called me and said, 

“Hey, let’s play MonHun with the usual group. “

I’m sure I’d be upset. 

“Hey, we’re going to the pool.”

 I’d be so frustrated that I’d start stomping my feet on the ground, wondering why it was today.

If that’s the case, I’d rather not have a girlfriend……at least not yet.

But everyone is trying to get a girlfriend and enjoy their youth, so───you should just shut up.

Youth = getting a girlfriend?

I have no intention of denying anyone who wants to do that.

That’s a small thing, in my opinion.

But youth is not all about that, don’t you agree?

Rather than accumulating memories of “only two people” with just a lover.

Make as many stupid, green memories as you can to share with your friends.

Then, when we grow up, we can get together again with the same group of friends.

I want to have a drink with everyone, laughing about how green we were back then.

That’s why I want to focus all my energy on having fun with my friends now.

If anything, I think that’s the kind of youth you can only have now…………what do you think?

Well, well.

With such a sense of value, I will talk about the future.

First-year of high school, stupid summer, right in the middle of puberty──── with a group of five best friends of men and women.

It’s a straightforward story about us kids who grow up in a slightly twisted way.


“Hey, look, Junya! I got another cutlet sandwich for you today!”

In the school store, during lunchtime, when students are flooding in, my best friend, Seiran Miyabuchi, held up his spoils of war.

The pork cutlet sandwiches from our school store are by far better than those from any other bakery.

Naturally, it was the most popular among the students, selling out immediately after the start of lunch break.

“Damn it……auntie, another cutlet sandwich over here!”

Looking sideways at Seiran, I too desperately thrust out the coins I had clutched in my hand.

Even so, I was swallowed up by the waves of students rushing towards me, rendering me unable to reach it.

“Give it up. I heard I’m the last one to get a cutlet sandwich.”

Seiran, who was approaching me through the crowd of students, showed his white teeth and smiled.

“Eh, you’re the only one winning again!? Must be because you’re so tall……”

“Don’t be upset. I’ll give you a bite later.”

“…… My bite is huge, okay?”

Seiran and I each clenched our fists and thrust them together.

Fist Bump──── we loved this adolescent-like gesture.

……No, of course, I understand.

It’s not a comic book or a movie, so it hurts when people actually do this.

But it’s okay to be in pain.

Someone once told me that pain is youth.

It’s a dark history that we can laugh about when we grow up and say,

“We were both in pain back then, weren’t we?”

But it’s not a bad idea to have more such slightly embarrassing, but somehow funny, dark histories.

That’s why it’s better to have a little pain in high school.

It’s much more fun to hang out with friends like Seiran than to try to get a girlfriend.

If you think that childish idea is what makes you a virgin, then that’s totally fine with me.

In any case, first-years are still kids who are allowed to be in pain.

After getting our lunch, Seiran and I headed to the roof of the school building.

Many schools have rooftops that are off-limits, but not our Miyamajidai High School.

It’s an open space for relaxation, with several sets of benches and tables.

That’s why it’s so crowded with students during lunchtime.

Still bathed in the slightly damp early July breeze, I made my way through the students to the far end.

In front of a tall fence. 

A small boy was sitting alone on a set of benches there.

He was eating his lunch with his phone in his hand.

“Shintarou. Thanks for waiting.”

When Seiran and I approached him, he looked down at his phone and said, 


Tanaka Shintarou. He’s one of our classmates and one of our dearest friends.

In contrast to the big, wild-looking Seiran, Shintarou is small and has a babyface. He’s a mild-mannered shota who’s strangely popular with some older sisters……however, he’d be offended if I told him that, but that’s actually just how he is.

Shintarou finally looked up from his phone and said lazily.

“You’re pretty late. Was it that crowded in the school store?”

“Listen to this. That guy, Seiran, was approached by a girl from another class who said, “If you’d like, why don’t we have lunch together!” However, he refused her, you know? She was really cute, and it was pretty obvious that she had a thing for him. I don’t know why he turned her down without a second thought.”

The handsome man, Seiran, who was over six feet tall, elbowed me as he began to eat his cutlet sandwich.

“I don’t care if she had a thing for me or not. Of course, it’s because it’s a hundred times more fun to be with you guys than to have dinner with a girl I don’t know well.”

…..Oh no, I’m going to cry. 

That’s my best friend for you.

Miyabuchi Seiran.

Tanaka Shintarou.

And me, Koga Junya.

When we were in Junior high, the three of us were best friends who formed a stupid alliance called the “No Girlfriend Alliance.”

I was the one who suggested it. 

However, it was Seiran who executed it.

Shintarou and I have known each other since elementary school. When we were in our second year of junior high school, various things happened, and then Seiran came into our lives.

Seiran was a good-looking guy with a great physique even back then, so at the beginning, I thought he would soon get a girlfriend, and we would soon be estranged. But,

──I don’t really need a girlfriend. It’s more fun to hang out with my friends.

I felt a lot of sympathy for that statement, and we formed the so-called alliance.

From then on, the three of us were always together in everything we did.

We played games at each other’s house, fished at a nearby riverbed, and often went to karaoke together.

During the summer vacation last year, we even made a reckless plan to go as far as we could by bike. I didn’t have a road bike with thin tires, so I decided to use my mom’s bike.

After about three mountains, we had reached our limit and turned back.

I still have good memories of the beautiful starry sky that the three of us saw on the way home and of the family restaurant where we took a break and talked until morning.

Serious Youth.

Viva friendship.

One of the best and most painful dark histories.

“Oh, is that this week’s issue? Let me read it afterwards.”

Seiran placed his muscular arm around Shintarou’s slender shoulders.

It seems that what Shintarou was looking at while eating his lunch was a smartphone version of a manga magazine.

“What? Again? Come on, don’t be irresponsible. You’ve got to pay your own bills. Let’s all contribute to the magazine.”

“Don’t be so hard on me. I just want to read the rest of the manga. Wasn’t it made into an anime the other day?”

“Was Seiran the kind of guy who watches late-night anime?”

“I just happened to be up late. They’ve got good taste, solidifying the soundtrack with acid jazz.”

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“Acid jazz?”

When Shintarou and I tilted our heads, Seiran explained to us.

“It’s like a fusion of rock and dance music, light and lively. That’s it. It’s like Persona. I’ll lend you the CD next time.”

Like his appearance, Seiran’s taste and hobbies are so mature that it’s hard to believe he’s a first-year high school student.

He said he listens to progressive rock and post-punk music and recommended various things to me and Shintarou, who had no idea what genre he was talking about.

It was also Seiran who taught us how to play darts, billiards and other adult games.

His hobbies, which at first glance may seem to be a bit over the top, are also amazing in the fact that they don’t look that way.

That’s why he’s so popular, I guess.

He teaches me a lot of things, and I have a lot of fun with him.

Seiran was reading on the manga app on the phone, which he snatched from Shintarou.

“Well, why don’t the three of us go get our motorcycle licenses this summer? Let’s do something called touring to get revenge for last year’s bike project.”

See, I also say things like this. But never once did the idea of a motorcycle occur to me at all.

“Sounds fun, but how are we going to pay for the bike?”

“How about getting a part-time job? And maybe borrowing the rest from our parents in advance?”

Shintarou interjected with a sigh.

“In the first place, it’s not just the three of us this summer…….”

“Ah yeah, that’s right. Well, why don’t we just give those guys a ride on the back then?”

Just then.

“What? Are you guys getting your motorcycle licenses?”

The usual two girls came right in front of us.

“That’s nice. I’d like to drive one of those 『1000cc』too.”

Of the two girls, the one with the shorter hair clutches her hands and makes steering like motions at a high position.

She was Honoko Asagiri, a girl from the same class as us.

She had medium-short hair with the tips bouncing outward a bit, which was typical of her energetic personality. However, her slender neck and well-defined features was firmly a girl. A high nose and narrow eyes. Eyelashes that seem to blow in the wind whenever she blinks.

She was about the same height as me, an average male. But her long slender, and beautiful legs that stretched out from her short skirt were…probably longer than mine. Just a little bit, right? The other day, she even made a quip about how everyone hems their pants.

At any rate, she was tall for a girl and had a model-like figure that showed off her curves. Despite having a well-developed face, she also wears light makeup. She looks very mature, but──、

“Asagiri-san, you have to be 18 years old to get a license for something as big as a 1000cc.”

“Is that so? Then I’m not interested. When Koga-kun gets his license, he can come to pick us up!”

──She’s a good girl who will slap me on the back without reservation.

“So, you’re going to stay behind Seiran, right?”

Asagiri-san looked at the other girl with a teasing smile.

“Eh? That is….i-if it doesn’t bother Seiran-kun, t-then mmm….”

She is Narushima Yoru, a timid girl who was a little distant from us. As one would expect, she was also our classmate.

Unlike the energetic Asagiri-san, Narushima-san is an introverted girl. She had long, black hair that stretched just to her chest and double-lidded eyes. The slightly lowered corners of her eyes also show her timid nature. She was short and petite, like a sheltered little animal.

Even though Narushima was like that, the front button of her white shirt, which she had already changed, looked frantic and was trying its best not to pop off.

From what I can tell, it’s probably more than an F cup—her big breasts. No, enormous breasts. Combined with the peach-coloured lip balm drawn over her chubby lips, she looks incredibly sexy. I think it’s a nice gap to her reclusive personality.

Asagiri-san and Narushima-san are two people with very different looks and personalities, but they share the same thing in that they are both beautiful girls. Aside from the wildly handsome Seiran or the cute Shintarou, I feel a little self-conscious about being with them when I’m such a plain bastard with no popular appeal.

In fact, that’s how the people around me saw me. The guys in my class said to me, “You did a good job fishing for two high-level girls using Seiran and Tanaka as bait, didn’t you?”

But don’t get me wrong. I do think that both Asagiri-san and Narushima-san are attractive girls.

However, we’re just “friends”.

In a group of three guys, there were just two people. And they just happened to be beautiful girls.

There’s not even a hint of romantic thinking in there────that’s what I think.

At least for me.

“Hey, Yoru. You have some business with Seiran, right?”

“Uh, yeah…….”

Narushima-san, who was pushed on the back by Asagiri-san, stepped forward like a weak rabbit.

She presented “it”[wrapped in a polka-dotted handkerchief] out to Seiran

“Uh, that….Seiran-kun. If you’d like, do you want to eat this….?”

“What’s that?”

Seiran, who tilted his head, took it and unwrapped the handkerchief.

Of course, the identity of “it” is as everyone imagined.

“Whoa, a bento.”

“Yeah, uh…I made it. Seiran-kun, it’s just your usual everyday bread….”

I have bread every day too.

Narushima-san, of course, doesn’t have me in mind and is only looking at Seiran with the eyes of a girl in love.

“Seiran is really popular, isn’t he?”


Just as Shintarou and I were whispering to each other, Seiran opened the lid of his small lunch box.

“That’s a surprisingly large portion…….I wonder if I can finish this all by myself…….”

He obviously looked at me and said so.

Don’t tell me; this guy is going to start a scene…

“What are you going to do, Junya?”

“…..No, there’s nothing for me to do…….and they’ll hate me for it…….”

As Shintarou and I whispered to each other, Seiran finally cut straight to the point.

“Hey, Junya. You said you were still hungry.”

“Then I’ll take the fried chicken!”

Half desperate, I snatched the wheat-coloured fried chicken from its lunch box.

When I threw it in my mouth, the juicy meat juice and the aroma of spices filled the air.

Mmm, it’s good.

Asagiri-san shouted on behalf of Narushima-san, who looked blank.

“Hey, Junya Koga! Did you know Yoru made that for Seiran-kun!?”

“But I’m hungry.”

“Even if that’s the case, shouldn’t you give up the right to eat first to Seiran-kun~?”

Yes, I think so, too.

Then Seiran laughed with a mature face and followed up with a coy smile.

“Haha. Well, I’ve already eaten a cutlet sandwich. Can I eat this with everyone, Narushima?”

“Uh, yeah……of course……everyone, please…….”

There was no way Seiran would be able to fill up on just one pork cutlet sandwich with his physique. It’s a kind way of saying that he can’t accept Narushima-san’s favor.

Of course, I also felt bad for interfering with Narushima-san.

But to tell you the truth……I wish I could stay in this relationship just a little longer.

The three of us, who were always together in everything we did────became a group of five in high school.

And to me, that group of five has already────

“This fried chicken is really good! Can I have another one?”

“Hey, Koga-kun, if you’re so hungry, eat some of my bread!


Asagiri-san shoved a piece of yakisoba bread into my mouth. In response,  I desperately reached for Shintarou’s water bottle for some precious water.

Without a moment’s delay, Asagiri-san quickly pulled herself to Shintarou.

“Tanaka-kun, don’t give it to him. This is a punishment game for Koga-kun.”

“….That’s right, I’m sorry.”

Shintarou quickly withdrew his water bottle.

“Junya, you look like the evil god of Cthulhu with that yakisoba dripping out of your mouth. I’ll leave you a video.”

Seiran took a video of me with his phone.

“Ahaha……Koga-kun, you really look like you’re having trouble breathing….um, do you want some of my tea….?”

Narushima-san took away the lunch box, but she offered me her own water bottle with a timid smile.

“Mou~, Yoru doesn’t have to be so kind to such a man!”

Asagiri-san censured her for that but laughed.

──For me, the five of us have become an irreplaceable group of close friends.

It hasn’t been long since we were five, but it doesn’t matter how many years we’ve spent together.

It was like we had been friends for a long time, and the atmosphere was really comfortable.

I can’t imagine losing even one of them anymore. 

They are the best of friends.

Even so….I know very well that this relationship will end if love is involved.

And that’s why I knew that I had to accept it when that time came.

I wanted to leave as many green memories as I could of the five of us sharing the most ridiculous and youthful memories while we were still a group of best friends.

“Hey! Let’s go ahead and take a commemorative photo! Everyone gather around!”

“Hmm? What’s the commemoration? I don’t really understand…”

“To begin with, I’m still in the middle of eating my lunch…….”

“Haha, you guys are so flippant! Here, take a picture with my phone!”

“Hey, um…don’t pull it like that…er, have you already taken it?”

It was lunchtime at the end of the rainy season. 

The five best friends continue to make noise, regardless of gender.

If only this great time could last as long as possible.

I really don’t need a girlfriend────I  thought.

This is a straightforward story about us kids who grow up in a slightly twisted way.

You can find story with these keywords: Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone, Read Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone, Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone novel, Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone book, Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone story, Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone full, Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone Latest Chapter

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