Serendipity – A Chance Encounter

Chapter 125: Well Enough To Marry Him

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"Your vital signs are now normal but I would advise for you to stay one more night just so that we can monitor you.", Dr. Devyn Nam said after she gave Mr. Cho's father a thorough check-up.

"Thank you very much, Dr. Nam.", Mrs. Cho said with a smile on her face.

After listening to her explanation earlier, she understood everything and was more aware of how to care for her husband's health.

"I'm just doing my job.", she replied.

Samantha's phone rang and when she checked her screen, she saw Daniel's name. She picked it up right away, "Hey hun, I was just about to call you.", she spoke to her man.

"Oh, are you still at the hospital? How's my father?"

"He's doing alright. The doctor just checked on him and his signs were fine but he has to stay for one more night, at least.", she explained.

Dr. Devyn Nam was looking at the patient's chart and was writing something on it but as soon as she realized that it might be Daniel on the other line, her attention was shifted. She continued to write but her ears were listening in to Samantha's phone conversation.

"That's good. What time are you coming? I'm hungry.", Daniel asked.

As soon as she heard her man saying those words, Samantha smiled and immediately stood up from her seat. She has to feed her man, right?

She gathered her things from where she was sitting, "I'll be right over. I will see you soon. Did you want to eat something in particular?" she asked.

"Anything is fine, honey. Take care on your way here."

After Daniel spoke, the call ended.

Mrs. Cho walked up to Samantha and handed her a lunch box, "Take this so that you don't have to buy food outside. This is Daniel's favorite, it's still warm and it's enough for the both of you."

Surely, a mother's love is really amazing. She already had something prepared for Daniel.

The Cho Family's housekeeper and cook came by a few minutes ago. She brought a lot of delicious food for Mr. & Mrs. Cho. The lunch box that Mrs. Cho handed over to Samantha was specially made for Daniel as she already knew that Samantha was going to visit around lunch time.

Receiving the pretty box from Mrs. Cho, Samantha gave her best smile. "Okay, Auntie. Thank you very much. My parents said that they will visit in the afternoon so they might arrive after lunch."

Mrs. Cho nodded and patted Samantha's head, "Oh, yes. I spoke to your mother earlier. Go on now so you can both eat on time. Be careful on your way there and drive safely!", she said lovingly like a mother.

Samantha also bid farewell to Mr. Cho and waved to Dr. Devyn Nam before turning around to leave the room.

She waited for the elevator for a minute before it arrived. She got inside it and when it was already about to close, a hand stopped the door preventing it from happening.

"Sorry, I'm going down as well.", Dr. Nam apologized with a slight smile as she entered.

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Samantha just nodded casually and didn't bother to have any small talk with her. It was only the two of them inside the elevator yet it felt like she was suffocated. She wondered why she was feeling that way.

"I don't think we have been introduced formally, my name's Devyn Nam. What's yours?", she spoke as if she was interested in getting to know Samantha.

She looked at her extending hand and she had this urge to refuse in accepting it but she didn't want to be impolite. Receiving her handshake, Samantha replied briefly, "Samantha Kim."

"I see, it is nice to meet you, Ms. Kim.", said Devyn Nam.


Samantha didn't want to say anything else so that was the only thing that she said. Just like the day before, she felt like there was something weird about this doctor but she just couldn't put her finger on it. It was the kind of weird where you wouldn't want to be in the same place as her.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with Daniel?", Devyn Nam asked boldly.

Samantha was surprised with her personal question but she didn't want to lie, "I'm his girlfriend."

Devyn nodded and smiled. "I'm curious... how well do you know Daniel Cho?", Devyn Nam suddenly asked.

Samantha instinctively looked at her. Devyn was looking straight at the door and waiting for her answer with her hands in her white coat pockets.

What did she mean by her question? Samantha was baffled by it and a part of her started to feel nervous. 'Who is she to ask me that?', she wondered.

Her question didn't seem like she knew Daniel casually. It implied that she knew more about him and though Samantha didn't like the thought of it, Devyn made it sound like she knew more than Samantha does. So how are Daniel and Devyn related?

Devyn turned her head to Samantha, "Oh sorry, I didn't mean anything with my question. I just wanted to know if you have been dating for a long time. That's all.", she spoke with a slight smile.

Samantha didn't know what to feel at that moment. 'What is it to you whether I dated him for a long time or not?', she asked in her thoughts but didn't speak out loud.

Averting her gaze, Samantha faced forward and spoke calmly, "I know him well enough to marry him."

That was all she wanted to say.

And it was the first time that she admitted it out loud to other people that she wanted to marry Daniel Cho.

Hearing Samantha's answer, Devyn Nam froze for a second and composed herself. The elevator doors opened.


She briefly glanced at Samantha and with a smile plastered on her face, she replied, "I see. Well, good luck and congratulations."

The heels of her shoes clicked as she walked out.

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