Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 101: Daniel's Luscious Hair

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On a cold night in a presidential suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, Daniel Cho tried to coax Samantha to calm down for the past 5 minutes.

"Daniel Cho! You better not let me catch you!!", Samantha roared.

Daniel used a pillow to hide his face, "Will you chill, honey?"

Samantha had caught up to him, she bravely held his arm, "Chill?? Are you for real Mr. Cho?? Get back in here, you-!", Daniel escaped from her grasp but soon after Samantha was behind her again.

She gritted her teeth as she continued to slap the CEO of Cho Corporation on the back furiously like a madman.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was an accide--AAAH !" Daniel Cho screamed as he tried to get away from the crazy unicorn but she caught his hair.

Daniel was so scared at that moment when he thought that he'd lose his luscious hair.

"Accident my ass! If you weren't such a horny bastard, this wouldn't have happened!" she roared and tried to pin him down on the bed.

The guards outside the door heard the muffled screaming and yelling from inside the suite. They looked at each other while having the same thoughts in mind, 'Our boss sure likes it rough.'

Samantha hadn't slept for almost 2 days just to work her butt off the prototype for this man. And yet, this happened. She was physically dead tired and was mentally exhausted at the same time making her irritability shoot through the roof!

She had told him that she needed to finish what she was doing! But his horniness got the best of him.

For most of the people in City M, Daniel Cho is a respected businessman but in this room.. tonight, who would have known that this gorgeous man, women's dream lover, is a pitiful husband.

Samantha didn't really hurt him that much, but she was definitely very much pissed. The sleepless nights, was it all for nothing?

She stopped and let go of him, Daniel had let out a sigh of relief. She slumped on the bed and recalled when was the last time that she had made a back up on the external hard drive.

Samantha ran a hand on her face and realized that the back up was still not enough, she lost about almost a day of work.

Daniel was quiet on the side feeling very guilty as he glanced at the ruined laptop. He lowered his gaze and as if he was talking to the beast in him, he gritted his teeth. 'You asshole, you just couldn't keep it in, huh?'

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About an hour later, Alexander came inside the suite and looked at the chaotic room. Daniel's hair was disheveled, pillows were on the floor and Samantha's face was emotionless.

"Where is it?", she asked as soon as Alexander stepped inside.

He handed Samantha an external hard drive that contained her previous works along with another laptop. Alexander glanced at Daniel again who was quietly sitting on the couch and subconsciously biting the nail on his thumb.

Samantha sat opposite Daniel and swiftly worked as she tried to salvage what she can.

Daniel was such in an awkward place, he didn't know what he's supposed to do. 'I'm doomed.', he thought. It's not like there was anything else he could do anyway.

She stood up from her seat and dialed a phone number. When her call was picked up, she spoke right away. "I'm going to send you some files, I need you to...", Samantha continued to give instructions to one of her people from Trident.

Alexander somehow got the gist of what happened before he came in judging by Daniel's guilty expression, the wet laptop and the state of the suite. While Samantha was out of earshot, he leaned towards Daniel a little. "Mr. Cho, a word of advice, never ever disturb Samantha when she's in the zone. I almost lost a finger that one time and all I did was convince her to take a rest.", he spoke lowly and patted Daniel's shoulder.

As soon as he heard Alexander's warning, he doesn't know why but he imagined that if Samantha hadn't calmed down earlier, he was so scared to think that he would've lost his manhood. He gulped at the thought and Alexander couldn't help the corners of his mouth to lift a little.

"Bring this to the team and let them work on it. I already told them what to do. Tell them that they have to finish it before noon time tomorrow if they want to keep their jobs.", Samantha commanded like a Queen but in a unicorn onesie.

Alexander understood what she meant and since they were already pressed for time, he no longer dilly-dallied. "I'll pass on the message.", he turned around to leave but paused by Daniel's side. "Good luck, President Cho.", he muttered.

Daniel watched him as he exited the suite, he was close to begging Alexander not to leave them. Now he was about to face Samantha. Alone.

Gingerly, he stood up from the couch and sauntered towards Samantha whose eyes were staring into an empty space; her brain was just too tired to function.

"Honey...", Daniel called her very softly as if he was speaking to a baby. Samantha's gaze shifted and she looked into his eyes. Daniel could no longer count how many times he had swallowed for the past hour.

Samantha's face was expressionless, she just looked at him without saying anything. And just as Daniel was about to open his mouth to try and ask for her forgiveness, Samantha did something that surprised him.

She pouted and had tears forming in her eyes, Daniel became really scared at that moment until Samantha suddenly pounced on him and buried her face on his chest. "I'm so sorry, baby... I yelled at you.. Did it hurt? I think I might've pulled a few strands of your hair."

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