Secretly Holding Hands with You Behind Our Friends’ Back. Falling in Love That Cannot Be Told to Anyone

Chapter 5: 4

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──I will make you more interested in girls, and show you that love is much more important than the likes of friends──

It was well past six in the evening when Yoru Narushima declared this to me.

The intercom (or rather, the buzzer) in my room rang.

Of course, I knew who was coming, so I was wondering whether or not to open the door.

“Hey, Koga-kun. Did you forget our appointment?”

From the other side of the door, a knock, together with a loud voice, was heard.

“Didn’t you say that you were going to bath with me~!?”

Damn, what a thing to say….! She’s going to make the neighbours misunderstand…!

It can’t be helped. I have to open the door.

“Ah, there you are. I thought you were out.”

“Um, you know…the walls in this apartment building are thin, so please don’t lie too loudly…”

Narushima-san, who was laughing behind the door, was not listening to a word I was saying.

Not only that, she went by my side and entered my room of her own accord.

“I finished the moving work just before noon, but. Cleaning and everything, it all went by in an instant. Before long, I was already drenched in sweat from working all day.”

Narushima-san’s clothes were almost the same as when I saw her this morning, but the design of her t-shirt had changed. It appears that only the top has changed.

Her collarbone was peeking through the base of her neck, glistening slightly with sweat…

Narushima-san turned to look back at me.

“What are you looking at? Aren’t I already wearing a bra?”

Of course. It would be weird not to have it on with those breasts of hers.

Then that person gives me a teasing, full-on bully like smile and then,

“Ah, I take it that Koga-kun has a sweat fetish? It’s a little embarrassing, but would you like to sniff it?”

“B-Ba, Ba, I-Idiot!?”

“Come on, come on. The girl said it’s okay to sniff, so why don’t you be upfront about it and do it~?”

Her T-shirt expanded greatly as her boobs shook underneath with a 「boing」, as she drew herself closer and closer to me.

“D-Don’t come near me, you fake, perverted, obscene normie with breasts!”

“Uwa~, the swearing got longer. How awful.”

“D-Didn’t you come here to borrow the shower? Y-You know the layout, so use it as you please.”


Narushima-san slipped through the curtains near the kitchen and dropped the tote bang hanging over her shoulders.

The layout of this apartment is 1K. With eight tatami mats divided throughout the Washitsu and a separated kitchen, all the water facilities, such as the bath and toilet, are located on the kitchen side.

Even though they are separated, there was only a slight difference in level between the Washitsu and kitchen, so I decided to install a curtain there. That is to say, the area in front of the kitchen was used as a changing room.

However, the length of the curtains was just enough to cover just above the knees.

In the first place, a changing room isn’t necessary for a man living alone, which is why that length was plenty.

“I contacted the gas company, and they said they’ll come tomorrow to open the gas tap. My previous place was all-electric. Which is why I was only thinking about electricity and the internet.”

Narushima-san said this through the curtains and seemingly took off her hot pants.

“Ah, I heard that you have to be present when they open the gas tap. What a pain in the ass.”

Subsequently, a T-shirt fell at Narushima-san’s feet.

Next to the fall was the bra that supported her fiendish looking breasts.

Finally, she raised her white, slender legs──W-Wait, no, why am I staring!?

“….Perhaps, Koga-kun, were you watching me this entire time?”

Narushima-san’s voice came from the other side of the curtain.

Rather than getting angry however, her voice sounded more like she was enjoying it, which was somewhat troublesome.

“I-I didn’t see it!”

In a panic, I turned the other way, but my voice seemed to entertain her even more.

“I don’t mind it if it’s Koga-kun. After all, I want Koga-kun to be more interested in girls.”

I didn’t say I had no interest. It’s just that I don’t feel like taking care of a girlfriend.

“Hey, hey, Koga-kun. Now… I’m stark naked behind the curtain, but. if it was Honoko-chan instead of me, wouldn’t that be more exciting?”

I imagined it for a moment.

A scene where Asagiri Honoko-san comes over to my room to play, and asks to borrow my bath.

And like what Narushima-san is doing right now, slowly taking off her clothes one by one through the thin curtains…

Ah, dammit, stop! D-Don’t even think about it!

“Fufu~. Remember not to sniff my underwear while I’m in the shower, okay?”

“Who’s going to do such a thing?”

“You, of course!”

S-Seriously, such a person… s-she’s entirely different from how she is at school!

The sound of the folding bathroom door closing.

Followed by the sound of the water current bouncing off of Narushima-san’s skin.

Shit… she’s trying to get me more interested in girls somehow, but she sure is a boring copycat. Truth be told, the gas has already been turned on long ago.

I mean…… The shower in this room has never been used by anyone other than me.

First and foremost, this was the first time I had ever heard a girl shower.

Uugh, I’m in so much pain……, wait, isn’t this exactly what she wants! I can imagine her face smiling in the shower right now────w-which is why I shouldn’t imagine it!

I took out my headphones and put them on, then played the music I’d synced to my phone at full volume.

With that, I completely blocked off Narushima-san’s evil trickery from my ears.

Feeling a tap on my shoulders, I took off my earphones and turned around.

There stood Narushima-san, who had just finished bathing and had changed into another T-shirt.

Under the fluorescent light, her wet, long black hair was shining.

“I just kinda borrowed a bath towel, but where’s the hairdryer?”

Sighing, I roughly handed her the hairdryer that was lying on the carpet.

Narushima-san was rather seriously taken aback. Of course, it wasn’t about the fact that I gave it to her so roughly.

“Uughhh…to put it in such a place instead of the washroom. Don’t you dry your hair by looking in the mirror?”

“Doesn’t matter. I have a tabletop mirror.”

“Uwa…so you use that small mirror-like glass on your table to style your hair? Don’t you know a boy who doesn’t properly care about his appearance is deemed unattractive by others?”

“As I said before, I’m not trying to be popular like you. Here, go take that and bring it to the washroom with you.”

Trying to drive her away, I shot a spiteful glance at Narushima-san, who was holding the hairdryer in her hands.

“But, if I use the washroom, won’t Koga-kun be unable to use the shower? It can’t be helped. I’ll just use that tabletop mirror to dry off my hair.”


Similar to me, Narushima-san was also puzzled.

“Koga-kun, aren’t you going to take a shower? You know, a shower.”

…Well, yeah.

I didn’t intend to use the shower yet, although it was kind of awkward for me to be here.

The sweet scent of shampoo drifting from Narushima-san also made me think so.

Perhaps Narushima-san, also used the shampoo that I used in the bathroom, but.

Because it was mixed with a sweet smell, one peculiar to that of girls, it smelled remarkably different.

Therefore I was strangely nervous and a little uncomfortable.

“Then I’m going to take a shower, when your hairs dry, go home properly.”

“Hey, hey. Were you listening to music on your phone?”

As one would expect, Narushima-san wasn’t listening to me and pointed toward the earphones that were lying on the ground.

“…And what if I was.”

“Can I borrow them just for a moment? I’m curious about what kind of music you listen to, Koga-kun. Ah, are you the type who doesn’t like it when other people use your earphones?”

At this stage, why should I care about such a small thing?

“I don’t particularly mind, however, use this instead of my phone. It has roughly about the same songs on it.”

I unlocked the tablet PC that I had left on the bed and handed it over.

“Go home when you’re dry. You don’t have to worry about locking the front door.”

“Thank you.”

Narushima-san began to dry her hair with a hairdryer while humming and operating the tablet.

I walked through the curtains, took off my clothes, and went into the shower.

The bathroom that Narushima-san had used a short while ago was still filled with the sweet aroma of the past.

I’m losing touch with reality.

Of all the people who could move next to me, why did it have to be that ill-natured wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Moreover, from the very first day she moved in, she borrowed my shower.

What am I supposed to say to Seiran and Shintarou?

Well, it’s normal to say that she’s living in the room next to mine, but.

Other than that, I have nothing to feel guilty about.

Wait. If I had something to be guilty about, then it would be…

Narushima-san, who’s fiddling around with my tablet PC right now.

──Thinking about it, isn’t that a bad idea?

For example, she can see the ecchi sites left in my personal browsing history, among other things…

No, that’s not good! That girl will definitely see it, surely!

In a panic, I rushed out of the bathroom and hurriedly dried my body.

Quickly changing into my jersey, I immediately ran back to my room.

“Hey, Narushima-san! Stop using the tablet right this────”


Narushima-san, who was fiddling around with the tablet on the low table, turned her head and took off her earphones.

“Your back surprisingly early. Are you sure you won’t get a cold?”

“Um…you didn’t do anything uncalled for with that, right?”

“Uncalled for? What, you mean like checking your browser history and so on? Ahhh, I didn’t think that far ahead. Oh darn. I was interested in the naughty sites that Koga-kun used during his alone time.”

…Then she didn’t see it? She really did just listen to music?

“B-But, how should I put it, Koga-kun? I didn’t know you listened to mature music. There’s some pretty old acid jazz in there. I was a little surprised.”

“I just put in some CDs that I lent from Seiran. Most songs on the tablet I got this way.”

Seiran, a music enthusiast, often lends me his CDs, so an external drive for my tablet is essential.

“Heh~. As expected of Seiran-kun, he has quite the fine hobby. Moreover, he’s part of the CD sect, which makes him even more likeable close-up.”

Say what you want.

“But you know quite a lot, don’t you, Narushima-san? About the word acid jazz, that is.”

“Well. I do listen to all sorts of music♪.”

That sort of hobby seems to go well with Seiran.

“So, are you not going home yet?”

I asked her with a sigh as I sat down on my bed, to which she simply replied,


“What for? Don’t you hate me, Narushima-san? I’m sure you can’t bear the thought of staying with me any longer.”

“Yes, I do hate you. No, let me rephrase. I hate you so much that I wish you didn’t exist, O Great Virgin Lord of the Shitty Brat Kingdom.”

“Then, as the O Great Virgin Lord of the Shitty Brat Kingdom, I order you to be deported. Go on.”

[Fufu], she stood up with such a laugh, then, for some reason, headed towards the kitchen.

“Hey, the front door is that way…”

Ignoring my voice, she picked up her own tote bag that she had left near the refrigerator.

Then, she took out a packet of beef and flashed a smile at me.

“I’ll cook you dinner.”


…No, Narushima-san came here to borrow my shower, and I recalled she brought a frightfully huge tote bag with her.

But as expected, I never imagined her to go this far.

I never expected her to have gone shopping at the supermarket before coming to my house.

Moreover, to use the ingredients that she had bought to make a meat and potato stew.

In addition, a summery salad of fresh vegetables with sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. With broccoli.

Just like that, our menu, paired with cooked rice and miso soup, became our dinner.

“I made instant miso soup, so you’ll have to put up with it. I’ve decided that only the ones made by myself are for my boyfriend.”

I don’t really care about such obsessions.

“Well then, time to ea…──um, is there something wrong, Koga-kun?”

Narushima-san, with her hands clasped together in front of the dishes lined up on the table, tilted her head when she saw me frozen in front of her.

“Is it really that surprising that I can cook?”

No, I already know that, but. Before, this girl was making a lunch box for Seiran.

“…Is this another one of your schemes?”

“Nfufu. What?”

With both her elbows on the table, Narushima-Yoru stared at me motionlessly.

If you were to look at her face simply, it’s insanely cute. That, I can honestly admit.

After all, just look at her face.

“Like, how you want to get me more interested in girls and the like, showing me how nice it is to have a girl prepare food for you…”

“Well, it’s partly because the gas hasn’t been turned on yet, but I guess that’s half right.”

So the matter about the gas was true.

“By the way, I heard that Honoko-chan is a cook too. If Koga-kun were to go out with Honoko-chan, I’m sure she’ll come over to cook with love.”

“That’s why I won’t go out with her. So, what’s the other half?”

“It’s thanks for lending me your shower.”

No, really.

“In any case, Koga-kun, you only eat convenience store lunch boxes, right? For the time being, let me take care of your health. Eat up.”

Really, I wonder, just what is this person like?

In front of everyone, she’s a cat. But only in front of me does she show her true colours.

After all, she says harsh things, like how much she hates me.

But she would thank me for something as trivial as lending her the shower, among other things.

“By some chance, Koga-kun, do you like a family-orientated girl? Even so, it’s no good falling in love with me, okay?”

With her hand over her mouth, Narushima-san giggles.

See, this provocative face is definitely something she would never show at school.

“I want you to be more interested in girls, but please don’t fall in love with me.”

“A fake, normie with a stupid head, just who would fall in love with someone like that?”

“Fufu, I’m glad. As a matter of fact, I was a little worried that the great virgin king, Koga-kun, would misunderstand. I’m not into stupid brats like Koga-kun, so it’s just right.”

“Is that so? Then that’s really the best.”

“Well then, let’s eat before it gets cold.”

“Itadakimasu”, I said, putting my chopsticks to the Nikujaga​(meat and potato stew​) that the cheeky girl made.

The beef was tender, and the dashi was really good, I’m really not holding back any compliments.

“So, So. How is it? Is the meal made by a girl delicious? Don’t you want a girlfriend now?”

Narushima-san leaned forward with a bowl of rice in her hands.

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“As I said before, I’m not. Honestly, I’m grateful for the dinner, but believe me when I say I have no intention of getting a girlfriend whatsoever.”

“But I think Koga-kun and Honoko-chan will be a good match, although. Even if it’s just a trial, why don’t you try going out with her for once? Perhaps if you confess, it’ll be a success?”

“That’s, well…”

I put down my rice bowl in amazement.

“I’d like to know what makes you think it won’t work out? Ugh, that’s, hey…”

“I’ll do as I like. There’s no way we’ll be dating in the same group, that’s for sure. I told you this too, didn’t I? That I rather have fun with the five of us as we are now.”

“I don’t think the relationship between the five people will change just because we’re dating.”

“It will change.”

The bitter memory of my second year in junior high flashed across my mind.

Kazumichi and Megumi. We were four—Shintarou and me included.

We used to do everything together, but when Kazumichi and Megumi started dating, we grew apart. It’s obvious. Next to the two who had become lovers, there was no way we could stick together forever.

Even so, I continuously believed that our relationship would never change. Always sticking close to them wherever they went. But, as a matter of fact, I was a brazen and unscrupulous​ nitwit who failed to realize that I was being shunned by the two.

…It’s an impossible assumption, but suppose I were to go out with Asagiri Honoko.

Would we stay the same five as we are now? For example, rather than spending my time with Asagiri-san, I’ll prioritize the time the five of us spend together…No. Such a thing is impossible.

Because if I do such a thing in that situation, I’ll definitely be told off by the others.

“Play with her even more.”

And for that reason, everyone will start to get more and more reserved and distant. It’s not limited to Asagiri-san, but that’s just what happens when you get a girlfriend.

If that’s the case, then I rather not get a girlfriend at all.

Being separated from Shintarou and Seiran────I really hate it.

Thinking about such a thing, just as I thought, doesn’t that make me a child?

Rather than committing to your lover, stay together with your friends.

Is that such a strange thing to think about?

“If you want to play with everyone so much. How about going on a double date? Koga-kun and Honoko-chan become lovers, I somehow become lovers with Seiran-kun, and we’ll all go out together. How about it?”

I was a little annoyed when Narushima-san said such a thing so calmly.

“…Then what about Shintarou?”

“I’ll introduce him to someone good. I don’t have any other friends, so I’ll just ask Honoko-chan. And then everyone will have a girlfriend. Everyone will be happy. Isn’t that a good idea?”

“That’s a ridiculous idea. Do you really want to fall in love that badly?”

“Of course I do.”

Narushima-san smiled at me.

“I’m just that sort of creature.”

“…I really don’t understand you at all. Suppose you become lovers and part ways, then you wouldn’t be able to stay together. If that’s the case, then it’s better not to have a relationship in the first place.”

“That’s your sense of values, isn’t it, Koga-kun? But my sense of values differ.”

Narushima-san reached her hand out towards my cheeks.

Scooping up the grain of rice that seemed to be stuck there with her index fingers.

“I want to have a scorching love. My body, my mind, and my life, I want to devote my everything to the man of my destiny. For that reason, something like friends, I don’t need it. Honoko-chan is my precious close friend, but if we were to fall in love with the same person, I would choose the man without hesitation. Even if that makes things worse between Honoko-chan and me.”

Fixing her eyes on me, she placed her plump lips over the grain of rice on her index finger.

“By the way, I’ve already said this to Honoko-chan. I’ve decided that I’m going to tell all the girls around me.”

I value friends more than love.

And Narushima-san values love more than friends.

Our ways of thinking are fundamentally different, and it’s something that’ll never intersect no matter how far we go.

“…Thinking about it once again. We really don’t get along.”

“You only realized that now?”

Narushima-san smiled wickedly.

“For that reason, I’ll continue to approach Seiran-kun as I have in the past. He may be the man of my destiny. Koga-kun seems to want to cherish the relationship of the group, but that’s none of my business.”

“So that’s…what you like, but…”

“But if Seiran-kun and I were to get together, Koga-kun would say『It’s going to be painful because I won’t be able to hang out with Seiran-kun as often』, don’t you agree? Really, what a Virgin King.”

“Not only Seiran but you too, Narushima-san. I told you I like being with the five of us.”


Narushima-san instantly fell silent and lowered her eyes.

“……….I see……… I’m still in it huh………….heh, what an amazing person…”

In a blurred, small voice, hardly moving her lips, leaked out such a soliloquy.

“Even I….know…that our current relationship won’t last forever, there’s just no way…”

Regardless of whether Narushima-san and Seiran can get along or not, as long as love is involved, the five of us can’t stay the same as things are now. Once that happens, there will be no choice but to accept it. I know that.

I’m just scared. Similar to that time, when I had taken my friendships for granted until they suddenly changed. This was already a kind of psychological trauma.

Both Narushima-san and I remained downcast and silent.

In a room filled with nothing but the low roar of a cheap refrigerator, the first person to break the silence was,

“…….Ha~, how annoying.”

Narushima-san let out a grand sigh.

“You know, just because I’m interested in someone belonging to the same group as me doesn’t mean I’ll just say 『Well, I give up』! I like being with the five of us! Don’t make me laugh!”


That’s an incredibly sound argument.

Even I’m at a loss for words.

“Virgin, virgin, you stinky ass Virgin! If you’re that frustrated, why don’t you argue with me! After being told this much by a girl, you can’t just not say anything! Stupid! Idiot!”

Why was she so emotional about this?

“Hey, hey, don’t you want to touch my boobs? I’ll let you touch my boobs a little as an apology for teasing you too much~?”

The fact that this fake perverted normie says so many excessive things is making me angry.

For that reason, I tapped the playback icon on my phone.

『Hey, hey, don’t you want to touch my boobs? I’ll let you touch my boobs a little as an apology for teasing you too much~?”』

“Why are you recording!?”

Without a moment’s delay, Narushima-san took it away and erased the recording data.

“I understand what you’re saying, and I think you’re right. However, it just kind of irritated me.”

“I can’t let my guard down…really, this guy is shrewd.”

“If it’s about Narushima-san’s food, I’m eating it properly.”

“Your hella lame! Seriously, drop dead!”

What a nasty tongue. I really wish Seiran and the others could hear you.

Right after we finished eating, Narushima-san began to wash the dishes.

I felt bad about asking her to do that much work, so I tried to get her to switch places, but she just wouldn’t budge.

“It’s okay. I’m the type of person who prefers washing the dishes alone.”

“Then how bout I help you with that?”

I got out a spare sponge, and we started washing the dishes together.

“Fufu. Standing side by side in the kitchen, it’s like we’re living together.”

“Living together with Narushima-san, just imagining it is horrifying.”

Such flippant remarks,

“Ahaha. It would certainly be difficult if you lived together with me. I would want Koga-kun’s body every day.”

Was returned with even more frivolous talk.

I almost dropped the bowl I was washing.

Please keep that a secret.

“But, Koga-kun, I’m sure you’d prefer Honoko-chan, wouldn’t you?”

“That’s right.”

“Ah, so you’re admitting it~. Then does that mean?”

“I admit that I like Asagiri-san, but I don’t want to go out with her.”

“That’s rude to Honoko-chan, don’t you think~?”

“That’s why I’m never going to tell her.”

While we were talking like that, I finished washing the dishes.

Back in the Japanese-styled room[Washitsu].

Narushima-san was preparing to leave.

“Then. I’ll be going home.”


I was on the bed fiddling with my smartphone and waved my hand without looking in her direction.

“I’m glad we could talk about a lot of things today. Anyway, I could tell that Koga-kun is someone who really wants to take care of the group.”

“I see.”

I said this coldly, without hesitation, but as a matter of fact, I was glad we had the chance to talk today.

Because it allowed me to understand how serious Narushima-san was regarding love.

Love is more important than friends. For the sake of love, she would even cut off and throw away her best friend.

Narushima-san’s way of thinking was the complete opposite of mine.

But I don’t think there are many girls who can say something like that so clearly.

Even if that is the true feeling of all the girls in the world, I am sure few can actually say it.

Because the world tends to dislike people who put their lovers before their friends.

Naturally, there are multiple friends, but only one lover. It can’t be helped if you focus on just one person and say something that could be perceived as you neglecting the others, making you shunned by the others. I’m not very good at that kind of thing.

For that reason, in fear of being looked at with a white eye, no one bothers to say it.

──Hey, everyone. Which is more important, your boyfriend or our relationship?

──Well, boyfriends are important, but friendships are number one!

I’ve seen girls talking like that everywhere.

However, Narushima Yoru wasn’t one of them.

She clearly declared that [love is more important to her.]

Even telling her best friend, Asagiri-san, that she was in love with him.

I don’t understand how she can feel like that, but…she looks awfully free to speak out about her beliefs without being bound by hypocritical frameworks.

For a moment, I thought she looked cool.

But only a little.

Therefore, I won’t deny this love-making brain anymore. I accept that there are people like that.

“I understood it very well when talking to you, Narushima-san. Your stance on how love is more important than friends, I think it’s truly amazing. W-Well, I don’t actually understand it, but I’m not going to get involved anymore──.”

“I’ll confess my feelings to Seiran-kun a little later.”


Standing near the entrance of my apartment, she sweetly smiled.

“Oh, of course, I’m not giving up on him. Koga-kun is thinking about a plan to play with everyone during the summer vacation, right? The usual five people, including me.”

“That’s right, but……”

Narushima-san placed her hands on top of each other.

“Well, until then, we’ll stay with our current group of five friends.”

……What’s up with that all of a sudden?

No, as for me, I’m insanely happy about it.

“Narushima-san…is that really okay?”

“Yes. Well, part of me wants to get even closer to Seiran-kun before confessing my feelings to him, but. I was curious to know what Koga-kun, who values friends so much, was planning to do with the five of us. What was it? The big summer party plan? That’s a plan that’s worthy of its own name, isn’t it?”

“Of course…..that’s the plan, but……”

Narushima-san nodded her head in satisfaction and then smiled again, this time with an alluring smile.

“And I have to make Koga-kun even more interested in girls so that he can be motivated to get a girlfriend. It would be tough if he cried later and says 『I can’t live anymore because she took my friend away.』”

“L-Like I said, I’m not going to let you do that…!”

“Fufu. Koga-kun, the virgin, really is worth teasing~. Then, see you later. Be good to me at school too, okay?”

“…That’s my line, you perverted wolf in sheep’s clothing. You can swear as much as you want when it’s just the two of us, but. In front of everyone, seriously, be normal with me too, okay?”

“Yeah. It’ll be a secret only between us.”

Narushima-san held up her pinky finger, shook it lightly, and headed for the front door.

She looked back at me one last time.

“Ah, that’s right. That was the reason I came here to cook. And one more thing.”

“What is it?”

“….Living alone for the first time, can be rather lonely.”


“I made some leftover meat and potato stew, so eat them as soon as you can.”

After the flimsy door closed, I heard the door to the next room open.

Is she feeling lonely living alone for the first time?

That’s because, until yesterday, Narushima-san and her family have been eating together.

So she came to my room because she was lonely?

If that’s the case, why are you forcing yourself to live alone even though you’re in your first year of high school?

I knew she didn’t come here because she liked me, but…to think she was just longing to tackle the loneliness…

That fainthearted smile she showed just as she was leaving, was it the usual beguiling innocence or was it genuine?

“I don’t know…….”

I don’t know, but, well.

Narushima-san was very understanding of my childish desire to take care of the group.

Only after executing my summer plan and playing around with everyone will she confess to Seiran.

Although I’m not particularly good at handling her, I’m willing to be a little nicer to her.

…After all, living alone for the first time can be lonely.

By the end of this summer, the relationship between us five will have surely changed.

For this reason, I’m going to make as many memories as possible with everyone before then.

A dark history about our green, painful, and ridiculously fun student days.

I’m going to make many of those great memories with the five best people.

A few hours later. I got into bed and was about to go to sleep.

Through the thin wall, I heard a very erotic and charming voice from Narushima-san’s room next door.

『Ah, ahn ahn—– kyum-kyumming~~~~!』

Naturally, Narushima-san wasn’t doing something like this.

I know this sexy actress’s voice very well.

Yeah, that’s probably it. It’s a video I saw yesterday on a naughty website.

So that bastard was inspecting my tablet browsing history. I was right on the mark, after all.

It seems that the URL was forwarded so that it could be viewed from the user’s terminal.

A message from the devil arrives on my phone.

Narushima Yoru:

【Koga-kun has a pretty nasty propensity for sexuality, doesn’t he? I’m incredibly shocked.】

This is really the worst. I want to die.

After all, there is no need to be nice to such a vicious woman.

Even with the covers over my head, the charming voice of the sexy actress, which I could hear at an exquisite volume, stung my ears.

I spent a sleepless night, plagued by erotic fantasies, just as Yoru Narushima had planned.

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