Senpai, Jitaku Keibiin no Koyou wa Ikaga desu ka?

Chapter 10: 3.5

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Chapter 3 - Useless policies (Part 5)



The hot summer continues with record-breaking hot days.

The public doesn't seem to mind this unusual weather, but rather says, it's hot again today.

Despite the heat, this year too, summer is full of festivals. People try to take advantage of this heat to have fun at beaches, fireworks festivals, barbecues, and seasonal festivals.

As an maid, I have nothing to do with any event. And have no interest in such events either.

Don't think I'm a pathetic person. During the day I work in an air-conditioned room, and at night I play video games with the owner of this house. Just this kind of work, with friends and meaningful activities, every day would be very pleasant.

On the other hand, what about those who enjoy summer events? Can we really call the lives of people who are obliged to work and sweat for undeserved work a happy life? At least, when I look at senpai, work is something that must be done reluctantly and is not regarded as something to enjoy.

At least the daily happiness quotient is much higher than those who have girlfriends out there. I wonder if I'll finally be able to see my happiness stats through the summer events.

I have to say it's really depressing.

If they still think they're better than us, they can challenge me anytime they want.

I'll wait for them at the top.

I don't know if they came to me because of their contempt for happy lovers.

One day, I got caught up in a summer cooling event.

That day, I was doing housework as usual and suddenly I heard a noise at the front door.

It was the creaking sound of someone trying to open the locked door.

I wondered if senpai had come home early from work.

I immediately shook my head and felt something was wrong. Senpai had the key, and if he had come home early, I'm sure he would have contacted me first.

This wasn't a courier, of course. They wouldn't ring the doorbell and try to open it suddenly.

Was it a thief who was interested in this haunted house? Or perhaps an aesthetic person who sees the value of this house.

Spiritual phenomena that occur from within can be much more heartwarming. What, so it was just a goblin, or something like that.

 Frightened, I poked my head out of the living room to see if anything was wrong.

The mailbox on the door was open. This wasn't a mailbox.

Two eyes stared at me.

I pulled my head back in a panic, and my body trembled as I closed my mouth.

After about ten seconds, I heard the mailbox close.

No one knocks on the door anymore.

Had they given up?

I was so relieved that I let my guard down. And there was still an echoing sound in this madman's living room.

I swallowed the scream waiting to be uttered.

How much better it would be if the source of that sound was the altar. If those figures were also alive and started moving, It would still be nice to have someone to play with during the day.

And unfortunately, no psychic phenomenon occurred at all. The uninvited guests still hadn't given up and were still trying to break in.

To my horror, she was kneeling on all fours.

I approached the place slowly, without making a sound, even though I was scared.

Didn't see anything scary at all. I couldn't just sit in the corner of the room, shivering and waiting for this incident to pass. I had to confirm it again just to be sure.

Although the curtains were closed, they weren't without gaps.

I turned my face to the side and looked out through the small hole.

Sure enough, there was someone out there.

The person from the other side was also looking into the house.

When I looked up, the person from the other side slowly lowered his head and looked down.

And then our four eyes met,


A woman screamed

The sound of a woman screaming.

 It wasn't me. It came from the uninvited guest. Judging from her voice, it seemed like she was a young woman.

Leaving behind a scream, the tall woman ran away like a rabbit.

I was so shocked that I couldn't move for a while. I ignored all the housework. And I stood in my room quietly waiting for Senpai to return.

When I told Senpai who had just come home about my scary experience that day, he said: "Well, this place is inherently famous for psychic phenomena. So sometimes there are things like that."

Senpai replied that things like this weren't unusual or anything.

"By the way, how often is it?"

"There are probably a few times a year. So I've done a lot to stop this too."

It seems that senpai has a very high sense of secrecy.

When I thought that all I could do was sit quietly in my room, I felt very guilty.

"I apologize."

"Hm? Sorry for what?"

"I... have been seen by them."

Even with my naked eyes, I let them see me.

And the sound of screams resounded. The commotion attracted the attention of the surrounding neighbors.

My whereabouts were not allowed to be known. I was putting Senpai at unnecessary risk.

"Ah, you don't need to think about that."

Even so, Senpai still replied to me with an affectionate voice.

"This is a famous haunted house in the entire neighborhood. Everyone already knows that when someone screams, the people around will assume it's just a ghost. Instead, the windows weren't broken so you survived."

Pon, then Senpai put his hand on my head.

"The house is quiet again today. As expected, your home security is different. "

Senpai smiled at me in a joking manner.

The uneasy feeling in my heart was easily dispelled, and I laughed along with him.

This was the summer event I participated in today.

It was a test of courage that made me afraid to forget the heat.




Recently, the kitchen situation at home has been under Rena's control.

For a grown man living alone, I take pride in being able to cook for myself, and you could say I'm a little conscious of it. Everything from cooking utensils to seasonings are organized with ease and I know exactly where everything is.

Now, however, I don't even know where the soy sauce is. I never even got the chance to set foot in the kitchen again.

I was well aware that I was hesitant to put such trust, and instead of helping her to wash the dishes, I couldn't even bring myself to wash the already dirty dishes anymore.

When was the last time I opened the refrigerator? I don't even know what was in it. The least I know is that I'm not wasting money.

Basically, the groceries were bought at the request of Rena, who stared at the pamphlets and sent me shopping notes.

I couldn't let Rena leave the house. If a child like her goes in and out of the house frequently, the neighbors next door will get suspicious. Even the police might take action.

Since we couldn't take such a risk, Rena never left the house since she first came here. She was a hikikomori, so I was also satisfied with that, but not being able to go shopping by herself was the only inconvenience Rena was aware of.

In the past, I didn't really care whether the cashier's desk was staffed or not. The reason why I felt uncomfortable not being able to shop by myself was probably because I thought I could do it now. And I'm sure I can do it.

On my way home from work, I stopped by the supermarket near my house, while looking at the shopping record given by Rena.

However, I didn't go straight to the grocery area. The other day, I tore my socks at work, so I wanted to buy socks that weren't too big for shopping first.

I quickly found what I wanted in the clothing section and headed straight for the cashier.


I stopped when I suddenly realized something.

It was a cooking utensil, the kind I had never used before.

I didn't need these tools because I was fine, but right now, Rena was the caretaker in the kitchen. She's working hard to fully master the various tools due to the influence of cooking video tutorials. If that's the case, maybe I should give her a tool like this.

I thought about it as I used them, and my brow furrowed as I wondered which one would suit her best.




There once was a para-hiki-neet who had never been involved in housework before, but that was in the past. After half a year of being employed as an ART,

"Now I can't go through life without a guardian at home by my side."

Senpai had grown up, to the point where his master had to say such words.

Just make a little effort, and this is the result.

That's what I used to think.

Of course I'm a child prodigy. My talent is frightening.

I'm very grateful to senpai for giving me such a beautiful place to live in. I want to do whatever I can as long as senpai is happy with it.

That was the pioneering motivation that made me keep telling myself that I should try harder.

But now, I want to make him think. I want to turn him into a respectable man who can't live without me. I want to take control of his life.

I'm starting to harbor the wrong desires.

If I do that, I'll be able to stay here forever.

I'm currently enjoying a series of fun and happy days.

I wanted to minimize the possibility of this 1:1 relationship falling as close to zero as possible, rather than bringing the joy of serving Senpai. That selfish feeling, trapping my life with Senpai.

A person who works hard at her job as a housekeeper does not mean just doing housework all day when senpai is not home. I also take moderate breaks and enjoy my own time.

Recently, I've been watching a lot of cooking videos to improve my cooking skills, but among them, I'm addicted to watching Chinese restaurant videos.

Using local ingredients and spices to replicate as in the videos was difficult, but still fun to watch. Now for me, cooking has turned into a hobby.

Making people eat and complimenting my cooking so well makes me so happy, it makes me want to try even harder.

Influenced by those videos, tonight I made fried chicken with garlic sauce. I decided to harass the person who every time he exploited me sexually harassed me with a short, garlic-smelling "thank you".

Senpai's face was like he couldn't believe what he had just seen, it was worth seeing.

Of course, I didn't have any garlic in it.

"That's it senpai. I already knew you would yell like that."

After I finished washing the dishes, I remembered the topic I wanted to talk to senpai about. I pulled back the curtain separating the two rooms to avoid senpai's garlic-smelling mouth, and started typing.

"Right, right. So what's the reason?"

"A pair of damn parents who discriminated against the two brothers."

It happened last week.

Not long after senpai left the house to go to work, police car sirens rang throughout the area. Right after that, it became so noisy outside the house that I could even hear it inside.

On the evening news that day, we learned that a 3rd year high school student stabbed his family to death while they were sleeping.

Cases like this always get the public excited and interested.

A group of reporters tried to dig up the story behind it, as they thought it was a big case and could become a hot topic. In the past few days, many times we have had to hear the doorbell ring repeatedly.

Perhaps the sound of the AC fan still running outside made them believe there was someone inside the house. Since yesterday, some unscrupulous people started walking into the garden, knocking on the windows and howling, "Sorry!" that other.

Thirty minutes later, sirens sounded throughout the house complex. I also kind of guessed who should get on that bus.

Later today, television reported publicly on the family's situation.

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The younger brother grew up in discrimination against his older brother, turned his class into a champion, and destroyed his entire family. There might be something dirty about this, but that's not what I meant.

"I didn't think anyone would notice, but that was the main reason why this incident happened. I know it myself."

"The main reason?"

"Why, that family has probably moved away for half a year."

"Okay, so that's how it is."

It seems like senpai also understands the problem.

The house we need to live in here will bring tragedy to the entire region. The closer you get to this house, the more bad things might happen.

That must have driven him to live such a dark and discriminatory life.

"Another glorious page written in history."

"What do you think human life is?"

"It's a joke."

"Um, it's ridiculous."

"Fuck off! I'd rather gnaw on other people's pain. After all, it's the parents who sow the wind themselves, so they reap the bada inya."

There was no sympathy at all. The parents arbitrarily gave birth to the child, and then poured in his head what was not love, but pressure and humiliation. If treated like a sandbag that vented its anger on him every day, what bloomed in the child's heart was no longer love, but hatred.

"I understand that feeling-"

"By the way, I also lost my father's gacha. I also understand how he feels."

"What about your mother and father?"

"Mom is the best. A happy future should have been waiting for you, and you just needed to breathe. But when she died, I got lost on that wide road."

My father devoted his life to business and seeking connections with the upper class. I have no memories of family reunions, then everyone gathering for dinner. Only when we were led to the premiere to impress the outside world did we eat together.

Even so, I used to live a happy life.

As I said, I had a mother, whom I loved very much. Mom always protected me. She pampered me. It was all thanks to my father who left all my upbringing and nurturing to her.

Because of my achievements, my father could introduce me to the outside world and laugh, "She's so shy that it bothers me, but..."

Actually, when I was little, I was a shy and passive person. I wasn't completely hopeless at communication, and still went to school.

I also loved my brother who loved me very much.

I admired his calmness in expressing and defending his personal opinions. I loved that he always held my hand.

Such a happy life started to fall apart after my mother passed away.

The cause of her death, I won't say much about it. It's just that while she was shopping as usual, she was caught in a road accident.

The time period from the time of receiving the news to the time of burial, is also not worth mentioning. It was just a family accident.

Without waiting for the funeral to be over, father went straight back to work. That pose looked like he had just finished dealing with an unexpected interruption. To my father, my mother was just a complement in this family system, nothing more, nothing less. He regarded the loss as something that didn't cause any great harm.

After the funeral, my brother immediately returned to school. As if to show everyone that grief and exercising the right (to go to school) were two completely different things.

On the other hand, I've been in a depressed state ever since, unable to accept this reality anymore.

Two weeks, three weeks, then a month.

I didn't go to school, but I wasn't pressured by my father either.

I was a child prodigy. I wanted to be like my dear brother. I wanted to do what he did. With that desire, my academic performance soared to the same level as my older sister who was 3 years older than me. Therefore, I was able to skip school without any problems, even though I didn't even go to class.

My sister also encouraged me to keep going, and continued to love and hug me.

After three or four months like that, she seemed to start warning me gently.

You know how sad I was. Because we're brothers. I understand that feeling better than anyone. But I can't stay depressed forever. Let's deal with this pain for the mother in heaven who's looking after us.

My sister said that.

That's so true.

That's true in any situation, and is the socially normative solution.

I returned to the cradle of society, with my guiding hand.

I didn't have any close friends. Even so, by default for me and mine, I could still join a group of friends. And as a child prodigy, I was also required to take lessons as usual.

I received many congratulations back, including words of encouragement from the girls. They accepted me without hesitation, even though I had been absent for several months.

I was very happy. It was even more fun when she was the one who took my hand.

Therefore, I thanked the girls.

"I t, t, t, t... thank you, thank you."

For the first time, I heard my stammering voice.

I almost never had a decent conversation, even when the other party was my older sister. That's why, my throat was so weak that it was so bad.

They did not laugh at me, but accepted me as a daughter who could not overcome the pain of losing her mother.


"T, t, t, t... thanks guys!"

One boy laughed.

"T, t, t, t..."

It was just parodying the part where I stammered.

From then on, I hated that boy, ugly and bad. he always stuck to me in everything, and made me laugh.

He was the center of the class. When he laughed, the other boys followed suit. The whole class was filled with laughter.

This time, the same thing happened again.

As usual, my friends, on the other hand, were very upset. The other girls also took my side and said, "Hey guys!", and a confrontation between the sexes broke out.

I was going to hide in the shadows, waiting for the storm of ridicule to pass, but this time I wasn't going to.

The laughter that echoed in the classroom sounded like it was mocking me.

Overcoming the pain of losing a mother. I returned to the social cradle with my brother's guiding hand, to seek solutions with social norms.

But why did I have to suffer like this?

Where I sought the standard response, it rewarded me with dark tears.

The mocking laughter finally disappeared. This was followed by the moment the boy who caused this mess was blamed, and as if to attract more allies, he shouted that all the people laughing together were his accomplices.

The chaos continued until the homeroom teacher arrived, and I was finally taken to the infirmary. When I felt better, I was gently asked to return to class.


Then the next day,

And then the next day,

I kept shaking, struggling, but couldn't climb the stairs.

My education level was 3 years higher than my classmates. Because I was so good, my teachers couldn't use my achievements as a shield to force me to go to school.

My father didn't force me to return to the social cradle to take the achievement test. He told me that, if I could only achieve results by being independent, he would let me do so.

Hence, I never set foot in a classroom again.

I only went to school once a week and took tests in the UKS. My father was even proud of my outstanding achievements, saying that his education motto was spot on.

My brother didn't want to leave me like this. It seemed like I convinced my father of that, but then he put it all aside. He also said that, I won't let the dancing monkeys out there ruin my talent, it seems like you know me well.

So he tried to convince me, but to no avail. During that time, I acquired the most powerful skill, that of keeping my head down, coping with everything in silence.

The big brother who always thought of me more than anyone else.

I admired him. I liked the hand that always gently guided me like that.

I don't know when I got sick of those gentle hands. It's so annoying. And I just want to throw it away.

I started withdrawing to my room to escape from my older sister, whom I once loved so much.

Throwing away the only person I could talk to, day by day my ability to open my mouth and self-control became weaker and weaker.

And the soil that nurtured this desperation in communication was born.

Indeed, my brother was not wrong. The mistake here was that I had found the safest path for myself, and also my father's educational motto. One day, boom, a man who didn't know how to raise children was entrusted with a big kid. In the end, perhaps it was just a matter of course.

A year before the high school entrance exam, that's when my father realized his mistake. Perhaps he remembered that high school is not a compulsory education system. Now the story was just beginning. Even if I could somehow compromise with him on the issue of getting a high school diploma and studying remotely, I still had to go to the most prestigious university in Japan. I finally realized that even if I got accepted into the university, I wouldn't be able to satisfy her.

Even if I could immediately change his teaching motto, it wouldn't do any good, since I already had the strongest skills on me. My father is also a dark person with a job, he can't take care of me all the time.

That's why I remember his motto very well.

Why not?

The person who tried to educate and raise me was just trying to imitate the image of a "father".

How could he shamelessly imitate that. Only my late mother and older sister who always thought of me and tried to help me were allowed to do that.

If they failed because they tried to get close to me, that would be a different story. But it wasn't like that.

What my father did was simply buy back the achievements his children produced. He just impatiently waited for these unsold goods to be put on the shelf and then paid for them in silence, nothing more, nothing less.

This is my family's situation.

The most appropriate person in this Fumino family is now my older sister.

"My sister used to be a 5-star character as well, but since that bad incident, she has become useless to me. Someone who takes care of me like senpai, is completely superior to her."

"So, do you flatter her or look down on her?"

"I flatter him~~ he's tall. Because senpai-ah, socially speaking, it's only 2 stars, right? Even if you include her contribution, it can only be considered as 4 stars, right?"

And now I have a 6-star character who surpasses 5, someone I definitely don't want to let go of.

"When I first saw your appearance, I felt the artist's style more or less."

"How was the atmosphere?"

"That's because you're not very handsome."

"It seems like you want to hear me thank you for wearing every one of those naked shirts for me."

"Enough, I said it's a 'forbidden song'!"

My cheeks heated at the thought of being seen in my unthinkable form.

"But four stars, huh? (For people like me...), that's a high level."

"Senpai, do you miss your parents?"

"Too much to train all the time."

Senpai didn't look like he was wailing, but rather smiling scornfully.

Come to think of it, Senpai once told me that he had to cook for himself since junior high school.

In the past, we knew that we had to work hard from now on, but hesitated to learn more.

But now it's different.

We have completely settled into our lives, bridging the gap and enjoying our happy days together.

I want to know more about this guy.

"Evil" parents?

It was because this life made me feel relieved, that I unconsciously rushed into those arms.

"Evil... not so much, I'm still grateful to them for giving birth to me and raising me. They're still the damn parents who didn't raise me well."

"Damn what?"

"Damn, damn. They're the ones who didn't realize their own incompetence and clumsiness, and who irresponsibly pushed responsibility onto me. Thanks to them, I became an adult who is very good at self-defense."

"Saying that makes me a little excited. What kind of people were your parents, that you had to learn to push and avoid responsibility?"

A little, but I was very interested in senpai's past.

"I want you to teach me about your previous life."

"That's not a fun thing. It's just the story of a useless adult raised by evil adults."

"I've shown you myself wearing nothing but a shirt. Now show off your stupid life story. I'll decide whether it's interesting or not."

"...Well, it's no big deal. Let's get me another cup first."

Senpai smiled wryly.

"The story is getting boring here. At least have a drink, otherwise I don't know."

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